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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1961, p. 29

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^Thursday, December 14, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINBEALER Page Twenty-Nine Pisiakee Highlands MOUNT HOPE CHURCH PLANS BUSY SCHEDULE Hazel Morley - HY 7-3320 #The Mount Hope church had busy December schedule planned. On Dec. 10 there was the church school Christmas program. On Dec. 12, a preorganizational meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service was held at the church. The purpose of the meeting was to nominate officers who will be installed at a meeting tentatively scheduled for Jan. '^with the district officers to W held at the church. On Dec. 16 the Bykota Christmas party will be held. Each child is to bring a sock. Hosts for the evening will be the Staudenmaiers and Sorensons. The official board will meet on Dec. 18 at the church. On Dec. 19 anyone interested in putting on a play, that includes casting, acting, direct * or any job necessary for the presentation of a play, should be at the church at 8 p!m. There will be a candlelight Christmas Eve service. The exact time wiil be in next week's paper. The M.Y.F. will be in charge of the Christmas day service at 9 a.m. Teen Club ^uThe teen club will have its chiUgtmas party on Dec. 23 at the community center at 8 p.m. The club decided to put more cheer into your Christmas spirit, so they will go carolling in the community on the twentieth twenty-first, and twentysecond. They hope you will be listening. There will also be a teen social on the eighteenth. The teen club wishes Craig •^horen a belated happy birthday on Dec. 12. Brownie News At the December meeting the newly elected officers were Presidents Debbie Dobecki and Phyllis Groth; secretaries, Rosemary Thelen and Joan Ann Mclnerney; treasurers, Cindy Crosby and Sheri. The Brownies will have their Christ- Has party the Tuesday before Christmas. They are now working on their Christmas projects. Woman's Club News The demonstration held on Nov. 30 was a success and a big vote of thanks goes to all the women who sold lickets and to the hostesses for the £ne job they did. Each hostess TJitched in and helped all evening. The cakes were all very good. The club is most grateful to all the women from the surrounding areas who attended. " The gals from the Highlands who went home with some of the delicious foods were Tcena O'Malley, .Joyce Heir, Irene Kolan. Marge Waldin and Mamie O'Neil. Alvina ^fleller from Johnsburg went nome with the delirious capon rendy to eat. The bake sale will bo held ai the community center on Dee 16, ;it 10 a.m. The oft'icoi called and report ihi.y will h;ive a very nice selection of fviked goods, mostly in the holiday theme. Barb Sisk, Lynn Or sinski and Kay Siclisch will conduct the sale. (fc. Teena O'Malley has noiified all the women who promised to bake cookies for the Boys' recreation center in Joliet that the deadline date is Dec. 15. You may bring your cookies to Teena or to Kay Sielisch. They will take them to Woodstock. The Christmas party will be held on Dec. 20 at the Mount Hope church. Hostesses for the evening will be Florence Smith, Margaret Axell, Lee Conway, Lorraine Ullo, MaryLou Sabielny, Pauline Eilers, Catherine Selvage and Lynn Rosinski. Cub Scouts A pack meeting was held on Dec. 13 in the church basement. The Cubs have donated a tree to the Sunday school and each Scout is making an ornament for the tree. Each den put on a small skit and there was community Christmas singing. Each boy brought a game along to be given to the Children's home in Woodstock. A boy representing each den will go along with their leaders to deliver the games in tine for Christmas. On Dec. 2 t he Cubs visited the jail and county building at Woodstock. They were allowed to.ask questions and.they came home full of information about jails. Johnsburg School The Johnsburg school will have its Christmas party on Dec. 21. They have received word from the North Pole that Santa will be there in person with candy for everyone. Around the Highlands On Dec. 16, Wanda Dobecki and children and Rarb