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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1961, p. 9

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jjrarsday, November 9, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Wonder Lake HANSEN GIRLS WIN SPECIAL 4-H COUNTY AWARDS Jane Ducej Jackie and Patty Hansen two of the special awards presented at the county 4-H Achievement meeting in Woodstock Saturday night to the delight of the Wonder Workers and their mother and leader. Mrs. Jay Hansen. Patty received a medal for "dairy foods demonstration", and Jackie was presented with the "I Dare You" award for ?duevement and leadership, arm also the medals in recreation and electricftyr*Mi$rs Betty Jo Suhr, assistant home adviser, and Earl Bayler, assistant farm advisor, made the presentations at the Woodstock high school. The Wonder Workers as a club have this fine record. Kathy Ahrens, Patty and Jackie Hansen are county outstiding members. State project honor members are Kathy Ahrens, Donna Mae Dean, Barbara, Jackie and Patty Hansen and Renee Sommers. County project honor members are Linda Kay Diederich. M i c k e y H a n s e n , M a r i l y n Marke, Helen Palko, Donna Raske, Donna Setzler, ana P a m Y o u n g . A c h i e v e m e n t numbers are Roberta Burns, jffikie Burr, Pam Carlson, Vickie Gustavson, Penny Hager, Lois Hansen, Kathy Keith, Linda Mansfield, Jackie Mc- Mahon, Helena and Krysia Olesczeuk, Susan Olsen. Louise and Nancy Ruggers, Rosanne Strojny, Kathy Sullivan, Norma Swearingen, Kristine VVeisenberger, Mary Lee Wight and Sara Wright. ^fight Wonder Workers, four Junior Wonder Workers and three guests attended the county achievement meeting. The club has been invited to participate in the Richmond achievement night Saturday night, Nov. 11. The girls wiil put on a skit, "Salute to the Flag" in observance of Veterans' Day. The club asks that everyone in the community wo has an American flag please have it out for all to set on Saturday. The junior Wonder Workers will have their meeting Saturday, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m. at the home of their leader, Jackie Hansen. Christ the King: Church News especially heartwarming eront took place at Christ the King church when Father Vanderpool expressed his appreciation to all his altar boys attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion for his intention Saturday, Nov. 4, in honor of his birthday anniversary. Many of these boys have been under Father Vanderpool's spiritual direction since #*jir baptism and also received their first Holy Communion in this parish. After the Mass the boys gathered outside with Father Vanderpool and Father Coughlin for a group picture. and encouraging Sunday school and church attendance. Anyone in the community who would want to call from a visitation team, please contact Paster Wright. Wednesday prayer night at 7:30 every week. A special meeting for children has been arranged in the fellowship, hall while the adults meet upstairs. In this way the entire family can come. There will be a guild meeting Nov. 16. This is an important meeting for the women of the church as decisions must be made concerning the future wch-k of the guild. An outstanding Bibie conference ^will be held Nov. 29 to Dec. 3. More details later. TWENTY-FIVE ON "aVHONOR ROLL AjT SCHOOL The McHenry Junior high school has released the first honor roll listing of the year as follows: "A" Students Eighth Grade: Susan Bockman, Marilyn Cima, Linda Davis, Virginia Grek, Sherry Gehrke, Lynn Krebs, Linda Larson and Glenn Olson. Seventh Grade: Jean Anderson, Bruce Domoto, Lynn Farm, Lorna Gladstone, Carl Johnson, Karen Johnson, Arlette Johnston, Nancy Kralowetz, Gisela Maier, Louise Matthesius, Terry Morrison, Lynne Munroe, Jeff Nellis and Janice Palmbach. Sixth Grade: Kathleen Eternick, Barbara Redetzky and Leota Stinespring. "B" Students Eighth Grade: Carolyn Anderson, Kathleen Beck, Laura Christensen, Sally Dresdow, ' Leif Erickson, Christy Fossum, Theresa Herdrick, Geoffrey Houck, Florence Jumper, Rebecca Kissling, Linda Lapinski, Elizabeth Liebman, Robert Mc- 1 Gee, Phillip Miller, Susan j Richards, Tom Tomlinson, Rob- I ert Townsend and Marlene Viita. Seventh Grade: Mark Alderson, Karen Anderson, Sandra Benson, Kit Carsten, Terry Ann Cerny, Nancy Cone, Diane Cook, Michael Doherty, Linda Dolatowski, Maria Fisher, Nancy Grek, Janet Hansen, Richard Hansen, Richard B. Heekman, Randy Karls, Wayne Kidd, Daryl Kilgore, Jennifer Krickl, Tom Lawrence, Ruth Lightner, Sandra Lindgren, Linda Meyer, Mary Moll, Kathleen Moriarity, Judy