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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 8, 1962 "Sifjns Of Spring-" At Meeting' *•' trrh It's .u. And thai will be the th( of n colorful cooking demons!uition sponsored hv the Home ;mii School association of St. .li'hn'> chin h. Johnsburg. The proa ram will be held on Monday I'vuing. ,March 26. at p.m. in the community hall Mrs. Jean Cooney and Miss .ludy In^wcrsen. Northern,Illinois Gas jTompyny home economists, \vNl present the food demonstration entitled. "Signs of Spring". The busy ^housewife will learn how to^repare tempting. attractive1 meals from simple, easy-to-prepare recipes'. Featured will be'appetizers, meats, salads and lent en dishes. Foods prepared and recipe books will be given away. All members are urged to attend this meeting. Tell Engagement Of Marita Thomson McHenry friends of Miss Marita Thomson, a former resident of McCullom Lake, will be interested to learn of the announcement of her engagement to Lowell Knic-f. son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knief. Both young people are from Burlington. HI. Miss Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomson, is a graduate of Evanston hospital school of nursing and is employed by the hospital. Mr. Knief, wh<y studied at Northern Illinois university, operates a farm near Burlington. The wedding is planned for June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reese of Diamond Lake announce the birth of a son March 3 at McHenry hospital. A daughter was bom March 3 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Moline of Crystal Lake are parents of a daughter born March 3 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cable announce the birth of a daughter March 3 at McHenry hospital. I.Trs. Cable is the former AJe'te May of Johnsburg. A Woodstock couple, Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Gitlin, became parents of a son March 4 at McHenry hospital. and Mrs. Reginald Mac- Laughlin of Crystal Lake announce J" e birth of a son March 5 ..t McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore of Barrington are parents of a __jjatfghter born March 5 at McHenry hospital. On Feb. 28 a son was born at Memorial hospital, Wbodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leon announce the birth of a son Feb. 28 at Memorial hospital. Woodstock. Mrs. Leon is the former Joan Nimsgern of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Polka of Wonder Lake are parents of a son March 3 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Switzer are grandparents of a 7 lb., 8 oz. girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter of Lakewood, Crystal Lake, at the Woodstock hospital, Feb. 26, on her maternal grandfather's birthday. Susan Lynn was welcomed home by two brothers, Scott, 11 and Martin, 9. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Walter of Rim- ?rsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav C. Wilde, Jr., announce the birth of a son March 3 afMemorial hospital, Woodstock. | ANN VARESE TO ! BE PRESENTED IN | "THE MUSIC MAN" ! The W.S.C.S. of the Comi munity Methodist church will present Ann Varese and her j version of "The Music Man" at «he V.F.W. clubhouse on Wednesday, March 21." A men's quanet. consisting of Ed,v Wit!rock. Gus Lakeberg. Roy Kissling and Norbori Muuch, will take the parts the "Huffaln Hills" portrayed on Brondwav. Other performers vV'ill be Leora Varese, Florence Ehgdahl and Rory Mar' shall. Music will be provided, by Verna Schlofner at the piano. Tickets are limited because of space, but may be purchased ar^this time from all W.S.C.S. members. The show will start promptly at 1 o'qj^gk. with refreshments to be served. Wed Feb. 24 8FE ETHERIDGE Sue Ethe ridge , ' Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Etheridge of 4811 E. Lake Shore drive. Wonder Lake, announce the Engagement of their daughter, Sue, to Allan G. Boden, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Overton of 528 W. Kimball avenue. Woodstock. Miss Ethenoge, a graduate of McHenry high school in 1960, is a secretary in Des- Plaines. Her fiance, a 1958 graduate of St. Mary's high school, Woodstock, was recently discharged from the Marine corps" and is employed in Crystal Lake. The wedding is planned for Aug. 18 inySt. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock. O'Sara-Metcalf Nuptial Vows OSRITA IFTOTIU CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards, flowers, prayers, visits and kindness shown during my recent stay in McHenry hospital. 