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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1962, p. 10

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1 Tage Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB McHenry Shores FRIENDS MOURN SUDDEN DEATH OF TILLIE ANN VALEK Terry Coates All of us al McHenry Shores are ijoinsc to miss Mrs. TiJlie Ann. Vaiek who passed away on Sot unlay, Dec. 23. Our deepest sympathies are extended to her husband. Edward, her sons. Edward. Jr.. John ;md Joseph. Also to her mother und father. Mr. and Mi's. John Bartosek of Bei-wyn and two brothers,' (Joonre and Elmer. The funeral was from the George J us ten & Son Funeral homo to St. Patrick's church where Mass was celebrated by the Reverend Father Coakle.v. Interment was in the church oemeteiy. McHenry Shores Club, Inc. Election of' directors will be held at the Jan. 4 meeting of the club at the V.F.W. clubhouse. Polls will be open from 7 to ID p.m." All members arc urged to cast their votes either I in person or bv proxy. The Christmas party for the children was a grand success The little dancing hunnies captured the hearts of the entire audience. They were Leslie Brunke, Dawn Ewa'd, Kathy Harper. Nancy Hattajn. Vickey Mieritz, Susan Oblinski. Betl) Ryden and Caryn Sl-hmitt. Lynne Munroe ai|d Carol Olszewski did a bit! of the 'Roaring 20's. G ajfl Youns danced to the "Gfrand Olct Flag". Kathy Burke did "Ragtime Cowboy Joe"! We must give special credit to the boys in our square dance group. Bob and Mike Ruemelin, Mike Wetzel, Don Olbinski and Ronald Olszewski. We travelled through many lands with our little dance group. To Ireland with Tracey Brunke, Susan Misiak and Jeanne Orgler; to Hawaii with Caryn Schmitt. Our toy "soldiers were Paul Schmitt, Patty Brunke, Linda Hattan, Peggy Moore, Mary Orgler, Dale Page and Pam Ryden. Barbara Vilim sang the "Little Rag Doll". The "Old Soft Shoe" was danced by Judy and Diane Cicchini. We travelled to Italy with our Tarentilla dancers, Becky Partain, Sherri Schramm, Shirley Vilim and Nancy Winters. We missed Laura and Debbie Calvert. They had the chicken pox for Christmas. After the show we had a delightful visit with Santa, who presented gifts to all the children. Refresh m e n t s were served and a good time was had by all. Christmas Visitors to the "Shores" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel had Fred's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel, Sr., his brother, Kenneth, and family, Doris's father, Mr. Ruemelin. and Ray Singer as house guests over Christmas. Mildi'ed Snively's son, Wilbur Schrani'm, his wife and two daughters, from Glen Ellyn were out to spend Christmas day with her. Gifts were exchanged and a wonderful dinner was enjoyed by all . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan had their son. Andrew, and wife from Kenilworth and son, Hugh, and wife from Flossmor for Christmas dinner. Thursday, January 4, 1962 Here and There Nell and Stuart Rode enjoyed Christmas dinner with their son, Edward Loeffler, and his family in Tintey Park. Their daughter and son-in-law and family were also present. Gifts were exchanged and a wonderful time was had by all. Terry and Willis Coates drove to " Oak Park to spend Christmas with Willis's mother. His three sisters, two brothers and an aunt were also present. Bee and Charles MacCallum spent Christmas Eve at the home of their son. Bob, anil family in Highland Park. Or Christmas morning they went to their daughter's and son-inlaws' home in Lake Bluff. The f a m i l y a t t e n d e d C h r i s t m a s services and then home for a wonderful dinner. Are $ $ $ EUM.DIIij YOUR DREAM HOWIE? 1> f Come and See Us -- If You: 1. Have a paid up lot. 2. Want to own your own home. 3. Have a steady job. We can possibly help you as we have helped many others. 4030 W. Main St. CO. EV 6-4600 11 Reasons Why To See Us II You Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A. guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. ' 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry Cowity Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 6-6262 or Residence EV 5-0718 Lakemoor STEAL LIGHTS FROM OUTSIDE XMAS DECORATIONS David Heckhtann - EV 5-0532 Chris - EV 5-4942 l Roy Morrison had his Christmas joy mailed, by someone taking the lights off his outside trees. You know these outdoor displays are not only for t he owners pleasure, but add to the beauty of the whcjle village. It's too bad that this beauty and pleasure has to be spoiled by the actions of a thoughtless few. I think those responsible for these actions could ix? big enough to apologize to Mr. Morrison. What do you think'??? Home from Florida Vacation The Ristings enj o y e d a month's vacation in Florida, in the area of Sarasota, Clearwater, Venice and Fort Meyers. