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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1962, p. 20

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*age Twenty THE McHEMBY PLAINDEALER C* Thursday* April 26, 1962 Village of Sunnyside Hold Village Meeting May 7 Eola Deppmeier - 385-6310 The regular monthly meeting will take place on May 7. If you have any complaints or suggestions, now is the time to make them known. Get to the meeting and let the right people in on them! Girl Scouts Troop No. 408 spent the better half of their meeting working together in making Hawaiian leis and pineapples "from paper of various colors. ^Refreshments were brought by -Nancy Jorgenson. Ann Miller's jnom came along to help out -at the meeting. Our Scout reporter. also tells me this week .that the old cast She has had to wear on her shoulder will «be coming off shortly and you .can bet that will make this •Girl Scout happy. majority vote ruled in keeping Marsha Patula an active member in the auxiliary. Inasmuch as Marsha has moved from the community it has been approved that she shall resume her duties as secretary of the club. The Easter egg hunt for the area children was discussed and plans made in full for the event that was held at tn<_- beach last week. Don't forget to get thostdance tickets eaiHv! Contact Len Toepper for/tickets. May 12 will be here before you know and if it's a good time your hanktiin' for then be sure to come. A grand time is in store for all! Brownie News Karen Hettermann is the B r o w n i e r e p o r t e r t h i s w e e k and she so reports that at the .meeting of troop No. 150 president Ror.da Shulv. secretary \vas Laura Smolinski a n d treasurer was Doreen Peterson. The girls really had fun \vhcn they all joined in an Easter egg hunt outside. With the help of-a compass the giris Were quickly able to find the eggs. They learned a new song .entitled "Linger" and also •worked again on their flag rug. Mother helper this week was Marie Kern and treats were given by Mai;ie Karsten and Kathleen Brennen. Village Visitin' Clara and Roy Harrington were pleasantly surprised by a Visit from Clara's niece. Mrs. Ed. Armstrong, and son, Edward, from California. She came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Matysek. More welcome visitors came later in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mantis and their children, Bobbie and Debbie, from Northbrook. This. JceporjUae has season to disbelieve that story Wally Bogal is relating on how that big bump came to be that appears on the top of his head. Come on now Wally come clean. I betcha Vickie's story is closer to the real scoop -- hmm?? Terrace Tidbits Nancy and Michael Gavin were guests recently at a birthday party in Chicago given by their cousins, June and Judy Gavin. Both gals were celebrating their birthdays together. Seventeen children altogether at this party, lucky thing that Harry and Grace Gavin were invited to attend dinned afterwards -- they had the luckv chore of 'pitching in on K.P. Eleven day old Judy Lynn, (laughter of Bill and Marty Pritchard was taken into the hospital last week. Reports at this writing are that she is now doing very well and should be back in mom's loving arms by the time this goes to press. Birthdays Birthday wishes go out to Cindy Stull April 27, Harry Gavin April 29, and Grace Gavin on the thirtieth. Belated birthtlay greetings go to little Mickey Jourdan who celebrated on the twenty-fourth. Sorry I missed it Mick - but it won't happen again < I hope). Sorry Folks I'm really sorry for ihe shortness of my column .his week, but the \irus has gotten to the twins and myself. Hope to be all better next week. How about calling in your news tho' -- - let's keep new' and old chums alike in the news! See you next week?? Lakeland Park DUES PAYABLE NOW AS FISCAL YEAR BEGINS Gloria Flannigan - 385-4710 Barbara Meurer 385-4356 April 30 or May 1 end and begin another fiscal year of our association. Thus association dues and first quarterly dues are to be taken to ycur block captain. Welcome Party Tonight, Thursday, April 26, the welcome committee will hold another one of those welcome parties. Everyone who has never attended one of these parties or just moved into our subdivision is most welcome. These parties are such fun and a good way to become acquainted with your neighbors. Lyda Radisch has many uiprises in store for everyone. See you tonight? Women's Club to Meet Next Thursday, May 3, is the next Women's club meeting. Everyone is urged to attend this meeting as there will i.e installation of our newly elected officers. So come on ;irls let's make a good show ;ng for the new slate of officers. Birthdays " Birthday greetings go this week-to Dorothy Kupstis April 26, Judy Cios, May 1, and Bernadette Schneider, F.r e d Kupstis and Laurie Prell all on May 3. Anniversary April 29 is the wedding anniversary of Joseph and Clara Cammarata and this week seems to be the only one celebrating according to my records. All