Thursday, December 21, 1961 %&ii^bod Manor CELEBRATE MANY BIRTHDAYS DURING cHRmtMAs t!m Edle Ivenon - S85-iSS8 THE McRENBY PLAINDEALEB rtf) [jpy birthday tortav to RoSemary Newlbn. Tb li-year- ^old Johnny Woodbury en Dec. ftffi. Pretty little Missis SU2- anne Garreits will be three ahd Ginger Griffeth will be four on Defc. 24. To Len Lawrence &hd Bob Mitchell oh Dec. 28. Aha to Ahn Ritter and iBctward ScRwabauer on the twentyeighth. Also on Dec. 2"t Carey Fehfier "Will become eight years old and Edward Tinkler will be a young man of 18. his normal diet and feeling much better. Jean Mersch returned home Tuesday from a two-week stay in the hospital. Take it easy Jean and we all hope you will be able to enjoy Christmas home with the family. ® Wedding AtinlversaHes Wishing a very happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew on Dec. 23 and to Mf. and Mrs. Francis, Pickett on Dec. 27. Greet Your Neighbor Bob and Kay Mitchell were frequent visitor^ to otfr Manor and evidently we met with approval as they very recently -pioved into the house."at.. 3207 „;W.7 Manor Lane, ftob is a frtail jSWrrier and he enjoys making .model planes and boats. Kay Ijkes to embroider and Mke. They have a nice little family. "Cindy is three, Danny Jo is .one, and baby Nancy is just 3- ^fnonths old. They moved out here from Berwyn. This being ithe Christmas season it is a ^ery nice time to get out and "greet your neighbor.'! Meet Your Mailman At this time of year the mailman does his biggest job for us delivering all our Christmas mail from all over the world. Many of us know him T>f] sight from his daily trips and know too, how he goes out tfjf his way to see that we receive our packages and sells us stamps, often even putting them on for those who drop the -tnoney on top of their letters. rjDoing us these countless favors Over and over again throughput the year we have Hank Koehl of Lakeland Park. He is also one of the school bus driv-. ters out here. His favorite spori % hpwling and you will also him at all the VFW meetings and get-to-gethers. We tiUnk he is a very nice guy and we are all pleased to have such a friendly, helpful mailman on 'bur route. Why not add his <harh,e to vour Christmas card mt? Presbyterian Cfcitach NewS Dec. 23-- id a.m. -- Confitttlatioft fclass at the church. t*c. 24--t, Topfc for the Sunday sermon: "Levels Of Christt> ec.. 26-- 8 p.m. -- Choir rehearsal. M-owtiles Dec. 13 the Brownies met at the Faith church under the leadership of Peg Garrelts assisted by Jeanne McHale. After the opening exercises and flat: ceremony they completed the Christmas gifts for their mothers and sang carols. Margie Birmingham brought the treat. Cubs Scouts The Cub Scouts were busy working on their Christmas gifts for their parents whicn were presented to them at their party in Johnsburg Dec. 18. j; Birthday Celebration* /' Larry Tucker celebrated his -seventh birthday with a party inviting eight boys in his neighborhood. He had a swell time and reqeived putny nice •gifts. Everybody enjoyed the take and ice creawi. Jim celebrated his bjrthday .a bit differently this year since be became a big boy of seven. He treated his'friends to -the rpovies after the Christmas parade Sunday afternoon. Enjoying the- show and popcorn v^nd candy with him was hte brother Mike, Stevfen Sirripsoij, feutch Kellogg and Mike Mc- Cormack. Afterwards mother Pat served them and the smaller Coughlin children hot dogs, potato chips, cokes, cookies, cake, and ice cream. Visitor* • Spending Friday in^the.'hdflrne of Pat and John CoMglifln were her brother and s»£tfcf-in-1a^, Mr. and Mrs. Ton\ Q^raty', and family from Des Momes, Iowa. Club News Elpha Philippi wag hostess Wednesday evening for hei bridge clyb. She served a festive and colorful salad with sandw'iches. In the winner's circle was Pat Kellogg winning first prize, Carol Hayes winning travelling prize, and Mary Hadley won the booby prize. Monday Jackie French was the Tripoli club hostess. Winning first prize that night was Joann Hutchinson and Madeline Freckman won the booby prize. Jackie served lunch and each gal brought along something extra so they made a holiday party out of the affair. Thursday Tripoli club met at. Hannah