Nosal, Barbara Olsen, Jody Oppenheim, Allen Palvic, Darlene Pike, Connie Sallman, Donald Stinesprihg, Steve Thomas, Sam Winters, Forrest Viita and Bill Voeltz. Sixth Grade: , Ann Marie Alexeyuk, John Anderson, Lynn Anderson, David Backhaus, Susan Bitterman, Kathy Bolger, Kimberly Davis, Diane Dimon, Jean Dixon, Kathleen Francke, Linda Freckman, L o r a Hachmeister, Phillip Steven Kutnick, Jackie Pribyl, Susan Pries, Leora Varese, Tony Wagner, Barbara Wertke, Nicole Wirtz, Dan Wolf and Lynne Dixon. MARIAN FATHER'S CLUB SPEAKER TELLS FROM EXPERIENCE METHODS EFFECTIVE AGAMST COMMUNISM Don Peasley Photo Ways to combat Communism in South America was the topic at the first; annual Marian Central Catholic high school's father-son banquet. The banquet was sponsored by the school's Fathers' club. In the rear are Park Buckley (left) and Firank Cacci, co-chairmen. Front, from left, are Rev. Thomas Brady, Marian superintendent; the Rev. William Coleman, now a Maryknoll teacher who spent many years in Chile: and Cam Clark, Maiian senior, and his father, Maurice, McHenry. Bible Church News The Harvest Home Family Fellowship will be held at Harrison school this year on Monday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. On this •<afeht the church families give their offering for the church fuel fund. It is a wonderful night of enjoyment for the congregation with a full course meal served family style. Visitat ion program-- the church people will be visiting the homes of Wonder Lake seeking to f-ffiffP new residents Trained people who understand the nature of Communism are urgently needed in South America, but an understanding of this evil is mandatory before the United States sends anyone to our sister countries. So spoke the Rev. William Coleman, Maryknoll teacher and a priest who has spent several years in Chile and South America. His talk was given at a father-son banquet, one in a series of events sponsored by the Marian Central Catholic high school Fathers' club, last week in' the school cafeteria. This country should become more concerned about the C o m m u n i s t , p e n e t r a t i o n o f South American countries. Father Coleman asserted. "One-third of our trade is with the twenty republics of South America. More than 200 million Catholic --one-third ol the Catholics in the worldlive in South America. "While their way of life is far different from ours, anil only a small percentage practice our religion as we do, still the Catholic church is the only bulwark that keeps most of those countries from becoming communistic." Gerald Smith, Fathers' club president, said the group plans a father-daughter banquet later this year. Coming up soon is a banquet to honor members of the football squads and the coaching staff and cheerleaders. Marian ends its varsity season Nov. 17 with Notre Dame of Niles, a game set for 8 p.m. on the WCHS field. Club Officers Smith is a Woodstock farmer. Other officers include Maurice Clark, McHenry, vicepresident : Ambrose E. Thillman. Crystal Lake, treasurer; and Tom R. Simpson. McHenry, secretary. William Caldwell was master of ceremonies and Frank Cacci and Park Buckley were co-chairman for the father-son banquet. The Rev. Thomas Rrady, Marian superintendent, sa i d the Fathers' club is an "integral part of the school," and he urged men in the county's fourteen Catholic churches to support the club "so it can continue its fine work." Discussing his experiences in South America. Father Coleman deplored the lack of priests to help strengthen the people's understanding of their religion and revealed the Catholic church hopes to send 5,000 priests from the United States in the next decade. He described Chile as among the "most advanced" countries and then recited the lack of priests: Chile's 6 million people have only 600 parishes and 2,000 priests. Priests must, teach and serve as parish pastors in addition to other duties. The country has no parochial system. It has only two classes of people- - very poor and very rich. Per capital income is $350 compared with $2,800 in the U n i t e d S t a t e s . M o r e t h a n 6 5 per cent of the people receive only 20 per cent of the national wealth, empharizing the large number of poor people. This makes people in these countries ripe for Communism, he warned. