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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1961, p. 13

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'Thursday, November 2, 1961 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER I McCullom Lake TWO VILLAGE FAMILIES BEREFT OF LOVED ONES .. Eve Levesque . ^ Two families were . left rerefi over the weekend with the passing of Mrs. Augusta Hoeft, 85, and Harry Bissinger, 67. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Mrs. Hoeft, who came to ^ live with her daughter and • son-in-law, Kmma and Otto Pyritz, shortly after she ber came a widow, was confined to ' her bed three years ago and (Readily declined in health until her death Saturday morn- ; ing. While she was bedridden, nothing thrilled her more than visits from relatives and local friends. Attesting to the fine person she was, a young woman who f had been a neighbor of hers in tire city, journeyed here , from Hammond, Ind.. for the ^^si tat ion a t t he George Justin Funeral Home. She stated that Mrs. Hoeft was such a wonderful friend. Burial was private on Monday. Mrs. Bissinger, who was alone in the house with her husband when he suffered his fatal heart attack on Sunday morning, was still in such a state of shock that she was unable to make final arrangej^ nts on Monday. Two sons in California were notified as was the daughter and sister in Chicago. The widow, Pauline, was reluctant to move to McCullom, Lake but gave in to the wishes of her husband who wished to spend his retirement in the country. He enjoyed a mere two years of his beloved county living, but we do hope tney were happy ones for him. Deepest sympathy to both these families on the death of their loved ones. Page Thirteen "Turkey Trot" at McDonald's Should be a wonderful evening when the crowd assembles at McDonald's for the annual "fowl frolic" sponsored by the Ladies of the Lake on Saturday, Nov. 11. Plenty of juicy birds, grocery /baskets and "fun" games for all. Mark your calendar in red. The gals will be accepting canned goods and other staple items and these may be brought to the home of Betty Poledna, Tommy Fox, or Bobbie Carroll anytime you have them available. Or bring them to the next meeting of the club which will lie held on Nov. 9. Political Palaver Because of the "population explosion" in this area, several new precincts have been added with considerable re-zoning. If you live in the village or reside in Lukewood subdivision, your new _ precinct number is 12 and, you will cast all future ballots at the beachhouse. This has been designated as our polling place. No more driving to Ringwood -- just jog down to the beach. Convenient, eh? MORE ABOUT POLITICS: The McHenry Township Republican central committee is having a scrumptious dinner 'n' dance at the Country club on Tuesday, Nov. 14 and Jake Levesque is the chairman. In addition, an address by a member of the Polish nobilii>, Countess Maria Pulaski, will s]beak on the topic, "My Life •as a Spy." Should be very enlightening and tickets are available from Jake, John Granath or Art Stuhlfeier. ' Garbed "Fit To Kill" Were the gals who appeared at the beachhouse last Thursday night for the Ladies of Jewel Pastry Shop Special Thirty FrL, lit, Only! BOUND AIMOND Coffee Cak 79 A¥A61ABU Jewel McHenry TEA CO Farm Service Way Insured AUCTION LOCATION: The farm known as the Robert L. Mcintosh farm Vj mile West of Tryons' Corners on Earner Mill road or 7 miles South East of Hebron -- 11 miles North East* of Woodstock - 6 miles South West of Richmond or 4 miles West of Ringwood. REASON: Farm Sold. Lunch on Grounds. Paul Voss and M. Rogers SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4 SALE TO START AT 10:00 O'CLOCK Because of the size of this sale all machinery and feed Ar/ll be sold before 1:30 p.m. Sale to Start Promptly. 101 HI (iRADE HOLSTEINS This herd of cattle are first, second and third calf cows. They are home raised from the best artifical breeding possible. They ' are large and of the finest quality. This is one of the best herd of cows to be sold this year. All Vaccinated. 