Harney's home where she served them delicious club sandwiches. P a m Woodbury won first prize and Rita Simpson won the booby prize. be giving their annual children's Christmas party Dec. 23 at two o'clock in the American Legion hall. Your new membership card is your free ticket. All renters shall be admitted for a small stipulated fee. There will be movies/ ice cream and cookies, carol-sirtging, candy, and Santa will present each child with a free gift. But. . .parents must contact one of the committee workers and give them the age of each child they plan to bring. Committee members are Len Hansen, Bob Newlon, "frm McCorrftack, Marilyn Salo, Dottle Messer, Pat Borcovan, and Edie Iverson. Trip Little five-y e a r-old Bonnie Sobacki accompanied Clara and George Barber on a four-day trip to Park Falls, Wis. While there she visited her playmate Paula Haines. Get Well Wishes • Mike Kellogg recently-had tonsils removed. For awhile there he was a pretty sick llt- ;tle boy but we are happy to hear that now he is back to Here and Thffce Lois Bianchi's brother, Skippy, returned to Plymouth. Mass. after a1 very enjoyable visit with Al, Lois, and small sons. The Kuck family went into Chicago Sunday to join Grandfatlier Arthur Kuck, at 'a big Christmas party in a hall with Santa there and presents for all the children. , Saturday night Wilbur and Helen Fteters from Riverside dropped in for a very pleasant visit with Walt arid Eleanor Kuck. The Lake Region; Sports Car club held their rallye. Dec. 10 in Elgin. Attending frpm our Manor were Carol and John Hayes, Pat. and Bob Kellogg, Marilyn and Jack Fultz, and Lois and-Al Bianchi. To all you friendly, neighborly folks in Eastwood Manor, t 'vfeira very- Merry Christmas. Children's Christmas Party The Eastwood Manor Property Owners association will E.M.P.OA Our appreciation to Rev. John O. Mclntyne for the use of the church for our meeting Dec. 15. Len Hansen opened the meeting in the absence of President Milt McHale. Secretary Dottie Messer read the minutes and treasurer Fred Woodbury read the treasury report. The children's Christmas party was discussed and more money was appropriated for Santa's gifts for the chil-- dren. Thj? E.M.P.O.A. ;-will buy a flew, coffee pbt -fbr, llm M& Cotmack who has * faithfuifj* brought his to be 'used, at- ey^ ery meeting. Free* coffee aritjl doughnuts were enjoyed by all after the meeting. Several paid their membership dues, ahd. received their free vehicle stickers. Remember all new owners as well as you old timers yottr new membership card entitles the whole family to enjoy this as well as other activities throughout the coming year. E.M.P.O.A. invites all the owners that weren't able to attend the last meeting tb be sure and come next time. Start the new year as a participating member. Holiday HiUs SANTA CLAUS TO GREET CHILDREN At CASKY'S DEC. 24 Inez Yoting Well, boys ahd girls, just three mure days before Sahta Claus will be here. You've bfeeit real good, haven't you? That's fine, how you be down at Casey's mansion on Sunday between 12 arid 3. and he'll have a surprise for you aifd give ytnl one more chance to put in ahy last minute' orders you might have forgotten. *ThWi, it yotl'ite been real good, and promise to listen to mommy and daddy, Santa will be back later Sunday night, after your asleep, and put your presents under the tree. kin, Amy and Bud Street of Wonder Lake, Lorry and Larry Olsen from Cary and June and Pete Witzman of Larkdale. Museum Features Space Kitchen Demonstrations The world's first kitchen designed for. use aboard a space ship thousands of miles from earth went on display at the Museum of Science and Industry last Friday. Daily demonstrations will be given through Jan. 8, to show homemakers and space enthusiasts how three astronauts on a fourteen day flight through outer space will manage lit* prepare and eat foods Under conditions of complete weightlessness and one-half rtormal atmosphere. Visitors to the Mu&urn will bfe sho\Vn how water bolls a; 179 degrees, won't pbur^ and, if not carefully contained, will float arbund in the air in amoeba-like globs. Similarly* everything in the kitchen, including food and the astronauts themselves, is weightless and