of our best wishes go out to you Joe and Clara -- happy anniversary! CHANGE ROAD SIGNS A change in no-passing zone signs along Illinois highways is being made by the Division of Highways, W. J. Payes Jr., director of the Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, has announced. The old signs at the beginning of the zones read "No-Passing Zone" whereas the new signs read "Do Not Pass." At the end of the zones, the old signs read "End No-Pasing Zone" where the new signs read "Pass With Care." Payes said the change will involve the replacement of an estimated 10,000 signs throughout the state. Wanted Any one person who would like to take over this column. If there is anybody in our midst who would like to try their hand at reporting community news to the village and to the Terrace please give this reporter a buzz. Minstrel Show News The Lakeland Park Minslrel ^roup is putting on another minstrel ^how this year. The date is May 30 at 7 p.m.. at t h e M c H e n r y J u n i o r h i g h school. Doors will open at 8:30 p.m. The Boy Scouts now have tickets ai:d will be going from -loor to door selling them. I I.<" generous because this is 1'or ihe betterment of YPl'R community. Tickets wiil also be sent to property owners in the May newsletter. So be sure to mark • his date on your calendar and come out and see a good minstrel show with your whole family. BULLETIN: There will be a complete rehearsal for the whole-' cast and the jig band on Friday, April 27, at 7:30 in I he community house. Spring Dance Approaching As I said last week the annual LPPOA spring dance is fast approaching. The date is May 26 and will be held at the Amei'ican Legion hall in McHenry. Tickets will soon be available to all so get yourselves lined up with a baby sitter and come out for an evening of fun. Community House Schedule Thursday, April 26-- 8 p.m. welcome party; Friday, April 27-- 1 to 6 Dancing Classes- E v e n i n g -- 7 p . m . M i n s t r e l PISTAKEE TERRACE Ladies Auxiliary At this month's meeting a 1HEM1Y ..tEUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS BOURS: DAILY 8 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO ft P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 VALUE DAYS! ; RED HOT DURING VAIUI DAYS <.-*W vw.w NEW {EUREKA Bu/ruLeAA/ VACUUM CLEANER MODEL 702-A LOW-A5-A-DISCOUN? PRICE Small Deposit $1.25 par Week EVERY fEATURE YOU Wa E@CAPB.GFFG NITH DEIUXI MC SIT OF CLEANING AC€®@@®IUIS Wfe cut out the pounds: Weight, just 12Vi lbs.! Packed in power, too: over 1 H.P. motor. Result? The Princess stores small, handles easily, cleans big! And low, low price in the bargain! See the Princess today and save! HEW FLIP-TOP LID Flips wide open for easy bag changing. • Over 1 H.P. Motor • Giant sanitized*' dust bag • Convenient toe switch • Direct Hose conncction • Unbreakable Nylon hose NEW DISPOSABLE Sanitized*® DUST BAG Extra large. Sanitized® for lasting freshness. • Handy blower outlet Flip-Top lid • Rollaway wheels • Cord-holder handle • Smooth, vinyl bumper 10 DAY HOME TRIAL-MONEY-BACK OUARANTEE CAREY Appliance, Inc. practice; Saturday, April "28^- Evening Squares; April 30-- 7:30-- Printing of Newsletter; Tuesday, May 1-- Evening-- Boy Scouts meeting; Wednesday, May 2-- 3 p.m.--Brownies Evening-- Cub Scout Committee meeting; Thursday, May 3 --Women's club-- 8:30. x For any reservations call Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Belated Anniversary Wishes To Paul and Jo Rizzo who chalked up another anniversa ry on Easter Sunday. The Rizzos celebrated by having dinner out. And to Jack and'Petey Oakford who celebrated their eighth anniversary on Api-il 24. Birthday Wishes To Ed Druml who chalks up another year on April 28 and to Harriet Mikosz on May 2. And to Cypryan Kosieracki who was 80 years old on April 23. Birthday Doings Elaine B o 11 a r i celebrated her seventh birthday on Monday, April 16, with a party. Her guests were Debbie Burke, Denise Pieroni, Donna and D e l i b i e P i n t o z z i , K a t h l e e n Harms, JoAnn Gladman, Teresa Kroening, Leah Rode, Darlc- ne Williams, Kristie Flannigan. Lynn Cygan, Marie, Ava and Kuren Mecio, Debbie and Kielh Schaedel and brothers, Ray and Kenny. They all were treated to barbecues, chips, cake and ice cream, and pop. Afterwards games were played nnd everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun. On April 7 a belated birthday party was held by the birthday club lor Joan Krater whose birthday was on Jan. 8. Those present were Rosemary Holas, Mary Barle, Jeanine Kruse, Rita Idstein, Joan Bucaro, Helen Hansen, •Teanette Koerper, Rae Burns. Claudia Gam, Eleen Hautzinger, Rita Halin, Joan really enjoyed her second birthday party. Tradedies ( Mr. end Mrs. Frank Hudecek were victims of a pre-Easter fire on Saturday afternoon, April 21. It had started in the garage and in seconds had gone through the house. It was a terrible sight to see especially with the wind so strong that day. The fire department responded quickly to the call for