Page Twelve THE McHENST PLAINDEALER Thursday. December 14. 19^1 Post 491 The DeKalb office of the Illinois Veterans commission is located at 136 South Second street in DeKalb. This location is on the first floor across from the city hall. This office is a state agency which assists all veterans and their dependents (wives, children, parents) in securing fed*- eral Veterans administration benefits as well as state benefits to which they may be entitled. The DeKalb office services both McHenry and DeKalb counties. It is open five days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Gerald Taylor, the service officer for both counties, is in McHenry county at the courthouse in Woodstock every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Commander Homo and "yours truly" attended the county meeting last Thursday night in Union. Our post was presented with a citation for our Americanism activities during the past year. Congratulations are in order for our Americanism chairman, Bob Hendricks, whose good work in this respect is the reason for our post having received this award. At our dinner meeting held last Monday night, we were pleased to have as our guests, Commander Will Carlson of McHenry county and his officers. Our Junior Legion baseball team were also present as our guests. Don't forget our Viscounts are selling Christmas trees on the front lawn of the Legion home. Reservations are still being accepted for our New Year's Eve party, but we cannot guarantee for how long. Be sure and get your reservations in early so that you can be assured of a great time on this night of nights. Tom Birmingham HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS SETS NEW ASSET MARK Investors Stock Fund, Inc., of Minneapolis, fourth largest mutual furyi in._(the industry, has joined the upper circle of "billionaires" with total net assets on Dec. 1 of $1,023,- 286,940, according to the district sales manager in this area, George Collette of McHenry. MCHS N e w s On Tuesday, Dec. 19, the French club will hold its annual Christmas meeting. At this meeting the Club will welcome back its previous members who are now in ^college. The meeting, which will be conducted entirely in French, will feature several short cultural essays about "French Christmas", the singing of French Christmas carols, and the exchange of small gifts. After the meeting, refreshment swill be served by John Hanson and Carol Beck. The Modern Music Masters Chapter, No. 139, held its annual initiation ceremony on Dec. 12 in the high school auditorium. Twent y-four new members were initated into the society by the officers: Virginia Peterson, Judy Martin, Sue Prawl and Mary Jane Pitzen. To become a member of this society a student must be a member of the McHenry high school band or chorus and maintain at least a "B" average. We are happy to see that the membership is growing rapidly. McHenry's Student Council has arranged to secure a jukebox and records to be placed in the cafeteria, the proceeds of which will go to A.F.S. for a foreign exchange student. Louis Liptak First religious Christmas cards were published in Belfast, Ireland in 1875. Religious designs started appearing on American Christmas cards in the 1890's. ONE DRIVER'S LICENSE REVOKED, OTHERS SUSPENDED The license of one driver, Jesus P. Mercado, of Crystal Lake was revoked by the state for driving while intoxicated. Several other licenses were suspended. They include those of Arthur W. Brand of Wonder Lake, Dennis W. Eberling of Cary, Elmars Elguts of Crystal Lake, Carl H. Frost of McHenry, Richard C. Giddings and William E. Mayer of Marengo, Ronald J. Kierna of Woodstock, Elmer E. Luepke of Harvard and Lloyd K. Norheim of Harvard, all for three violations. Probationary permits were issued to Emery A. Cross, Jr., and Arthur W. Nigfrols of Woodstock, Vincent J. Dourian of Algonquin, Barry E. Fues of Crystal Lake, Andre J. Job of Cary and Donald F. Kibbe of McHenry. First "enveloped" greeting card was a Christmas card published in 1906. COURT BRIEFS ley had a $10 fine imposed tor disobeying a stop sign. Speeding was by far the cause of most drivers receiving fines in the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday. 'Edmund J. Matuszak of McHenry, Sherman Bremer of Milwaukee, W. E. Richardson of Highland Park and Donald Milinac of Woodstock were each fined $10 on speeding charges; Cary Moyse of McHenry, $13; Charles Tonyan of McHenry and Paul W. Frank of Mount Prospect, $12 each; Allene Davis of Lakemoor, $9; and Charles Jensen of Libertyville, $14. Norbert Adams. of McHenry paid a $10 fine for driving with loud mufflers. Gerhard Von Dahlen of Carpentersville was fined $25 for improper lane usage. In the police magistrate court of Donald Howard last Thursday, Gere Thennes of McHenry was fined $10 for driving too fast for conditions. Berte Ryden of Chicago paid a $15 fine for not having a driver's license. A $27 fine was imposed oft Gere J. Thennes of McHenry for driving too fast for coiir ditions. Florence Vopelak ot Hunt- XOUSi m R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s and " maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling H'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE HI;- 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, 111. Thomas Ketchum of McHenry <- received a seven-day jail sentence and was fined $200 by Judge James Cooney in county court Thursday morning when Ketchum pleaded guilty