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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1962, p. 5

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Thursday. March 8, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 W. Elm St. Est. 1875 Phone 385-0171) lblished Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. ay McHENRY PUBLISHING CO. NATIONAL! EDITORIAL 1962 y/TIunoy is . >^ssvgjf / ^ It E S S \ 7 \ HSSOejHTMinj E--^ y Larry E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Adele Froehlich, Editor Subscription Rat^s In McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Mos p $2.00 3 Mos •••••« $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.0t 6 Mos $2.25 3 Mos $i.5(_ Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, 111. BOWLING NOTES (Continued From Page 4) H. Blake 221-569; W. Patzke 200. ' ^ Monday Nite Commercial -- (2-25-B2) Chuck 221-559: B. Sheriff 531; J. Stilling 207; S. Pankeuic/. 212: A. Pintczzi 221; E. Koepke 561; S. Marsella 206; G. Reed 210-574; G. A Freund 534; B. Nolan 212-202- V 599; H. Blalie 222-552; Low 200; A. Tonyan 568; G. Barbian 227. Monday Xite Commercial -- (2-26-62) D. Hiller 217-565; B. Nolan 543; D. Haughton 558; J. Justeii 222-202-571; A. McCarroll 202-585; S. Marsella 211-555; ' A. Tonyan 232-539; P. Pioli 203-531; G. Barbian 221-535; g L. Consago 544; M. Gath 204- 565; R. Kick 210-543; Low 542; K. Amann 218; E. SteinsdoiTcr 219; B. Sheriff 211; A. Otto, Jr. 213-219-627; L. Bacon 213-592; J. Kuna 205-548; B. Keily 202-510; T. Oelfling 222. C. I), of A. -- (last week) F. Weylund 191; H. Rodenkirch 447; P. Ruemelin 181- 501; A. Szyplebaum 189; G. • JJii-'mnn 4(i7; E. Smithson 181- 48(>; G. Barbian 182-508; V. Diedrich 175; E. Nimsgern 217- 511; ,T. Kralovvctz 190; J. Weyland 495; A. Gaulke 180-492; B. Clark 191-525; M. L. Thennes 186; S. Bnllowe 471; L. Smith 193-531. Railroads: Z. Rulhford 3-7-10 and 5-10; F. Root 2-7-10; H. Rodenkirch 8- 9-10; S. Hallowe 3-8-10; I. Thompson 4-9. Tuesday Xite Tliirty-Niners -- A. Schwengl 4.«; D. Stoffe' 463; G. Bentz 431; B. Mackinder 201-524; Dorothy Freund 4S0; C. Rosing 224-180-549; Railroads: A. Schwengl 5-7; D. Srhaefer 5-10; G. Smith 3- 7: D. Hiller 5-7. Nile Owls -- N. Bowman 459; C. Colmajn ^ 464. A. Hulf 457; E. Tonyan * 181-476; V. Groh 456; R. llomkowsk" 184-463, J. Diedrich 212-469; M. Venable 433; D. Stoffel 462; F. Anderson 458; G. Hastings 445; M. O'Brien 205-460; L. Miller 176-488; R. Kluk 505; K. McNally 455; R, Simon 431. Railroals: L. Worts 5-10; C. Wiser 3-10; H. Solchenborgcr 3-10 and 5-7. Thursday Xite 9:15 League -- ft R. Boro 203; J. Coughlin 222; M. Krueger 544; Haufe k By: Kuss Emerson, R.Ph. Nowhere in the vast complexity of Nature are the mysteries of life and death and 'the struggle for survival more pronounced than among the microbes. Fortunatetly, most microbes, are not harmful to man, but almost all are hostile to one another. Thus, for some time, mar has striven to follow PasteurV advice: "Use bacteria to combat a disease caused by other bacteria.", Man has learned-- and is learning--to borrow from microbes the substances which they secrete to kill other microbes: the result--antibiotics. Let's stray a moment and talk of prescriptions which are so vitally important to your health and well being. Properly and accurately filled they are .iust what the doctor ordered. You can be sure of this a 11- imporlart accuracy at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, IXC.. 3720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping plaza. Phone EV. 5-5057. We give Double S&H Green Stamps with prescriptfan8.i SERVICE NEWS William R. Owens, seaman apprentice. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Owens of 2704 Greenwood drive. Wonder Lake, is serving aboard the gasoline tanker USS Mattabesset, operating out of Norfolk, V?.. He reported aboard the Mattabesset in January from recruit training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes. 111. The Mattabesset is primarily concerned with transporting and delivering clean petrol?nm products to units of 'he Atlantic Fleet. Second Lieut. C. Ernest Useman. who was employed in the Tdvortising department of the McHenry Plaindealer before entering service last December; has been transferred from Fori Knox. Ky., to Fort Carson, Colo. His ."d.iress is 1009 East Columbia, Colorado Springs. Colo. After enjoying a thirty-day leave with his family and friends, A-2C William A. Ziekert, son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ziekert of Barnard Mill road, is now on a tour of duty in Morocco. He joined the Air Force in 1960 and was stationed at the Lookbourne Air Force base for more than a year, before being sent overseas. ! . 