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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1961, p. 19

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Ararsday, November 9. 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ..MM•_ Spring Grove LOTUS CLUB PLANS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Pag* Nineteen JEaslwood Manor 5ELLOGGS BACK JHOME FOLLOWING HAWAIIAN TRIP •*** Edit) Iveraon iob, Pat and Butch Kellogg st returned from a jet-plane 4sip to Hawaii. They viewed "the 1950 and 1958 volcano and jj^ater sites and also saw the •destruction left by the 1961 ti- TgcU wave. Arriving during Aloeha week muu muus, thongs. ««md aloha shirts were the fash- *ioh everywhere. Some of those «<nuu muus were just gorgeous, ^.•y&t plucked some squash-size a p^yocados from a tree in a Japaholi? se gr^ipeyard. They returned of i^oard !ship which docked in ' lt-n Francisco and from there Wauk^ a P^ane home. Accom- Tiokefy'ns them on this fabulous HankV were Pat's parents, Mr. ^ f Mrs. Potter of McHenry, sister and husband from P Jinapolis, Mr. and Mrs. ^ Ifi Baldwin. They didn't Ulib * *° worry a^ou^ little Mike ivenirf Dav'd at a11 having left -..J- in right here amongst their Was ln<^s staying with the Len becat ences an(i the Warren boys/ 'ebseskfa11' Birthday Parties mo^'Little 5-year-old Vicki Vestyv£ jy«rd had a big birthday party ot in Andree Butler's home. *~AAtending were eight mothers *' TB|d twelve children. -^Coming out to help Frank .Hoppe celebrate his birthday •were Helen and Louie Tura- TSWski and Edward from Chi- -cago. Louis and Arthur Kwas -and Frances Wrona from Cic- -£TO. Leslie Freckman, Jr., became ~3ust three celebrating with his -iHtle friends, Kenneth and Jef- ?y Bianchi and Billy and bny Huemann. • m. Trip •»-- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Griffeth *S!nd children three drove for hours to the tip of Illinois "to the town of Mounds to visit ^Xpuise's great aunt Florence •"ftrookins who is ill. Accompanying them was her mother, -JMrs. Anthony Siadek of Mchenry, and her sister, Mrs. .TJJ^illiam Danaher, and 5-month •*tJld baby, Chris, from Arling- ^Epn Heights. While there they «-*«lsc visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt, ..aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. -"Arthur Brookins, and aunt and ^ncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry -JFitzgerald. That made a family "Tteunion of four generations. *-» Close Move Don and Carolyn Roths and • family moved from the house •"they were renting into their own brand new home just down the road. We all wish them lots of luck and every happiness in their new home and the neighbors are glad that they chose Eastwood Manor in which to live. Visitors Bill Kuck is visiting with the Walter Kuck family. Lydia Fenner's mother, Mrs. Bruno Zgorski, and Aunt Frances are visiting here. Lydia's sister from Streamwood, Rita Loveless, and three children, Dani, Dawn, and David came out to spend a day. Sunday guests at the Glen Messers were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gardeenas and two daughters. Around the Manor Rita Simpson and children went into Chicago and enjoyed a day of shopping, staying overnight with her mother, Mrs. McEnroe. Marilyn Fultz and Rita Simpson attended a miscellaneous bridal shower in .Ogk Park. S Sunday the three Fanner children went into Qhi<5ago to visit their aunties Martha and Lorraine Fenner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Radner and family went into Chicago to visit grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lightholder. Richard and Lydia Fenner" and family went to Chicago Oct. 28 to attend their Godchild's. Linda Bogacki's eighth birthday. Jerry and Lois Ryan attended a convention in Chicago followed by dinner and an ice show. Ryan's Grandmother, Martha Schmidt, returned home to Arlington Heights. years old and Susan Betke who will be three years old. Happy birthday also to 11-year-old Michael Stuart and two-yearold Tommy Mersch on Nov. 16. Anniversaries Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slove on Nov. 13 and also to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagerup on Nov. 16. Hi Neighbor I would Jike to introduce you to Gail ana Roger Crokin who moved into 2110 W. Mill Lane just last April. They are still newlyweds compared to most of us having wed April 8, 1961. They were both Chicago born but resided in McHenry before moving into the Manor. Roger is employed in Algonquin and Gail in McHenry. They have an adorable little baby black Jjoodle named Tammy. They both enjoy most outdoor sports including horses, boating, and skin-diving. Presbyterian Church News Sunday: Nov. 12-- Dedication day at Faith church. The pastor will deliver a stewardship sermon and pledges for the undergirding of the work of the church will be received. Tuesday: Nov. 14, 4 p.m., Pastor Mclntyre and Elder Priester will attend a meeting of Freeport Presbytery at Bethany church in Rockford. Tuesday: Nov. 14, 8 p.m., Choir rehearsal. Birthdays Wishing a happy birthday to Pat Useman on Nov. 9. Celebrating on Nov. 11 we find sixyear- old Timmy E t e r n i c k, Yvonne Davis, Pat Kellogg, eight-year-old Debbie Garrelts. seven-year-old Priscilla Mclntyre, and three-year-old Susan Borcovan. Nov. 13 best wishes go out to Dorothy Noonan. On the fifteenth to Shelia Barry who will be two Halloween Parties Walter and Eleanor Kuck attended a Halloween party given by their boat club on the twenty-eighth in Fox Lake. That gal had Lady Luck with her again coming home" with the 'pot-o-gold'! The Glen Messer family went to a Halloween party for the children with everyone getting in on the apple-dunking! Eugene Kuck hao a swell Halloween party in his garage decorated for the occasion. Attending were Billy Urban, Ricky Wool wine, Monly Stickel, Lloyd Davis, and Ernie Kuck. Games were played, prizes won, and grilled hamburgers, cookies, candy, and a beautiful Halloween cake served. The boys had lots of fun! Fred and Pam Woodbury joined the gang at the VFW Halloween party. Elmer and Pat Borcovan went to the Halloween party at the VFW Saturday night carrying off second prize for the most original costumes. Pat made the costumes herself. He went in a little Lord F a u n t e l r o y s u i t and s h e dressed as a little girl including a large-size lollipop. The Cub Scouts enjoyed their Halloween party at the Johns burg school Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mclntyre attended a Halloween party. He went as a cowboy and Amolee as a witch. Demonstration Irene Betke had a demonstration. Enjoying the cake and coffee were Eleanor Kuck, Lena Campbell, Dottie Messer and Pam Woodbury. American Legion The auxiliary will have a potluck supper on the eleventh ai 7:30 p.m. Their membership drive is now on so if anyone wishes to join please contact Peg Garrelts, Lois McCormack or Tom Birmingham. Cub Scout Achievements Receiving year pins were Ricky Woolwine, Mark Stephenson and Steven Rohrer. Receiving his first silver arrow on the wolf badge was Lloyd Davis. Winning second silver arrows were Billy Urban and Ricky Wool w i n e. Receiving their 1 year perfect attendance pins were Michael and John Schmidt, Mark Stephenson, Steven Rohrer and Billy Urban. Congratulations to all. Club News Tripoli Club met Monday night at Judy Huemann's home where Judy was the grand prize winner and Jackie French won the boobie prize. Afterwards they all partook of a big pizza and salad feast. PI-EDGES FRATERNITY A total of 869 undergraduate men at the University of Illinois have been pledged to membership in fifty-seven social fraternities located on campus. Among them is James R. Templeman, who pledged Sigma Chi. Smith's Alinement ce ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" 1813 No. North Drive McHenry, 111. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Eva Freund The Lotus Country Women's club met at the home of Mrs. B^ulah Karls in Richmond on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Twenty members and four guests were present. After the business meeting an enjoyable afternoon was spent viewing slides shown by Harry Anderson who recently returned from a trip through Canada and Mexico. A committee was tormed to plan ar celebration for the fiftieth anniversary of the Lotus club. Mrs. Frances Shotliff is chairman. The club was organized in December, 1911. More plans will be; given later. ^ Club Meets Mrs. Ben May was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes in five hundred • went to Mame Tinney, Tillie May, Minnie P i e r c e , F r a n c e s S h o t l i f f , a n d Annie Sanders. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and Mr. and Mrs. Robert May, daughter, Nancy, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James May in Plainfield, Ind., last Sunday. The occasion was the First Communion day of Jim's son, Robert. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanborn Chicago, last Sunday. Attend DeKalb Meeting A group of ladies attended a "Getting Acquainted" gathering at Newman Center in DeKalb on Friday. A mass was read at noon and a luncheon was served at 1:30 p.m. The afternoon was spent getting acquainted with the moderators of the deaneries in the Rockford diocese, the officers of the DCCW and the ladies of parishes in the Rockford diocese. The highlight was listening to a tape recording of the presentation of the award of Catholic Woman of the Year presented to Mrs. Ryan of Dundee by Bishop Loras T. Lane. Card Party Success The committee in charge of the card party and luncheon held at St. Peter's parish hall last Tuesday wish to thank all who helped make this affair such a huge success. Approximately 180 