to a charge of driving on a suspended driver's license. First American. Christmas card was sent by R. J. Pease of Albany. N. Y., in 1853. Pease, a dry goods merchant, designed, printed and mailed this first card which also served as an advertisement for his products. CHORAL SOCIETY SINGS HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" DEC. 17 The Harvard Choral Society will present Handel's "The Messiah" next Sunday evening, Dec. 17,, at 8 p.m. at the Harvard Community high school. This will mark the twentythird year that Francis F. Fardig has directed this well known oratorio in Harvard. The 150-voice chorus is composed of students and adults from not only Harvard but the surrounding towns of McHenry, Poplar Grove, Rockford, Capron, Marengo, Hebron, Alden, Sharon, Delavan, Walworth and Lake Geneva. The chorus will be accompanied by a string ensemble from the Rockford Symphony orchestra under the direction of Ernest Seeman, music director of the Freeport Senior high school. The soloists are Patricia Me- Farlin Higgins, soprano, and Marilyn Nielsen, contralto. Mrs. Higgins, now a resident of Chicago Ridge, is the daughter of the Raymond McFarlins of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kissling and son, Bert, Miss Shirley Spy # • ANEW CAR FOR YOUR FAMILY Large Selection of New ibouHis -- Wdfants -- Chryslers Come in Wtai@ the Selection is Complete, A. -s.. HAKE moiwarim^ 2508 W. ROUTE 120 EV 5-3102 McHENRY. ILL. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 1 hioned Sausage Shop 8AUSA0E gHOP.+r ps JEWEL SAUSAGE SHOPS ANNOUNCE ... "Silw@r Platter S@r? ice" This year, let your friendly Jewel Sausage Shop help you with holiday snack planning... and offer you d special price on an imported Silver Platter from West Germany! Visit your Sausage Shop today for complete details! OBITUARY MARIK BABY Rev. Walter Bloesch of United Church of Christ, Crystal Lake, officiated at Friday morning services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marik of Burton's Bridge, who died at birth the night of Dec. 6 in Memorial hospital, Wood- Ross and Mrs. James Wegener of McHenry are singing with the chorus this year. stock. Buried was jn Richmond cemetery. i ' Besides the parents, * two brothers, Thomas and Vincent, survive; also a sister, Sherry, and the maternal aid paternal grandparents. 1 The body rested at the Warner funeral home in Crys^^d Lake. mercialli produced Ihristmas cards First commerciall] American C were created by Louis Prang, a Boston lithographer in 1875, who has been, called the "Father" of the American Christmas card. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ' Ai 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 4EYE8 EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS U T HOURS: DAILY 9 TO IS A.M. and 1 TO FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8: BVftNINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHOME EVergreen 5-0452 B :S0 PJkfi ENT ! HAW t PJL rel Pastry Shop Sp Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING Fruit Sake BEN FRANKLIN TREES at DISCOUNT! GSelectas at LOW-LOW PRIIES! Revolving Lights! SPECIAL VALUE! *6.99 Reg. $9.98 Color Light Now Reg. $11.98 Cft QQ Deluxe Light Now Reg. $5.98 Bulb fiO Driven Light Now "®oOO 75 and 150 G.E. Bulbs Evergleam Finest Quality Stainless m Aluminum * 6 Ft. 94 Branch Reg. $19.98 1 $14.99 . . . . J 3 < . t 8 .. $l@o®9 *22.99 2 Ft Table Size 4 Ft. 58 Branch 7 Ft. 100 Branch 8 Ft. 124 Branch *1.25 Revolving Stands! *7.99 Reg. $9.98 Standard Quality KoC. *,2.08 $9.99 Deluxe Quality Rog. $15.98 QQ Deluxe Musical *«o3I5l 6 FT. TREE (499 Reg. Style TREE STANDS Cone typtes for up to QA£ 3 V* Tree Trunks ©w 17" Round Pan Style, holds water Outdoor Cords and Holders. *1.98 Bulb DON'T BE MISLED BY INACCURATE ADVERTISING ON METAL TREES! Before you buy come in and let us tell you about materials, number of branches and other important features you should look for in your tree. You are making an investment that will last you for many years. So, when you Buy -- Buy The Best! •jaw POM POM TREES 6 Ft. Reg. $21.93 Now *Jg®9 |4 ft. Reg. $11.98 Now $ 8.99 |7 ft. Reg. $24.98 Now $19.99 [8 ft. Reg. $32.98 Now $26.99 mm onnnnny OfcjGsmts ;4i!Ki 23 Deck your halts with naf Ural colored plastic poirv Cettiaand holly garlands. Priced Box of 12 big 2%-in. anorted •olid color alai* bollh Independently burning lights* wk Inside or out. AVAILABLE NOW AT... AVAIL A® Li NOW AT, Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St %UVti (T'JowlSuu Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St T£A CO-. TtA CO Sf f~' 'i. For Family Fun . . . / o PINS PONG TABLES I driftpip I FINISH Unpainted -- Ready to Assemble Hours of Family Entertainment For the DAD and his • Quick and Easy to Assemble BTYUMO Trim as » ertriser'g galley, this beautiful kitchen is •aqr to keep shipshape and shining because of the smooth, unbroken paneled effect of the flush doont and (fee lOloonvenienoe features Brammer is famous ib* Trafrluxny liner living, but becanse all cabinets art Itock anha, this kitchen is priced for the outboazd budget. Other finishes available--come in ta0j tompkt* Information! Sturdy Construction Multiple Uses Por gcrajjo $• profoMlend ^ , •r Mkf leble cnatfcsnlf. top yeagsatsmfj Jsmoors ELECTRIC TR& Available in Various Sheet Sizes Open Daily: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Hif feway 31 South @§ Mqce -- McHenry, BBleiois Pimne 3IS-1424