53 Cows, 30 are fresh, balance springing. Brucelosis and TB Tested; 16 Heifers, ready to breed; 16 Heifers, 12 to 15 months; 13 >'Heifers, 6 weeks; 2 Crossed Beef Heifers; 1 Crossed Beef Steer. FEED 1.400 bales 2nd crop Alfalfa Hay; 4,000 bales 1st crop Alfalfa llkiy; 1,300 bales Straw; 5,000 bu. Oats; 3 tons Bran; 46 acres Standing Corn; 45 ft. Ensilage in a 14 ft. silo. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT M-IHC; H-IHC; W6-IHC; 2 Plows, 3-14 IHC; IHC 10 ft. Wheel Tandem Disk, new; New Holland 130 bu. Manure Spreader; 8 ft. McCormick Field Digger; John Deere 10 in. Hammer Mill; 75 ft.. Drive Belt; Model 32 McCormick Power Mower, new; 77 New Holland Hay Baler with motor; Gehl Chopper with hay attach.; New Holland Grass Chopper, new; Gehl Blower with 50 ft. of pipe; John Deere 4-row Corn Planter; McCormick No. 1 50 ft. Elevator, McCormick No. 62 Combine; J^Cormick 2M Corn Picker; Mc. 10 ft. Grain Drill; 4 row Mc. Cultivator; Lever Drag, wood 4 sections; EZ Flow Fertilizer Sower; 4 Mc. heavy duty wagons, rubber: John Deere Corn Sheller; 2 Electric Fencers; Platform Scale; Mc. 4-bar Side Delivery on rubber; 2 Electric Motors; John Deere Heavy Duty Wagon, like new; 3 Surge Milking Machines; Pipe for 47 cows with new Surge pump; Wash Tank; Round Hog Feeder; Electric Welder, new; Hay Bunk on wagon with 8 ply tires; Mc. 8 ft. Windrower; 3 Hay Racks; 2 Chopper Boxes; New Crop Weed Sprayer, 8 rows; 2 Feed Carts and ail other small tools on the farm'; Feed Bunk; Buzz Saw. LIBERAL TERMS To all farmers, $25.00 and undtfr cash, over that amount 26 per cent down payment, day of sale, balance to be paid monthly payments up to 24 MONTHS. Long Term Loans Available -- See Cashier. AUCTIONEERS Henry Freeman, Hebron, III. -- Ed Vogel, Solon Mills CLERK Farm Auction Service, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wis. FARM AUCTION SERVICE, INC. the Lake Hallowe'en party. Many fines costumes were shown, but "prettiest" prize was awarded to Harriet Mc Namara who was a "baby doll of the '20's." Funniest went to this reporter as an Alaskan chords girl, most unusual to Tommy Fox as a gal of the Orient, and an extra prize was awarded to Evie Harrison for her male attire. A "robber"^ game was played with Bobbie Carroll, Harriet McNamara, Betty Poledna, Alice Gustafson, Tommy Fox, Grace Kinsey, and Petey Schmidt capturing their prizes. Their joy was short-lived, for along came Marge Stacknick, Betty Reiter (twice!) Bobbie Carroll, and Marie Mc- Kim "swiping" their loot. Fortunes were told by Madame Chan - Du (Petey Schmidt). Mary Kantorski cooked the luscious corn beef which was served a-, sandwiches -- plus lots of other goodies. Present also but left out in the prize department were Harriet Burghart, Lois Paren t i. Nada Klapperich, Olga Baltes, Edith Brendle, Evie Haines, and Joanne Mpi. Event committee was composed of chairman .Petey Schmitt, and officers Bobbie Carroll, Tommy Fox and Joanne Mai. A real fine time! Village Board Notes A contract for snow plowing was awarded to McHenry Sand and Gravel by the trustees at the last meeting of the village board on Monday, Oct. 23. There is a possibility of Mr. Baxter of Baxter and Woodman, Engineers, addressing the board in the near future. This is in regards to feasibility of a sewage disposal plant. Announcement of the date will be forthcoming. The next meeting will be on Nov. 13. "Public Party" At The Beach Nov. 5 Our need for larger quarters is greater than ever, and the Cullom-Knoll association is goint; into "high gear" with this goal in mind. Starting this Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. the games will commence in the beachhouse, on a trial basis. For those who like liquid refreshments -- you are invited to "bring your own, or pop may be purchased on the spot. This is Don Parent i's brain-child, and we sure hope it