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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1962, p. 5

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Thursday, January 4, 1962 THE McHEMRY PLAINDEALEH Pag* Fin PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grever Wfcr<? guests of relatives at Neenah, Wis., over the Christ- £,mas holidays. • -Miss Lucy Howden of Richmond was a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. l^eroy Conway, on Christmas Day. Mrs. Elvera Durland of DetW5ft, Mich., spent the holidays with McHenry relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rus« sell "spent the Christmas weekend* with relatives in Metrofc] 0Blis, 111. ™ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and son of Mount Prospect, formerly of this vicinity, called tm 'friends here Christmas day. ~ ""Mr. and Mrs. James Claybaugh, daughter, Mrs. Lois Zfeffder, and children, Michael and Sije Ann. spent a few days thfcr past week at Paris, 111., where they were called by the „ death of Mrs. Claybaugh's mother, Mrs. Thomas Trimble. ^ who passed away Christmas eve, after a lingering illness, at the age of 82 years. ' • Miss Suzanne Kauss, who has befcn making her home with relatives, here, left recently for SKfT Jose, Calif., to spend some time in the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd Kidder. Suzanne, who spent the holidays with her'mother, Mrs. Mary Kauss, f, IfT "Mexico City, plans to attend San Jose University ttji* year. "ftTr and Mrs. George Staggs «#» Avon and Mrs. Edward Jgfranson and daughter, Lisa, of jjUauconda, were guests in the f^*ank Mever home Friday. and Mrs. Carl Courier-of Marengo visited her mother, Nellie Bacon, Saturday. L-JVIr. and Mrs. William Phalin mill" children, Jollen, Margie, tSFT and Judy of Findley, Ohio, were New Year's guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. > Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hinds have returned to their home in Golden, Colo., after a holiday visit in the home of her broiher,- James Claybaugh, and wife. Guests in the Thomas Phalin home on Christmas day were " the Larry Phalin family of Cary; the Donald Phalin families of Crystal Lake; the Jack Phalin family; Mrs. William Ppencer and Mr. and Mrs. George Scherzer of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith entertained at a family gathering on Christmas day. Their guests were the junior Art Smith family. Chicago; the Eugene Mendel family of Westchester; * the Robert Smith, Ralph Smith. Jack Smith and William Tonjtan families of McHenry. - George Hoelscher was a guest of Elgin relatives over New Years. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling spent the Christmas holidays with his sister. Miss Rita Martin, who accompanied them to Waukegan on %/) Christinas to spend the day in fhe home of their niece, Mrs. Richard Smith. " Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake entertained their daughter, Mrs. Robert Bigelow, husband and Slaughter, Cheryl Ann of Fort Jennings, Ohio, over the New ' Year's holidays. I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon &nd family and Mrs. Fred • Eicnapfl were guests in the f* Robert Brugger home in Kenosha, Wis., Wednesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sut- 2on entertained a group of relatives and friends at an annual Jioliday get-together at their home, Saturday, when a seven O'clock dinner was followed by jin evening of music, dancing and reminescing. Present foi Jhe happy occasion were Robert Sutton, daughter, Gertrude, Eleanor , Larkin arid Muriel Schisling, Chicago; Rjobert Sutton, Jr., Davenport, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Edward and Mrs. Laura Minteer, Elmhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisch, Laurie, Terry and Peter, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wesson, Kathy and Patty, Greenwood; William Sutton, Charles Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton, George Hoelscher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher, Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Arthur Martin, Genevieve and Martin Knox, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder spent the Christmas holidays in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert Belzer, and family in Rockford. Charles Sutton of McHenry was also a guest. Guy Duker of Chaimpaign spent a few days last week with his. father, C. H. Duker. Thomas Baker, who is attending air force school in Stillwater, Okla., was a