Sisk and children will attend the children's Christmas party at the Moose Lodge in Woodstock. A belated happy birthday to Ronnie Kolb on Dec. 2. He had a party with some friends. A big welcome home to George and Marilyn VanZevern who returned recently from a week's trip to New Orleans. I am sorry to hear that Tom Mullally isn't feeling too well. Mr. Bauerlein from Lincolnwood was a dinner guest at th& home of the Janquarts the weekend of Dec. 2. On Dec. 14 the Pink Lady Sewing Guild met at the home of Esther Knapp in Johnsburg. The gals enjoyed a pot-luck lunch, grab hag and Christmas party. Attending from the Highlands was Lorraine Lindemann, Vi Schuble, Marge Moreth and Gert Snell. Pat Rogde is now living in Chicago where she will be closer to her work. The Jesse Tempera family have bought a home on the north side of Chicago and will be moving from the Highlands a month earlier than they expected 1o. They are very anxious to be with their children. The Temperas have been residents of the Highlands for five years'. V'i Schuble, Lorraine Lindemann and M;>r,rP Moreth attended a Christmas party on FW\ 11 ai the Y.FAV. in Mr- Henry. There was a grab bar and gift baskets were made for the needy. Fmma pnd Leit Eido attended the {jfiie'h wedding anniversary of Emma's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, in St. Paul, M'nn.. recently. Judy and Frank Krumwiedf spent lasl weekend in thei*" home in the Highlands and returned to Park Ridge Sunday afternoon. Belated birthday wishes to JSJS 3523 528 SSS & s DECEMBER 15 & 16 urct 406 VIRGINIA ST. (Route 14) CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Phone: 459-3133 Patty Fencl who was six years old on Dec. 4. Hazel Rogde spent some time visiting in DeKalb. She went to see her brother-in-law who just underwent surgery and to visit her mother who is ill again. Janice and Jerry Janquart and Hazel and Dick Morley were dinner guests at the home of Harriette and Lee Marshall last Saturday evening. Harriette, always the perfect hostess, served her delicious stuffed pork chops. I know you will be pleased to hear that both Leo and Lil Orlowski are doing fine and are once again enjoying good health. Terry Reilly, Susie Jones, Joan Ann Zenner and Brian Von Bruenchenhein were guests at the birthday party of Laura Gitlin in Woodstock on Dec. 9. She was 4 years old. On Dec. 8 the McHenry Woman's Club held its Christmas party. Instead of the usual grab bag gifts, the gals donated the gifts to the old people's home. Attending frona the Highlands was Vi Schubje, Marge Moreth and Lorraine Lindemann. Don and Audrey Morin entertained guests last Saturday evening in their home. Enjoying an evening together were Bob and Lorraine Hurckes, Pat and Ron Jackson, Rose and Dick Farwell, Audrey's sister and husband, Jackie and Larry Piotrowski, Audrey's brother. Russell Anderson, and his girl, Mary Sweiding. Some bad luck was riding with Jay Story when he made his trip to Idaho to visit his family. The day after he arrived he was taken to a hospital there with a bad case of pneumonia. His brothers and sisters were at his side during the ordeal. At the latest report he is on the road to recovery but will still be hospitalized for at Jeast another week. We are all pulling for you, Jay. Kay and Wally Sielisch were guests of the Bruce Pethericks last Saturday evening. Sunday the two couples spent the day picking pine cones and looking for a Christmas tree. They love the outdoors and enjoyed their hike in the woods. It's a little early but a happy Lakemoor Urge Children To Beware Of Thin Ice David Heckmann - EV 6-0532 That time is here again. Thin ice attracts our kids. For the love of your children. we the parents must impress these kids that they must stay off thin ice. They don't seem to realize that it takes more than two days freezing weather to make the lake safe for fun time. Let's make this a happy year not one of heart break caused by unfortunate accidents because someone thought it cute to play on thin ice. Illness Ivan Guest afson is confined to the hospital after suffering a heart attack. Hope you are feeling better and recover very sOon! birthday to Agnes Wroblewski on Dec. 24. She will celebrate it at a daughter's home in Morton Grove. Correction A few weeks back I had an article about the Democrats meeting at the community center. It should have read the Pistakee Regular Democratic Organization. That's It For another week. Thanks again to you who jot down news items and to you who call me. Every bit I get is appreciated. Have a nice week and happy Christmas shopping. Bye now. Eastwood Manor FAITH CHURCH LISTS PROGRAMS FOR CHRISTMAS Edie Iverson - 885-6338 Thursday, Dec. 14, 8 p.m.