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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1962, p. 11

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Thursday* January 4, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR FOR WOMEN'S CLUB Gloria Flannigan - EV 5-4710 The Lakeland Park Women's club will hold its first ^neeting of the New Year tonight, Thursday, Jan. 4, at 8 p.m. at the community house. The highlights of this meeting will be the appearance of a representative of a local charm school. She will give us many up to date tips on styling and makeup. Hope you all can attend. Get-well Wishes ^ May we extend get-well wishes to Vera Baumgarten who broke her aim last week after she took a spill on the ice. Hope you are feeling much better, Vera. Blue Bundles Joe and Gayle Parisi are the proud parents of a baby boy. They have chosen the name gpteven Samuel. Steven weighed *n at 5 lbs., 6 ozs., and is 18% inches long. He arrived at Mc- Henry hospital on Dec. 26. Happy over the blessed event are grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Parisi of Lakeland Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Richmond of Rockton, 111., and of course 15 month old brother, Joey. Congratulations. (j) Scout News Cub Scout Pack--Den 4 had a Christmas party with the usual grab-bag gifts and all the other goodies. Bobby Matthews has received the Wolf badge for merit in his projects for the Boy Scouts. Congratulations, Bobby! -v Little Leaguers Christmas " Party Thanks to the efforts of the p r o g r a m c o m m i t t e e n a m e l y , Joe Links, Mitchell Przetacznik and Paul Schwecel, the Lakeland Park Little Leaguers were treated to their annual Christmas party at the community house on Dec. 21. The evening's entertainment started off with group singing after <Kvhich movies were shown. Afterwards good old St.. Nick parked his reindeer on the roof of the community house and came in to warm up a little. He had a sack with him full of candies and surprise packages which he passed out to all of the boys present. He wanted to stay for the ice cream, doughnuts and ,soda ..that was to be had but he had '#to hit wide blue yonder and get back to the North Pole to get PROFEJflOnfll DIRECTORY EARL R. WALSH ^ INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ik*. Representing: RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind i Phone iSVergTeen 5-0043 or 5-0063 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0186 Res. Phone: Ev 5-6191 Thurs.: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Exaniined-Glasses Fitted ^ Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-62 SCHROEDEK IRON. WORKS Structural Steel aad Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment )i 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Ph; EVergreen 5-0950 . 2-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts ^ Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted % 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 To 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-62 Page Eleven ready for his Christmas Eve jaunt. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Ann Marie Johnson on Jan. 4 and to Bob Koczor who chalks up another year on Jan. 6 and to Shirley Ozog and Barbara Meurer who both share the same day of Jan. 7. Ha-He-Ho's The Ha-He-Ho's have been at it again. The Hountrasses invited the Herzogs and the Hafers over for a delicious dinner last week and afterwards they had a grand session at cards. But this time the boys really gave the gals a trimming. (Come on girls let's not let the boys do that to you. Start brushing up on your pi nochle.) After midnight the Herzogs were in for a surprise. The Hafers and Hountrasses had prepared another meal in honor of the Herzogs' anniversary which was the week before. Wat a nice surprise that was. Christmas Doings Ronnie and Loretta Jarman had a busy weekend. They had a Christmas eve dinner at Loretta's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stachowiak, in Chicago after which they spent the rest of the evening and the night at Loretta's sister and brother-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, in Oaklawn. Christmas morning they paid a visit to her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Tal, and family in Evergreen Park and then enjoyed a wonderful dinne^ at Ronnie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarman, of Berwyn. On the way home they paid a visit to Father Sullivan in Maywood. He was the priest who had married them. The Kochs entertained Christmas day. Their guests were Shirl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meilahn, of Maywood and Shirl's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mielahn, also of Maywood, her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Plante, of Oak Park. They all had a wonderful Christmas dinner and later on a few more guests dropped in to wish them a Merry Christmas. The Matthews company for Christmas eve were Jesse's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gampetro and family of Niles, Mr. and Mrs. C. Haerle and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rode and family. They all enjoyed exchanging gifts, holiday drinks and goodies. Christmas day they were invited to the home of Jesse's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sandri, in Schiller Park. In the afternoon they visited Jesse's mother, Mrs. Alice Reid, at St. Ann's hospital where she is recuperating from a recent