'Special thanks to the nurses and nurses' aids. 3-8-62 Mrs. Anna Lay McHenry Hospital Patients admitted during the past week to the McHenry hospital included Irene Crocker and Denise Daun, Wauconda; John Larak. Cary; Alan Bellef e v i l l e , L i b e r t y v i l l e : P h y l l i s Garner. Yorkville; Anthony Pecoraro, Roselle; Evelyn Woltheus and Thomas A. Koch, Ingleside; Donna Chamberlain, Barrington: Myrtle Smith, Fox Lake; Marcelle Carlson, Howard Parth, Sr., Stella Dembauski, Leslie Freckman, Maureen Loper, Janet Fail burn, Lorean Redwanz, Rita Daly, Evelyn Routt, Thomas McCarthy, Theresa Schaefer, Shirley Blumberg, Frank Reekie, Ann Barnes. Est her Schneider. Maria Buenzii. Joseph Pioro, Sandra Bucaro. Paul Yanda, Nancy Carlson. Mary Haggland, Mary Frieb. Charles Diedrich, Catherine Druml and Carl Woerner, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Stanley Vycital, Mrs. Mary Laurence and Miss Helena Stoffel were patients this past week in Hai-vard hospital. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Richard Rad. Terri Benson. Josephine Hansen, Georgia Alberg. Baby Dawn Merwin and Herman Etten of McHenry; and Kathy and Susan Tomano, Baby Thomas Cashin, Baby Robert Weirich and Emma Reymann, Wonder Lake. WCOF Plans For Annual Diocesan Conference The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters are planning for the eighth annual Rockford diocesan conference which will be held at St. Joseph's auditorium, Elgin. Sunday, April 1. There will be an 11 o'clock Mass at St. Joseph's church, celebrated by the Most Rev. Bishop Loras T. Lane. A dinner and program will follow. Reservations must be made by March 27 by calling EVergreen 5-2242. SHOP AT HOME Rev. Francis J. Gaughn officiated at the 2 o'clock nuptial ceremony performed on Feb. 24 in St. Columba's church, Philadelphia, Pa., which united in marriage Susa# . Metcalf of 2928 N. Ringgold street, Philadelphia, and Kenneth W. O'Gara of 1821 N. Lakewood. McHenry. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's grand mother. Mrs. Anna Roesner. The bridegroom is serving with the Navy and at present is stationed in Philadelphia, where thev will live. March 11 Holy Name Communion Sunday -- St. Mary's Church. March 12 Holy Name Meeting -- Movie on "Communist Encirclement -- New Version of Communism on the Map". March 16 'Teen Dance -- Legion Home Sponsored by Viscounts Parents' Association. March 17 Crazy Hats Dance -- Club L i l y m o o r -- S p o n s o r e d b y Women's Auxiliary of Lilymoor. March 20 Republican Women Present Speaker -- Junior High School - Public Invited. Rev. Francis Filas Addresses St. Patrick's Mothers' Club -- 8 p.m. March 21 Spring Tea -- VFW Clubhouse -- Featuring "The Music Man," with Ann Varese. March 24 Dance and Smorgasbord -- V.F.W. clubhouse Sponsored by Griswold Lake Home Owners Association - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. March 24-25 White Elephant Sale -- St. Mary's Gym Sponsored by St. Mary's Church Benefit Mt. St. Francis Provincial Home. Mferch 27 Annual Spring Card Party and Fashion Review -- VFW Clubhouse--Sponsored by McHenry Hospital Auxiliary. March 28 Lecture Luncheon Club--McHenry Country Club -- Dr. Preston Bradley, speaker. March 30-31 Rummage Sale - Ringwood Methodist Church 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Langdon Studio Phoio THE MARTIX FOLEY'S Miss Sandns$ Walsh and Mr. Martin Foley, both of McHenry, exchanged nuptial vows in a lovely ceremony performed in St. Patrick's Catholic church on Saturday, Feb. 24. They have been enjoying a trip to Florida and Nassau. WHITE ELEPHANT SALE PLANS ARE NEAR COMPLETION Preparations for the White Elephant sale which is to take place March 24 and 25 are just nearing completion. The sale is to take place on the above dates in St. Mary school gymnasium. On the twentyfourth, the time will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on the twenty-fifth, the hours begin at 7:30 and will continue until approximately 4 p.m. Breakfast, consisting of doughnuts and colfee, will be served after all the Masses on Sunday, beginning after the 6:30 Mass. The proceeds of the sale will go to the Mt. St. Francis Provincial House in Rockford. This project for raising funds was initiated by the late Sister Lea, O.S.F. She had hoped to present a testimonial to \the new Provincial House on the occasion of her fiftieth anniversary as a Sister of>St._Francis. Sister Lea's hopes Were temporarily abandoned when she died last April. Mrs. Clarence Neisen and Mrs. Leonard Pawlikowski are trying to carry through the project. As on the initial endeavor, Mrs. Neisen presented a novel plan for raising runds. Shje asked for a donation ofLtradinfe stamps. They are still collected, and will be redeemed in cash or materials for the furnishing of the Provincial House in Rockford. Mrs. Mary Buch. Mrs. Elizabeth Michels and Mrs. Eleanor < Young have been busy sewing aprons for the sale, while the school children, lay teachers and sisters are all working hard collecting very attractive articles for the project. The following are chairmen appointed for the booths: Religious articles, books and records, Mrs. Jack Boone and Mrs. John