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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1962, p. 9

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ft Thursday, March 8, 1962 V^^§hllsb' r THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Jurg AWARD PRIZES TO BOWLERS AT FORESTER PARTY Betty Hettermano ^ As is their usual custom , around this time each year, the f men Foresters and their best girls gathered in the community club hall for their bowling banquet. The men hold a bowling party each year at which time they display their bowling skills. It is climaxed by the serving of dinner to the men and their ladies followed by an enjoyable social evening. Dur- *#ing the course of this particular evening, trophies are awarded to those with the highest scores. This year's first place award went to a team of young fellows for a total score of 2954 including handicap. The team was iri&de up of Ted Freund, Lloyd Smith, Pete Weber, Kenny Weber and Harry May. A score of 1258 includf ing handicap brought first place award in doubles to Charlie Smith and Leo Kiife while Richard Dehn who bowled a 617 actual and a total of 727 with handicap captured first place in singles. AJLl-events with handicap went to Bob Lay with a total score of 1960 and Don Weber bowled 1686 total pins to take allevents scratch. Richard Dehn's jfc'237 game remained high »throughout the bowling weeks. Needless to add-- a good time was had by all who attended! News M Sadness Our sincere^^ympathies are relayed to the husband and patents of Mrs. John Stevens of Sunnyside Estates upon the recent passing of Polly. We ^ were all shocked to learn of hep untimely death last Wednesday afternoon. I have conversed with Polly several times, exchanging news items and always enjoyed her good humor and friendliness. Her absence will be missed by all thpse who have come in contact with her through the years. We also extend our sym- % pathy to Vic Scalfaro upon the recent loss of his brother. Frank. Mr. Scalfaro passed away in Chicago last Tuesday and is survived by his widow, a-son, six sisters and three other brothers. Funeral services were conducted in the city on Friday. Sodality Elects New Officers At their last meeting the ft members of St. John's Blessed Virgin sodality elected ne^ of-, ficers. Chosen to serve in tfte office as president was Hilda Thelcn. Clara Michels retairied her office as vice-president. Esilda Fuchs was elected as recording secretary and Dorothy Hknplemann will serve as treasuiter. All sodality members aire invited to the next •a regular! meeting which will be ^ held in the school hall at 8 p.m. oif Tuesday, March 13. 'father-Daughter Breakfast All members of the Holy Name society and their school age daughters will receive communion in a body at the 8:30 Mass next Sunday. Breakfast will be served in the community club hall immediately g, following. <«irl Scout News Scouts from troop 408 received a chart at their list meeting to keep an account, of what they must do to earn certain badges. The girls were quite unhappy becausc were no refreshments at this meeling. Troop 378 Continues to work £> on their badges. The girls also made some tray favors for the old peoples home. Babies in the News Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen welcomed another grandchild on Feb. 22. Their son and daughter-in-law, V e r n and Bunny, became parents of another girl on this date at the Woodstock hospital. The The- ) len family who formerly resided in Pistakee Highlands, are now residents of Spring Grove. Page Nina The Swedish-American hospital in Rockford was the scene of the birth of the first grandson of Pete and Martha Smith. Young Thomas Ohlrich, whose parents, Carl and Marilyn, reside jn-.Woodstock, arrived on Feb. 27 and weighed in at a slight but mighty six pounds. He has two bigger sisters, namely Sandy Kay and Terry Ann. Our congratulations to the new parents and the ever so proud grandparents. Florida Visitors Frank and Judy Oeffling and their two young sons returned last week from a delightfully eventful and sunshine filled eleven day vacation in Florida. While in Fort Lauderdale, the Oefflings visited with the Dan Green family and Frank visited the Yankee training quarters. They also managed a stop at the White Sox training center in Sarasota. On the trip home, the vacationers stopped off in Orlando to see Dick and Sandy Joosten, formerly of Wonder Lake. Birthday Corner Belated birthday wishes to Phyllis Kalemba who observed her natal day on March 5. Her dad, Pete Smith, will be celebrating his birthday on March 12. Harry Smith will also be in line for wishes this month. March 14 is the birthdate shared by Alger Oeffling and Jim Hettermann while Janice Wakitsch and Mary Hettermann share March 20 as their day. Best wishes to these and all other March celebrants. St. John's Home and School Association Close to fifty members were present at the recent meeting Of St. John's Home and School association. A short business meeting was held. The evening's guest was unable to be present much to everyone's disappointment. This m o n t h's meeting which will be field on March 26 will prove to be beneficial to all. Mrs. Jean Cooney and Miss Judy. Ingeversen, home economists, will present the food demonstration entitled. "Signs of Spring". More details will appear in a