works! More About Cullom-Knoll A handsome new gas furnace was installed in the beachhouse, making the place a :;reat deal more comfortable with practically no maintenance. The services of Mrs. Harry Berry have been secured as custodian of the building. . A Hallowe'en party for all village "kids" including big and little ones was held on Tuesday night, complete with a bonfire. Helping Don Parenli was Theresa Schultz, Lois Parenti. Lil Ringelstetter, Verna Schlofner, the Hamrhersteins, Rog Kinsey, Bonny Egerstaffer. Art Stuhlfeier and Bob Fernandez. More details on this affair next week. Teens Will Meet Tuesday, Nov. 7, at the home of the Lorches. These kids have more projects in mind to help secure larger | quarters. Here's hoping everylone will "give them a hand" i in their endeavors. Surgical Patient Florence Larson came home from McHenry hospital last Friday after having had surgery the previous week. Understandably. she is still a bit "weak in the knees," but apparently making a fine recovery. "Halls of Ivy" There was reason for joy fit ol' Purdue last weekend when that school of higher learning romped home with their homecoming encounter against Iowa. The Bob Zahns in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cellini motored to Indiana to share the excitement with sons, Roger and Bon, Jr. Tom Olsen gladdened the hearts of his maw and paw last weekend by "wheeling" home in his new buggy from Ri'adley where his grades are quite fine. onstration at the home of Dorothy Cunningham. She treated them to "tasty pastry" and coffee afterwards. Year Old "Hosts" His Party Making sure that one year old son, Tim, remembered his manners was mother Sally Hocin when she gave a dinner party last week for him and daddy, Tony. Tim was born Oct. 26 while Tony recalls Oct. "27. Partaking of baked ham, cole slaw, trimmings and THREE cakes were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mr. and Mis. Harry Dean, Judi and Dave Young and their li'l guy, Scott David, Carol Schuringa. and the. Oberhuber youngsters •-- Michael, Christy and Irmgard. Little Timmy had one whole cake for himself, with appropriate pictures snapped. Nov. 5 . ; . Three tiny candles on the cake for Carol Strudeman on Nov. 6. . . . Grace Kinsey is in line for "Congrats" on Nov. 8. Best wishes! With Thanksgiving still a bit away, isn't it disconcerting to see so much Christmas merchandise on display? Oh well -- grin and bear it, and we'll see vou next week. When you walk with a blind person or help him across the street it will be easier for him if he takes your arm than the other way around, according to the American Foundation for the Blind. We'd all need ear plugs if people made as much fuss over prosperity as they do over ad- 1 ersitv. Old Fashioned Sausage Shop Thfflrs., FrL, Sat, Only! $ Living Room Shopping Center The kiddies that\have the following gals for rtiothers will be gladdened considerably come Christmas morn namely. Sandy Ambrose. Theresa Huska. grandma Ruth Kroncke, Marylyn Lo Presti, Phyllis Straumann. Cynthia Rourke inn momma - but a big sister!) Jeanette Whitney, Betty Mi D IMS, Gerry Jensen, Lil Ringelstetter, Mary Hamman, Ella Bruxer. Eleanor Meyer, Virginia Gibson, and Shirley Krauss. The women watched a dem- Threip "C" Party Cake, coffee, 'n' cookies -- all home-made, of course, were dished up in volume on Tues- (|ny Qct 24 when friends J and neighbors walked in on [ Wilma Zody. The occasion? ! her natal day. Those present I included Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bartz of Chicago, Miss Katherine Holton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson and wee ones, Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Nelson, Mary J Kantorski, Louise Hammerstein, and Alice and Conny Gustafson. Natal "Daze" Pammy Parkhur.