illness. All in all their Christmas was a joyous one. The Humans spent Christmas eve in Skokie at the home of Don's brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. P. Humann. In the evening they picked up Carole's mother and brought her home with them to spend the night. Christmas day they all went to Carole's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Schwaba, in Morton Grove and had a wonderful time as all the other relatives were there too. Bill and Ann Herzog spent Christmas eve at Bill's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Marberg, of Oak Park. They had a wonderful time exchanging gifts and all. Afterwards they journeyed to Lombard to Ann's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Steen, where they spent the night and also Christmas day. Ann said they were laden down with gifts and had a very enjoyable time. Gene and Chris Foszcz and girls, Karen, Debra, and Pamela, spent Christmas weekend at the home of Ed and Gene Rak who reside in Highlands, Ind., along with their five children, Ed, Jr., Curtis, Vicky, Leslie and Billy. All the children enjoyed the Christmas presents that Santa had left for them. On Christmas day tthe rest of the family piled in (and I do mean pilecl in.) Paul and Alma Brushaber spent Christmas eve at the home of Ray and Jen Smith. They drank a toast to dear old Santa and had a merry time. On Christmas day Paul and Alma went to Chicago to celebrate Christmas eve with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barta. Also present were Behrendt who reside in Lilymoor. Frank and Arlene Bartos went to Chicago to celebrate Christmas eve with her mothei and father, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barta. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derris and children, Paula. Laura and Leslie, and aunt, Mary Miller. On Christmas day the Bartos' went to the home of Arlene's sister-in-law, Mrs. Rose. Mensik. Celebrating this joyous occasion also, were Joseph Bartos and family and grandma Bartos. Jack and Petey Oakford had an enjoyable Christmas day. Their guesls were Petey's mom, Mrs. Eileen Grondy, and brother, Duke, sister, Mrs. Marilyn McCul lough, and daughter, Patti, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mr.s. Peter Paulsen and ohi! dren, Danny and Cindy, of Elmhurst. They all arrived at 12:3U after which they packed up their skis, sleds kids and' dog and took off for Crystal Lake for a bit of skiing and sledding before dinner. When they returned to the Oakfords' Johnsburg Early Deadline Affects Column Betty Hettermann For the second week in a row this column looks kind of "undernourished." In all probability you have been quite busy with preparation for the holidays bu$~-ptease call me befdre noon riext Monday with your news items. Your calls are what keeps this column interesting and lengthy. Remember my number is 385-1296. -- Please call! Sodality to Meet The first meeting of the new year for the Blessed Virgin Sodality will be held on Jan. 9. All members are invited to attend this meeting which., will be held, in the school hall beginning at 8 p.m. Hospital Patient Gary, son of Albert and Dorothy Adams, spent a,few days of his holiday vacation in confinement. He was a patient in St. Therese's hospital for a day and two nights when he had his tonsils removed last week. He is now well on the road to recotfei'y. Early Christmas Gift Little Dwayne Allan Oefflinp made his debut just three days before Christmas into this big world. He weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs when he arrived at the Harvard hospital on Dec. 22. Pleased with their early Christmas present were his parents. Sarah and George, and his two big brothers, David, age 7Va a n d D o u g l a s , 19 m o n t h s . Equally proud were his grandparents, Lawrence Cook and the George Oeffling, Sr's. Mom and baby_caatfe home on Christmas Eve to spend the holiday with the family. home they exchanged gifts and sat down to the big Christmas dinner which was already to be served. Everyone had an enjoyable day. Ret they were all starved by then, hch, IY-loy? On Thursday, Dec. 28, the Oakfords spirit the day at Petey's girl tnenris home, Mr. and Mrs. Lcroy Haase, in Rolling Meadows. Christmas Doings The Ed Hettermanns entertained his whole family for the Christmas celebration on Dec. 26. Tom Keenan, who is on furlough from Fort Carson, Colo., was also present with his wife, Joan. He returns on Jan. 1. Troop 378 of the J3irl Scouts will resume their meetings on Jan. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and John Smith motored to Dixon on Christmas to spend the day with Lucille's dad. John Plantz. Mr. Plantz is still enjoying the holidays at the "ripe old age" of 98., The Richard Dehn family and the Jim Hettermann family spent Christmas Day in the John Dehn home in Chicago. The Gerald Wakitsch famib were guests of her parents in Chicago on Christmas. Alfred and Marie Oeffling had their family with them for Christmas as well as Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller entertained their .family for Christmas dinner. Their holiday was doubly enjoyable because their youngest son, P.F.. C. Dave, was on furlough from Fort Benning, Ga„ and their son. Bob, of Carbondale spent two days prior to Christmas with them. Alvina recently made a trip to Rochester, Minn., with Bob where he underwent a four day checkup. Many were in attendance in the recent whirl of holiday parties. About ninety ladies par- , ticipated in