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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENBY PI.AINDEAI.EB Thursday, March 8, 1962 & glee club. George E. Johnson is a member of the Second Regimental band and assisted in the broadcast of the combined bands. . About seventy former residents of McHenry county met in Sycamore Grove, Los Angeles, Cal.„ on Saturday, Feb. 27, for their spring picnic. McHenry was represented by a sing if delegate, Frank McOmber. St. Patrick's parish will celebrate St. Patrick's Day-with a carnival, dance and card party at the Riverside hotel. Mrs. M. A. Sutton, president of the Altar and Rosary sodality, and Harold Phalin, pi-esident of the Holy Name society, are heading the committee.. Holiday Hills CUB SCOUTS BLUE AND GOLD DINNER DRAWS CROWD Inez Young On Fob. 24. the Cul) Sen s hi id their Blue and Hold ;:nn<?r. Over fifty I>eopk> were on hand to enjoy a delicious pot-luck suppeij at the Lundelius homo. I was invited as a £ue?t that 1 mi' it report on the affair first and. The evening was vc"ijoyahle and I hope J can C(ii..>'y to you what a fine «$roup we have here. John Connell, pack master, surprised two of the quests by leading the ^roup in singing • h a p p y b i r t h d a y , t o C h u c k Birchfield on his ipnth birthday and Aricne. Hill who was sweet sixteen. Jack followed this with a brief resume, on the past 52 years of Scouting. This was very erilightning because, did you know, for instance, that Cub Scouting was begun in 19'i3 as a program to extend Scouting to the younger t>oys and include the parents. They are encouraged to work with the boys on hobbies with an Indian theme. They work their way up from wolf badge to bear badge and on to the Webelos pack vvh^re they are getting ready , for Scouting. Our local pack started two years ago with seven boys and has gone to eighteen boys with three to four den mothers. A warm welcome was extended to Mr. Karafa and his son. Guy. and Mr. and Mrs. Birchfield and Chuck, also to Wally' Forman who was there and looking good following that serious back o]>eration. The lights were then turned Refreshments were served by the Boy Scouts. Special recognition goes to Earline Mettelka for the very attractive cakes baked and decorated for both the Boy Seoul and Cub Scout affairs. Brownies The Brownies have elected the following girls for the months of March and April. President, Joan Quilico; vicepresident, Virginia Luna; treasure]'. Pam Potratz; secretary, Bonnie MacWilHams; American- flag bearer, Amy Howell; American flag guard, Kathy Schauers; Brownie flag bearer, Linda Exline and Brownie flag guard. Valarie Forthman. The girls are currently working on their Tenderfoot badge. a party to which he invited Tommy Lundelius and his mother, Virginia, Lisa Hawhee and her mother, Jesse, Debbie and Billy Mahon and Estelle and Nancy Foreman. Graduation Dpn number 2 under den mother, Virginia Lundelius, had a party Tuesday. Feb. 27, to celehrate the graduation into the VVebelos den of Herb Hill, Wally Suman arid Mike Janik. Woman's Club at Mahons The next meeting of the Woman's club will be held at the home of Mary Mahon at 1507 Birch on Wednesday. March 14 Both the March and April meetings will be held there because St. John's Lutheran church will have Lenten services on Wednesday evenings. All members, old ones, new ones, regular ones, irregular ones and their guests are invited to an evening^ of fun. Start looking for your white elephant now, wrap it up and bring it along. We're going to play robber bingo again. Christening Christine Therese C o n n e 11 was christened by Father Parker at St. Patrick's Catholic church in McHenry on Sunout while Jack' fiegan lighting day, Feb. 25. Miss Nancy Ura white lieht to represent the Scoutin<_r spirit, onto blue lights representing the den mothers, the committee a,nd the families, from there to red lights representing the Bobcat. Wolf Bear and Lion badges and last the Webelos. ' ,« , Mr.' Schmidt- and Mr. Lastowski presented badges to the foHowing boys: Bobcat badge, Gay Karafa and Tim Ary; Wolf badge. Bryan Stoddard, Dean Hoise and Bear badge. Silver Arrow. John Connell; Lion badge, two Silver Arrows, Mike Janik; Lion badge, Wally Suman and Silver Arrow. R.oy Lundelius. The theme for the month was about Presidents. So the skits for the evening centered this theme. The following Presidents were acted out by the boys with the guests having to guess who they were: George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, along with Thomas Edison, Babe Ruth and Baden Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts. Four boys from den No. 1 gave