^Thursday, November 16, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Five 05WTAL * McHehry Hospital . Patients admitted to the Mcl- 0iTiry hospital during the past week included Betty Lou Kuper and James Jorgensen, Ingle-, side; Deborah Hironimus, Dona Marie Mars and Preston Curtis, Wauconda; Walter I r i o n , R i c h m o n d ; A n n T . Hughes, Wonder Lake; Wilfred Gier, Walter Jay and Jesse .Rogers, Fox Lake; Josephine Graves and Penelope Cooper, Crystal Lake; Max Eisenberg, (Wcago; Betty Jean Postl and S u s a n A l l e n , B a r r i n g t o n ; Thomas Olson, Lake Villa; Gladys Patzke, Elgin; June Kratky, Cory Patterson, Clara Crucknell, Joachim Kauffmann, Edward Hammerstein, Cheryl Hansen, Maurice Gladstone, Adeline Perkins, Christine Fail. John Arient, Walter Grever. Matthew Kodis, Rita Burton. •Marshall Blair, Bert Thomas Gnens, Edna Westerberg, Tusnelda Neukirch, Lillian Leibsohn, Daniel Meyer, Jean Banach, Joy Colborn, John Reilly and E. W. Stange, Mc- Henry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included I A i r e l B e r g d a h l , K a t h l e e n I&ith, Rose Parker, Geraldine Sullivan, Edna Wensel, Kathleen Buerer, David Kulisek, Carl Reymanr., Richard Westerfield, and Harold Kaleeck, Wonder Lake; and Karen Thelen, Verda Langley and Herman Peters, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Robert Stoller, McHenry was a patient during the past week at Harvard hospital. ia Mr. and Mrs. R.obert Vogt of McHenry announce the birth of. a son Nov. 7 McHenry hospi- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Epperson, McHenry, on Nov. 8 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholz, McHenry, became parents of a daughter Nov. 12 at McHenry hospital. At McHenry hospital on Nov. 12 a daughter was born to Mr. S|cl Mrs. Stewart Smith of cHenry. A Richmond couple, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Czub, became parents of a son on Nov. 12. at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schaefer of Woodstock are parents of a daughter born at the hospital in that city on Nov. 3. Mrs. Schaefer is the former »rilyn Schufeldt, daughter of . and Mrs. Fred Schufeldt. This is the first child of the couple and also the first grandchild in the Schufeldt family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Linares of Lakemoor announce the birth of a daughter born Nov. 1 at Gottlieb hospital in Melrose Park. The young lady vreighed 8 lbs. and ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Nicholls. Lakemoor, arc parents of a < lb. baby girl born Nov. 9 at St. Theresa hospital, Waukegan. A son was born Nov. 10 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bazan, Wonder Lake. On Nov. 12 a son was born & Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lundbo rc;, Wonder Lake, at Harvard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moehling. McHenry. announce the birth of a son Nov. 7 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Eugene Palis, McHenry. Nov. 7 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. IJICENSES OF EIGHT DRIVERS ARE SUSPENDED PERSONALS Mrs. .Alpha Pedersen, Mrs. Anna Moellenkamp and Mrs. Ethel Holly of Riverview Camp, Mrs. Mabel Johnson and Mrs. Beatrice Peterson of Fox River Valley Camp, of the Royal Neighbors of America attended the regular monthly meeting of the McHenry County Past Oracles club held at the home of Mrs. Ila Gumprecht, in Crystal Lake, Tuesday of last week. The last meeting of the season will be a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Mabel Johnson on Main street, McHenry, Dec. 4. Charles and Thomas Sutton, Arthur Martin and Ray Mc- Gee attended the wake of a cousin, John Harrington, in Chicago Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer returned