Thunday, March 8,1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDKALEB Lakeland Park REGISTER FOB LITTLE LEAGUE AT COMMUNITY HOUSE $ oria Flannigan - EV 8-4710 Chris Foszoi - EV 0-4842 Tonight, March 8, is registration night for the boys who wish to join Lakeland Park's Little League for the coming season. It will be held at the community house at 7:30 p.m. All boys who will attain the age of eight on or before June 15 and those who will not be irteen before August 1 will eligible. \ There will be refreshments served and also a movie shown OH the 1961 World Series.. Here's hoping to see a many a new faces for this coming year. Women's Club ' Last Thursday evening the Women's club met at the community house for their regular meeting. It proved to be a J-eat evening for all who attended. Wtf had the pleasure of part of the Minstrel group performing for us. They did a wonderful job and got us all in a-iovial mood. A great hand of abnlause to all of you who took part in the Minstrel group. Schedule for the Community House AThis is the schedule for the aiming week. Thursday, March 8-- Little League Registration; Sunday, March 11-- Mc- Cullbm Lake Sportsmen Meet; Monday. March 12-- Regular Board Meeting; Tuesday, March 13-- Boy Scouts meeting; Wednesday, March 14-- Registration for dancing class 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 15-- Regular Democratic club f.'p.m. For reservations call Jo Rizzo 385-2728. A Pat on the Back for Our Teenager's Sunday, Feb. 25, our teenagers made us mighty proud of them as they collected for the-March of Dimes in our community. The teenagers who helped with this worthy cause Gere Roland Keorper, Philly Bucaro, Doris Rehberg, Eddie Sharon and Adrienne Ozog, Susan -Dahlguist, Mary Sullivan, Chuck, Eddie and Gayle Anderson, Donna Bucaro, Kathy Osinski, Mary Hanley and Maryann Borchert. The chairman for our community was Shirley Ozog. Shirley served! hot chocolate and «okies afterwards and said e teenagers were very proud of themselves. They all were thrilled when they took the $109.87 which they had collected to the city hall. A great hand of applause to them all. Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Gara of Lakeland' Park would like to announce the marriage of ^Vieir son, Kenneth, to the Tormer Susan T. Metcalf. The wedding' took place on Saturday, Feb. 24, in Philadelphia, Penn., Susan's home town. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Francis J. Gaughn. The reception took place at the home of Susan's grandmother. Kenneth is in the NaVy and is stationed in the Navy yards at Philadelphia. The qgnuple will reside at 2928 N. Ringgold street in Philadelphia. Register for Dancing There will be a registration for dancing lessons held on Wednesday, March 14, at the community house between 3 and 6 p.m. All girls between the ages of 5 and 12 will be eligible. Parents must accom9p any the girls. Cat, Cats, Cats In the past few weeks there has been many stray cats hangsin$- around our homes on Pleasavenue. Would the people who ar^ missing their cats please keep them home and on their own premises. It sure is a nuisance to have cats ruining our shrubs and scaring us alf to death when ever we out of the house. Birthday Wishes May we wish happy birthday to Alfred Dietz and Ann Herzog in March 8; to Bill Herzog and Elmira Kujak on March 9, and to William Knor and Cinthia Lynq Bargo who will celebrate their first birthdays on March 9. To Barbara r^Dort who will be three years old on March 10; to Lucille Dietz on March 11; Charles Pintozzi and Rita Idstein on March 13, and to Anita Rebel who will be two years Old on March 14. May you all have a pleasant day. Belated Birthday Wishes Mary Alice Becker who was three years old on Monday, March 4. Happy birthday. Birthday Doings Del Gerstad had a birthday party last Sunday, March 4. Dad Gerstad took the boys tobogganing with the help of Jack Oakford. Afterwards the children enjoyed cake, cocoa and ice cream. Helping to blow out the nine candles on Del's cake were John Knebel, Larry Oakford, Mike Malin, Bob Matthews, James Lattimore and Dana Wheelock. A birthday party, .was given for Jeannie Kruse by the gals of the birthday club. On Saturday, March 3, all the girls were treated