a testimony on "What Scouting Means to Me". These boys wejHerb Hill, John Connell, Mi\> Janik and Wally Suman. The program was closed with a vote of thanks to Earline Mettelka for taking over dens 1 and 3 for Marge Connell and Jean Baird. Heart Fund Drive Orchids are due to the following people who collected for the Heart Fund Feb. 24 and 25; Marge Potratz who headed the drive in the subdivision, Eunice Heise, Lorraine Bemis, Earline Mettelka, John Potratz and Jimmie Justes. These workers commended the residents on their cooperation. banski. Christine's future aunt was her godmother, and her uncie. George 0>nnell of Carpentersville. was her godfather. Others on hand for the dinner given to celebrate the happy occasion were Marge's folks, ,Mr. ^nd ^Mrs. Walter Schwiek, her two brothers, Larry and Haiold, and a friend, Barbara. Athletic Club The Griswold Lake Athletic club installed the new officers at their last meeting. Rick Wychezany is the new president. Wayne Malzahn, vieepresident; Bob Szamblewski, secretary and Con Kasparzyk. treasurer. TWo new members were introduced and voted in: Fred Frantz and John Van Duyn. The boys discussed and began making plans for the breakfasts to be held next summer. Griswold Lake team number 1 is in first place in the Tuesday night 9 o'clock bowling league in Island Lake. Team number 2 is in last place and team number 3 is in about fifth place. Birthdays Belated birthday greetings go to Arlene Hill, Henry Ferreri and Lorraine Ferrari all with birthdays in February, and to Herb Hill, March 1, and Jesse Hawhee March 2. Arlene Foreman has a birthday coming up March 11. John Boettcher recently celebrated his third birthday with Parents Night Parents' night for Troop 132 was held Feb. 23 at the home of the Wychezanys. The Scouts w h o p a s s e d T e n d e r f o o t w e r e Ray Mettelka, Matthew Justes and Steven Pline. The boys entertained the parents with skits. Wayne Malzahn, institutional r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , p r e s e n t e d Scoutmaster Victor Justes with the charter. Guest from McHenry was Tames Kirk. )T1CE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. Get Well Wishes Henry Ferreri is at home following a week's stay in McHenry hospital for surgery. I hope this/ finds you feeling much better Hank. We are happy to report that Ray Baird is now recuperating at home. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Feb. 29. 1912 The worst storm of the season visited this section Sunday phere, daughter of Mrs. Ella Lamphere, to Mr. John Watson of Elgin. The Lampheres were former local residents. McHenry friends have received word that Will and Leon Slimpin, former McHeniy boys now employed by the Houston Texas Gas company, Nelffhborly Notes Jim Hawhee recently entertained three friends who came up from Rock ford to fish. They were Carl Althoff. Jim Landin and Jim Cripps. The Hawhees also entertained Miss Linda Friday from Oregon, who came in to see the Auto Show Chicago. Virginia Lundelius' sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maloney and Michael from Chicago had dinner with the LundeiRises' on Sunday, Feb. 25. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jaijies Kendall. Mary Mahon's aunt and uncle spent the day with her Saturday, Feb. 24. Vi and Bill Abbink entertained couples club Saturday, Feb. 24, with an evening of fun, good drinks and good food. On hand were the Breedes, the Harpers, the Haufs and the Youngs. Congratulations Congratulations go to Jim Dowhin. Jr., on a fine record in wrestling at McHenry high. Jim was captain of the team that placed first in the conference and in the district to add two more trophies to the tro*. phv case at school. They also had eleven men going into the sectionals. Five members of the team placed in the sectionals. Jim had a very good season; wrestling in the 145 weight class and went all the way, to place in the sectionals. One more match would have taken him down state. All this in spite of a Jeg ,injury, just before conference finals. A fine job, Jim! COAL INDUSTRY REPORT The state-wide picture of the Illinois coal industry for the last five years is presented in figures released last week by the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals. The report points up that, with only two-thirds as many men working during 1961 as in 1957, total coal output remained virtually constant. Only 65 per cent as many mines were in operation/m 1961 as in 1957. P R O F E ^ I O n f l l D I R E C T O R S ' EARL. R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm A life la' Representing COMPANIES night and Monday morning and , )rovod ,hemscives heroes when 0 tfie kind the °ld i ihpy rescued three crhildreii and their mothers from their burning homes in Houston recently- Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bacon entertained about forty relatives and friends at their, farm home Thursday, in observance of their golden wedding. A sumptuous dinner was followed by the singing of old time songs, while stories of the olden days and family happenings were related. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of March 2, 1922 Just before closing our forms to go to press, word reached our office of the marriage of Martin Weber anc^-Miss Kathryn Meyer, which was solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church here Tuesday, Rev. Charles Nix officiating. John E. Freund and Louis Oertel have formed a partnership and began this week the manufacture of cigars in the village under the name of the El Depends Cigar company. One of the greatest events of the season was held at the Lone Maple, on Fox river east of this village, on a recent evening. A' H. Watson, the hustling real estate man, owner of the Lone Maple, who has been ill, enjoyed it immensely. Ben Thonnesen and Henry Quinn was one timers talk about. By Monday morning navigation was almost impossible wjth only one of the four mail carriers, E. E. Basset t, able to make his entire route. Telephone wires leading to the home of Tax Collector John Niesen were cut down one night last week. It's getting almost as bad as Chicago. The McHenry town basketball team met the Genoa Junction town team at the village hall here Friday evening and proceedel to show the Badger state boys a few of the finer points of the game, the home team winning by a score of 51 to 11. Glenn Robison and Ray Page did the best work for McHenry, while Conway, Knox and Wrede all did good work. Mrs. Bernard J. F r i s b y passed away at her home at 3323 Ogden avenUte, Chicago, Tiiesday evening. The body will arrive here tomorrow morning and the funeral will be held from St. Patrick's church at 10:30 o'clock. The McHenry high school basketball five triumphed over the Richmond high school team Friday evening by a score of 71 to 9. Announcement was made at Elgin Tuesday of the approaching marriage, in the near future, of Miss Harriet Lamwere in charge of the program. Four fiddlers were there. Mike P u r c e l l w a s a w a r d e d f i r s t prize, a gold medal; Mike Con- Way, second prize, a diamond stud; Martin Stoffel, third prize, a pair of diamond cuff buttons; and Bill Quinn, fourth prize, a leather medal. Mrs. L. Huck appeared in a skirt dance and Mrs. Ella Thonneson Warbled a few fine yodles. Each lady was presented with a five-pound box of candy, Henry Quinn sang "The Same Old Moon is Shining", Mike Conway favored with a beautiful ballad entitled "Pigeon at the Gate", Bill Quinn rendered a selection entitled "Why Did They Build Fox River So Close To the Shore?" and last but not least was a song by John Drey Miller entitled "Lather and Shave For Every Man". Refreshments were served, by Mrs. Watson. George Schaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid of Griswold Lake, and Miss Zella Dowell, daughter of the late Charles Dowell, were united in marriage at a Catholic church in Waukegan Feb. 22. They w e r e a t t e n d e d b y J o s e p h Schaid and Miss Nellie Glosson. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of March 4, 1937 Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes in the Owen, Stenger and Allen subdivision about 6:30 this (Thursday) morning, the occupants barely escaping with their lives. All of their furniture, as Well as many beautiful pieces of Mrs. Hughes' handwork and historical data collected through the years, was destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Joe KloeckneV were surprised by a group of their friends at their homp Sunday evening. Those present were Messrs and Mesdames Earl McAndrews, Will Freund, George Weitl, Henry Wohlert, Mat Blake, John Phannenstill, J. Hergott and their families. Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Mrs. Jack Walsh were guests at a buffet supper at the home of Mrs. V. S. Lumley, Woodstock, Wednesday evening, where Mrs. Walsh was a winner in bridge. A Founders Day program on March 2, marked the sixtyninth birthday observance of the University of Illinois. The program broadcast over WENR Tuesday evening had many interested listeners here as two local boys were taking part. Guy Duker, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, plays trombone in the concert band and is also a member of the men's "As long as capitalism an9 socialism exist, we cannot live in peace; in the end, one or the other will triumph -- a funeral dirge will be sung over the Soviet Republic or over world capitalism." -- Lenin, 1920. Machinery Moved All Types and Sizes J (No Job Too Large or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service! call EV 5-4645 Al's Wefclmg & Repair Service 4021 W. Main St. McHenry, ID. When You Need Insurance Any Kind ol Phone EVergreen 6-0048 or 5-0058 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, ID DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1286 N. ©reen Street Office Phone: EV 5-0186 Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Than.: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:80 to 9 pjn. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-Glasses fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Saryica 8-62 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. SI Ph. EVergTeen 5-0950 8-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4198 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wllmot Road 5-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1308 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 8-62 Bfs. paui/s spggcKnfPAi* CHURCH II ml. south on Qnsea St.) 7:30 a.m. Man 8:45 am Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Mass First Thursday: 8:00 pjn. Women*! Auxfliaiy Second Thursday: 8:00 pjn. Mess's Chib Friday: 7 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. Oonfessfans and By Appointment ZKDKJ LWBM (0HURCH .(Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Carl A. Bobfe, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:48 and 10:30 9KX) ajn. Sunday School and Bible Class Ladies Aid -- 1st Tues. of the month Friendship Guild -- 2nd Tues. of the month Men's Club -- Last Tues. of the month Walther League -- Last Sunday of the month You are cordially invited to attend our services. FAITH PEgEjBBYTEHIAN OIMJIMJH IJnonHn Rd. West of Outdoor Theatre Mm O. Mclntyre, Miniate Worship: 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:80 «m- Session and Deacons: 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Women's Society and Study Circle: 3rd Thursday at 8:00 p.m. ST. JOSEPH?© OAMOU0 CHnjJIMJH Richmotad, Rev. Ft. Frank J. Miller Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:80 and 10:00 Emails? Maoes --« 8:00 fi-issL Holy Basra --• 7 and 0 a A Friday -- 7:00 p.m. Pioneer Girls ILaBS&aaife School 3s the Answer* ST. MARY'S TOfHiaiS • " Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Rev. Harold! Nilges Rev. Albert ReaneH , Assistant Fastose Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:45 and 12:00. Weekday Masses! 6:49 and 8sQ® a.m. Holydays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 ajn. and 7:80 pjn. First Fridays and First Saturdays: Mares at mid 8:00 am Confessions: Satrapfia^D, Thursdays before Fteot 5Mdays, and days Mom Boty* days: 8-4 in afternoon and 7-8 in evening Baptisms:1 Snmlay 1:80 pjn. by apgmtatafflt ST. PATRICE"® OATHOMO CHUn Rev. Edw. C. CaaMsy Pastor Rev. Eugene D. Faster. Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Daily Ma£3£3 -- 7 and 8 slebi, . Holy Days -- 6, 7, 8, 0 am and 8 pjn. First Fridays -- Communion iststetefl at 6:80 and dtadu® ? 8 p m imwaM Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 p.m. OomfBBrtqns Thursday (Before VtaM Fri.) -- 4-5, 7-8 pm Ooeteslae COMMUNITY METMOMBT CHUBCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois George W. Martin, pastor EV. 5-1352 Sunday Worship Services-- 9:80 and 11 ajn. Church School -- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Every Sunday -- M.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Every Other Sunday -- I.Y.F. at 7 pm Thursdays -- Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Fridays -- Junior choir rehearsal at 3 p.m. Second Wednesday of the Month-- Official Board at 8 pm Third Wednesday of the MOkith-- Homebuilders at 8 p.m. Fourth Wednesday of the Month-- Men's Club Dinner Meeting at 7 pm Third Thursday of the Month-- Woman's Society of Christian Service luncheon meeting at 12 noon A friendly invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship, fellowship and service with us. WONDER LAM MBLFI (DMURCH Box 2, Phoas WJL. 7961 Rev. Richard N. Wright Pastor 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 5:30 pm Youth Meeting 7:00 pm. Bible Fellowship Hour Wednesday -- 7:30 pm. Mid Week Prayer Hour Frittoy -- 7:00 pm Children's Bttfle Clubs Boys, ages 8-13, Pals' Club Girls, ages 8-13, Pioneers' Club CHRIST THE KOfS CHURCH Rt. 2, Wonder Bake, Illinois Rev. James VmSkpnl Pasta? Masses-- Sunday (Oct. thru May) 