FonrtMn THE McHENltY PLAINDEALER UlfDOOf MtfST REGISTER. AT VILLAGE HALL BEFORE MARCH 12 Shirley Sohuerr of the dance. Will you be the lucky person to win the pttte for the craziest hat? the deadline for those who are 21 years of age or older, and who have not registered workers to vote is coming close. It Marylyn is Monday March 12. If you are not registered by then, you can not vote in the primary election April 10. You still can register Friday evening March 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Saturday afternoon March 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. Pat Morrison will be at the village hall in Lakemoor (firehouse on route 120.) If you are in McHenry 9 or Nunda 6 you may register at the village hall. Heart Fund Drive held Sunday, Feb. 25, was a huge success. The residents of Lilymoor were very generous. Val Fradinardo was chairman of the drive, her cowere Tena Belino, LoPresti and Fred Fradinardo. I am happy to report that Master Bobby Fuhler returned home from the McHenry hospital Saturday, Feb. 24, and is doing very nicely. Barbie Club Some of the girls in Lilymoor have formed a barbie doll club. V Members are girls who have barbie dolls. The girls meet every Tuesday afternoons from 3 to 4:30 p.m./in one of the girl's home. Thlre are seven girls who are--fsrembers so far. They are Diane and Cynthia Belford, Judy Fantus, Debbie Fuhler, Marlene Karmel, and Donna and Val Schavonia. Elections of officers were held. Val Schavonie is president and Judy Fantus is secretary. At their Feb. 27 meeting the girls drew pictures of their dolls and also had a fashion show for the dolls. Any girl who has a barbie doll and is interested in joining the club can contact Judy 'Fantus at 385-5541 or Val S«havonie at 385-6286. They will gladly help the girls out. Surprised Connie and Jake Johnson and Mary (Ma) Misevick were pleasantly surprised Friday, Feb. 23, when Connie and Jake's sister-in-law, Ethel Johnson and her pup Pepper dropped in for a visit. Ethel left Saturday morning for her home in Plummer, Idaho. Dance A week from this Saturday, March 17? is the crazy hat dance. JN^jyHl be held at Club Lilymoor, starting at 8 p.m. till ?? It should be fun and a lot of laughs to see the dif- 1 fcrcnt hats on • that night. Tickets are available from any member of the Woman's auxiliary, or at the door the night *• More News The McHenry hospital is holding a card party Tuesday, March 27. If you wish to purchase tickets you may contact Val Fradinardo for them. Val is chairman of the tickets. TRAFFIC SAFETY APPRAISED At the request of Gov. Otto Kerner, an appraisal of traffic safety in Illinois has been completed by Northwestern University's Traffic Institute. The appraisal will serve as a guide for action by Gov. Kerner's rec e n t l y a p p o i n t e d H i g h w a y Safety Coordinating committee. In reviewing the report. Gov. Kerner said: "Illinois already has the best traffic accident experience of any Midwest state, but blind conformity to existing standards no longer will suffice. The survey contains valuable information and suggestions as to the areas where a good safety program will result in decreasing accidental deaths on Illinois highways. I am encouraged that Illinois can decrease traffic fatalities." ection Notice NOTICE IS HERE TUESMY. THE GIVEN, THAT ON :il M. t BALDINGER'S FEDERAL TAX HORIZONS 4--Death Of Spouse MY OF I A. b.« AT TIJE USUAL POLLING PLACES IN THE VARIOUS PRECINCTS m the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, a Primary Election will be held for the nomination of candidates by each of the Political Parties for the following offices: United States Senator State Treasurer Superintendent of Public Instruction Clerk of the Supreme Court Clerk of the Apellate Court, 2nd District Representative in Congress, 12th Congressional District 3 Representatives in the Gen'l Assembly, 32nd Repr. District. County Judge County Clerk County Treasurer Sheriff County Superintendent of Schools Aad for electing, by each of the political parties, Committeemen as follows: