Pag* Twelf* THE McHENSY PLAINDEALEH Ringwood OPEN HOUSE AT NEW RINGWOOD SCHOOL SUNDAY Lou Brennan - W.L. 2045 The Ringwood school board, consisting of Bob Brennan, president; Paul Walkington, clerk, and Rust. Rassmusen, will hold open house at the new Ringwood school. All are welcome to attend the open house from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 15. Thursday, April 12, 1962 Home Circle Meeting Easter Bonnets There has been a change in the Home Circle meeting this month. It will be held at Miss Lona Brever's home this Thursday, April 12, at 1 for a dessert luncheon! Also, don't forget to think up an idea and put it on your head for your bonnet. Any kind of fancy or plain spring type Easter Bonnet will do. We'll see you there. Card Club at Richmond The card club met at the home of Bertha Peet at Richmond last week. Mary Stanek was high. Lona Brever was low. Church News April 13, Friday, 8 p.m.-- Official board will meet at the church. April 14, Saturday, 1 p.m.-- Confirmation class will meet at the parsonage. 1:30 to 3 p. m.-- Junior M.Y.F. will have a meeting at the church. April 15, Sunday-- 9:30 a.m. Worship service. 10:45 a.m. Church school for all. April 18, Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Lenten service at Greenwood. Rev. Jack Shearer, bringing, the message . of the evening. April 19, Thursday, 8 p.m.-- Maundy Thursday. Holy Communion will be observed at the; Ringwood Methodist church. Personals Mrs. Roy Harrison and Loren Harrison spent, Sunday afternoon visiting at Twin Lakes, Wis. Supper guests in the Fred Bowman home on Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. John Elhert and Mable, also Mrs. Rush of Richmond. Mrs. Vera Loveless of Jonesville, Mich., left for home Tuesday evening after spending several weeks with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Vera Loveless of Michigan, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Frank Kempfer visited John Dreymiller at Hinei* hospital on Tuesday afternoon. Callers in Meadowdale on Thursday night were, Mrs. Gerry Kunz and daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Carol Kunz. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn took her sister, Mrs. Annnbel Reamer, of Kenosha, home on Wednesdav afternoon. She had WE'RE OPEN AND IN FINE SHAPE f-^istahee (Country. C^fub • It's sporty -- a challenge to experts, fun for beginners • Handy -- Near Routes 12 and 120 0 No long delays • Playable after heavy rains • Crew-cut fairways, manicured greens 1 Tasty cocktails, home cooking • And, the price is right Play at Pisiakee today! You'll be glad you did. Leagues, Tournaments and Banquets Invited. f^Litaltee (Country. (?(ub South End of Pistakee Bay EVergreen 5-9854 spent the week in the Brennan- Hepbum homes. Visitors in Woodstock on Thursday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Kunz were supper guests in the home of their son at Algonquin on Friday night. Mrs. Annabel Redmer and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent Monday evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Low home at Lilymoor. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Wednesday and Thursday in the JtyrsL Charles Anderson home at Twin Lakes. Visitors in 'the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Ruth of Hampshire. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehlert of Richmond called on Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, were callers at Elgin on Monday evening. c Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cruickshank called in the George Hast home at Trevor,' Wis., on Sunday afternoon. Bob Brennan and Loren Harrison were callers in Morton Grove on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low went to a pot-luck supper at the Ed Pryzbyl home at Crystal Lake on Saturday evening. Pam Low went to the birthday party of Kathy Tessendorf at McHenry on Saturday. Mi's. Gerry Kunz went to Fox Lake and took Mrs. Ann Haerle out to luncheon Thursday. They were classmates. Callers in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Wednesday afternoon were Alex Schabold arid daughter, Mrs. George Lutz, from Fox Lake. Saturday night guests in the John Ehlert home were Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey and daughter, Susie, of Wilmot. Mr. and Mys. Boyd Dowell and Mrs. Roy Harrison were callers in the Clarence Harrison home at Greenwood on Sunday morning. On Friday evening^ Don Andreas and Bob Brennan called on Harry Hogan at Sherman hospital in Elgin. Last, but not least, congratulations are in order in the Charles Brennan home. On Sunday, Kenneth eurprised Barbara with a lovely diamond ring. She is the daughter of the Ed Austins of Nippersink, Wis. Congratulations to Ken and Barbara!! No date for the wedding has been