must be fastened down. In the full-size replica, Museum demonstrators will explain how foods have to be stored to withstand the tremendous strains of takeoff, how limited supplies of water are preserved, and how special methods compensate for the fact that garbage . can't be burned or thrown away. Iri addition, spectators will get a graphic demonstration of how hard it is to eat when nb knives, forks, spoons or plates are used. Natives of Melville Island, near Australia, have no tools, no agriculture, no written language, and only one domesticated animal-- the dog. tore for Men ! law CoCottm to yw gift quandary. A Wm Bshagmer ft Man Gift Certificate. Vfell make it far any amount you Gⅈ hall wchosago it for txadty what ha «pnta! (Pte drop a hint about our b&ndaome HSJtM Sporifrwatr.) Phone 885-6047 Crinkle Party For the second year now, Jean Baird and Mary Mahon have had a Christmas cookie party. It was so successful last year, that most of the ladies invited then were ahxiously looking forward to it again this year. It was held at Mary's horfre oft Thursday, Dec. 1^.:- . ' Earn la<|y incited was an^ced tof bring -biro eoniainei-s irfofrig --qhe'-.filled With; 106 cofokieS and vone empty to take cqdkies hom^. y Approximately . tqri^- five ladies attended and itobk home ; as many varieties ' of cookies-- two of each kind--- or more. Besides being an evening of real fun-and enjoyment, all the ladies went home with a nic6 variety of cookies and some good ideas for future baking-- a list of names and numbers to be called for new receipes. A good time was had by all and a big thank you to Mary and Jean for the idea, the party and the luscious refreshments Served. Carollers The Brownies and the Girl Scouts will be out carolling in the subdivision ae?*in. They will be out tonight and tomorrow night. If you would like the girls to carol at your home, please have your porch light on. They wiil not stop unless an outside light is on. If the 'weather is too cold or it is snowing the girls will have to cancel their plans, but let's hope they don't. They do such a fine job each year. 1 ' Do^s I have beeh asked to notify all dog owners that the routity -dog.catcher Vfrill be patrolling the suottivision regularly and any dog. out. loose wiH foe picked up ahd impounded at a local; £et. If the dog 'does not have' a rabies tag he' will be inoculated and the owner will have to pay for this sei*vice plus il;he board for the dog. It your dog is inclined-to run off of your property, you might watch him more carefully to save v this added expense. Christinas Cohcert St. John's Evangeiical Lutheran church presented a Christmas cantata on Sunday, Dec. 10. Several of our residents participated in the program 'which was very enjoyable. Alice Malzahn Was the organist, Eunice Hefce and Gail Young sang with the senior choir, and April Young sang with the junior choir. Weekend flight Chady and Mac Ary flew up to Minneapolis, Minn, on Friday, Dec. 15, and came back Saturday, Dee. 16. The flight was through the courtesy of Mac's boss and was for the purpose of attending a Christmas party. That's a long way to go for a party, but it sure sounds Jike fun. ty for his friends on Friday, Dec. 8. Those who came to enjoy the cake and ice cream and help blow out the candles were Ken Boettcher, Linda Carlson. Janice Carlson, Ken Ferriri, Sue Landis. Scott Musolf, Diane Weiss and Wendy Young. Merry Christmas As I am writing this column. Holiday Hills looks like a big Christmas card. Snow softly falling on homes scattered here and there between the frozen lake and river. Yes. it looks like it will be a white Christmas and I would like to wish each and every one of iyou a Christmas rich in blessirigs and a New Year of peace and happiness. Woman's Club Christmas Party The Holiday Hills Woman's club Christmas party was held at St. John's church on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Since this was a party, the business Was postponed and the women enjoyed games and a gift exchange. Even the refreshmehts tallowed the holiday theme arid Jlhe gals had fun. Hostesses for the evening were Lorraine Bemis, Virginia Lundelius, Loretta Exline and Mae White. Front Page News Again Two weeks