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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1962, p. 10

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/ Page Ten f- THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEU Thursday, March 8, 1962 7 Legals MASTER IN CHANCERY SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE "CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY Gen. No. 38876 MARENGO FEDERAL ) SAVINGS AND LOAN AS-) - SOCIATION. a corporation) of the United States of) America ) Plaintiff) vs. ) CETH T. NELSON AND* 1.UC1LE A. NELSON, his) wile! "FRED O. BETHKE) ' AND MARGARET N. ) BETHKE, his wife ) Defendants) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 16th day of February, 1962, yI, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master to Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 15th day of March, 1962, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse le City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash ail and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and state of Illinois, towit: Lots four (4), five (5) and six (6) in Block two (2) in Shore' Hills, a Subdivision of part of Section eighteen (18), Township forty-five (45) North, Range eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 30, 1930, as Document No. 92560, in Book 8 of Plats, page 12, in McHenry County, Illinois. Dated df Woodstock, Illinois. this 19th day of February, 1962. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorney For Plaintiff Fred R. Kelley Marengo, Plinois (Pub. F.-V 22, March 1-8, 1962) MASTER IN CHANCERY SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY General No. 38665 UNION NATIONAL BANK) AND TRUST COMPANY) OF ELGIN, ELGIN, ILLI-) NOIS, a National Banking) Association, as Trustee ") Plaintiff) vs. ) G. RICHARD ISETT, in-) dividually and d/b/a Amer-) ican Expansion Bolt and) Manufacturing Company; ) PHYLLIS KURTZ ISETT; ) AMERICAN AND FOR-) EIGN MOTORS, INC., a) United States Corporation;) GEORGE L. WEISBARD;!. LIBERTY TRUCKING ) COMPANY,' an Illinois ) Corporation; MARTIN ) LOEBER AND SONS, ) INC,. A Corporation; UN-) ION NATIONAL BANK) AND TRUST COMPANY) OF HUNTINGTON, a Na-) tional Banking Association;}' CHICAGO FEDERAL SAV-) IUGS AND LOAN AS-J SOCIATION, a corporation) organized and existing ) under the laws of the ) United States; UNITED ) STATES OF AMERICA;) and 'UNKNOWN OWN-) ERS", ) Defendants) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 2nd day of February, 1962, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 15th day of March, 1962, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auetion to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, towit: Part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3 and part , of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the • said North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10 and running thence West along the South line thereof, 24 chains and 36 links to the center of the highway known as Algonquin and McHenry Road, thence North 1 degrees West along the center of said highway 21 chains, thence north 11 degrees East along the center of said highway. 3 chains and 36 links more or less to the South line of the right of way of the Chicago and North Western Railroad Company, thence south 62 degrees East along the said South line of said right of way to the East line of the said North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10, thence South along said East line to the place of beginning, (except from said tract that part thereof lying south of the north line of State Route No. 14), in Township 43 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 19th day of February, 1962 ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys for Plaintiff Carbary & Carbary 28 ; North Grove Avenue Elgin, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 22, March 1-8, 1962) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Town of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning March 27th, 1962, and ending March 25th, 1963, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at Town Clerk's Office, 4304 W. Waukegan from and after 9 o'clock A.M., 3rd day, March, 1962. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be held at 8 o'clock P.M., 3rd day, April/* 1962, at American Legion Hall in McHenry in this Town or District, and that final action on this Ordinance will be taken by the electors at the Annual Town Meeting to be held at 9 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, April 3rd, 1962. Dated this 3rd day of March, 1962. LEROY SMITH Supervisor H. WALTER ANDERSON Clerk (Pub. March 8, 1962) Wondtir Lake GIRL SCOUTS OBSERVE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Jane Ducey Girl Scout Sunday, Golden Day ^of Rededication, will be observed in the churches at the lake Sunday, March 11. Girl Scouts in uniform will be seated in a group at each of the area churches. This is the fiftieth anniversary of Girl Scouting in the U.S.A. In a b u s y n e i g h b o r h o o d meeting Wednesday, chairman Fern P^ietow announced the camp and cookie sale d^tes for Kachina neighborhood thi» year. One important deadline is that of registration for Camp Fairr\\ HH orizons at Hanover, 111. It wjbrks like this. Application!! may'NOT be postmarked before April 4. Registration is accepted by time and date of post mark on a neighborhood quota basis. After April 15, the unused neighborhood quotas will be filled by girls, on the waiting list. It is recommended that girls get their application