-- Women's Society Chri s t m a s program in the home of Mrs. Pat Spindler. Sunday, Dec. 17--The sermon will be entitled "God's Christmas and Ours". Sunday, Dec. 17, 7 p.m.-- Faith church school Christmas program at the Hilltop grade school. Tuesday, Dec. 19, 8 p.m.-- Choir rehearsal. Double Celebrations The Robert Dethlefson family went to the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dethlefson, in Wonder Lake for Thanksgiving dinner. A beautiful cake was also served in honor of Connie's birthday. Goran and Joyce Engstrom and family had guests Thanksgiving day. They were her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein, arid grandmother, Mrs. Martha Klein, also his father, Bror Engstrom. They were also celebrating the occasion of grandmother's birthday. Lois McCormack enjoyed a double celebration, her birthday and wedding anniversary, by going out to dinner with friend husband, Tim. and Tom and Helen Birmingham and Mrs. Doherlv. Betke are still hopeful of receiving enough blood donors for the quantity needed to be replaced for their father, Arnold Eklund. If you wish to give please contact either home for details. Your donations were greatly appreciated by ail familys concerned. Cub Scouts The next pack meeting will be a combined Christmas' party and W e b 1 o w advancement ceremony. It will take place December 18 at 7:30 in the Johnsburg school. Our boys are desperately in need of den mothers. If you have an hour a week to give to your sons and community please contact Mr. King at 385-2577 inimediately. Now on the Diaper Line Roy and Shirley Carlson welconvd a brand new 7l-« lb. baby boy into their home Nov. 10. Little Paul Eric is the first infant in the house so we welcome Shirley into the motherhood disorganization. Last Call for Blood Donors Pam Wocxlbury and Irene Birthday Celebrations To celebrate the birthday of Jack Fultz his friends and neighbors got together and went out to dine. Accompanying Jack and Marilyn were Pat and Lew Kellogg, Hannah and Bill Harner. Carol and John Hayes, and Rita and . Tom Simpson. Ricky Hansen shared his birthday with two of his buddvs. Davey Patryas and Johnny Woodbury. Also joining the festivities were the Warren Krebs family and the Len Lawrence family. Harold and Margaret Slove's grandson, Mark, became 2 years' old Dec. 3 so they went to his home to help him celebrate along with other relatives. and son. Stuart Slove, and family, and friends from Island Lake. Bridge Club This past week the Bridge club met in the home of Lois Krebs. Peggy Anderson won the first prize. Pat Kellogg won the travelling prize, and Lee Landin received the bobby prize. Lois served pumpkin pie which she made from whole pumpkins. Brownies Saturday evening, the twenty- third day of December the girls are going around the Manor carolling. They must bring their signed permission slips to the next meeting in order to go. They should meet at the barn by 7 p.m. At the last meeting, Dec. 6. they opened the meeting with the Brownie pledge and the pledge to the American flag. They worked on their Christmas gifts and sang carols. P r i s e i l l a M c l n t y r e t r e a t e d them to delicious choeolaty cookies which they all enjoyed. Birthday Wishes Wishing a belated happy birthday to my only son, Kelvin. on his very first birthday Dec. 13. To Harold Slove on Dec. 14. To that cute Lucy Hawkins on her third birthday and little Edward Petersen on his very first birthday Dec. 15. Dec. 16 is shared by Matthew Oik who will be eight and Karen Betke who will be a young miss of ten. Dec. 17 we wish the best for Grace Gruhn. Dec. 18 is the birthday of Mildred King, Ambrose Koerper,, and also Jackie