Kiggins; children's fish pond, Mrs. Michael Churosh and Mrs. Victor Bassi; special, Mrs. Arnold Anderson and Mrs." Jerome Steinbach; boutique table (jewelry, hats and purses), Mrs. John Lescher and Mrs. George Gilpin; decorating, Mrs. Henry Nell and Mrs. Theodore Pitzen; refreshments, Mrs. John Freund and Mrs. Leo Blake; country store, Mrs. Maurice Clark and Mrs. Edward Thennes; clothes, Mrs. Eugene Nye and Mrs. Gail Shannon; publicity, Mrs. Grace Murphy. The crossbow was the world's deadliest weapon befor the invention of gunpowder. PERSONALS Mrs. Nick M. Ju&ten and d aughter, Clal-efie, have returned from a seven weeks visit in the home of Dr. afid Mrs. Thomas Whittemore (Dorothy Justen) and baby in Menlo Park, Calif. They were also i guests in Ihe Frank Justen ' home at Chowchilla and the • Dr. Jerome Justen home iri Santa Monica while gone. Mrs. Ernestine Chri s t i a n, daughter, Karen, of Glen Eliyn and her guests, her son, Terry; wife and son, Timmy, of Fort Hood. Texas, were visitors iri the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund on two occasions the past week. The Terry Christians were here on a sad mission as they accompanied the remains of their son, James, to OttumWa, Iowa, were Mrs. Christian and daughter, Karen, attended the funeral on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Ben Freund, Mrs. Marion Schoenhoeltz and Mrs. Glorice Jackson spent a fe\fr days recently with their daughter arid sister, Mrs. Robert Rusholdt in Michigan City, Ind.. who is recovering from surgery. \ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schenning of Fox River, Wis., were rccc-nt visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. The Gordon Smith family has moved from the Niesen place on North Greeh street, to 3907 Ringwood road. Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo visited McHenry relatives Friday evening. Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter, Clarene, and granddaughter, Gretta Martin, visited Sister Nicele at Holy Ghost Convent. Wood Dale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- Ginley have moved from the LLL apartment building on Main street to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend visitors in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bassett of Chicago were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. J Mrs. Edna Leonhart, who spent a few weeks in the home of her son, Gerald Schoenhoeltz, and family iri Milwaukee, has returned to McHenry where she resides with hei^ son, M. L. Schoenhoelta, and family* Mrs. William DeVries has returned from a visit with her father, Henry Steger, in Phoenix, Ariz. Alan Peschke was home from his studies at Campion school, Prairie-de-chien, Wis., to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Peschke. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent a few days recently in the Jack Pepping home in Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, Mrs. James Thompson, sons, Jimmie and Tommy, were visitors in the James Wagner home in Milton, Wis., Tuesday and attended confirmation services at St. Mary's church, there, that afternoon. Herb Simon acted as sponsor for Carl and Jimmie Thompson as sponsor for Charles, the Wagners' twin sons who were members of the confirmation class. Mrs. Grace O'Brien, daughter, Jean, and son, Father Charles O'Brien of Chicago, have returned from a very enjoyable ten days plane trip to Mexico where they spent some time in Acapulco afid Mexico City. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman and children of Woodstock visited her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Sunday evening. Mrs. Rose Staifies and Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock to Kenosha recently for a visit in the Elmer Smalfelt home. Mrs. Carl Blanner and son, Vernon, of Rockford, spent a few days last week in the home of their daughter and sister, MrSi Robert Conway. Weekend guests in the home of Mrs, A. P. freund werfc Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rooney of Aurora. Dinner guests on Saturday evening were Mrs. Petticlair, daughters, Carol and JGah, of Wauk;?gan and the Donald Freund family of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum of Chicago and son. Buddy, a student at Bradley University, summer residents, were callets here Saturday. Mrs. A. P. Freund and daughter, Mrs. Leone Tonyan, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Del Freund and Mrs. Neamo of Wauconda to Chicago Wednesday. Mr. arid. Mrs. James Hughes have returned from a four weeks vacation in Florida. They visited Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, Sr., in Stewart, Called' on relatives at Jupiter and spent some time with friends in Marathon and Key West. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe have returned from a visit With their son, Thomas, who is Stationed with the Navy at Annapolis, Md. Mrs. Rudy Becker was called to Port Chester, New York, last week by the critical illness t>f her father, Mikarl Skuterud. Miss Marsha Genung of Ta- Cortia, Wash., financee of Ronaid Tonyan. was a weekend guest in the William Tonyan home. Miss Genung has been t r a n s f e r r e d t o W o o d s t o c k through the telephone company by whom she was employed. Mrs. Gertrude Justen attended the hairdressers convention held in Chicago Monday. Bridal Couple enjoying a wedding trip to New Orleans. They were married by Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams. The bride, the former Magdelihe Besemer, whose parents reside in Germany, came to thife country almost two years ago. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe, is an employee of the Illinois Bell Telephone company. The couple will reside with his parents for the present. CLUBS HOLD SALE Twenty-one women's clubs from the Lake Villa area are consolidating forces to stage their third annual rummage and bake saleon Friday, March 9, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and S a t u r d a y , M a r c h 1 0 , f r o m 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Lake Villa grade school. This ig a ^benefit sale for the Countrywide hospital. Ko^talik Studio Photo THE EUGENE DOWES Since their marriage on Saturday, Feb. 24, Mr. and Good intentions help little, Mrs. Eugene Dowe have been ' if you are on the wrong road: Earl Petersorf Claims Bride The Community Methodist church was the setting for a pretty, early spring wedding on Saturday, March 3, when Nancy Lee Eyler became the bride of Mr. Earl R. Peterson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Bodkep" of Woodlawn Park, Mcl-Jenfy, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Eric Peterson of McHenry. Rev. Qeorge Martin officiated at the 9 o'clock nuptial service. /' The couple was attended by the bridegroom's brother, Glenh Peterson, ahd his wife of Oak Park. A reception for members of the bridal party arid the two families was held at the McHenry Country club immediately following the ceremony. The couple left later on a trip to New Orleans, where they will witness the Mardi Gras, and then on to New York. Upon their return, the newlyweds will reside in his residence on Regner road. HAIR STYLISTS EV 5-0010 1222 N. GREEN ST. OPEN HOURS MON. 8 A.M. thru *<? SAT. 6 P.M. (Closed Wednesdays) Let our staff of experts help you with your color problem. If you've ever wondered why they call a boat a "she", you've never tried steering one. A Notice To The Republican Voters From Nick Adams I would like to take this opportunity to inform all my friends and voters interested in my campaign for sheriff on the Republican ticket, of my recent decision. I have decided in the interest of good government and equal law enforcement to support another candidate for this office, H. Eugene Brewer, Harvard chief of police; whom I think ^nas the integrity and vigor to bring about a Republican victory in November. His ideals greatly parallel mine in regard to his youth guidance program and merit system for the sheriff's department. My name will still appear on the ballot, but I am actively withdrawing to support H. Eugene Brewer. I hope that you will do the same as I April 10 and vote for H. Eugene Brewer. Thank you for your interest. Nick Adams i ale 10% Off On Any Pair Of Shoes Every Friday. Saturday and Sunday All First Line Shoes -- No Close Out DISCOUNT SHOES 2 Blocks East of River on Hwy. 120 D&N at Maihew's Hall Wonder Lake Sat., March 10 7:30 p.m. - ll:30»p.m. 0 Music By THE CHESSMEN 60c Per Person raw IAJELL FILLED The (number) of prescriptions in our files speak well for the public's confidence in our skill and integrity In carrying out "doctor's orders" to the letter. Our good reputation is your guarantee that your prescription will receive the fullest measure of professional skill. Bring your next prescription to BOLGER'S AAN MzM ©rag Iteo=@ Registered Pharmacists Donald P. Doherty -- Arthar McKent) William H. Toppen -- <?oka A. Stewart We will be open and serving our regular menu. Fish Specials Pally during the Lenten Season Closed Every Tuesday Phone 385-1787 JOHNSBURG, ILL. IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY SOME OF THE "GOOD THINGS OF LIFE" . . . START SAVING REGULARLY AT McHENRY STATE BANK! Money isn't everything . . . but it does make a lot of pleasant thingspossible. Travel, education for the kids, a home of your own, etc. Whatever you want . . . START SAVING FOR IT NOW! Money doesn't care to whom it belongs. It can belong to you, if you invite it ... by paying yourself first each Pay Day in your own savings account. ; Book Savings Savings Certificates - • n -- . ~ ^ "Listen To The Regional Basketball Tournament -- WRMN 94.3 on your FM Dial"

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