One State Central Committeeman of the 12th Congressional District One Representative Committeemen of the 32nd Representative District One Precinct Committeeman of each party for each precinct The political parties entitled to participate in said Primary Election are the Republican Party and Democratic Party Also, Notice is Hereby Given that there will be Two Members of the County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County to be elected on the above date. The polls of said Primary election will be opened at 6 o clock a.m., and shall continue open until 6 o clock in the afternoon of said day. Dated at Woodstock, in McHenry County, in the State of Illinois, this 1st day of March, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Two. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk Where one spouse dies during the year, a joint return for the couple is permitted if the survivor does not* remarry. Of course, if there i£ a remarriage, a joint return may be filed with the new spouse, but not with the decedent. If an executor or administrator has been appointed for the estate of the deceased, then his agreement is necessary for the joint return. If there is no executor or administrator appointed before the date for the filing of the return, the survivor may file the joint return but fhe executor or administrator appointed later may specifically disaffirm the joint return within a year after the date of the filed return. There, is another incomesplitting technique available under certain circumstances where the spouse dies and the survivor is maintaining the household for a dependent child or stepchild. Let us take an example. The wife died in 1960. (It could be the other way around). The surviving husband filed a joint return for 1960 and was permitted to take the personal exemption for the deceased wife in 1960 as well as for his child or step-child. In connection with his 1961 return, he is allowed to compute his tax as if he were filing a joint return so long as he did not remarry and he maintained a household throughout 1961 which was the home of his child or step-child and for whom he furnished more than half of the support. He cannot claim an exemption for the deceased wife in 1961 but he may f<# the child or step-child. This privilege of income-splitting is available* for two years after the year of the wife's death, if all of/the conditions referred to are met. Head of pousehold An unmarried person who is carrying the load of a house*, hold pays tax at a different rate from one filing a single person's return. Firstly, you must be unmarried on December 31, 1961 and secondly, you must maintain a household. If the household is for your parent or parents, then "they must be your dependents but you need not live under the same roof. If the household is tor your unmarried child, grandchild, or stepchild, you must liye with them but they need njbt be your dependents. If the household is for any other dependent (which includes a married child) then you must live in the same home. Thus to maintain a household, you must furnish more than half the cost of property taxes, rent, upkeep and repairs, mortgage interest, food on the premises. You need not be the "boss" in the meaning of family control. Remember, that you do not qualify as head of a household if there is a multiple support agreement for your parents; or any other dependent. If the child or dependent in the household is born or died during the year, you may still qualify as a head of household if the tests were met for the part of the year he lived. Wisconsin Federal Judge * Tehan, a couple of years ago\ i Thursday, March 8, 1962 i ruled that the principal place of abode of the dependent mother of bachelor Rodney C. Welsh was his home even though she never lived in it because of illness. Mother's home was sold when she was hospitalized and her furniture and belongings were moved to Rodney's home where she was expected to reside after her recovery. Judge Tehan agreed with Rodney that he was entitled to use the head of the household tax