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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1961, p. 28

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JPage Twenty-Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. December 14. iaA Sunnyside Estates SANTA CLAUS ARRIVES DEC. 20 AT BIERCHEN HOME Polly Stevens - S85-125G put happy anniversary to Audrey and Bob which occurred on Dec. 9. " 'Hey kids! As I told you last Veeek jolly old4Santa will visit 'Sunnyside Estates. He will arrive on Wednesday, Dec. 20. If you will go to the Bierchen home at 4508 N. Mayfair drive at 4:30 p.m. he will give, you a ride around the subdivision with him on his sleigh. There will be two or three trips so if you are a little late, don't worry, he will wait for you. If you are 5 years old or younger, please bring your mommie or daddy to ride with you. At 7:30 p.m. the 'teenagers will ride with Santa and he will stop at each of your homes ^to leave a gift before his Christmas Eve visit. T he Christmas committee Who are Chairman Harold Palmer, Dottie Bierchen, Delores Hanahari, Alice and Dick Janicici and VeiTi Jost wish you {ill a raex-ry Christmas. Me j too! Remember! Wednesday. . Dec. .20! j Meeting j The last of the monthly inefetinrs of ST-TIOA, Incr. was | held ^av, Dec. 7. at the : johnsburg public school. After the reading of the minutes and j the treasurer's report Presi- > dent Jerry Olsen announced ' that our wells had been inspected and were found to be bacteria free. Three parnmentarians were appointed to preside at the meetings. They are Ray Bieschke, Norma Gunn and George Kropf. The financial statement we all received recently by mail was explained "by President Olsen. He also stated that the association fund and the social fund are two distinctly separate accounts. Not one cent of the association dues may be used for entertainment and cannot eveh be borrowed from that fund._ The bus shelter windows will be repaired with material donate4_ hjL Jack Kelso and the work will be done by Walter Roy. --Written- repcris of the work ^bgfrrgtlone by the road, entertainment and .nembership committees were read to the members present. - A report on the seminar, •"'Pfaetfcai' Management of a Home Owners Association" held by President Olsen and Jack Kelso and attended by Tom Mason and Dick Farwell of Pistakee Highlands, Ted Kaminski and John Licastro of Lakeland Park; and Leonard Toepper and Edward Pradalski of Pistakee Terrace was both interesting and inform a t i v e. Those of you who missed the meeting missed some pertinent information on our problems. The meeting was aioumed at 9:15 p.m. and refreshments were served- The delicious ko- 'lachies -were donated by Mrs. Haninger and ihe yummy cakes by Mrs. Johansen and Donna Jensen. "-•Welcome Neighbor! VStje would like to welcome to Sunnyside Estates Audrey and Bob .^jiiikonsly and their small daughter?' Carol. They have bought the Hitz home at 1708 Wr<3randview drive and come to our community from LakemooBtt^ We- hope they enjoy manyK happy and prosperous ygais ^irf" Sunnyside Estates. May we also say a belated Sympathy We extend our sincere sympathy to Clif and Andy Sabby on the death of her brother, Curtis J. Nelson, of Chicago. Mr. Nelson passed away Nov. 14 after a prolonged illness. Funeral services were held Nov, 17 in Blue Island. Condolences We offer our condolences to Mr. and Mrs. Kimbro on the death of her nephew, Charles Sehorne, of Tullahoma, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Sehorne were spending the winter in West Palm Beach, Fla., when hg was taken suddenly ill and rushed to a local hospital. He passed away Wednesday, Dec. '6, and the remains were sent back to Tullahoma for funeral services Sunday, Dec. 10. Good Singing! The Smurday evening, Dec., 2. performance of the McHenry fhoral club was attended by Charlotte Maule and Dale's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Maule, of Manitowoc, Wis., Bernadine and Bill Grist, Mr. and Mrs. Dettlow and grandson, Donnie, Jerry Olsen, Don Fail and Polly and Jim Stevens. The good singing was enjoyed by all these folks and since Donna and Ray Jensen, Fran Olsen, Gunnar Johansen and Dale Maule of our community were performers that added to their enjoyment. The concert was directed by our very own editor of the Plaindealer, Miss Adele Froehlich. Didja? Huh? Have you bought your Christmas tree yet? The boy Foresters of St. John's church are waiting to sell you one. Go to the corner of Fairview avenue and Johnsburg road in Johnsburg by the garage and the boys will be glad to help you with your selection. Demonstration Fran Olsen was hostess of a demonstration Wednesday evening, t>ec. 6. It was fun doing some Christmas shopping sitting in a living room and not having your toes stepped on or elbows in your ribs. Enjoying the evening out and the delicious refreshments were Alice Bieschke, Mrs. Johansen, Charlotte Maule, Vi Schroeder, Barbara- Weiman and Polly Stevens. Visitors Charlotte and Dale Maule were happy to have