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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1962, p. 15

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Thursday, February 15, 1962 THE McHEHRY PLAINDEALER Page Fifteen McHenry Shores Shores Club Has New Look Patt Petersen - EV. 5-54X5 ,r -What a pleasant surprise iwe all had at the last meeting of the McHenry Shores Club. The business meeting conducted by the new president, Bob Harper, was short, sweet and ;ta the point. This "new look" was "worn" by all the officers and hailed to be the coming ithing for all future times. An added feature to the "new -look" will be the additional : t i m e a f t e r t h e m e e t i n g a n d \vhat is done with it. Squareglancing, card playing, charades, informative films, prominent speakers, you name it and we can do it, now that we have the extra time, r At this meeting the names and members' of committees .were given, and are as follows: ^ Standing Committees of 1962; Membership, Art Brunke, .Chairman; Road, A. Simbour- •ger, Chairman; Sick, Bernice Wusielak, Chairman; Audrey .Whitney and Gladys Kerner; Welcoming, Roberta Mieritz, ^Chairman, Nancy Ewald and •Dorothy Vilim; Publicity, Jean "Egger, Director; Social, Winifred Clauson, Chairman. - Directors Com m i 11 e e s of 0,1962; Finance, Charles Ramage, Chairman, Ing Corcoran and Fred Wetzel; Auditing, Herb Clauson, Chairman and Willis Coates; Officer's Selection, Clarence Mueller, Chairman, Willis Coates and Herb Clauson; By-laws, Albert Liss, -Chairman; Public Relations, Clarence Mueller, Chairman and Charles Ramage; Ways and Means Steering, Robert Tanner, Chairman, Willis Coates, Herb Clauson and Ing Corcoran; Ex-officio Member of All Committees, Jack Risting, Chairman. Another "new look" to the •meeting was in the new utensils used for serving. All of the cups, forks and spoons used were plastic and this, of course, eliminates all the dishwashing £^and dishpan hands. It would s e e m as though McHenry Shores has its own "new frontier". We are grateful to Clarence Mueller for procuring and showing such interesting films a n d d i s t r i b u t i n g t h e c o o k b o o k s , w h i c h a l l t h e l a d i e s present enjoyed. A word of appreciation, also, to the ladies who baked the deft licious cakes. They are to be commended on excellent baking. Director is Eager Beaver Robert Tanner is another active member of the board of directors of the McHenry Shores club. He was formerly the treasurer, in 1961, and became director in the last election in January. 01* Bob served in the army as a staff sergeant of the 33rd. division for what must have seemed an eternity, since the years were between 1941 and 1,955. These years were spent in the South Pacific. . The Tanners became residents of the Shores, August 29, 1958, when they moved here from Mt. Prospect. They truly have enjoyed the area, espe- •^ially, as It gives Bob a chance to do some of his beloved fishing and boating. He also has a Special love and that is water- $kiihg. Living so close to the Fox River is quite an advantage to one who is so watersports minded. Bob is self employed and operates a floor and wall tile i business. His work keeps him <. busy, of course, but instead of '"having a hobby that is relaxing, he is quite the "eager fceaver" with his pet projects being in the carpentry line. His wife, Evelyn, is quite happy 5 with this state of affairs, however, since it might mean a new piece of furniture for their home, handcrafted fay her husband. He has already made a beautiful cocktail table for their living room. Bob and Evelyn have one son, Glenn, age 13%, of whom his father is very proud. There is another member of the Tanner household who, even though she is deemed 'lazy', we are sure the rest of the family couldn't do without her. She is Buttons, the Beagle and a very lucky dog to have found such a nice family. Surprise! Joyce Calvert got the surprise of her life at a party given in honor of her birthday last week. The party was held in the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Art Cicchini, 616 Broadway. There was a beautiful cake with candles, dancing, and a lot of whimsical gifts, including a pound box of candy, which was pure whimsy since Joyce is on a diet. The "merry revelers" included Art and Alice Brunke, Bill and Nancy Ewald, Gordon and Darlene Hattan, Ed and Dorothy Vilim and Elsie Schmitt. Junior Society Gail Gunder was a birthday girl on Jan. 30 and had a party "little girl style" in her home to celebrate her four years of being number one sweetheart. Her guests included Cathy and Suzie Ruemellan, Vicky Mieritz, and Suzie Olbinski. The cake was chocolate and delicious, as Roberta Mieritz can testify, since daughter, Vicky, came home with the substance decorating the front of her dress. Brian Calvert was a "first birthday child" Feb. 10 when he celebrated this great event in his home over a birthday dinner with friends and relatives. On hand to wish him happiness in future years were his Godparents; Mr. and Mrs. James Jack and their four children, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pingel and their three boys. Brian's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Zee McClanahan, his aunt, Jackie McClanahan and her boy friend, Mickey McDermott, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ewald and family. This was quite a gathering and they all had a grand time. Candidate Night The candidate night sponsored by/the Nunda Township Republican Central Committee which was held Feb. 2 at the American Legion hall in Crystal Lake was a big success. McHenry Shores residents there included Carl Siinonsen, the Whitneys, Olbinskis, Agers, Ristings and Clausons. They all enjoyed a delicious smorgasbord dinner and dancing to a very nice band. Neighbors Return from Vacation Trent and Irene Middlekoff have recently returned from an enjoyable business and pleasure trip to California. The trip down and back was by train and Irene says the scenery was simply beautiful. The two weeks were spent in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. While in San Francisco they took a boat trip on the bay, visited Chinatown, and went to Fisherman's Wharf. They were blessed with lovely weather every day as the temperature was always between 65 and 85 degrees. Both agree it was a very nice vacation away from our below zero temperatures. Lucky Mother Enjoys Combined Affair Mrs. Laura Wolf, mother of our Evelyn Tanner, 804 S. Amouncimi -- The Association of mici with Wondermere Pi; & PIANO Lessons -- Sales -- Rental VOCAL Voice Coaching For Further Information Call 385-1143 Carol avenue, was guest of honor at the combined affair of birthday-anniversary party at a well known restaurant In Lake Zurich. Mrs. Wolfs birthday was Sunday, Feb. 4 and the following day was the anniversary date of Laura and husband, Benjamin. Attending the party were Robert and Evelyn Tanner, Evelyn's sister and husband, Lorraine and Ed Lane, and their three children, Linda, Susan, and Mark, and Evelyn's aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Burke. Lilymoor PLAN BAKE SALE FOR AUXILIARY SATURDAY, FEB. 24 Shirley Schuerr then purchase your tickets from the ladies of the auxiliary. Around Town Helen Smith entertained her church circle in her home, Feb. 7. Among those present from McHenry Shores were Mildred Snively and Irene Middlekoff. After the meeting a dessert luncheon was served. Mildred Snively had a pleasant surprise, Feb. 4, when her son and his family dropped in to see her. They stayed for dinner and • had an enjoyable day. Bill and Nancy Ewald had weekend guests over the third. Bob and Barbara Armstrong, college friends of the Ewaids and their three children, Rick, Robyn, and Renee*. The Armstrongs are from Griffith, Ind., and the two families had a lot to talk about. Hospital News We were so glad to hear that both Bill Linwald and Harry Miller are now home from the hospital. Birthdays and Anniversaries Much happiness is wished to Charles Lindwall and Carol Misiak who will celebrate their birthdays tomorrow, Feb. 16. Many happy returns of the day to Dolores Stark whose birthday is on Feb. 18. Robert Mueller and Leona Wagner have our sincerest good wishes for a happy day, Feb. 20. Marilyn Moore and Bev Verstege will celebrate their day, Feb. 21. May you spend your day in the pleasantest way. George Washington and Gerald Mueller can celebrate their natal day together on Feb. 22. Willis and Terry Coates have an anniversary coming up on the seventeenth of February. May they have many more pleasant years together. Late News Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denigan were visited Sunday, Feb. 4, by their two daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keagan of Elk Grove, with their four children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Landeen and their four children. Also visiting were the Senior Landeens. They enjoyed a fine dinner*, and