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Engvalson's" home at Bonita Beach. This home is enormous and has a swimming pool in the middle of the house. It is^sijuated on a strip of land surrounded by water on threy sides. A visit to the Busch Gardens revealed a "Garden of Eden", the worlds largest collection of tropical birds, trained and untrained. The Ring ling Brothers Art Museum, a famous structure, well known for its famous paintings was greatly enjoyed. Swimming in tepid waters and basking in the sunlight sure beats shoveling snow. Helen and Jack also spent Christmas eve with old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brinkworth in Edison Park. Happy Birthdays To Deborah Burke, Robert Dobbertin, Jr., Ray Moore, Daisy Smith, and Susan Ewald on Jan. 8. Also to Gerry Olbinski on Jan. 9. May you al! enjoy many, many more. Road Hazards Say kids we're all for your having fun, but sledding on the roads where there is heavy traffic is not our idea of fun. You not only are risking your own lives but '.hut of the driv- ! ex's as well. They can't stop on I a dime, on the icy roads, when i you suddenly appear out of no j where. So for goodness sakes, • think before you do such dan- j serous things. We have the ; lake, toboggan runs, and hills all over the place, so please leave the roads for the drivers. the McHenry hospital for treatment. The latest report is that Curtis is doing fine. Shooting Accident Curtis and Carter Freund, while out with friends on a hunting Trip in the fields, had an unfortunate accident. Carter, while ejecting an empty cartridge from his gun, accidently shot his brother, Curtis, through the leg. Butch Lubke helped the boys back to his home where they telephoned the boys' parents and then took the boys into Old Neighbor HI Mrs. Sarley heard from one of our oldest neighbors , now living in Texas. Alfred Sey- Forth has been ili and in the hospiial for several weeks suffering from ;i stroke. His old rriends and neighbors wishing to send greetings, best wishes, Christmas, can send,, them to, 1710 Cato avenue, Bridgeport, Texas. Christmas with Son Mr. and Mrs. Sarley spent Christmas with their son, Dr. Vincent Sarley, of Highland | Park, where tbfy had their an nual Christmas dinner at Hotc! M o m i i n e o n t h e J h e e d less to say they bad a Morrv '62 Best Wishes A little late, but may extend our very best wishes for the happiest of New Years, with God's Blessings to you all! P«l,r m. &• Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 YOUR RAD8ATOR NEEDS REPAIRING WE'LL FIX IT! At radiator work, we're tops! Any tiling from a little crack to a big gash, we'll repair with precision. as low as $4.00 McHENRY AUTO BODY Phone: 385-0444 4704 W. Rt. 180 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, 111. CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT SERVICE '62--A MORg-POR-YOU YEAR AT A«PI aaai SMOKED BUTTS A&Ps Super-Right -49c 11/2 to 3-lb. Size Boneless Polish Sausage ^ * • 4% LSwir Swage ^ .39' Pork Sausage ^ OQc roll £9 Ocean Perch Fillets ^39* S@i Scallops ^ ..79c WITH YOUR CHUCK SERVE C9 A *.• A W drKAl CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 r 35c ASP's SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY BEilF CHUCK ROAST *3' •i %pr Bone In, Blade Cut _ Tender, Juicy WDi Western Stssr Bsof CHUCK ROAST Bot+oo Cut or RoMod Bom *55° BLADE CUT, BONE IN M* CHUCK STEAKS - 49' FOR STEW BONELESS BEEF lb. Pure Strawberry Holsum Brand Preserves Fruit Cocktail Cream Pies Angel Food Cake D«l Monte Brand MORTON'S Frozen Banana, Chocolate, Lemon or Strawberry lb. 30-oz. tins 22-oz. pkg. Michigan Grown Red Skin Jonathan Red Msious DeM Michigan Grown Golden Apples Washington Stat* Jm. ,7;01 Parker S,I« Anjou Pears Firm, Juicy Tart Sweat lbs. lbs. lbs. Cashmere Bouquet Reg. Size 3 bars t All PurpoM 32-01. Cleaner ML With Ammonia All Purpose 31c 69" 8c off 31C teni lb. tin For Any 9^ °ff pkg- tO) Al PurpoM 2 14-oz. tin Aarotol 5>/2-0Z. Spwy tin Golc Handy Amij Handy Andy AD Detirgent Ijax Cleanser Ffefiiit leofa In Met Lux Bath Soap In Fiibs l,if@||§y Iffip Ftoeey White Bleach Dut§i (Cleanser £ li Bsstergent Tablets -« 41 Lifebuoy Soap ^ 2 t£ 35 Minute Maid Froxen ©r Ballard Bake, Serve Al Purpoce Facial Q«alHy Be Lis Lovaiy Mild, Gentle on Yoor Hands Facial QwUiiy 3 2 rag. siza bath siza 31' K 2 lire *Q| pkp. 09 2 ng> •iza !•« 14-oz. tins 39' 29* Orange Juice Bliie l@Sli S PiBsbury Biscui Gold Medal Flour plena's log ffsil Lives Cat Food ii Charm ^ Mar Lunch Bags Marcal Garbagt Bags Mod f-Fori 8-oz. tins ®e 3 2 i-ib. iQe box |9 3 8-oz. AQc pkgs. LD 5 £ 57c 2 'ST 45e 2 Sandwich CooHw Ma Brown Brand 'A-loni Luncheon 6-0Z. tins III ran 50-ot. pkg- Sanitary Napkins 20-ot. pkg. pkg. of 12 29' 39' Kab" lr Sweet Ghi Chicken li Armour's 1 Broadcast Beef Stew Corned But Hash Broadcast Chili Vienna liusage Potted Meit Star Kist Tuna Swift's Jr Food 16-oz. Pkg» 16-oz. i» 8V2-OZ. i« 12-oz. tta l««/2-oz. tla Broadcast IS'/o-OZ. ffbt B*a«d tin n})< ®c 29c with Beans 4-oz. Ho 39c 2§c Sl/i-mu £n)[c?C ** tia rlM 2 tia V/rm, jars 35° AMERICA'S POM MO IT POOD RITAIIIR ... SINCI It59 uper (Markets THE ORIAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TIA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFPKCTIVE THRU SATURDAY, JAN. 6TH CORAL DETI INT Handy Liquid Perfect for Dishas It-OL ML 45

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