future edition. Rescue Squad Calls The members of our own Johnsburg rescue squad were called oUt twice last week. Wednesday afternoon a call t»ok thera^o Sunnvside Estate^ where a' resident suffered [a . fajtaj iheart attack. On Friday; thejy were called to Pistakee Highlands where a resident fell and suffered possible leg injuries. I {Spotted Victim Mike jFIettermann is the most recent youngster to be covered with spots as a result of the chicken pox. This certainly has been a year, for sickness. Get well and stay well everyone! California -- Here We Come! These are the strains of music heard from Bob and Bar- ! bara Hettermann as they start- Village of Sunnyilde In Memory Of Polly Stevens Glenda Wieok - 385-4716 Where has she gone since yesterday-- And left us lonely here? Tonight she seems so far away Who yesterday was near. No map of ours, on sea or land, Her journeyings may trace; We only know she's reached her Home And seen her Father's face. O dear, familiar yesterday! O sad and strange today! Yet who would call the glad soul back To rousep*tter resting clay? Or who would wish that she might share Our morrow's toil and strife, \ Who loosed from^eath and , all its, pains. ^ Has entered into Life. Slip-up Department Last week I wished Hazel MacLaughlin a happy birthday but I made a little mistake for I should have been wishing her and her husband, Frank, a happy anniversary. Hazel's birthday is really on July 31, so I guess we'll just wish her a happy birthday twice this year. Hazel said that she and Frank were going to spend their anniversary' having a nice quiet dinner out somewhere, just the two of them. Happy anniversary folks! So sorry that our wishes are belated. Birthday Celebration! Mary Harrington and her daughter spent the day in Chicago celebrating Mary's birthday. I understand that they really made a day of it going to a show and then out to dinner. Ethel Ring, Laura Muleski's mother, was taken out to dine by her children on her birtHday which was Feb. 24! Laura said that her mother was thrilled and really enjoyed their thoughtful birthday celebration for her. A belated happy birthday greeting goes to Monica Kennebeck who celebrated her birthday on the sixth day of March. In Tournament Clara Harrington and Irma Gunther were in a bowling 'tournament in Chicago on Saturday, March 3. Enjoying Florida Lue and Ed Schultz left last Saturday, March 3, for a one week vacation in Florida. When they return we'll get an accounting of all their travels and fun. by the Rev. Stewart B. Smith. Guest speaker, Mai Ingison, gave a very interesting talk and held the boys spell bound with some magic he performed. Marvin Jones showed some color slides and led the group in a sing along song fest. Henry Zenner was the master of ceremonies and also gave out awards to deserving den mothers ofAhe pack. Everyone that attei&ed the dinner said that it was a very nice dinner. ed out last Wednesday. The young couple left last week for California wh'ere they will take up residence. We all join in wishing them, the very best of luck and lots of happiness in their new surroundings. Sick List We;are sorry to report that Mrs. Eugenie Tucker is in the hospital in Chicago. She entered the hospital on Feb. 28 for observation. We certainly hope she is feeling much better by now. The Sagfcl children have been caught by that old chicken pOx bug. See you in the spring. Janet! Joe Metzger has been quite sick lately with a chest and throat infection plus the flu. I hear that he is well on the way to recovery now. Elizabeth said that she has been very busy with ,the whole family being sick 'as their children, Johnny and Mary Elizabeth, have also had a bout with a bad virus. ; Expressed Sympathy We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Weston Frisby family on the recent death of Mr. Frisby s mother. Blue and Clold Dinner Pack 452 held its Blue and Gold dinner at a restaurant just outside Fo?c Lake on Sunday, F eb. 25. They were served a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings and a beautiful birthday cake, in honor of the Cub Scouts, was their dessert. The invocation and closing prayer was given KEEP AT IT! VOTE FOR EDWARD A. DOWD REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF OF M9HENRY COUNTY + For Lowest Prices + For Sfefe©tions + For ©p@n ©isplay Shopping + For Quick S@lf-S®rvice Proscription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give Double S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. Midstream Drugs OR6BN .STAMPSl Walgreen Agency Scout News Brownie Troop 150 met on Tuesday, Feb. 27. The girls practiced the flag ceremony, with each girl taking a part of either a color bearer or a color guard. They also continued working on their knitting spools making their Browrae flag for the fair. After their work, they played a game that helped to teach them their Girl Scout laws. Nancy Roggenbuck, president; Debbie Stull, secretary; -R h o n d a Schultz, treasurer, a rtd \Mrs. Brennan was mother helper. Cookie hostesses for the day were Pam Boeger and Connie Jablonski. "Karen Hettermann was this week's reporter. Girl Scout troop 408 met on Monday, Fob. 26. The girls received a chart so that they can keep an account of the things that they have done to earn their badges. The little reporter said that the girls were very unhappy There were