some pleasant conversation. Be Wis© USE CLASSIFIEDS The Woman's auxiliai-y is holding a bake and recipe sale Saturday, Feb. 24, at the community^ house from 10 a.m. untill all) the goodies are sold. Lil Neumann is chairman of the sale. Ladies you may drop your goodies and recipes off at Lil's home at 410 Magnolia on Friday, Feb. 23, before 4 p.m. or at the community house Saturday morning of the sale between 9 and 9:30 a.m. It will be greatly appreciated if you will put your recipes on a 3x5 index card. For more information you can contact Lil at 385-4249. Auxiliary News The Wdman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 5. Due to illness and the cold weather there were only ten ladies who attended the meeting. ^ There were several things discussed at the meeting. There will be a crazy hat dance Saturday, March 17, at Club Lilymoor. Toni Ehredt is chairman of the dance. Also discussed was the bake and recipe sale. The welfare and welcoming committee was appointed for the months of February, March and April. The ladies are Connie Johnson, Marion Leske, Diane Fuhler and Shirley Schuerr. Hostesses for the February meeting were Connie Johnson, Tena Bellino and Eunice Tobey. The special award was given to Lil Wijas. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, March 5, at the community house at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the March xiiCtM*i:U fc ait_ iv* ,Dx Aliv«ol/i Lil Wijas and Ruth Young. Rummage Sale Now is the time to start getting your things together for the rummage sale that soon will be held at the community house. If you wish you can drop your articles off at the community house on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 10 p.m. On the first Mondays of the month and the second Tuesdays of the month, or whenever there is something doing at the community house. Dance Now is the time to start thinking of what you are going to make and wear for a crazy hat. The Woman's auxiliary is holding a Crazy Hat dance Saturday, March 17, at Club Lilymoor, time 8 p.m. You never know, you might win the prize for the craziest hat out. Tickets for the dance will be available very soon, you may RUDY BE KENN (EL 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUB Sil^CE ... German shori-hair poinier puppies available BOARDING ... Trainlcg, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving POWERHOUSE WHNE MnT IN 1HE COMPACT m UMffMK HttD. AMBASSADOR 1h8 It's a Rambler--it's a performance star--it's a 250- HP powerhouse (270-HP optional). Experts rate it the finest, most luxuriously comfortable compact "performer going. Seats six6-footers. Turns on a dime -- a breeze to park, fun to drive! Try the actionpacked Ambassador V-8--at your Rambler dealer's! WORLD STANDARD OF COMPACT CAR EXCELLENCE SEIBEL MOTOR SALES, 4811 W. Rte. 120 McHENBY Can Yon Vote? Are you registered to vote in the primary elections Tuesday, April 10? If you are not a registered voter you can not vote. If you are 21 years of. age or older you have till Monday, March 12, to register. You can do this at the office of Earl Walsh in McHenry, or at the county court house "in Woodstock, on or before Monday, March 12. Remember regardless of what political party you are for you can not vote if you are not a registered voter. If you don't vote that means a vote less for the party you want in office. Brownie News - The Lilymoor Brownie Troop 267 have been busy embroidering tea towels for the girls and the Woman's auxiliary to use. Last Thursday the girls carved out different figures out of soap. Mary Schuerr, the troops' reporter, is happy to report that the girls have completed filling the first aid kit at the community house. The Brownies were also happy to see Sharon Neumann back to the meeting last Thursday after three weeks of illness. was held in Glenview. There were over fifty people there to surprise the bride-to-be. It's a Girl Carol Priller presented her husband, Frank, with a 7 lb., 10 oz. baby girl Sunday, Feb. 4. Carol and Frank have chosen the name of Christene Ann top the wee one. The proud grandparents are Lou and La- Verne Schueler. Congratulations to you all on the very blessed event. Birthday Greetings go to Marie Behrendt who will celebrate her big day tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 16. Many happy returns. ' Belated Birthday greetings go to Joe Bellino. Joe celebrated his big day Thursday, Feb. 8. Belated greetings also go to Mrs. Josie Gors, daughter of