the Blessed Virgin Christmas party while sixty enjoyed the lady Forester, party, 100 girl juveniles had fun ai theirs and over fifty welcomed Santa Claus at the boy Forester party. Ladies to Bowl Members of St. Agatha's cou: t will bowl at 1:15 on Jan. 10 and every-other Wednesday from then on. Iceland has no railroads, and few highways. Lilymoor AUXILIARY HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING ON JANUARY 8 Shirley Schuerr This coming Monday, Jan. 8, at 8 p.m. is the monthly meeting of Woman's auxiliary. Hostesses for the January meeting are Marylyn LoPresti, Lil Neumann and Ann Novak. This coming Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. is the monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association. Both meetings will be held at the Community house. Get Well Wishes go to Eunice Tobey who suffered a heart attack Tuesday, Dec. 19. Get-well wishes also go to Teddy Winkel who is in the McHenry hospital. Also to Garry Latimer who is in a Chicago hospital. A speedy recovery wishes go to you all. Birthday Greetings go to Jim Fantus. Jim will celebrate his sixteenth birthday Saturday, Jan. 6. , Greetings go to Toni and Vern Ehredt. Toni will celebrate her twenty-one plus Monday, Jan. 8. Vern will celebrate his twenty-one plus Wednesday, Jan. 10. The Schuerr family are celebrating three birthdays. Lawrence celebrated his twentyone plus Wednesday, Jan. 3. Mary will celebrate ;her ninth birthday Monday, Jan. 8. Last, Shirley will celebrate her twenty- one plus Tuesday, Jan. 9. Busy Holiday Herb and Marge Polinski and daughter, Cathy, had a busy and good Christmas holiday. On Saturday they spent the day with Herb and Marge's son, wife and family of Lakeland Park. Little Richard, Jr., came down with the measles so Santa made an early visit to him. Christmas Eve found Herb, Marge and Cathy at Marge's sister's home, Mrs. Holner and family of Barringtort> Also there was Marge's other sister; Mrs. Lipka, and family of Chicago. Christmas day found the. Polinskis in Chicago having a good time at the Lipka home. AlSo there was Marge's brother, Mr. Strelau, ' and family. Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr and family spent Christmas day with Lawrence's brother, Jack, and family of Fox Lake. Also there were Lawrence and Jack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr of Chicago. Eunice Tobey, although ill and in bed, still held open house Christmas Eve and Christmas day for her friends and neighbors. Congratulations Go to Cathy Polinski on having such a high score in the bowling tournament. Cathy will receive a bowling medal for high score. Cathy has done so well in bowling that she has made the Chicago* papers. Congratulations Cathy and keep up the high scores. EGG PRODUCTION DOWN Statistics from the Division of Markets of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, reveal that Illinois egg production is 10 per cent short of the demand within the state. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Full Responsibility From start to finish, we handle every detail and take full responsibility §U for workmanship and materials on every construction job. We are not^just building brokers who subcontract the work. Your best guarantee of complete satisfaction, is to know your contractor. M All Types and Sizes (No Job Too Large or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service call EV 5-4645 Ai's WeSding & Repair Service 4021 VV. Main St, McHenry, 111. EW! m FAMILY PROTECTION, too! It's the remarkable new CENTURY auto policy, pioneered by NATIONWIDE. Here's a new idea for ajt£to era in driving security. The most modern, most complete auto insurance your dollar can buy. And FAMILY PROTECTION feature protects you and your family against uninsured drivers. The CENTURY by NATIONWIDE! SEYMOUR'S LICENSE SliViCE Mark's Marine Center Ph. EV 5-4908 I Bob Seymour t.T-11 * 1 "• "" JVKIIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE com M ARE 2 JET-SMOOTH CH HE NEW ROLE WHICH ONE IS THE CONVERTIBLE AND WHICH THE HARDTOP? Did your keen old eyes tell you the top one's the convertible? Well, sir, that turns out to be our new Impala Sport Coupe whose solid steel roof line is a dead ringer for the Impala Convertible's below. But after rich new styling, then what? Look at the power department, where there's a new choice of V8 vigor. In the ride department, things are Jet-smooth. In glamor and go, comfort and craftsmanship, this one's got everything you'd reasonably expect of an expensive car. Except the expense. Slip inside a Jet-smooth Chevrolet, relax in one of the comfort-high seats and notice how good you feel. Ready for action? Just flick the key-and let 'er purr (you have your choice of two standard engines--a 135-hp 6 or 170-hp V8--or optional-atextra- cost V8's way up to a 409-hp mileshrinker). That gentle cradling motion you enjoy is Jet-smooth ride at work. And the richness and spaciousness of the interior are Body by Fisher at work. Now, we ask you, is there any more you could reasonably expect of a car? If there is, your dealer will be very happy to show you (1) just where you can find it in the handsome new Jet-smooth '62 Chevrolet and (2) what it feels like to own a costly car--without the cost. See the new Chevrolet, new Chevy II and new Corvair at your Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center 3609 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. EVergreen 5-0277

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