no refreshments served! President, Mary Lynn Myers; vice-president. Gnvtta Martin; secretary, Diane Oeffling and treasurer, Barbara Oglesby. The girls also played a game of password. Diane Oeffling was this week's reporter. Den 5 of the Cub Scouts met on Monday, Feb. 26, at the home of Gladys Jones in Pistakee Highlands. Three of the boys of this den are from Sunnyside, so we will be hearing from them from time to time. Last week they spent much of their time preparing for their pack meeting which will be on March 14. At this pack meeting the three little boys from Sunnyside will officially become Cub Scouts. Visiting Time This week we are visiting some folks almost all of us know and \respect, the Theodore Prells.4 "Ted and Dee", to most of us. The Prells live at 4114 N. Sunset Drive. They moved here as newlyweds four years ago. Ted was from Sunnyside, but Dee came from Chicago. They are four in number, but come April 18 or there abouts, there jx\\\ be another little pink' or blue bundle with the Prell riafme. They already have one boy and one girl, Kurt, who will be three years old on May 9 and his li|tle sister, Laurie, who will "'be a bouncing two year old on May 3. We doubt if Mommie will have any trouble keeping busy aftecc*the new arrival appears on thie scene. We will make a bet' that Ted will try a little harder getting Dee to the hospital before the stork this time, too, as just two short years ago. when Laurie arrived, she was delivered by her daddy. Ted is a blueprint coater and has been working for the same corporation for ten years. He is alio very active in our village. He is a trustee and is doing a very good job, too. He was our acting president for several months, when Mr. Linden moved away. We wish there were more .like him in our village. Ted's hobbies are varied but his favorites are hunting and fishing. With having to care for two yards, though, he doesn't have much time to spend on his hobbies. He also loves to use and work with a microscope and on Fridays he works as a lab. technician. This is one job he really enjoys. Delores, like most of us gals, is a busy housewife. She likes nursing but as a pastime she likes to write. She has written several short stories and at one time came very close to winning first prize in a contest. She likes sports of all kinds, but she prefers summer sports. Kurt is happiest when he is helping his daddy in the basement work shop or when he is at his Grandma Prell's home for a visit. Laurie, like hnost two year olds, likes anything her mommy does and also likes to help her daddy. The Prells attend the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. They will celebrate .their fourth wedding anniversary on June 21. It is very nice to have folks like the Prells, who take an interest in the village and its needs, with us. That's It This week I had a secret helper with the column, the help and information she gave me was greatly appreciated. Why don't you give me a call and for a little information from you I just might disclose her name. Bye, Bye. BENEFIT EVENT Clipped Wings, stewardess alumnae association, will present a "Polynesian Hoolaulea" benefit luncheon fashion show at the Edgewater Beach hotel on March 15. Mrs. Marlin Kalpin of McHenry may be contacted for tickets. The Austin Special school and the Florence Crittendon Anchorage will benefit from the proceeds. Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due TO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST A si About 15-Day Trial Offor1 > Over five million package* of tha WILLARD ntMrMINrtanbanwU for relief of symptoms of distress artafeif from EtandiuidOuoduul UlcmduetoSb- ©S&3 Add--Poor Dlgmtlon, Sower U |ess8 Stomach, Gasslntss, Heartburn, Sle®p° Gaesnes*, etc., doe to CXCMI Add. Ask for "WHIanS'e Rfteesago9* which fully r^laiin this home treatment--frM--at BOLGER'S Drug Store GORGEOUS SPRING COLOitS in LADIES' COTTON KNIT BLOUSES If you are Winter-Weary and need a lift . . . See this newly arrived shipment. $1.98 $2.49 $2.98 Sizes 88-44 Kiveuide Retmt Oidhi f/O HIGH PRESSURE DWu.9-6 FRI. 9-9 CHECK OUR SUPRISE ROOM -rtkone. SUN.9-5 EY-55900 Price, spice and. everything nice! Who ever thought a car that saves like this could have so much sizzle? Chevrolet engineers, that's who! Liveliness and luxury for a low, low price were exactly what they had in mind to begin with. And they began from scratch with a whole carload of ingenious new ideas designed to give you more for your money. That spunky 6 with gas-sipping stinginess is just one example. Another: a new unitized Body by Fisher that's fit for a full-size family inside, easy to park outside. Still another: tough but gentle one-piece Mono-Plate rear springs that outdo many a bigger car for quiet comfort. Any wonder Chevy II won Car life magazine's 1962 Engineering Excellence award foanrfa down? (The wonder would be if you settled for anything less--once you get your hands iHRRm^ on one at your Chevrolet dealer's!) Chevy n Nmra £ ^ >N s ss. N ^ -..v ^ ><a o-s ** * ii QirtAflp ' The sporty Chevy II Nova Convertible and sprightly U-Door Sedan Seethe new Chevy II at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's CLAPK CHEVROLET SALES 3720 W. Elm St. J©w©l Shoppmg Plaza 3609 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 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