recently from a seven weeks tour of Europe with the Grandmothers Club of Chicago in which she visited eleven countries. Mr. and Mrs. rlarry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend in the Donald Givens home. Mrs. J. C. Holly spent a few days last- week in the home of Mrs. Irene Aldridge in Woodstock. Mrs. Ed!a Antonson and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl left Tuesday, by car, for St. Petersburg, Fla., to spend a few weeks. Michael, little son of the Stanley Alms, accompanied his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bouchard of Crystal Lake to Kokonio, Ind., to spend a few days in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Kleptz. Mrs. Julius Roeder of Chicago, a former McHenry resident, spent a few days last week in the Herman Berkley home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer, Mr. and Mrs. John May, Mr. and Mrs. George Fellens of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heymlak of Berwyn, spent a recent day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. John Liertz of R a c i n e , W i s . , v i s i t e d M r s . Frances Thorne Friday. Mesdames Bonnie Jennings, Estelle Beatty, Kathryn Worts and Eleanor Renard have returned from a trip to Montreal. Canada, Niagara Falls and New York City. Mrs. Carl Johnson has returned to her home in Santa Monica, Calif., after a visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Betty Nielsen. Mrs. George Steilen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steilen, son, Terry, of La- Grange, were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. F. J. Aicher. Guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickler and son, James, of DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bassett of Chicago were Saturday visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. Mrs. Ella Rosencrans of Berwyn spent a few days recently with McHenry relatives. McHenry Hospital Auxiliary News The women's auxiliary of McHenry hospital is essentially a working organization. It mans the reception desk, the Pink Lady shoppe and the new snack bar. It sews and knits and engages in other projects to raise money for the hospital. The membership drive is now on. Everyone is invited to join. There is a spot for career girls and those who must stay at home, but can contribute an hour or two a month or a week. Dues are nominal and pay oft in the satisfaction of being part of a community project. Mrs. Charles MacCallum is membership chairman and would welcome a call from you at EVergreen 5-2877 for further information. Mrs. Vera Joshel and Mrs. Pearl Cooper are co-chairmen for the rummage sale this year. The sale, as usual, \tflll be held in July and the girls are already making plans. When you're doing your holiday cleaning and going through the closets, cupboards, attics and basements, remember the rummage sale. They can use all clean wearing apparel, books, records, dishes, appliances, gadgets, furniture and "what have you". HERE AMD THERE IN BUSINESS ATTENDS TRAINING PROGRAM Bob Seymour, local representative of the Nationwide Mutual Insurance company, is one of thirty-one agents attending the training program being conducted by his company at Peoria. ENROLL IN COURSE Virgil Pollock and Charles Peterson are enrolled in a study course in regard to the C h a r t e r e d L i f e U n d e r w r i t e r designation. The class study for the course is being conducted through the Elgin Life Underwriters association, of which both men are members. The C.L.U. course is a college | level course conducted in five partsr-^ach terminating in a four hour test. After all five parts are passed, a life underwriter may use the C.L.U. designation after his name. The course is designed to give