holiday guest of his wife and children at McCullom Lake. The Mark Hopkins family of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the Christmas holiday with McHenry relatives. Mrs. John R. Knox attended a family gathering at the Eugene Geary home in Wauconda on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson spent a few days last week in the home of their son. George, arid family in Skokie. They were accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Erie Geer, of Skokie. Pvt. Richard Wissell of Fort Carson, Colo., spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Agnes Wissell. Other visitors in the Wissell home during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. John Olcutt and son, Wendy and Linda Wissell of Zenda, Wis., and Mrs. James Cornuo and daughter, Pam, of Hebron. Sister Nicele, who had been spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Nick M. Jlisten, returned to her home in Wood Dale Saturday. Fred Svoboda of Rock Island visited relatives and friends here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkel- <man were dinner guests in the Robert Goll home in Harvard on Christmas Day. Karl Stueben and Robert Olsen returned Monday from .Tampa. Fla., where they spent (the holidays with the latter's ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olsen. Local folks who attended the annual Christmas dinner and family get-together of the George Knaack family held this year at the Eric Carlquist home, in Wood Dale, included Mrs. Laura Knaack, the Leo Meyer. Norman Knaack and Richard Whee lock families. OBITUARY MARIE A. McKIM A broken hip suffered some time ago was a contributing factor in the death of Mrs. Marie E. McKim, 65, who passed away in a hospital in Elgin on Thursday morning, Dec. 26, at 6 a.m., where she had been a patient for several years. She is the mother of Allan McKim of McCullom Lake. Mrs. McKim and her husband Elmo, who preceded her in death, were among the very earliest settlers of McCullom Lake, establishing their home there in 1931. Mr. McKim was •i carpenter and built some of the first cottages. He passed away in 1953. Mrs. McKim, who was born Dec. 9, 1896, married her husband Sept. 22, 1923, and two children were born of this marriage. They are Eileen Boyle of theratt^of Washingion and Allan. Eileen was raised in Chicago, and while Allan was born in the city he was raised in the country and educated and graduated from the McHenry schools. In the early years, Mr. and Mrs. McKim were very active locally and Mrs. McKim served as an officer of one of the early improvement organizations of McCullom Lake before the community was incorporated. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home, with Mass sung at St. Patrick's Catholic church at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. Burial was at Mt. Emblem Cemetery, Elmhurst. In addition to her two children, the widow is survived by five grandchildren, Karen, Kevin and Dawn McKim of McCullom Lake and Patricia an.l David Boyle of Washington, and one great-grandchild ol Washington. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks and children, San Diego, Calif., Pfc. Robert Stock of Frankfurt. Germany and his wife of Crystal Lake and James Hendricks of Chicago. Mrs. Agnes Wissell, son. Dick, and the Robert Wissell family attended a family gathering at the James Wissell home in Hebron on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Funke and daughter, Lois, of Chicago were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stueben. Relatives here nave received word of the death of Mrs. Florence Knaack* wife of the late i Carl Knaack, a former resident of this community which occurred in Seattle, Wash., Dec. 7, at the age of 68 years. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or t- - less and that all letters/ have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) there I Encountered at lea9t three of those trucks on the highway. They were there but the snow' plows were raised up and not being used. "There was an article in » Lake county paper quoting Deputy Harold Scheske, head of the traffic bureau in the flake county sheriff's office. He deplored the condition of "many roads. "Surely the taxes we pay for gasoline, licenses, sales tax, real estate should insure us MORE ICY ROADS "Gentlemen: "I would like to comment on (lie letter printed on Dec. 29 regarding icy roads and also state my feelings in this situation. On Dec. 24. after listening on .the radio to the glowing accounts of the trucks