206-201-565; Exline 200-555; VIettelka 537; Geske 238-577; Low 534; Smith 225-549; Getler 211-556; Pierce 229-574; Sigmon 532: Freund 207-530; Dillon 206; Noonan 205-548; D. Klein 223-569; H. Duran 210; V. Otto. Jr. 221; D. Oldenburg 206-201-587; B. Zahn 215; W. lojnacki 223-216-619; D. Buralli 200-581; N. Dalby 200: T. vrause 212-569; W. Coari 200; E. Koch 254-614; C. Corso 203- >31; R. Kuna 207-210-586; A. Otto 536: J. Nimsgern 223-571; L. Kreier 217-549; G. Kinsala 205-537; J. Larkin 214-546; M. Crouch 200-574. SHOP IV McHENRY OBITUARIES ALBERT E. NUGENT Albert E. Nugent of 1416 Wauconda road, Burton's Bridge, a former member of the McHenry police department, died Sunday morning, March 4, at Downey hospital. He had been in poor health for the past eighf months. Mr. Nugent, 83, years of age, was born March 9, ,1878, in Buffalo, New York. He lived in the McHenry area for nineteen years, coming here from Chicago, where he had been foreman for the Wisconsin Steel company. He was a veteran of the Spanish American War and a membei- of V.F.W. Post, No. 4600. / Survivors include his wife, Frances; three sons, Robert H. and James A., l$?th of Chicago, and George E. of McHenry; also twelve grandchildren. His first wife Blanche, preceded him in death in 1955. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home, where services will be conducted by Rev. George Martin at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Burial will be in Cedar Park cemetery, Chicago. MRS. JOSEPH WEGENER Family and friends were saddened Monday morning, March 5, at the unexpected death of Mrs. Joseph (Eva) Wegener, 77, who died at her home on Lake street, apparently of a heart attack. The Wegeners had b£en married fifty-three years. She was a native of Ringwood, where she was born Jan. 20, 1885. and had lived all of her life in this area. Mrs. Wegener was a member of the Christian Mothers of St. Mary's church and the Royal Neighbors of America. Besides the widower, she is survived by two grandchildren and a brother; William Lawrence, of McHenry. Her daughter, Marion, preceded her in death in 1946. A funeral Mass is being sung at 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning at St. Mary's Catholic church, followed by interment in the church cemetery. Prior Pago five the George R. Justen & Son funeral home. The deceased, a native of Ohio, resided in Chicago before moving to Spring Grove six- MAUDE JONES tcer. >onrs ago. He was a metal Mrs. Maude Jones of 3717: p-.l;; hoi and buffer for Cen- W. John street, died early Sun-1 Uivy Equipment Co., Chicago, day, March 4, in Memorial | belci e his retirement in 1956! hospital. Woodstock, where1 His widow. Tillie; a daughsl «e had been a patient for onlyjtcr. Luc ille Evans of Chicago;1 ten hours. Howevei. she had i two sens. Harold of Palos been in poor health for the j p- rk ar.d William of West Chipast year. jca',0;. five grandchildren, a She was born in Woodstock si-ior and three brothers sur- Feb. 6, 1877, daughter of L. B. and Lucy Jewett Compton. About eleven years ago she came to McHenry from Woodstock to make her home. Her husband. George L. Jones, died in 1956. Iler only s.irvivor is a sistef, Mrs. Vera Purvey, of McHenry. Two brothers )£tKl one sister preceded her in death. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home, where Rev. George Martin officiated at last rites Tuesday afternoon. Burial was in. Oakland /wmetery. Wood stock. LEGION HOLDS '62 MEMBERSHIP DINNER FOR 150 WILLIAM MILLER William Miller, 75, a native of Algonquin and a brother of '.Veil c. Miller of 2917 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, died n. hm\-day, March 1, in Paraivourtj^ Calif. He was a bridge i i.l trestle builder for forty- ! v1 \cars with the Chicago & »rih Western and Milwaukee r.vets before his retire- :ri 1; | :ur years ago. The deceased, son of the .T"hn and Lena Ranger STUDENTS AND PARENTS INVITED TO COLLEGE NIGHT The McHenry high school v e "College f Ringwood I\Ie;hodist church CANDIDATES' NIGHT Announcement, has been marie by James Wegener of Precinct I that a candidates' - night will be held Sunday. March 11. at 3 o'clock at the Nisrht" at the ffigh >ohool cafe teria tonight, March 8. Two rp^ro s c n t a t i v e s, one from Northern Illinois university and one from the Elgin Community college, will be present. There will be a question and answer period following their talks. All P.T.A. members, as well as juniors and Seniors and their parents, arc invited to attend. There will also be election of P.T.A. officers for the coming year. The meeting will be at 8 p.m. Refreshments will fie seVved by the sAiior class mothers. was born Sept. 22, CHARLES «<. BKl'NllOKFKK Charles C. rSrunh >e!Vr. 74. of 1622 W. Lakevh**4^strcct, Sunnyr. ide village. ilicvT Saiurday afternoon, March, at Utiles hospital, where lie was conlined for three weeks. He had been ill for the 'a-t year. Mr. Brunhoeler was burn in Roseoe. 111.. Now 1. LN7. ;\u<! j t-. lived here about fi.ur years after coming lrom Chicago, where he had been employed as a guard at O'H.ire airport. Thi deacsed was a member of V.F.W. Post, No. 4300. He is survived by his wife, I-Ieien; two sisters, Elsie Bandy and Miss Emma Brunhoefer, both of Beloit. Wis.; and a brother, William, of Janesville, Wis. Rew Carl A. Lobitz officiated at last rites at the POUT M. Justen & Son chapel Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. 1. Mi Hop, ISM}. •Su.-\ i\ors are two sisters. ! "' . ch Wilson of -Montehel- 1 ilit.. arid Emnia Franke of unt.\ C>lif.; and three lit Albert aVid Frank of red ,of MeHenrw St. Charles Post Legion initiation team. number of Republican candidates wi'l be present to offer a short program including talks. Following (he meeting, an informal gathering will be he candidates in The public is invited to a.tend the meeting which is free of charge. Refreshments will be served. held, with/'fiat tendance.! T1 NEW • HA1MDY PACK BRIEFS Last Sunday eveniiv.; the annual membership dinner was held nt the American Legion home, with approximately 150 members and guesis in attendance to enjoy a delicious roast beef dinner and interesting program. This yr-ar. along with membership awarls. a formal initiation was held for members. It was performed by the initiation team from the St. Charles post of the Legion. The ceremony was impressive, espe- 1 ,n cially for those members who were formally accepted into the Legion. In the office of Justice of the Peace y harles M. Adams last Saturday, Jerry Kara of Cary was fined $8 for driving with an expired safety sticker. ERSA WIPEKT Rev. James Hagerty of the Community Methodist church. Ingleside, officiated at last riles held Friday for Ersa Wiper, 71. of Rt. 1. Spring Grove, who died Feb. 28. I 'a,-, and His uife./MT^e. preceded him i.i ill-, th. The Uo^ rested at the Warner Cary-Grove funeral until 1:30 Wednesday II ."-aoon. with Rev. Draper h 'p officiating. Burial was i'i C.i.'.w HARRY HINZE Siw'nes were held from the V.'aiivr funeral home Tuesday IIov,y Hiii/.e. 69. of Crystal >vho died unexpectedly of a heart attack at his home .-'atur.'.av night, March 3. He was the husband of the form- •v 1'.race Harrison of Ringwood. and since their-marriage io 11 !22 the couple had resided >1 ' Vystal^ Lakc. IirNRY F. MOEHLING L.:^' rites were conducted Ttuvdaj^-tH-S*?'John's Lutheran church.' Mount Prospect, for j Ralph J. Moahling. Spring ' Ienry F. Moehling, 81. of Ar- -Grove. He died Friday. March 'ijvinn lieighls, father of ' 2. Alfred Reinhardt of Island Lake paid a $6 fine for not having mud flaps on his truck. An $8 fine was imposed on David A. Zank of McHenry for disobeying a tralfic light. Fred M. Sladek of Solon Mills paid a $10 fine'for speedand an S8 fine for not having valid license plates. Annamae Grizeley of Wou- THERAGRAN Of the approximately twenty der Lake was fined S8 for hot members vlio wore initiated, I having valid license plates, oae was a woman, Elsie Win-! __ kel. a former Navy nurse. Following dinner and ceremonies, music.was supplied for dancinu. Amonir guests were County Commander Will Carbon and Eleventh District Commander Hudson and Mrs. Hudson. Poiici.