-t will break into the ranks of a teen-ager . . . Welcome "home" Ruth Smith (and hubby, Bob) who marks her birthdav also on im OLD FASHIONED Honey Loaf* Pepper Loaf % lb. 59«« Jtuvtk\ TEA CO- *** AVAIiABUftlOW A' Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Fln& Food Gun LeM -At JewelFood GmU Lgm i4t*Jewe£^&Fln& Food GmU lew AtJ^weC xtivdl /TJoudStoti m USDA CHOICE t fbrThe Honey! Whan you buy a Jewel blade cut pot roast, you're getting a lot of meat for your money! Jewel pot roasts are thick, juicy pieces of U.S. Choice beef ... they don't shrink when they're cooked--they just mellow. Before you ever set eyes on them, Jewel pot roasts get preferred treatment. They're cut from the best beef available in quantity, Extra Value Trimmed of excess bone and fat, and packaged in dean, clear wrappers. Enjoy one at your house this weekendl U.S. CHOICE--EXTRA VALUE TRIMMED Blade Cut Pot Roast U.S. CHOICE-- Round Boston EXTRA VALUE TRIMMED ®i@ or |k r'ot Roast 0i Safe Thurs. Sat., Only! SWIFT PREMIUM, HORMEl, OR ARMOUR STAR Sliced,. Bacon*" Bluebrook Tomatoes BLUE OR WHITE k' lissg | Mergent cans rz pint* 39c 110«7! fTinJ Take This Coupon To Your Jewel food Sfore I I j I | | YUMMY ^ \ \ Ice Cream JkJ WITHTH,S i®| 0 ^ - i! -5= '! 1 iQg 1 --•---- -- 1 L-- ^(7- Toke Th COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 2/49c Good Only Thiowgh Soiurdoy, Nov. 4 |IM>r OM( Ml CUf fOMf t HALVES OR SltCED Hunt's Peaches V) OI. con 25c CRACKIN' GOOD Saltines 1 lb. pkg. 19e ALCOA 12 INCH Aluminum Foil as ft. rail 29« CHERRY VALIET Toffufl&tto Catsup 14 M. M. 15e Lr ITiflc I 11 Ac I i 1I Iflc I | I. I Tok* Coupon To Your Jewel Food Store I I I I S 7 ^ FtOZfN Ami, HACK OR CMMT ! 1 1 m I Coupon To Your Jewel Food Store eap-iN-was Waned! fPaper 2100 M WITH ™,s rail* ts§)Ve COUPON WITHOUT COUPON J/40c Good Only Through Saturday, Nov. 4 ONf cusroMft Pet Ritz Pies 14 WITH THIS site OlF' COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 49c Good Only Through Saturday. Nov. 4 iMMir ONf Mt CtmOMt* Toke This Coupon To Your Jowel Food Sto«e SWIPT PQGttlUtt Skinless Franks 1 lb. WITH THIS pkft. OTf* COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 49c Good Only Through Soturdoy, Nov. 4 UMtr ONf Mft CtmOMfl 1 giant & pkg. Prices In This Ad Ef». Thru Nov- 4 LAUNDER MAID • • J^(L TEA CO.. LARGE SIZE H.ORIDA PINK-MEATED Seedless Grapefruit r [HQ'l 10*1? i|io-1 11 ra I Toke Thi» Covpon To Your Jew#] Food Store | I LmmJ COQTON J FftOZCM " « . _ FSsfhi Sticks l ib. r\(o). WITH THIS pkg. S>V COUPON WITHOUT COUPON J9e Good Only Through Soturdoy, Nov. 4 f Hi cutroMit Take Th 11 11 11 OEj jj§L Coupon To Yow Jew«l Food Store SWIFT S FAOXKM Beetf [Burgers VU Ib.jam, WITH THIS pk8. (®(gr COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 91c Good Only Through Saturday, Nov. 4 UMir ONf UK CUirOMU mmsmmmmim Thb Coupon To Your Jowel Food Store IVKfYE WHAT Peae®©fe Tasna S *\4 ox. WITH THIS r «*n coupon WITHOUT COUPON 39e Oood Only Through Soturdoy, Nov, 4 .. uem OHI Q/trOMff , jy Mp r® I j® P V: 3f i Tir; Toke This Coupon To Ycvr Jowol Food Store ttADY TO OAT HormeO Opam It n WTH THIS cen COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 4»c Oood Only Through Soturdoy, Nov. 4 UU11 Om ffl CVfTDMIC Take Thi» Coupon To Ycsr J«w«l Faarf St»r» vaviroucH--sm tus. am imm~ Seamless Nylons 2tUO WITH THIS »l49 COUPOX WITHOUT COUPON 2/Si rf Good Only Through Soturdoy, Wav. 4 ium o*a Ma cutmssia mmmmmmmm mmwmwmmm Toko This Coupon To Yo«r Jewel Food Stesa piiasaon CarQGiiQd Ham 2 ik. <>no© W,TH ™,s li COUPON WITHOUT COUPON S2 1P Good Only Ttuough Sahmiay. No*. 4 UMtT OM HI CUJrOMfl jjgj|P jM DinKQir Toke THH Coopon To Your Jew«l Food Store VANITY PAIS Diim@r Napkins Wo- THIS •I 78 COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 49c Oaed Only Thtoueh Soturdoy. Nov. 4 Pillsbury Cake Mixes 31* oi. OT. WITH THIS ,kg, ©/ * COUPON WITHOUT COUPON 3/J1.I7 Good Onfy Through Sotwrrfby, Nov. 4 • I I tfMrt OKI m onto*/* f"! 1 11 PCvJl imr ^ H§ cwo [110*1 • e (ihle. uto Gitm-;J*t queafciKi*e t. Nue. .te.lIa * tAe. 4JW_ en- "l/ktufiy Fo/ruj&eA £kop -A ^Jea/eS Thrifty f~tutu£ie& Funu£tet £kop -At

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