to nice fattening foods and of course there were low-caloried foods for those watching their waistline among other areas. Enjoying the goodies were Joan Krater, Rosemary Halos, Rita Idstein, Joan Bucaro, Helen Hansen, June Mueller, Rae Burns, Claudia Garn, Eileen HaUtzinger and Rita Hahn. Jeannette Koerper and Mary Barle were unable to attend. Ruth Roach was the hostess for the birthday club last Tuesday at her home. It was in honor of Rita Zimny's birthday. Those attending were Vicky Bottari, Elaine Jett, Jean Parisi, Marge Franklin, Millie Pintozzi, Dorothy Humphreys, Gloria Flannigan and Lee Glorch. Esther Cygan was unable to attend. On Thursday, March 1, Dorothy. was the hostess for the birthday club and the guest of honor that day was Ruth Roach. Those in attendance and devouring those hi-caloried desserts were Vicky Bottari, Marge Franklin, Rita Zimny, Elaine Jett, Gloria Flannigan, Lee Glorch and Jean Parisi. It sure has been a busy week for birthdays. Linda Grizely had a busy weekend this past week. She was celebrating her fifth birthday which was Feb. 24. On Saturday afternoon a few of Linda's friends helped her celeprafcp. They were Leah Rode, Nancy Matthews, Carol and Debbie Scheid, Debbie Koczor, Pam Steele and sisters, Patti and Joy. The girls enjoyed ice cream, cake and hot chocolate and a few games afterwards. In the evening there was more partying when grandma Mester and aunt and uncles Kathy, Mike and Chuck of Chicago, came over. Also there were Aunt Cathy Sims and cousins Karen of Riverdale and Arlene Clapham of Chicago. They had a double celebration as it was Linda's uncle Mike's birthday also. So they had double the fun. On Sunday, March 4, Linda was guest of honor again as her other grandmother came for dinner and another party. Guests for Sunday were Grandma Grizely and Uncle George of Chicago, aunt and uncle A1 and Eva Schmidt and cousins Kim and Timmy, also of Chicago. She received many gifts and had a great time. I guess Mom Grizely will be recuperating for the rest of the week. Proud Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. Pintozzi are the proud grandparents of a grandson. Anthony Carmen Pintozzi was born to their son, Anthony, and daughter-in-law, Maureen Pintozzi* of Edgebrook Heights last Feb. 20. Little Anthony was welcomed home by his seven sisters. What a grand day it was at the Pintozzis. Bowls a 800 Game Frank Schultz of Lakeland Shores was proud as a peacock last Sunday evening when he came up with a 300 game. Congratulations! Bridge Club Meets The Bridge club met last Tuesday evening at the home of Ann Leigh. Those^ttending were Bernice Boyce, Lucille Dietz, Joyce Broam, Ivy Lezak, Ann Herzog and Dorothy Uttich who was pinch hitting for Louise McEnery who has been ill. Ann served some more of those rich hi-caloried desserts YOU! RADi m i@1 NEEDS REPAIRING WE'LL M IT! At radiator work, we're tops! Anything from a little crack to a big gash, well repair with precision. cos Sow as $4 JO M ENRY AUTO S@B¥ Plume: WWW 4704 W. Rt. 120 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, HL CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT BWB Ringwood SHOW COLORED SLIDES AT HOME CIRCLE MEETING Ruby Shepard The Ringwood Home Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Wolf Shadle Thursday, March 8, with Mrs. Gus Carlson as co-hostess. Mrs. Shadle will show colored slides of California for the program. Club Meets The Ringwood Community club held its monthly meeting Feb. 26 with a very low attendance. The March meeting will be slides of Europe. Let's all try to come. Details will be in a later issue of the news. Florida Vacation 1 Mrs. Ruby Shepard and cousin left for Florida last Monday. For the time being I will be doing the Ringwood news. I would appreciate anyone calling their news to me. Lor Brehnan, 2045. I know I'm missing some people, please forgive errors. We wish Mrs. Shepard a nice time in Florida. It seems to be a popular vacationland for several people of Ringwood. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Downs of Wyoming, 111., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and son, David, of Hebron, spent Thursday evening with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomforda at Woodstock Sunday. • Mrs. Bob Brennan entertained twelve women at a demonstration last Tuesday morning. Mrs. Tony Appelt and children, Steve, Kathy and Susie, of Wadsworth, where guests in the Bob Brennan home Tuesday. ! Terry Pliner of Green Bay, Wis., was a visitor in the Bob Brennan home Saturday. which the girls always enjoy. Ann Leigh and Bernice Boyce were the lucky winners of prizes this time. A Little Note to Fran Gee Fran, a lot of us gals would love to trade places with you, having Joe bring roses from the garden to putvon the kitchen table than to all this snow we've been' having. Brrrrrrr.... Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore were dinner guests in the home of their daughter and husband, the Ron Creutzes of Crystal Lake on Sunday. Afternoon guests in the Beatty-Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Low and son of McHenry. ' Alice Peet returned from a vacation in California last Saturday. Alice and Marion Peet received word of the death of their uncle in Crystal Lake. They were in Crystal Lake for the weekend. Helen and Lou Winn of Richmond entertained their card club Saturday evening. Those from Ringwood to attend were the Walt Lows and the Paul Walkingtons. Pat Hogan left Friday for a two weeks vacation in sunny Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hawley returned Saturday night from a sunny month's vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reinwall and boys were guests in the home of her parents, the L. E. Hawleys, on Sunday afternoon. Wednesday evening visitors in the John Ehlert home were the Duane Ehlert s of Burlington. On Sunday afternoon the Cyril Paceys of Wilmot called on the John Ehlerts. The Fred Bowmans were dinner guests in the Rick Fliege home Sunday. They helped celebrate Joe's fifth birthday, which was Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family and Faith Wagner of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell were dinner guests Saturday evening, in the R. C. Harrison home in celebration of Clarence's birthday. Bob Brennan, Roy Harrison and son, Loren. were callers in Bartlett on Saturday. 2)aucjfilerb The regular meeting of the International Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel 98, of McHenry, was regularly opened to session on Feb. 20. Sue Praw, Honored Queen, presided. Parents of the girls came to celebrate "Parents Night" and Sue Lynn Richardson was initiated. Girlsh ages 12 to 20, interested in membership, please contact Sue Prawl at 385-1612. Marlene Viita ewel Pastry Shop Spsslsl Tkars., Fit, Sat, Only! y4!@i 1 V% 18. LOAF Bu Br 1% lb. loaf re* co . AVAILABLE NOW AT... rel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Old Failiiisd Saiifige Hop Tiirs., Moo SatU Jnly! HJSJS0B SBOFAT m For a delightful chesgp of pace lunch, take some of isweTs Old Fashioned All Meat Wieners, slit them and fill with cheese slices. Hera bake tii the wieners are warm and tender, and Jh© cheese is hot and bubbly. Jewel's Old. fefetoned WBSSBSKJ make this dish extra special! OLD FASHIONS© Si YMmms *•79 (UwdL *lV£t. UA CO- ^ AVAILABLE NOW AT.. Jewel In MeH@siry me w. am st Why Jewel doesn't rely on stamps to &£t*n \ your business / This week another food chain announced it, too, would use trading stamps. Why doesn't Jewel jump on the "stamp gimmick" bandwagon? Simply and honestly, to protect your freedom of choice and your pocket* book. The "stamp grocer" must pay his stamp company 2% on every sale he makes. We know from our own long experience that such a substantial increase in the cost of doing bu&iness must eventually be passed on to customers in one form or another. It just has to show up-- a penny here, a penny there, or poorer service or lower quality. During the last five years, with trading stamps available in the Chicagoland area, Jewel people have served an ever increasing number of satisfied customers. Why? Because we have concentrated on our responsibility to protect the quality of food you buy, the services you need and the low prices you pay for food. We will continue to make every effort to guard your food budget and the quality of the foods you serve your family. We invite you to shop at Jewel for bettor service, fine quality and low prices., SbodMout TEA CO. 9