- Magistrate DonijJd, Howard fined Richard J. Overton $20 for wrong lane usage in court las! Thursday night. A $15 finee\\vwvaass iiim posed on Arthur Morris of McHenry for driving with a defective muffler system. ^ THERAGRAN Squibb Therapeutic Formula Vitamin Tablets OLD PRICE NEW PRICE .... 7.45 SAVE .. $2.00 StyjiBB BOLTER'S Drug 1259 N. ore EY ">-4500 'iii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiimir to that time the body rests at Burial was private. KENNELS 1 Mile East of the Skyline Dri\e-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERViei ... German shori-hai? pointer puppies available HOARDING . . . Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving lith's AlinemeE ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" ISIS No. North Drive McHenry, 111. • WHEEL .ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Pl@eie @r E¥ TOO MANY CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS? ONLY ONE h a s s e r v e d t h i s d i s t r i c t i n p e a c e t i m e a n d wartime. ().\"I,Y OXK has proved that he does not use a public office for private profit. ONLY ONE h a s h e l d o f f i c e i n c i t y , c o u n t y , s t a t e a n d national government ONLY ONE is familiar with Asia, where our future peril exists. ONLY ONE has a positive program for world peace. g ONLY ONE is a lifelong resident with a record of holding public office. ROBEIT C has been Mayor, Prosecutor, State Legislator, State Department Special Representative, Writer. Teacher, andflUeutenant-Colonel, and won national commendat^ nVm every job. 7 We invite you to join the €LSON FOR CONC.RESS TEAM FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE 1 Pacific Ave., Wauke^an, III. For That M. In Your LIFE * m «§§! and HIIM loo..: Tfiarrt nothing that gets so dos« to a Dad as <s gift of wearables. Choose from our complete setofent STORE FOR MEN 1245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 McHenry," III Open Daily 8 &.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.: j Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE OREEN STREET PARKING AREA """""••"iiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiitiiiiiMinnHiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiKal T O P Q U A L I T Y AT L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y CERTIFIER'S DEL MONTE WIGWAM JAMBOREE GET HEAP 0 BIG VALUES DEL MONTE 1 i i r iliir ' MMM 303 Tin DEL MONTE A.N.> Nii'l'A iAti OF THE WEEK GARDEN FKESH SI EE 303 Tins PEAS *|00 303 Tin CREAM STYLE or W. K. CORN. 6 for $1.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL. 5 for SI .00 DEL MONTE EARLY tlDEN SMET'PEAS. DEL MONTE 303 Tin 2 for 39' DEL MONTK SLICED or HALVES No. 2'? Tin YELLOW CLING PEACHES. . 4 for $1.00 MED T( 303 Tin 2 for 45* DEL MONTE LIGHT :AT CHUNK TUNA. '<i Size Tin 3 for 79I'* ,1)EL MONTI-: PINEAPPLE 46-oz. Tin 4 for $ DEL MONTE 14-ox. Btl. 20-oz. Btl. CATSUP. . 2for35 KRAFT'S MIRACLE WHIP . Qt. Jar 49* PILLAR ROCK RED ALASKA :/E SAL, Tall Tin 79* TfJ. WEBB Loaf 95* ARMOI'R'S VERI-BEST AMERICAN CHEESE. 2-lb. Tin Limit of 2-lbs. Full ILb. FRESH PRODUCE DAILY I'.S. NO. 1 IDAHO RUSSET POTAT 10 lb. bag Limit of 10-lbs. 35 LARGE JUICY WHITE MARSH SEEDLESS 6-25 ROCKLAND SEA STAR FISH STICKS. COUNTRY'S DELIGH1 MMM SH BOOTH'S HERRING. . BREMNER DIXIE BELLE SAL! . . LENTEN SPECIALS . . . . . . . 3 for $1 8-oz. Pk^. . . . . 5 f o r $ 1 . 0 0 l-lb. Pks. SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION LEAN CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS. NORTHERN GROWN 7-15 lb. Avg. s. 59" Avfi 35J LARGE SLICING B0L@®A Piece of Sliced I^ARGE SALAMI Sliced or (liunk PP 59 8-oz Jar Sour Cream -- 12-oz Jar Winesauce . . . . 4 5 ' - " • Corner of Green & Elm Sireeis In The Heart Of Downtown McHenry (We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities.) T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y A

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