set as yet. Call your news in at W.L. 2045. That's all for this time. See you next week. KENNETH BOLEY % CITED FOR WORK IN NAVY PROGRAM Kenneth N. Boley, a former resident and native of McHenry, recently received a substantial monetary award from his Navy employers for his superior work over a period of two years in the teclinical and adminis t r a t i v e direction of bomb and rocket fuze development program. The $250 award was presented to Mr. Boley by Capt. W. D. Coleman, USN, Commander of the U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Md., where Mr. Boley works. The award citation reads in part as follows: . . . (for) skill in coordinating the efforts of several contractors, with those of the Laboratory and the Naval Ordnance test station, China Lake, Calif., and his own technical contributions to the design, development, evaluation and documentation of fuzes and fuze safety devices urgently required by the Fleet." Born in McHenry on Aug. 16, 1914, Mr. Boley is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Boley, both now deceased. He graduated from Mclfenry Community high school in 1931 and received the degree of bachelor of science from the University of Illinois in 1935. He came to work in the Navy laboratory in 1942, and has advanced to the position of deputy project manager for fuzes in his twenty years there. He is a member Of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Ordnance Association. Mr. Boley married the former lone Gates of Elmwood Park, in February, 1942. There are three daughters, Janice, 16 years old. JoAnn, 13, and Patti, 7. The family resides at 11008 Bucknell Drive, Silver Spring, Md. In addition to longstanding interests in music, golf and photography, Mr. Eoley was recently eno;ineer-in-charge of the construction of a swimming pool in the community in which his home is located. At the Laboratory, he has been president of two employee musieal organizations (the band and glee club) and \yas chairman of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory Employee association's carnival in 1958. Iron rusts with disuse, water becomes stale and stagnant: so, the human mind. S# --OL. GLADSTONE'S out e on EASTER SUNDAY Spring Grove Students Visit Marian Central Eva Freund The faculty of Marian Central Catholic high school invited all 1962 graduates of Catholic grade schools in this area to a "Getting acquainted" day on Saturday. The students of St. Peter's eighth grade visited the school that day and had the opportunity to register for the coming year, also tOg. meet the teachers and future classmates. Visits Brother in California To quote Dolores Smith, she took "a more than fabulous" trip by jet last week to be present at her .brother, Wesley Smith's, graduation with the Marine Corps. Wesley is at Camp Pendleton near San Diego. Besides the thrill of seeing four platoons of Marines graduate, Dolores and her friend, Patrea McCormick, also travelled to Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Las Vegas. Still bubbling with excitement, she told me that in Las Vegas they went to the "Sands". There they had the opportunity of meeting and receiving the autographs of Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. It would appear that Dolores just "had the time of her lifie". LCWC Meets The Lotus Country Women's c^tb met at the home of Mis. Moravic in Richmond on Wednesday afternoon, April 4. Seventeen members were present. The program for the afternoon was given by Hazel Winn. Her topic "The History of Illinois". Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Viola McNish and Mrs. Moravic. On Wednesday, April 11, the Lotus Country Women's club entertained the McHenry County Federation of Women's Clubs. The business meeting and the showing of slides by Mrs. Ida Roberstine were held in the Methodist church. A dinner at noon was served in the town hall for members and guests. All McHenry County clubs in the Federation participated in this affair. NEW OFFICERS OF PTA WILL BE ELECTED TONIGHT The McHenry high school P.T.A. will hold a short meeting tonight, April 12, at 8 o'clock in the high school cafeteria, at which time election of officers for the coming year will be held. Musical groups from the high school will present a short program, and some exhibits will be on display from the science fair. * A briefing on both the swimming pool and tennis court bond issues will be given to prospective voters in Saturday's election. Regular members are urged to attend this important meeting, and eighth grade parents are also invited. Refreshments will be served by the P.T.A. board members. April 30 Deadline For Shorn Wool Payments Bert Bridges, chairman of the McHenry county ASC committee, announces that April 30 will be the final date for filing applications of incentive