ladies attended this party. Halloween Parties Many Halloween parties were held over the weekend. The Brownies had a great time at the Bob Lent home on Saturday afternoon. The Boy Scouts had their, party Saturday night at St. Peter's parish hall and really went all out in decorations. There were corn stalks, pumpkins and stream- DR. HENiY PREUMB ' OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYE8 EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO It A.M. and I TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 ers. The walls were covered with black cats, witches, bats and skeletons. A howling good time was had by all. A "Spook House" was rigged up at the home of Mrs. Charles Ciass, Girl ScOut Leader for the Girl Scouts. Although the wind kept blowing it down, they finally got it to stay put ^.and had a wonderful party/6n Saturday night. Blood curdling games were played and a lunch was served in keeping with the season. Then of course, the town was invadel on Halloween Eve. by all the little folks. Door bells were x'inging all over town for the "Trick or Treat". You can rest assure they were all treated as there were no tricks seen anywhere the next . c'i.'.' •"utV- <.-•. morning. - Shower A "Blessed Event" shower was held for,l\4rs. Joseph Grossmann at her home on Sunday aftern5on._ The guest of honor was the ..happy recipient of many loveiy^gifts. A delicious lunch was served. Coming Events Feather Party -- Come and get your Thanksgiving turkey at St. Peter's parish hall. Spring Grove on Mondav night, Nov. '20. Keene, N. H., claims the widest principal street of any city in the world -- 175 feet. y . AmoztnQ BALDWIN fOfZAM/C TO/VE* •ALflRftAN You have to bear it to believe it Now Baldwinbnilt borne organs give you the ..sound of M acoustically superb concert hall right in your own living room. Just a flick of your finger and yo« have Panoramic Tone... music with new richness and texture. Hear it for yourself. OA today and we'll arrange a free demonstration at your convenience. YouH find it an unforgetable musical experience. * Trade mark far Baldwin's new totie system employing ultrasonic modulation. P'gL pend. WILLEM BLEES MUSIC HOUSE "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC"* 28 N. Williams Street (Theatre Bldg.) Ph. 459-2245 or 459-3921 Crystal Lake, HL 5- 5-4268 ••BAB" The oii® Bow^me mpact thsfs as lively as it Bmks-VaBmnt'( bit siits iwaasaara s 'mmmm is;*;:?.®: 3 3 You're looking at the sports-loving compact car given an award off merit by the Society of Illustrators for design excellence! Come see it! Unlike some compacts, Valiant will take off like a scared kitten at the drop of a "Scat!" You'd have to pay extra for ah optional engine in most any other compact at Valiant's price to match Valiant's standard 101-hp Economy Six. A modified version of this engine shot Valiant to victory over all American compacts competing in the 1960 and '61 Daytona Beach compact car competitions! Yet, for all its go, Valiant puts plenty of carefree miles between gas pumps. A Valiant scored 26.13 mpg in the last Mobilgas Economy Run! And this new Valiant has the distinctive good looks to match its gumption. America's most famous artists recently honored the 1962 Valiant. For the first time in seven years, the Awards Committee of the Society of Illustrators has bestowed its coveted citation on a car--Valiant! That's even more proof that the 1962 Valiant is indeed the Style Leader of the Compacts! For looks and liveliness, you just can't match Valiant at Valiant's low initial price! And this year's Valiant offers a bundle of economy extras. Like half-as-often oil changes and almost-never 32,000-mile lubrication on major chassis points. See your Plymouth-Valiant dealer. Drive the low-price compact that's qualityengineered by Chrysler Corporation. Find out why ... VMSM SIT f@B* vnks! STYLE LEADER OF THE COMPACTS m 2508 West Route 120, McHenry add-on heat! Now you can heat that extra room economically with GAS! NEW gas room-heaters are the ideal solution for providing cozy warmth in add-on living areas. Recreation rooms, attics, porches, or breezeways can be as comfortable as the rest of the house with a gas room-heater on the job. Compact and good looking, these efficient units can be readily installed to give you controlled heat where you need it--when you need it. They require no flue or chimney. Air for combustion is drawn from the outdoors, and then safely vented out again. Thus, no room oxygen is consumed. No other method of individual room heating offers so much--comfort, convenience, dependability, plus typical gas economy! * For a gas roont'heater to meet your needs, see your local Heating Contractor, or contact Northern Illinois Gas Company... Phone EV. 5-2081 NORTHERN AILLINOIS GAS Service around the clock

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