his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Maule, of Manitowoc, Wis., for a recent weekend visit. Good Eatin' Rose Tillich entertained nine of her co-workers at dinner, Wednesday evening, Dec. 6. Enjoying Rose's delicious cooking was Mi's. Randall of Gurnee, Clarice Kenny of Ingleside, Vern Koch of Spring Grove, Millie of Pistakee Highlands, and Dorothy Adams, Florence Anderson, Ruth Grunnell, Claudia Munson and Helen .Termini of Fox Lake. Aunt Again Alice Bieschke became an aunt again when her youngest sister and her husband, Marlene and Bill Westgate, became the parents of a son. Master William John Westgate was born Tuesday, Dec. 5, in Chicago and weighed 6 lbs. plus at birth. He has an older brother, 18 month old Danny, to keep him company. with a stiff neck and Mr. K has a cold and bothersorne sinuses. Kandy Kobus was stricken suddenly With a virus and was in bed last week. Get weii quick all of you. ^Surprise! A pre-birthday surprise party was held Wednesday, Dec. 6, for Carol Kennebeck at the Fry home. Bernice called Carol and asked her to stay with the children while she shopped. When Carol arrived she s<x>n found out that she had been took--by surprise, that is. Joining in the fun were June Banker, LoiS^ McDonald and her mother, Lundsberg, Lois Perrewe and Mildred Senkerik. Lu Davis was sorry she could not be there. The gals enjoyed coffee, cheese cake and Mrs. Lundsberg's coffee cake. Girl Scout News At the Wednesday, Dec. 6, meeting of Troop 295 the girls completed t h e i r Christmas wreaths made of tinfoil. The wreaths were decorated with big red bows, small tree ornaments and sequins. After the work was done the girls played a game and were served refreshments. Kandy Kobus was cookie hdstess but was ill and unable to attend so Kandy sent her cookies by Cathy Palmer. Mother's helper for this meeting was Katherine Dehn. Brownie News The Tuesday, Dec. 5, meeting of Troop 150 began with a uniform inspection. This was followed by the girls working diligently on their top secret Christmas, a present for their parents. Happy birthday was sung to Leader Marian Pflug and cookie hostesses were Paro Boeger and Nancy Roggenbuck. Pat Brennan was the mother helper for this meeting. Let's Go Vlsitin* Let's visit the Jost family at 4318 N. Mayfair drive. They came to Sunnyside Estates in June, 1955, from Chicago and were among the "pioneers" of our community. Papa Joe is a paper cutter in Chicago and commutes daily. His hobbies are fishing, bowling and working around their home. Mama Vern is kept busy at home and I suppose her hobby is her family. Thcfy have a married daughter, Arlene Thiel, who lives in DesPlaines with her hubby, Jerry, and the pride of the Jost household, 1 year old Jerry, Jr. Their 13 year old daughter, L a u r e 1 i, attends Johnsburg public school and is very interested in art. Ten year old Teddy also goes to school in Johnsburg and likes all ball games, football, baseball, etc. Joe's mother and brother, Grandma Jost and Vince, are also important members of the Jost household. Nice family, the Josts. Birthdays Happy birthday to our little friend, Monica Davis, who will be 4 and to two 12 years olds. Mary Farley and Cathy Palmer on Dec. 16. Dec. 18 is celebrating day for Tom Felicetti. Eddie Matuszak, Jr. will be 1 year old on Dec. 19. Best wishes to Kathy Wegner on Dec. 20 and many happy returns of the day to you all. Anniversaries Dec. 19 will be the day on which Mary and Emil Lem* mons will celebrate 48 years cf wedded bliss and youngsters Mary and Herb Rose will celebrate 18 years on the same day. Congratulations, nice people. Spring Grove - LOTUS WOMEN'S CLUB ORGANIZED FIFTY YEARS Eva Freund The Lotus Country Women's club was organized on Dec. 9, 1911. To celebrate this fiftieth anniversary a large group of ladies from this area attended a reception in the Methodist church house on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 6. Preceding the reception a. program was presented in Church. President Mrs. Viola McNish welcomed all the ladies present and introduced r-Mrc;. Thomas Andrews, from Algonquin, president of McHenry County Federation. Members of the Richmond Women's club and the Pistakee Highlands Women's club were guests. The program was opened with selections of organ music by Mrs. Ida Koberstine. Mrs. Hazel Winn gave the history of the club from the time of its origin. A solo was sung by Mrs. Russell Gardiner accompanied by Mrs. Koberstine. The final history up to the present time was given by Mrs. William Shotliff and Mrs. Alice Van Every. The program was appropriately closed with the congregation singing "God Bless America". A lunch was served in the church house after the program. The tables were beautifully decorated in the club colors of yellow and green. A four-tier cake graced the center of the serving table. This was baked by Mrs. Marge Mullally and decorated by Mrs. Frances Kabot. witness this beautiful ceremony. A few relatives arid, friends were invited to the Kagan home to honor the occasion. .> Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Nally are enjoying a trip to California': They expect to be gone several weeks. Illness Jean Marie Kattner underwent a tonsillectomy at St. Therese's hospital last week. Ed Pankin is a patient at the hospital. He was hospitalized several weeks ago when he suffered" a stroke. Engagement Blessed The solemn blessing of the engagement of Patrick Kagan and Miss Jean Schoen was held in St. Peter's church following the evening mass on Friday, Dec. 8. Rev. Thomas Monohan officiated. A large group of parishioners were present tc Christmas Parties The McHenry County Postmasters had their Christmas party at Shady Lane Wednesday night, Dec. 6. Forty postmasters and guests of McHenry County and Boone County were present. Inspector Elmer Black was guest speaker and Mr. King, president of the National Association of Postmasters in this district, was a guest and spoke briefly on a membership drive. A gift exchange was held. There were beautiful decorations for the Christmas season and each lady received a Christmas corsage. A group of ladies enjoyed having dinner together Thursday night. Lobster and shrimp were on the menu and there was a gift exchange. Those who made up this party were the Mesdames Agnes May, Emma Kattner, Marge Schmeltzer, Eva Freund, Catherine Johnson, Tippy Klein, Nora Klaus, Marie Lewis, Luella May, Dolores May and Catherine Johnson. Use The Classifieds HONOB BOLL ADDITIONS Additional names h$ve been added to the recent M.S.H.S. honor roll as follows: "B" plus Roy Moss and Kathy Thompson, freshmen; "B" roll, Lynn Baker and Judith Knackstedt, Reining, Kathy Smith and Laura Wilson, sophomores. Woman may have been man's rib once upon a time, but now she's many a man's backfreshmen; Betty Becker, Judy bone. HOTTEST THING UNDER TlHE SUN/ sensational ne$r adttffive/. if „ (Il^I||-aKl to eliminate dogged nozzejs, slump, coifr l^rusl For a cleaned hoff®r|flam@| givir% mor^ haat units for ovory drop ... and atl NO EXTRA COST • rfri Insist upon Blue Jet or Golfll Jet. HESTER OIL CO. L102 W. Waukegan Rd. Phone EV 5-0240 McHenry, 111. Sick List Mrs. Mary Jost is still hospitalized but we are glad to report that she is feeling better. The latest victim of the chicken pox is little Mike Maule. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kimbro are on the ailin' list. Mrs. K is walking around like a zombie Now i§ the Time to Pick Out Your CHRISTMAS TREE All & Sizes All Kinds ED'S RENTAL 904 N. Front McHenry SOMEWHERE WINTER IS FUN . . . I'M THE ONE YOU SHOULD MEET Tour Authorized Travel Agent CHAIN -O-L AKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3917 W. Main, Ph. 385-5251 A II* * ' ' N seat covert pern AUTO exceeds SAE Standard mWB\/ Approved by I • Automotive Belt Institute ALL COLORS * AIR WAY COMPASS PLASTIC COATED SEAT COViftS Full $(9|95 Set DELUXE CHROME LICENSE FRAMES 5 Ea. eaasatiaatiaatisgtgatiBgiaa:!ggsssgBaagieaggagg*: 6 or 12 VOLT FENDER MOUNT i MBilORS $|89 TERRY or NYLAR SIAT COViilS $495 POLISHED ALUMINUM ROCICIH PANELS $g)95 Set CUSTOM BATTiHY CH ERS Robin Hood. A style, size and width for every child It's a honey ... for the Miss with an eye for style. The hi-fashion bow makes this shoe a sure-lire hit for any occasion. ROTH SHOES 1246 N. Green St. EV 5^2027 USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA Trickle 5 $ 6-Amp. KITS 1 Only Community Auto Supply Fully Guaranteed Supplies -- Retail and Wholesale 3021 W. Route 120 EV 5-0778 McHenry Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. - 6 pm. -- Sundays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. This Christmas her a SZ-iTfsi&riute vacation from cfii^E^es every ... Give her an electric dishwasher Let's face it--most wives don't like doing dishes any better than you do. That's why the gift that saves your wife more than one-half hour of dishwashing drudgery every day is a gift she'll appreciate every day for years to come. NEW PORTABLES GET DISHES CLEANER THAN YOU CAN WASH THEM BY HAND Today's dishwashers (portables, too) preheat wash and rinse water to grease-cutting temperatures hotter than even gloved hands can stand. Automatically the dishes, glassware and silver come out sparkling, hygienically clean. Roll-around portables are ideal for apartments because they need no permanent plumbing connections, roll out of the way when not in use. BEAUTIFUL BL'ILT-INS AUTOMATICALLY DO ALL THE DAY'S DISHES AT ONE TIME Big capacity built-ins even get pots and nsins shining with a gentle scraping beforehand. And *" you'll never again see dust, lint or dish towel streaks because drying is done only in pure-clean electrically heated air. More than a great gift, a built-in dishwasher is a good way to begin if you've been planning to modernize your kitchen. You'll have more electrio dishwasher models to choose from If you see your appliance dealer soon. * \ V Public Service Company HAUE1ESS ElECTMC DISHWASHING tfa Edison Company So Clean. So Sate, So Moden^

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