postmarked with an April 4 date. . .there is no guarantee that there will lie room for you in any case. Day camp will lie held June 11 to 16, the site is as yet undetermined. The cookie sale starts Thursday, March 22. A workshop is being held in McHenry Wednesday, March 28, from 9 to 3 p.m. Title is "Adventure in the Arts" and will include arts and crafts, music and dancing, literature and dramatics. You are asked to register early with Mrs. Paetow if you would like to take advantage of this training. The centennial program will be held in this neighborhood on April 29 from 2 to 4 at Math-^ ews hall. The public is welcome and parents and sponsors are especially invited to attend. Home Bureau Meeting "Communism on the Map" was the lesson given at the meeting of the Ringwood unit at the home of Mrs. Justes Kellner Tuesday afternoon The McHenry County Home Economics Extension Council, is sponsoring the film showing ' C o m m u n i s t E n c i r c l e m e n t " presented by the Paul Stouts of Lombard. If you missed the s h o w i n g i n Wood s t o c k on March 4, you can see this program at central grade .school, 131 Paddock street, Crystal Lake, on Tuesday, March 27, at 8 p.m. District 36 Not- Laoking "Vigah" Harrison school board election is shaping up to a contest with the early filing of four candidates for the three open-- ings on the board. March 24 is the closing date for filing petitions. ~Th&tfnhfents Dr. R ayinon d Watkins and Dr. S. L. Ruggero filed the first day, as did Mrs. Jay Hansen, who has served previ o u s 1 y on District 36 Board. Latest petition is that of Gerald Palko, who has no previous experience in this district. Record of years of service shows Dr. Watkins has been on the Board forv9 years and has been elected chairman «by the group for 6 years. Mrs. Hansen has served 5 years and Dr. Ruggero, (hree. Other board member whose term is expiring is Mrs. Maxine Lichty who has expressed her .intention not-^to run. Restating board members are James Robison, George Rink, Wilbur Haak and Henry Setzler. Election is held Saturday, April 14. Bible Church News Friday night, the Pal's Club will not meet due to the Harrison school holiday. • „ Saturday night, March lu, Youth for Christ meets at Arlington Heights. Speaker will be Paul Cedar, YFC staff member. Special music and film make a good evening of blessing and fellowship for 'teen agers. Rev. L. T. Cook will be guest speaker at the morning service March 11 al Wonder Lake. The Cooks "will leave, March" 12 on a tprpr that will take their ministry over several parts of the Northwest and they probably will not return home until fall. Monday, March 12, at 8 p.m. there will be a Sunday school staff meeting. Friday, March 16. at 7:30 p.m. the Youth Fellowship night, banquet and program at Parker's Lake View restaurant. Sunday, March 18, Rev. Lo Zallo, former Roman Catholic priest, who is a student extraordinary of Roman Catholic doctrine will be guest speaker. Welcome New Member The 4-H display window in Paul's Hardware which the Junior Wonder Workers' arranged was the first club project for this beginning 4-H group. The girls are led by a senior Wonder Worker, Jackie Hansen. The club welcomed a new member at the meeting Saturday when Miss Joyce Young became a member. A demonstration on Brownies was given at the meeting by Cynthia Keith. UNIT 491 OBITUARIES Nativity Lutheran Church News Instruction classes for adults started last Sunday morning .and will continue every Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. for all who are interested in jbining the church or who are interested in learning more aibout the Lutheran teaching of the Chris I i a n doctrine. Classes are held in the pastor's office. Mid-week Lenten services are held every Wednesday evening at 7:45 p.m. LICENSES OF NINE DRIVERS ARE SUSPENDED The suspension of a number of driver licenses has been announced by the office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier. Three violations was the reason given for suspending the licenses of Russell S. Emer son of McHenry; Billy G. Jackson of Spring Grove; Russell E. Jacobson of Harvard; Ronald J. McDonough of Union; Ronald M. O'Leary and Gerald L. Pawlowic of Woodstock; Dennis Okesson of Algonquin; Bernard G. Suchy of Cary and Terry J. Tessendorf of Crystal Lake. Probationary permits were issued to Gerald D. Beherns of Algonquin, Martin P. Kane of Woodstock, Vincent Sompolski of Crystal Lake and Francis T. White of Wonder Lake. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH i Auto « "24-HOUfc TOWtNG SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, DL IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Hiwa A Pr®io (Remodeling Thai Is!) \ St. j-^atrich A 2b< Dinner and Dance Kitchens -- Additions -- Concrete Work Baths -- Alterations -- Roofing Best of Workmanship and Materials from Drawing Board to Finished Product S®n Arvidson & Sons, Inc. 4520 W. Lakewood Rd. Phone: 885-1205 McHenry, ID. Corned Beef and Cabbage "ALL YOU CAN EAT" $1.50 per person The American Legion aux- ; iliai y held its annual membership dinner Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Legion home. The tables were decorated beautifully with gold and white floral arrangements and candles. Each member had a gold and white corsage presented by the post. The men of the post cooked, served and then did the dishes. Their efforts were hijghly appreciated. -President Mary Einspar introduced the member^ Mhip chairman, Eleanore Reid, and her co-chairman, Lois Worts. Mrs. Reid reported that we had 361 members to date