payment on wool shorn after April 1, 1956, and sold during the marketing year, April 1, 1961, through March 31, 1962 or on unshorn lambs, sold during the marketing year. Producers who sell wool or lambs after March 31, 1962, will not be eligible for payment under the 1961 program, Mr. Bridges said. However, they will be eligible for such sales under the 1962 program. Australia is the world's largest island, smallest continent, and has fewer people than New York City. Entertains Club Mrs. Annie Sanders was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Prize winners in five hundred were Mrs. Minnie Pierce, Mrs. Josephine May, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Mame Tinney and Mr$. Frances Shotliff. A. lunch was served after cards. NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. 14 It Tiles a W Dressed Family to Complete uirg of tl Easter Parade! v GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE "The Store for Everyone' 1219 N. Green St. McHenry y 'si®p $ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! & SPECIAL mmis THIS WEEKEND REGULAR 35c m lb- 29c APRICOT BEAR CLAW MfeeCake •oeh 49® Butterust ) AVAILABLE NOW AT... Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St UA CO. Ill Fa: d Sasssige S Thurs.. Fri., Sat., Only! tf~i t~r177 r».c vmuss&E SPECIALLY SMOKED 0 FRESH Ji*lL TEA CO. Ph. EV 5-0182 sage,b- 69® auagelb 79' AVAILABLE NOW AT... | Jewel In 371© igiEn gf, l 9(mt\t<rtis y Here Are Some of the Many Lucky $100 Winners IN JEWEL'S GAME SuLCv&JdvV- -JSi Ml MENTY M@§tE TO €©ME! Mrs. Laura Kuhn 130 Fremont, Palatine Mrs. L. E. Morrison R.R. #1 Spring Grove, lit. Mrs. Gilbert Landt 45 Pomeroy, Crystal Lake R. L. Freeman 810 Dean, Highland Park / eeirs. Richard F. Auit 438 S. Wolf Road Wheeling A. E. Courvoisier- 21 N. Dryden Arlington Heights Mrs. Theresa Roman 121 N. Prindle Arlington Heights Mrs. Doloris Siedschlag 145 Laurel Ave. .Lake Forest Mrs. Marilyn K. Alden 7007 Fargo, Niles Mrs. Catherine Mcintosh 706 Elmgate Dr., Glenview Mrs. Lois Mostow 9131 Kenneth, Wilmette Mrs. Lawrence Lange 1370 Sanders Road Northbrook Mrs. Morris R. Noethling Rt. #1 Box 309 Libertyville Mrs. Ann F. Meston 175 Waltonian Terrace Fox Lake Mrs. Howard Eaton 45 Maple Ave., Waukegan Mrs. George Howard 3 Walnut Lane, Roselle Julia Mikaelian 908 W. Euclid Arlington Heights Mrs. Ruth E. Lundquist 2117 Illinois Road Northbrook Mrs. Dolores Kowalski 7027 Jonquil Terrace, Niles Miss Evelyn M. Holtzer 8027 Kostner Ave., Skokie William C. Skibbe 113 N. Prospect'Manor Mt. Prospect Mrs. Marylyn MacArthur 140 Northwest Highway Des Plaines Mrs. lorefta Presfi 7519 Cleveland, Niles 48 Mrs. Lillian Varney 1350 Greenwood Deerfield Mrs. H. A. Howell 15 Hill Drive, Crystal Lake Mrs. Alma Bailey R. R. 1, Box 513, Antioch Mrs. F. X. Cornell 912 Highland Ave. Waukegan Mrs. Jean M. Gardner 2802-15th St. Winthrop Harbor Mrs. Lillian Shaffer 34 Keller Ave., Waukegan Mrs. Delores Jeronimus 125 N. Washington Des Plaines Mrs. Helen Libman 2115 Bennett, Evanston Vita La Pore 1215 Argyle St. Bensenville Mrs. Frank Handzel 329 Slade Avenue, Elgin Mrs. Catherine Cronwall 600 Taylor Rd., Barrington !,««« Frigmgnn 24 S. Williams. Crystal Lakf Mrs. Lorraine Kearns 114 E. Colfax, Palatine Mrs. Patricia Erickson 408 S. Bristol Lane Arlington Hts. Mrs. Mildred Heilig 730 S. Dunton St. Arlington Hts. Mrs. Margaret Monaghan 1847 Spruce St. Highland Park Mrs. Joseph D. Styx 21 Washington Park Waukegan Robert J. De Prat 285 Washington Blvd. Hoffman Estates Evelyn L. Hendrick 226 S. Central Ave. Highwood Mrs. Gertrude Austin 1041 Hazel /Tve., Deerfield Mrs. Beverly Nugent 603 Revere Rd., GlenvieW Mrs. Antoinette Dubicki 8046 Kostner Ave., Skokie Mrs. Lucille I. Billings 120 S. loka, Mt. Prospect Mrs. Susan Malone 747 Merrill Ave. t Park Ridge Mrs. Hattie M. Witt 376 Graceland Ave. Des Plaines Mrs. Frances Feinberg 7336 Lamon, Skokie Mrs. Richard C. Esp 1001 10th St. Sunset Park, Northfield Miss Linda Yonke 2322 Elim, Zion Edward A. Pal umbo 283 Crestwood, Northfietd Mrs. Jacqueline Campbell 896B Linden Ave. Winnetka Mrs. Nick Gerald! 1129 Chestnut St. Waukegan Mrs. Roy Wild/ 202 E. Cook St. Libertyville Mrs. Elmer Kiddelsen 4205 Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Edith Meyer 650 Central Ave. Highland Park Gertrude H. Mitchell y 431 E. Merle lani Wheeling Mrs. Jane Lowndes 1607 Forest Ave., Wilmette G. R. Burkey 7850 Lamon, Skokie Mrs. Ruth Schoemcm 2015 McDaniel, Evanston Mrs. Helen Reinig 419 N. Knight, Park Ridge Mrs. Louise Hoefler 7016 N. Keeler Lincolnwood Mrs. Marian C. Fairfield 225 Lindbergh Drive Barrington I . 3 more big weeks to go! Don't miss your chance to win $100! Plenty of winners to come . . . Lots more chances to win . . . Look for Winners Names posted in your Jewel Store. I yaodStotiA TEA CO..