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which w£ consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) Pisa (Italy) has one leaning tower, but Bologna has two-- one. 163 feet tall, is 10 feet out of plumb. ANNEXATION STUDY CLARIFIED "Dear Editor; "To clarify the intent of the Representatives of Lakeland Park that have met with the City Council of McHenry, and to shed some light on what has transpired as to annexation, I feel I must answer some of Mr. Roepken's statements in the Pulse of Nov. 2 this year. "The fact that Lakeland Park is not contiguious to McHenry has evoked much discussion at these meetings, and not only does Lakeland Shores lie between the two, but many other properties as well. This fact being just one of the many problems besetting the committee. Lakeland Shores is represented on the committee and the discussions so far have included both subdivisions. "One fact must be made clear: that being, annexation to McHenry must be decided by all the residents of the proposed annexed territory. It is they who must vote on whether or not they are desirous of annexation and only the residents of such territory" have this right. The discussions being carried on now are simply to seek out the answers to the many p rohlem s annexation will cause, those it will eliminate, analyze as best possible, compile this information and make it available to all the citizens concerned. "These are the principles on which the committee was formed and are the only reasons for its existence. The decision as to annexation or not is left to the individual with his power of the vote. "Whether or not the many improvements listed will be made available to, or desired by, the annexed territory, again will be decided by the individual through a ballot. "The polls conducted by the committee both in the subdivisions concerned and the city of McHenry favored annexation, so we have determined a public opinion. I might add, the questionnaire was mailed to every resident ISSUED CHARTER j A charter has been granted i by the state to Gordon Corp., ' i 16 Mehring avenue. McHenry, I ! to "conduct a business engaged I in the designing, developing , j and manufacturing of tools, ! ] d i e s , j i g s a n d f i x t u r e s f o r t h e ! plastic and metal fabrication ! : industries: also to engage in j . the development and franchisl ing of special machinery on a ^le«ising or royalty basis. Use The Classifieds Nationwide Insurance Companies are new to Illinois. Started 34 years ago, this family of companies . . . with neady 3 million policy holders . . . brings its low cost line of auto, life, and fire insurance to Illinois. All your protection, at Nationwide's famous low cost, through one agent. Meet the Nationwide agent in your community . . . listed below. BOB SEYMOUR Seymour's License Sen Mark's Marine Center Ph. EV 5-4908 home office: Columbus, Ohio Those are the three big events in our lives; when we get married, our first child, and the day we learned that a permanent agency of the United States Government will insure SEVERAL savings accounts up to $10,000.00 each when we save at McHenry Savings & Loan Association at 3611 W. Elm street. 2 | / Will Be Paid by November 1st 7270 to our DIVIDEND Christmas Club Savers Start YOUR New Christmas Savings Account on Nov. 1st [l/2% on INVESTMENT \ SAVINGS ACCOUNTS $5,(M beeoraies $6,fM.95 In 5 short years based on 4% on Regular Savings Accounts MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N units 3611 W. Elm St. Phone EV 5-3000 McHenry, I11.& * <k of Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores, and was used not only to get ideas, but to determine if there was justification for a committee to pursue the subject of annexation. "To sooth the uneasy minds it should be added, there cannot and will not. be any commitments made by the committee. When we have compiled all the information we feel it possible to obtain, we will then submit same to the concerned -- with the 'Hard Cash Figures.' "Very Respectfully, "Jerry Rogers, Chairman, "Lakeland Park Fact Finding Committee" AWARD CONTRACTS FOR NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SECTION CIVIL DEFENSE "Dear Editor: "I would like at this time to write this letter about the out- Standing civil defense practice exercise that was conducted by McHenry Civil Defense Director John Shay for the town of McHenry on Oct. 26, 1961, at 2 p.m. I was in my office on Green street and watched the effect of this drill. The plani^ Uig of such a fine drill takes many men hours of " time and the cooperation of many parties. Having seen the drill and how well it was run is a credit to the director for all his work in advance. "Mayor Donald Doherty made a fine choice when appointing Mr. Shay as McHenry' C.D. director. I also attended the first meeting Sept. 2S at the McHenry V.F.W. home, where there were many outstanding