and the membership teams brought in forty-one new members. The winning membership team was presented a lovely gold andj rhinestone necklace with ^_tfoe auxiliary emblem set in the center. Mary Kantorski, first vice-president, was captain of the winning team. Members of her team were Lil Miller Frances Matchen, Lauretta Homo, Eleanore Creutz and Peggy Garrelts. Team No. 2 was headed by second Vice-President Midge Scharl and Dorothy Diedrich, Lois McCormack, Betty Lingenfelter, Helen Schmitt and Rosalyn Volpendesta. The honor guard pins given for continuous membership were presented by President Mary Einspar. Those receiving 15 year pins were Bess Grobel, Frances Matchen, Lil Miller, Eddie Myers, Stella Rortvet and Sue Wirfs. Recipients of the 10 year award pins were Lee Bassi, Gertrude Barbian, Nadine Larkin, Ruth Mrachek and Georgia Stueben. The past presidents were introduced. There were fifteen present, those being Henrietta Ahrens, Eva Bacon, Dorothy Diedrich. Lauretta Homo, Marie Howe, Frarices Matchen, Marge Mikota/ Ruth Mrachek, Pearl Pietscn, Eaie Myers, E3anor Reid, Stella Rortvet, Frances White, Ruth Ziszik and Henrietta Vycital. President Mary Einspar introduced the District Director Helen Corey and her secretary, Gladys Kerns, and the county first Vice-President Hazel Purvey and her secretary, Iolene Biangardi, who were the guests FRANK SCALFARO Services were held Friday afternoon in Chicago for Frank Scalfaro, 59, brother of Victor Scalfaro of McHenry, who died in a Chicago hospital last week following a heart attack. ALFONSE BEAITDRY Alfonse Beaudry, 76, of West ^Sho're Beach, McCullom Lake, ai^d Feb. 28 in an Ergin hospital, where he had been confined for^qjore than two months. Mr. Beaudry was native of Worchester, Mass., where he was born Aug. 15, 1885. He had resided in this area for twenty years. Survivors include the widow, Maudia; a daughter, Almeta Baka, of Park Ridge; two grandchildren, five step-children and a brother and sister. Rev. George Martin of, the Community Methodist church officiated at last rites held from the George R. Justen & Son funeral home, with interment in Woodland cemetery. MRS. JOHN STEVEN Rev. Stewart B. Smith Vof Mount Hope Methodist church officiated at last rites FridayV afternoon at 2 o'clock at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home for Mrs. John 'Polly) of the auxiliary for the dinner. After dinner the unit members and their husbands and guests enjoyed an evening of dancing. Stevens of Sunnyside Estates. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Originally, plans had been made to transfer the body of Mrs. Stevens to her native state of Tennessee for services and burial. Polly Stevens was born Dec. 25, 1913, and came to the Sunnyside Estates community five years ago. At the time of her unexpected death Feb. 28 of a heart attack, she was serving as recording secretary of the Sunnyside Estates Improvement association anef'was a member of the W.S.C.S. \)f Mount Hope church. Survivors include her husband, John; and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kimbro, of Sunnyside Estates. "It is characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unconscious of the tragedy. Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the tifnes in which it lives . . ." -- Bishop Fulton Sheen in "Communism and the Conscience of the West." MENTAL HEALTH CENTER SERVED^ ^ BY J. A. JOSHEL Benjamin A. Joshel is "now the clinical psychologist on the staff of the Mental Health Center for McHenry County, 3514 W. Waukegan Road, M<^ Henry. Born in Geneva, M™ Joshel now lives in Crystal Lake with l)is wife, Vera, and twelve-year-old daughter, Mary Ann. Mr. Joshel attended DePauw university, Northwestern university, the University of Minnesota and the University of Chicago. He has worked at the Veterans . administration Hygiene clinic in Chicago, ana before coming to this area, he was on the staff of Broadlawns hospital in Des Moines, Iowa. He has published a. paper on "Initial Resistance in Psychotherapy," and is doing research on factors in the causation of early reading difficulties in childhood. - -- In his leisure time Mr. Joshel enjoys carpentry, painting! golf 'and tennis. U2 7<y< CAN EARN ON YOUR MONEY SHORT TERM NOTES CALL WALLY DEAN EV 5-5312 or Wonder Lake 4273 lenry Personal Loan Corp. There is no substitute for EXPERIENCE Vote For PAUL ft JONES REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Boone, DeKalb, McHenry & Ogle Counties # Mayor of Rochelle • Businessman • Qualified--over 20 years working for good government PRIMARY TUES., APRIL MAKE YOUR 10 MARK X FOR PAUL F. JONES CEILING ^ - Dancing lo the Music of Bob Freund and His Orchestra V. F. W. McHENRY, ILL. Tickets Available at Clubhouse Color-Hue INTERIOR §>/2 nutty GAL. DECORATOR CEILING TILE c You can add the classic beauty of a fissured marble design to your ceiling by installing Nu-Wood Decorator Tile. This insulating board tile suggests an expensive decoratortouch, yet is so economical. Available in either grey or beige pattern. Like all Nu-Wood \J ceiling tiles. Decorator Tile is easy to apply. Choose Your Pre-Finished WALL PANELING NOW! j^ere xney as*© -- wonaerful Pre-Finished Plywood Panels! Let them give your rooms new beauty! Pre-Finished Panels are reasonably priced and easy to install. Choice of fine hardwoods -- available NOW! yP on all GARAGES and REMODELING SEiii1 ' m ALEXANDER LUMBER C THE BEST OF EVERYTH! On Highway 31 Soui of Phci&o FOR THE BUILDER -- IrkHswry, Illinois -WM

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