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m. (June thru Sept.) 7:30, 9 10:30 & 12 Daily Masses-- 8 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Holy Days-- 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. First Friday--• 8 a.m. Confessions-- Saturday 7 to 8 p.m. Holy Days & First Friday one-half hour before Mass LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Wonder Lake, Illinois W. L. Thummel, Pastor Sunday -- 8-11:00 a.m. Worship 9:15-11:00 a.m. Church School Saturday -- 10:00 a.m. Junior Choir 11:00 a.m. Cherub Choir Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Senior choir A nursery is provided during the Sunday morning worship services. FOX LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 1111 South Route 12 Ingleside, Illinois Rev. Roger D. Bergeson Pastor Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11*00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Service Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer RING WOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Bruce Brenemann Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Church School 3.30 p.m. Jr. Hi. M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F, Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal Second Wednesday -- 8 :00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Last Tuesday -- 8:00 p.m. Methodist Men CHURCH OF CQEBBI8T, ECJIMNTI8T 37 McHenry Avenue Orystal take, HI. Sunday -- 11 &m Church Services 11 am Sunday School in the Central Grade School, Multipurpose room, entrance on Frank!!© Ave, Wednesfiajf -- 8 pm Evening Services, including testimonies of Christian Science healing. The reading mom, I$mted ait'25 N. Wiliiasao C&C36, la open daily tram 31 ajaa. to 5:00 pm (accept Sundays and hoMas^). Fridays tram 11 to 9 pm ALT, ARE WELCOME II. PETER'S CATHOUO CHURCH Spring Grove, 111 Rev. E. J. Lgtaea, Pastat Sunday Mass^ -- 6:30, 9, 3D and 11:M urn. Weekday Hasses -- 7:00 and 8:00 am Fbot Fridays -- @:S0 & 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Saturday -- id5,7^5pm Confession CHURCH Spring Ghwq, Illinois Philip Bergstrom, pastor 9:30 Church School Russel Gardiner, supt 10:55 Organ Meditation Edith Blaine 11:00 Morning Wo FOX LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mission Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Fox Lake American Legion Post Pastor D. W. Kamuth Nursery During the Service CGUAIUV i'i." JL CSwSCS TOInots 9^5 am. Sunday School 11.-00 am Worship S&rvice ORACH EVANGEMOAI LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Harold L. Carlson, pastoi Church School-- 9:45 a.m. The Service-- 11:00 a.m. May thrr, September 8:30 an# 11:00 a.m. BT. JOHN'S OATHQIH, CHURCH Johnsburg, Illinois Rev. Joseph M. BtUtsah Pastor Sunday Masses > 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am Holy Days -- 7:00 am and 7:80 pm "nrarsday (Before First Fri.) -- 8:00 pm and 7:80 p.m. Confessions AMiayoB mug CHUBOIS McHenry, 111. William N. Harper Sunday -- ^ 9:45 am Sunday Bchoc! 11:00 am Worship Service 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 pm Gospel Hour Thursday-- 8:00 pm Prayer Meeting MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CHURCH 1015 Broadway Pistakee Highlands Stewart B. Smith, Pastor Res. & Office HYatt 7-3601 710 Pheasant Trail Pistakee Highlands McHenry, Illinois 9:45 Church School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Youth Fellowship Sunday School Supt. Mrs. Gladys Jones, HYatt 7-3370 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (SBC) McHenry, HI. Virgle L. Chappell, Pastor Sunday Services -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship Weekday Services -- Wednesday -- 3:00 p.m. Junior G.A.'s 6:30 p.m. Junior Choir 6:60 pm Youth Choir 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday -- 7:00 pjn. Sunbeams Friday -- 3:30 p.m. Intermediate G.A.'s i* SPOKSOHED BT THE FOLLOWING BUSSES FESS AS A PUBLIC SIS^ICE McHenry Simi> & iQkavd Co. 920 N. Front gfe, Scbrodde? Iron Worka Hwy. 81 -- gorafS) McHenry, McHenry Sfete Bank Serving gtess 1900 McHecgy, mi«i»na« HcHenry Recreation Fox St. McHenry, III: George 1L Justed Qi FemqkiI Hssao Sob McHenry Lumbar Co. 4080 W. Main St. H. E. Ok Sona Plumbing © 8012 W. iSoviee 120 Masild^o Ik Wlsson# Itac. 8814 W. Etes St. AMMfa Gaa Swrlci 808 N. Front St. Xonyan €©a@£ra<g2!on Co. 1309 N. Borden St. The Kenl Corp. 1811 N. RIvQFoMe Drive trre- Sky8weep@?* Inc. Johnstog McHenry Savlngi & iksfn. 8811 W. Elm St Eiel?£3^70 TlWo-- Does it Matter where a Prescription is Filled? It Does -- Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See!

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