Joe and Tena Bellino. Josie celebrated her big day Feb. 6. Sorry it's late, many happy returns. Attends Shower Marylyn LoPresti and her mother and sister, Mrs. Marion Abel and Susan, attended the surprise bridal shower given for Miss Florence Adams Wednesday, Feb. 7. Mrs. Abe! and Mrs. Heerdegen were hostesses for the shower which Home Friends and neighbors of Teddy Winkel are happy that Teddy returned home from the M c H e n r y h o s p i t a l T u e s d a y , Feb. 6. Friends and, neighbors of Jim Freund are glad he is home from St. Therese's hospital. We are all hoping you are* both well on the road to recovery. Camera CMb News More News Congratulations go to Tom Bellino on winning the record dance held at the American Legion hall. Congratulations go to Jim FSntus for makirig the straight A honor roll for the first half of the year. Happy to report that Joey Bellino is back in school after being home with a bad infection. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr of Chicago were •guests of their son and daughter-in-law Sunday. Feb. 4. The lT. S. has about 490 million acres of forests, good, pool and in-between. The McHenry Camera club met, as usual, at Geo. Kotalik's Camera Center the first Monday in February. A slate of candidates was presented for the consideration of the members present. An election will be held at a future meeting. In the contests the results were as follows: In the advanced class, first and second place winner was Cecil Kanter with Dick Rauscher taking third place; in the intermediate class, Deno Burralli took first place and Randy Harr kings took second; in color slides in the assignment contest, Jack Salika scored first for his very original treatment. Dick Rauscher pressed very close for second, with another Jack Sajika composition taking third. All of the entries showed originality. But some of these lost out on poor lighting and other failures in technique. A film of a vacation trip to Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, was shown by Girard Justen. The film drew a great deal of continuous discussion during its showiwj. The calibre of judging is improving and it is reflected in the improved quality of the entries. Again the membership and officers invite all those interested in this highly rewarding art form to come to the meetings. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Pniuiicta -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 195 or EV. 5-0232 STUDY INTERCHANGE As a result of action" taken by the Illinois Toll Highway held on Jan. 22, where State Senator Robert McClory .. and Assistant Supervisor Ernest Bohn appeared in behalf of the McHenry county board and 4,500 citizens who signed petitions to the commission, a feasibility report will be prepared by the toll highway's chief engineer on the subject of an interchange at Route 4T and the Northwest Tollway. Report on this action has been received by Harley Mackeben, Chairman of the McHenry county board. Senator McClory has assured the McHenry county board members that he would seek state and federal cooperation providing the feasibility report is favorable. ftadfctor Inspection! II too? car la i year old, the radiator needs checking! Wit* circulation may be slowed by dirt, rust and lime deposit*, affecting engine operation. Coat in lor FREE Inspection and Estimate. We use genuine Inland Factory Methods. . Auto -- Truck --• Tractor Rebuilt & Recored Raditors United Motors Warranty ADAMS BROSo REPAIR SERVICE 8004 W. Route 120 Phone S85-0783 IliPIlI #itH 7 big sheets, a 5'x7' shag rug or big family wash FIREE..0IMew Sa® Com Bank with any dryer bought from Northern Illinois Gas Co. before Feb. 28, 1962 See how fast it fills up--with the money you save drying clothes with gas! (Averages $34.68 yearly.) Super-Safe ... Super-Fast... Whisper-Quiet Exclusive criss-cross tumbling... unfurls each piece all of the time to exclusive full-drum airflow. Fast, even drying at lower, worry-free heat. Automatic de-wrinkling cycle. Operates for 1/5 the cost of other type dryers! now . . . only 184 at Northern Illinois Gas Company showrooms. Only $1.52 weekly with up to 36 months to pay. ASK. ABOUT OUR 60-DAY PROOFOF- ECONOMY TRIAL OFFER! Offer expires February 28, 1962. NORTHERN AILLINOIS G/\ S Visit your Northern Illinois Gas showroom or eheck your favorite Philco-Bendix dealer for his special value*. Call us at BV. ft-2081 Service around tkt dock.

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