Biederer who will become 7 years young. Dec. 19 we send best wishes to Erica Haldeman, to 9-year-old Randy Penick, and to 3-yearold Jacqueline Jacobson. Dec. 20 Shirley Carlson will be celebrating her birthday. Anniversary Party Friends gave Tim and Lois McCoirnack a surprise anniversary party. They were Warren and Lois Krebs, Lett and Dolores Lawrence, Lenny .and Winnie Hansen, and TOW and Helen Birminghaou . Here and There The Fred Woodburys had guests in their home Sunday. They were Pam's parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eklund, and the Adolph Betke family and grandfather Betke. Wishing a speedy recovery to Gil Mqore who returned to Hines hospital after spending Thanksgiving at home with his family. Harold and Margaret Slove went to the home of their daughter, Sharon, for Thanksgiving dinner together. Hurry and get well wishes are extended to Joyce Engstrom. She is wearing a bandage ever an injured ieye. Reminder E.M.P.O.A. meets Friday night in the barn at 9 p.m. Be there! GRANTED CHARTER A charter has been issued by the state to the Greater McHenry Multiple Listing Serv- ! ice, Inc., in McHenry "to mainj tain and establish a multiple listing service, to facilitate the ' sale of listed real estate for I the mutual welfare and adi vancement of members." Three of America's fastest growing cities are in Florida. (Miami. Jacksonville and St. Petersburg) ***** FOR THAT OLD FASHIONS FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOEN1MANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OP SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route ISO • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Are $ $ $ Stopping You From BUILDING YOUR DREAM HGME1 i Rambler- Come and See Us -- h If You: 1. Have a paid up lot. 2. Want to o^n your own home. 3. Have a steady job. We can possibly help you as we have helped many others. KkHENRY LUMBER CO. 4030 W. Main St. EV 5-4600 --in every model and sizeI NS ^ 4 * PET SUPPLIES and ACCESSORIES -- Three Gift Awards -- 1st. $25.00 - 2nd $15.00 - 3rd $5.00 DOOR AWARDS (No Purchase Necessary) HOURS: Daily 9-6; Mon. & Fr„ 9-9 | CLOSED SUNDAYS >a\\ process WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SURPRISE! Brighten the holiday for your own. wonderful someone with a Christmas surprise from Phonfland. Thcre"s something for everyone (you, too) to make living easier and happier all year long. Give gift-wrapped telephone services --ready to put under the tree. Get low cost details at our business office --or ask your telephone man. Bell Chime announces calls with a gracious melodic chime; also converts to the conventional ring. Comes in ivory or gold. Home Interphone w i l l change your home into PHONELAND! Lets you talk room-to-room, answer the door, check baby, relay calls--by phone. Wouldn't Home Interphone surprise your family? \ V sV^ -V. Rambler American-- Priced from $1846 to $2344 Rambler Classic 6-- Priced from $2000 to $2640* vc-rrc: Rambler Ambassador V-&-- Priced from $2464 to $3023" You'll find every 1962 Rambler priced lower than 1961, but with scores of improvements for new beauty, savings, safety, and trouble-free driving. Lowest-priced convertible! The Rambler American "400". Power top is standard. Sedans, wagons, too. Get the best of both! Big-car room and comfort, compact-car handling ease and economy!. II. you get the best of both in the Rambler Classic §• Hot 'n' handsome I 250 or 270 H.P. V-8^-.. Rambler Ambassador--'62*s action-packed compact. 102 ways new and better! Double-Safety Brake System. Self-adjusting brakes. New Roaci^ommand Suspension, 33,000-mile chassis lubrication on Classic 6 and Ambassador V-8. All models lower priced! Lower than '61. See your Rambler dealer, for today's obviously better value! 'Manufacturer's suggested factory-delivered prices. Optional equipment, transportation, state and local taxes, if any, extra.' 1311 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE WORLD STANDARD OF COMPACT CAR EXCELLENCE Rambler ~SBBEL MOTOR SALES Court -- Phone: 385-9981 4611 West Route 120, McHenry RAMBLER SALES HIT ALL-TIME HIGHS FOR OCTOBER ANfrNOVSWSI

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