in a row Holiday Hills residents made front page news. Last week it was Wally Forman who made the front page but we all wish it hadn't happened. Wally, who operates a service station, was brutally beaten and robbed of $750 on Monday morning, Dec. 11. He was found unconcious 45 minutes later and taken to Northwest hospital in Arlington Heights for treatment. It is hoped that by now, Wally is feeling rnucif better. Birthday Party Wayne Wemken celebrated his fourth birthday with a par- CN YES We Have Them Here Ice Cubes . Kuples Klub An evening of games and merriment was on schedule when the Kuples Klub held their Christmas party . at the Youngs on Saturday, Dec. 9. On hand to join in the festivities .were Joan and Bob Ran- Crushedi Ice For Your Christmas Party OPEN 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY miAY'S Texaco Serrice Station 3307 West Elm Street PUBLIC AID INCREASES Public assistance loads increased by 2,570 persons in October bringing the total to 426,773 persons from September's total of 424,203 and the October 1-960 count of 386,059, Peter W. Cahill, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, reported today In Cook County the loads were 20 per cent higher and down state loads 10 per cent higher than in October, I960.- Overall October costs amounted tr $23,487,472, while September costs were $21,253,352. and the October 1960 costs came SI 8,718.075.- 5 jags JsasfeS jasa jsjs jsss ssxja NOW! Cut doth electrically es with ease New SpeedSnips electric scissors cut curves, straight lines with ease. All type cloth, dress goods, drapery goods, suitings. Choice of four colors. Handsome Nylon housing. Made by SpeedWay Manufacturing Co.--quality products since 1906. SpeedWay is a division of Thor Power Tool Co. EMCTRIC SCISSORS Carey Appliance, Inc. mi N. Clreera EV 5-5500 ^a9e Tweniy^bne Lekemoor beach will find 3£a£^ f*rank _ j Sickafoose has conapletodf^tad- L.I.A. SPONSORED 'int? the area which' wftl *be a CHRISTMAS PAft'TY ' ^ imProvei?ient ^ th<?. cpm- FOR LOCAL TOTS j1"" 1 David Heckmann - EV 5-0332 Dog and VehlrTe Tftfs s, ! A state law requires a'cer» The Christmas party for tots : tificate of rabies shot wheh applying for a village1 •"<!!&£'* tag. Be sure to comply with this requirement b e f or e1 applying for your dog tag." Vehicle tags are now available. Feb. 15 will be' the fieadsters and ice cream and cookios ! line for displaying 1962 village for the tots, after which Santa j vehicle tags. Claus made his big entrance! ----- --'--------- much to the jov of the chil- ! C.OVFRNOR'S PAItW dren. Santa talked to each I f •" • ' child, and gave them a very j The G o v e r njo:r's-'"annual nice present. All in all a good Christmas party fpr boys., and time was had by all, young girls of the Springfield -area and old. w'" '*e held in the State Arma ory at 8 30 a.m. Saturday, Decl sponsored by the L. I. A. was /ery nice. The girls put on a ;ery, nice singing program which was enjoyed by all. Refreshments were served, coffee and cookies for the old young- Merry Christmas everybody. 123. Gov. Kernel-' wiH join with Santa Claus in providing a Grade Beach Area good time for all.'Special en- Villagers using the small^tertainment has been arranged* ff • ' # U easrnf extend Wannest greetings best wishes. EDS RENTAL • VTHENNES I f f \ OIL GO », i a I f SOUTH OVl 704 FRONT STRffT. Mc * / Your first drive in a Cadillac is truly a revelation. You discover a world of motoring excellence you never knew existed. You are immediately aware of evidence of its advanced engineering. And as you look around you at its spacious, luxurious interior, you realize that only Fleetwood could put such elegance the superb draftsmanship that creates its miraculous into fabrics and appointments. A revelation drive in quiet. Its effortless handling and brilliant response are a 1962 Cadillac will surely spoil you for anything less. ' • ...r> 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St. Open Every Bveniag TBI S Including Sat. tintli ChrlstniM Sunday TIB Naoi JTOiSlS;:: J A - \ " * ' V --- i VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED [ /Jam/MC/ DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-- PONT1 AC COMPANY lilt N. FRONT