the broadest possible knowledge not only in life insurance, but in social studies, economics. business law, accounting, etc. Mr. Pollock has already passed two parts of the course and both he and Mr. Peterson are studying currently. WINS PROMOTION Carl L. Antonson, industrial engineering supervisor of the building products division of Johns Manville Corp., Waukegan, will be transferred to^the Manville, N. J., plant on Jair 1 as flooring plant manager. About as soon as the birdies get a few nest eggs put away, the bills start showing up. -- NOTICE -- Dutch Mill Candy Shop Will Be Open All Day Wed. Sunday Till 1 p.m. Pi. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS COURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO ft P.ML. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 v Antonson's eighteen-year career with J. M. began in October, 1943, as a junior chemist. He was transferred to the floor tile department in 1954, and later that year joined the building products industrial engineering department. He assumed his present position in February of 1960. A native of Chicago, he has lived in McHenry for eighteen years. He and his wife, the former Carmen Freund, have three sons, Dick Jr., 20, a student at Notre Dame, where he recently received the Universal Oil scholarship, his third major scholarship in three years; Tom, 18, a senior in the McHenry high school; and Mike, 11, a sixth grader at St. Marys parochial school. Mrs. Antonson will remain in McHenry until the end of the school year. PLAN SMORGASBORD The annual smorgasbord will be held at the Community Methodist church dining hall from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock, sponsored by- the W.S.C.S. CARD OF THANKS I wish to offer my sincere 1 hanks for all the lovely cards ant' good wishes 1 received during my recent stay at the hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Chancey Harrison •11-16-61 A detour is also the roughest point between two points. V.F.W. NEWS McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eat. 1875 To members of V.F.W. Post 4600! I am happy to announce that 'our post membership is 100 per cent as of the first of November. This is indeed an honor to be one of the few posts in the state of Illinois to attain this goal. Much credit must be given to Ted Getner (membership chairman) and Gene Dobyfis (Quartermaster). We now have the greatest number of members in the history or our post. Now -- about the second annual Schlachtfest. It was another of those eventful evenings. Held Saturday evening, Nov. 11, . this was a night of delicious food, entertainment and dancing. Next year, you. who were not at this event, should make an effort to attend. You can't beat it!! Last, but not least, the* tickets for the V.F.W. New Year's dance will soon be on sale. Get them early -- they won't be around long. Roy Bradley 3812 W. Elm St. Phone "385-0110 VISITS ORIENT Mrs. Fay Barry of McHenry is enjoying a six weeks' Orient cruise, during which she will visit Japan. Hong Kong, the Philippines and Hawaii. A mule can't pull while kirkinu. and doesn't kick while pulling. \®UOH\ TO WITHSTAND HARD TREATMENT BY ACTIVE BOYS Flexible and durable all tbe way through ... from toe to heel... from top to sole. Pacifate vamp lining. Correctly fitted end budget priced 1 A TYPICAL VALUE AT *•S"1"= SHOE 1246 N\ Green St. EV 5-3027 USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA Published Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by McHENRY PUBLISHING CQ.. MATIONAI EDITORIAL Larry E, Lund -- Bus. Mgr. nrimiimti / Adele Froehlich. Editor Subscription Rates In McHenry County Year . .... .....$3.50 Mos. $2.00 Mos $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year .. $4.00 6 Mos. $2.25 3 Mos. .