citizens in the group who heard Director Shay's fine program, the finest that I have yet to attend. If people of tlie great McHenry area cooperate with Mr. Shay, as well as the chief of police and fire chief and all the volunteer wardens. McHenry should have the finest planned C.D. program in the mid-west. "It is only through the cooperation and support of employers of these public-spirited citizens that a program such as this can be complete. The understanding of the director's job is necessary. We pray ar.d hope that this program never has to be used for real, but if it happens, we will owe a lot The board of directors of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County met last Tuesday night to award contracts to those contractors who submitted bids for construction of a thirty-six bed addition to the hospital. The general contract was awarded to Ivar Fredricksen of Wonder Lake in the amount of §129,436. The plumbing contract went to Shoreline Plumbing of Mount Prospect, who bid $19,480. Hans Jensen and Sons of Chicago received the heating contract in the amount of $47,494. The electric contract was awarded to Aldridge Electric of Lake Forest for an amount of $19,118. Construction is expected to begin as soon as the contractor can obtain the fabricated steel. It is expected that occupancy will take place in October of 1962. The total amount of the contracts amounted to $215,528. SHOP AT HOME to Mr. Shay and others for their efforts for civil defense in McHenry. 'Very Truly Yours, "Wilbert Karlson Hecht, Jr. "McHenry" "TEENS VERSUS PARENTS" TOPIC OF TALK FOR PTA All teen-agers are invited to the McHenry high school P.T.A. meeting Thursday evening, Nov. 9, in the school cafeteria at 8:15 p.m. They are asked to bring at least one parent with them to hear Rev. Maxwell of Woodstock speak on "Teens Versus Parents," which should be of interest to both the young folks and their mothers and dads. A question and answer period will follow the talk, at which time Rev. Maxwell will be glad to discuss problems which may be of interest to those present. Cake and coffee will be served after the meeting. Heart Discussion Forums In Elgin The first of three discussion forums covering heart trouble. and titled "Heart and Nutrition-- Food for Thought", will be held in the Elgin room of the Y.W.C.A., 225 E. Chicago street. Elgin, on Monday, Nov. 1'3, at 7:30 p.m. "After the Coronary" will be discussed on Monday, Nov. 20, and "Stroke and Return to Usefulness" will be covered on Nov. 27. These forums which are open to the public are sponsored by the upper Kane county heart unit. JACKETS, FAMILY W inter Jackets For Father, Mother, Sister, Brother Ladies $10.98 Kiddy Parkas .. $7.98 Mens $8.98 & $14.98 Little Girl's $4.98 Boy's Parkas $8.98 & $9.98 no HIGH pressure CHECK OUR SUPRISE ROOM »'«• EV.55900 DAILY. 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SUN.9-5 S Come in and drive any (or all three) of these new cars for '62 Impala Sport Coupe... goes as smooth as it looks '62 CHEVROLET If you've a yen for room, refinement and riding comfort (at a price that takes the high cost out of feeling luxurious), take a guest drive in this one. You'll see why this is all the car anyone could reasonably want. That head-in-the-clouds Jetsmooth ride. The power choices up to a pulse-racing 409 h.p.* The whopping deep-well trunk. Fact is, the more you get to know this built-for-keeps beauty, the more you'll find to like. •Optional at extra cost CHEVROLET II Nova i00 Sport Coupe... my blade on a budget NEW Sample this savvy saver and you'll discover just how dapper dependability can be. Here's a brand-new line of cars, sensibly designed to save yon money on service, maintenance and operation. The ride is wonderfully gemtl© and precise, thanks to new Mono-Plate rear springs. Roominess, for people and! stuff, is remarkable. Discover all the happy details for yourself--at your Chevrolet dealer's. '62CGE¥MR Here's a fleet-footed blend of sports car spirit and thrifty practicality. Along with some neat new refinements, Corvair's rally-proved four-wheel independent suspension, rear-engine design and tenacious fa-action are all back, as rarin' to go as ever. If you haven't had a go in Corvair, your Chevrolet dealer's the man to correct that oversight. Mnnz^lSlnb Coupe... sporty goer with sasings ga&m It's easy as 1-2-3 to pick a winner at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer*9 CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 3609 W. Elm Street McHeri%, 111. EVergreen 5-0277

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