rates even though mother did not recpver from her injury and was kept in a nursing home for over 4 years. This case teaches us that temporary physical absence from the home may be excused on account of school, sickness, vacation. The source of the Rio Grande is about 12,600 feet Up in the Colorado Rockies. MULTIPLE DEATHS A number of multiple death accidents reported in recent weeks were caused by vehicles sliding or skidding off the pavement onto soft shoulders bordering the highways: W. J. Payes Jr., director of the Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, issued a warning to the state's drivers to be alert to the danger with spring in the offing. "In the first six months of 1960, drivers reported 719 accidents on rural state highways where low or soft shoulders were noted," said Payes. Payes added further that drivers' descriptions of accidents in which they ran off the road cover a broad variety of circumstances. Some simply plow into the mud and stop or overturn. Others may smash into a culvert or a post before they can stop. as great as ever! Stamps ke your PSavings 'Way back when they first came out, stamp plans came in for pretty careful study at AftP . .. and for a good reason. AAP had built a fine business giving customers more of what they wanted: cash savings. You can be sure we weren't going to risk depriving customers of cash savings just to offer stamps. AftP wanted definite proof that it could offer the same big cash savings and stamps. A&P also wanted a stamp plan that would Offer customers a more attractive selection of gifts. Here's the happy ending to oyr story: A&P cash savings are as great ,as ever! And to make saving at AftP all the better, you now get free Plaid. Stamps ... good for over 3,000 gifts! WHITE POTATOES f NORTHERN 25-lb. Bag * - * * U.S. No. I Meet the meat sensation of the week! A&P's; spectacular Super Right Steak Sale offers you Sirloin, .-Porterhouse, T-Bone or Club Steaks at startling savings! Both bound' to be juicy, tender and rich-flavored . . . thanks to A&P's famous Super Right quality control! SIRLOIN - ROUND STIAK A&P's SUPER RIGHT BEEF {PORTERHOUSE i-oONE or CLUB lb. Boneless, Rolled A&P's Super Right or Breasts Frozeo Lb. Box 12-oz, Pkg. Rump Roast Ciikii Legs lipsr legit Imokiii Sliced IMsgia ~ LiqCaQ ©totalis Style FLAKES Groom Rich, Large or Small Curd Cap'n John's Heat 'n Eat u. 88c Ocean Perch Fillets 89e FiillSIcks Breadrf II Fh Whitifish EU SPECIAL THIS Ik WEEK! LB* SI® 3 10-oz. Pkgs. Cap'n John's 10-OZ. Frozen Pkg. IG-oz. Pkg. 49' $|00 59° * 69e SULTANA BRAND FINE QUALITY 2-39 COTTAGE CHEESE 2 # 49" JSS Macaroni el fe Cream 7-oi. Pkg. '/2-Gal. Ctn. JANE PARKER Flavor Kist Cookies Nabisco tokii Pic'i line Peaches Borden Sour Imam Oatmeal, „ Choc. Chip 6 or Butter with pkgs Choc. Chip Oreos, Baronets, Lorna Doones or Fig Newton* 49< -39* 29-01. Tins 8*oz. Ctn. 89' 33c Kliiki Noodles 12-oz. Pkg. 0® liishrooms Dawn Fresh 2|/{-0Z. ^||g Brand Jar. fctP Hills Bros. Coffin 2 » Swift's Hilff Food Strained-- Q 3-OZ. Fftfi Variety £ VV Pillsbeary Bi^ftFteur 25-16. §£§|9 ' pfcc. L Brook's Cstsip Old fk I2-0Z. Origin*! £ Blft. Ai|@B Fiii Cake Mix-- A 17-0Z. tlQQ 0 1 Maxwell! House C®ff®e Wt. §019 Tin | fill lix Ann Page, White, Yellow, Devil's Food M 19-02= Honey Spice if Pkgt. Sweep ^ueen Brosm O'Cedar $|40 Brand OSOfc | ®ris@o Shortening Pure 3.|b. ^|£(g Vegetable ^--Tin ^fpyp §®pp®r IS® Copper 3c Off Cleaner 10-OZ. Tin N> dm© ShorJewoEiq Pure 3-lb. TpjS© Vegetable Til) f fuj Cascade Sifterput - For 20-OZ. m Pkg. 49 tola IslM :i'i] 64° ©©winy Fiferii iefSsnir Gt. Size Q |fl btl. Q jr£ Phillies ©rein ©i@@§6 0 3"01, O pfcg*< wSE! Silwi Tailits Detergent I2-Ct. B Tablets Pfcg. fcg| tti APPLE P ^£9^49< AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER ... SINCE 1859 ONLY 8-INCH TH8 6KSAT AUANTIC * PACIFIC TIA COMPANY PRICES IN EFFECT THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 10th 30* Off Ills yeglTON'S MELLOWMOOD NYLONS FRUIT PIES STRETCH 1 Pair is box SEAMLESS 1 Pair in box • Cherry • Apple • Peach • Cocoanut $189 $139 - 29c • j