working all night on the main highways, we had the courage to start out to drive to Deerficld. where we were invited for Christmas Eve and dinner on Christmas day. "On the trip to and from 9afety on the highways at a time when we need them the most. When you count the big snowstorms we seldom have more than two in a \viricr season. When a life is lost rhere is no amount of money '.hat can pay for same McHENRY PLABNDEALER Est- 1875 3812 W. Elm . St. Phone 885-0170 iilait In 1900, all the improv ed : streets, and roads in U. S. combined would not have reached from Detroit to Chicago. *11 ^ v Beauty Salon Published Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by McHENRY PUBLISHING CO. It's Experience That Counts 3813 W. MAIN STREET Phone 385-2835 Owned A Operated by ELVINA LATIMER R A T I O N A L E D I T O R I A L *As(sbclRTi<U ( isatuatiia ) Larry E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Adele Froehlich, Editor Subscription Rates In McHenry County I Year $3.50 6 Mos $2.00 3 Mos $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year .$4.00 6 Mos. $2.25 3 Mos $1.50 Controlled Circulation Postage Paid at McHenry, 111. FoopccNnrfefes 9/ Wee* V_v bops I« >u> f Qianj 8189 KPKHbT Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Robe F, Wilms who was ,thsv\oft^b lucky winner of our' B e a u t i f u l F u r S t o l e given away at Christmas time. The lucky winner lives at 1103 Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry It Pays to Shop the Thrifty Certified Way and Become a LOCAL WINNER KB-HO. t. 20-Ox. BH. 69< NEW Bathroom Infarct m Legals NOTICE I Bids will be received at the regular meeting of the City Council, Monday, January 15. 1962 (8 P.M.) on a new tractor with heavy duty industrial front end loader. Specifications may be secured in the office V J>f The City Clerk. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in any bid and to accept gny considered advantage to the City. CITY OF McHENRY I By: Earl R. Walsh , - City Clerk ' (Pub. Jan. 4-11. 1962) Smith's Afement Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" 1818 No. North Drive McHenry, 111. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS HEINZ GENUINE BARREL Din .*•?• 39' HEINZ CHICKEN NOOBLE OX MUSHROOM Soup 3NO' '49s SPECIAL! % Phone IV 5- ~7 TOMSK) SWJP or EV 5-4268 NOTICE * Notice Is Hereby Given that the partnership lately existing between Carl L. Antonson and Richard W. Freund under the #rm name of Freund Oil Com* ( pany, 1111 North Front Street, Of McHenry, Illinois, is to be dissolved as of the 30th day of September, 1961, by sale Of 0ie interest of Carl L. Antonj^ son to Richard W. Freund. The business will continue under, the same name and at the Steime location. All debts due and owing to the partnership are to be received by Richard Freund and all demands on the partnership are to be presented to him for payment. 1 I RICHARD W. FREUND CARL L. ANTONSON CPub. Dec. 28, 1961, Jan 4-11, : .has that ^LIQUID : OSTERGENT ,4 SIZE. ONLY i:)0% Pure Fresh (mm BEftr iWemlota Brand PORK LINKS . 2 lbs. Top Quality gj|| Sirloin Steaks Small Choice LEG-O-LAMB i|||rb Rrg;. Price 59c lb. Special Offer U off NOntUHtkCM MmCI o4 t0M in When You Purchase 2 lbs. at our low Reg. Price For Third Pound Armours Tasty 8-0z. Pkg. >£ i.JvLH $« SAUSAGE 3 for •|00 !fb p °Ik 70 ' Tenderloin U i# l . S . Choice Tender tt» !STEAKS 7S* •toon! • • • pRODU( BIG CASH DISCOUNT HILLS BROS 2-Lb.T*m CERTIFIED RED LABEL HALVES Apricots «•«•••• Tin 25c RAGGEDY ANN SLICED or HALVES FREESTONE Peaches 5 tS.3. *|00 RAGGEDY ANN SECTIONS Grapefruit 2 SI 39° PACKERS LABEL Purple Plums • • • • • Tin2 25° RAGGEDY ANN T • I . ««cli Jk 44-Or. $ 100 Tomato Juice.. Tin | x°rth "nn koti, * v CE &aily rpd'un, V, cnt i iew Hfr Bag-. No. 2 FUIL OIL £a ch No. of Gals. Up to 149 150 - 399 400 - 750 Over 750 Price gal. Discount gal. <Doinii> r. 'W tflue CER'.T.ED RED LABEL CUT STYLE 16* l4'/2* 14* l3'/2* I '/2* 2* 2'/2* % Oil Co. 704 S. Front St. EV 5-3232 FRIGID . MEAT FROZEN BUTTER STEAKS PEPPER STEAKS VEAL STEAKS 20-oz. Pkg. Introductory Oifes Wax Beans . . . . 2 2 5 ° JOAN OF ARC -- Kidney Beans • • • 2 25° NI6LETS WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN r u-Oz. OQc Corn Z rm oY RAGGEDY ANN GARDEN FRESH Peas • 2 Km 35C CERTIFIED RED LAB9. ^ Tomatoes • • • • « 2 ft* 29C CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK SJYLE Tuna 3^89° SOUTHERN STAR . _ „ _ . _ Boni+o ••••••• 2 43* ROSSI BLUE WRAP Spaghetti • • • • « 2 35

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