$1.50 Controlled Circulation Postage Paid at McHenry. 111. tii.ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiintmiitiiiimiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitifiiiitiiiiii^r i For Thai MAN In Your $ LIFE and GHAHDPA loo...' There's nothing that gets so dose to a Dad as a gift of w@@rablM. Choos* from our complttit ttlccHons. $TORE for MEN' 1245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, IIL Open Dally 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p. , Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of William H. Lich, Jr., of Rt. 2, Harvard, for three violations. ^Suspensions were ordered for *hn D. Schmaling of Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, for driving while intoxicated; also for Emery A. Cross. -Tr.. Otis S. Steser, Jr., and Arthur W. Whiting. Jr., of Rt. 1, Woodstock; Thomas E. McEwan, Leslie G. Morris and Glen E. Yerkey of Crystal Lake; all for three violations; and George M. Lewerenz of Lake-in-t he-Hills, for causing contributing to an accident resulting in death or injury. Probationary permits were issued to Romeo J. DePasquale of McHenry and Hans P. Heilman of Crystal Lake. The Amazon runs almost parallel to. and under, the* equator, but its source is in glacier-fed lakes. DOMINO lOx 1 lb. Pkg vav** wit® RAGGEDY COUNTRY'S DELIGHT RICH COUNTRY'S OaiGHT iA, Sour Cream. .££49 DEL MONTE HALVES BARTLETT OUNTRY'S OEUSHT Cottage Cheese • C0NF. SUGAR2 for 25c DOMINIO Lite or Dk. Brn. 1 lb. Pkg. SUGAR. . 2forgc COUNTRY'S DELIGHT 93 score Lb. BUTTER. . . . 69c LRGARil , . . $i No. 2 Vi Tin . . . 2 for 29c or OFF LABEL FROZEN FOODS MINUTE MAID ^ &-oz. Pineapple Juice . . . JL Tin« 3 3 AUNT JEMIMA |J-Ot OOc W a f f l e s . ^ 3 3 RICH'S k-O-L QQc Chocolate Eclairs. . JL •*«»• OT Mexican Dinners . • . • Tray 49° 85cl 20-O1. pk9. BETTY CROCKER'S C&KE MIXE 3 f°r 89c RAGGEDY ANN Cranberry SAUCE. . . 2for RAGGEDY ANN Crushed a PINEAPPLE.. 2 for 39( RAGGEDY ANN Garden Fresh 308 Tin PIAS . . . 2 for 2k REYNOLDS Heavy Duty FOIL Sk NEW FLUFFY Stuffing 14 oz. DRESSING 49c For 8 - 14 lb. Fowl PHILADELPHIA BRAND Crmm Cheese • • 3 lb. Tin \)jf Order your Holiday Poultry JSCS:. ^ Now. Turkeys, Geese, Duck, Roasters. BELTSVILLE COUNTRYHILL TURKEYS A!b-198 For FRESH MEATY MEATY BONELESS ROLLED Q'TB SrMERIBS c S R ROAST LEAN MEATY OUR OWN HOMEMADE PORK 303 Tin • FRESH PRODUCE DAILY U.S. NO. 1 LOUISIANA FIRM JUICY VINE RIPE FRESH SNOW WHITE Pears 39* DEL MONTE SLICED » Pineapple •••••••• 35* RAGGEDY ANN SPICED Crabapples . 29e RAGGEDY ANN SPICED HALVES MINT OR Cinnamon Pears ££, 29* RAGGEDY ANN Mandarin Oranges 2 'ft* 39s RAGGEDY ANN CRUSHED _ Pineapple ••••••2 39° DEL MONTE . Pumpkin... 2 29c FANFARE SLICED OR BUTTON Mushrooms.. 35c4-of fin 29c HILLS BROS. ^Coffee ••••••••• SM« F-OLGER'S VET'S DOG NUGGETS ST $2.29 35c off Label 5 lb. MQt Bag 11c Off Label Meat Loaf *••••• COUNTRY'S DELIGHT a lO-Or- OQcl Peas « • • • • • • « • • jLt p^9*- Xml \ EYE Broccoli 5pa«it or I O.OX. A |"c Cauliflower • • • • • A p|t9>- TO BIRDS EYE VV14-OX. Candied Yams • • • L fV- 'BIRDS EYE HALVES O ^ AO<= Strawberries. . • • • JL ng«. *ty 49' ROYAL Gelatin • • • • • 3 SS" *25c 30} 49< Tin* DEL MONTE GREEM ^ Lima Beans 2 DEL MONTE Cieam or Whsb 1CM*I „ ^ Golden Corn • • • • 2 Tms 3 6 RAGGEDY ANN 305 Garden Fresh Peas • 2 Z7 RAGGEDY ANN FRENCH STYLE - M Green Beans. • • • • 2 Jo TYNEE 3-Lb. Canadian Ham • • • • • OCEAN"SPRAY sva'neJ o? WTioW 0^ 205 Cranberry Sauce • • 2 *in* ENTICING GIANT RIPE . , - Cyf #)Qc Olives . . . . • • • • • «i - RAGGEDY ANN ~ fct. QQc Olives O 07 RAGGEDY ANN SWEET Midget Pickles • • RAGGEDY ATWMSH PAC TINY KOSHER Dill Pickles ....E 39' 12-0*. c 25' Roll T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y OSCAR MAYER SMCMHMS. SUPER SARAN 12-Ox. Pico. 0