help. The Hudeceks are now staying with relatives in Highland Shores. The Junior Hafers have been in Dewitt, Ark., ^ince the first of April. Carol's brother, his wife and two children, ages 1 and 3, and also her stepmother were killed on March 30 when their car was struck by a train. The Hafers will be spending another few weeks out there getting things settled. We extend our deepest sympathy to them. Jttry Duty Gladys Hafer has been on jury duty for the months of March and April in Woodstock. Ha-He-HoS The Hafers entertained the Hountrasses and Herzogs Saturday evening at a dinner in their home. Gladys prepared the dinner in an Easter theme with bunnies and chicks for decorations. Pinochle Was played afterwards and the boys trimmed the gals fairly well this time. Keep practicing boys. Caster Egg Hunt The Brownies had an Easter egg hunt at the home of Delores Rogers last Wednesday. The winners were Patti Rogers, Pam Laursen and Janet Barle. The girls had a grand time. Vacationers Eleven year old^Danny Tomaselli from Franklin Park visited his grandma, Mrs. Gene Smith, for a few days before Easter. Little Joy Grizely spent a week with her granma Mester in Chicago. Kristy Flannigan spent a few days in Oak Park visiting her aunts and cousins. First Visit Mrs. Rose Schidell's sister, Mrs. Marie Hart on, and sisterin- law, Lottie Irwin, came for a visit last Thursday for the day. It was the first time for both and they thought it was very nice. Attends Piny The Kraters and their children. Billy and Diane, attended a stage play in Chicago on April 18. Easter Visiting and VlHltors Bill and Gladys Hnfer spent Easter Sunday with friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. Luehring, in Arlington Heights. The Max Koch family spent Easter Sunday at her mother's in Maywood. Visiting from Cleveland were her brother, Ron, and Gale Meilahn and their new son, David. Also grandma, Mrs. Helen Plante, and brother, Jack, and wife, Fran, from Maywood. Bob and Rita Idstein and four children visited relatives in the city Sunday and cele- HAM CONTEST WINNERS! The Following People are the Lucky Winners in the "WIN YOUR EASTER HAM" Contest NEW MOBILITY Rolls easilyt yron't tip. 1241 N. Green Si. Ph. 385-6500 CASUAL SHOPPE Clarice Howard - 1408 N. Richmond Road NYE DRUGS Jim Meeker - 1811 N. Wood lawn ACE HARDWARE Mrs. P. Nichols - 5212 Fountain BEN FRANKLIN Elmer G. Smith - 1406 N. Freund Ave. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Howard Griffith - Riverside Drive CAREY APPLIANCE Robert Sehaefer - 4208 Crestwood VYCITAL'S HARDWARE W. T. Peterson - 3817 N. Hlllcrest PI. WHITE'S MEN'S SHOP B. Wilson - 802 S. Broadway ERNIE'S SPORT CENTER Z Bob O'Brien - 3004'Vv. Marylane GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE Andrew Steinsdoerfer - 3608 W. Clover Ave. RAINBOW CLEANERS John Licastro - 1603 W. North Ave. McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN Robert Pederson - 3704 W. Main St. MARGE'S STRETCH-A-DOLLAR Charles Thorton - 317 N. Crestwood Ave. brated Bob's mother's birthday. The Charles" Campo family spent the Weekend in Chicago visiting relatives and also celebrating Kathy's fifth birthday. Visiting Bill and Joan Krater for Efister dinner was Bill's dad, Philip Krater, from Villa Park, and his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, and daughters, Barbara and PatHcift, from Allendale, Mich. The Ron Meurer family had Easter dinner at her folks, the E: C. Millers, in Lombard. The Children got to ride on grandpa's Shetland pony a I really had a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith had dinner for their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanneman, from Arlington Heights and children, Bob and Cheryl. Also visiting that day were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schmidt, and their daughter, LuAnn. Flannigans* guest for the weekend was an old friend, Jim Flanagan, from Cicero. On Sunday their guests were, Gloria's parents, Vi and Frank Moravec of Richmond, Mary and Bob Lawrence and chil- Iren, Patty, Robin, Billy and lanet, of Oak Park; Shirley ind Bob, Moravec and children, Bobby, Patty and Danny, of McHenry. The Rodes entertained Mr. and Mrs. Barthel and children, Jimmy and Joan, cf Stickney for Easter dinner. The children were entertained with an Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. The Grizelys spent Easter in Chicago at Matt's parents. It was sort of a family get-to- ^ther with about twenty-two children under the age of 7 years. The Oakfords spent Easter in Elmhurst at Petey's sister's home, Mr. and Mrs. P. Paulsen. It was a combination of birthdays and Easter. Guests were Mrs. M. McCullough and daughter, Pat, Petey's mother, Mrs. Eileen Grondy, and Petey's brother, Duke, and his friend, Connie Burke. Also Jack's father, John Oakford, Sr., Danny Paulsen and Duke Grondy celebrated their mutual birthday. Easter and Birthday Celebration A combihation birthday and Easter celebration was held at the Kosierackis' home. liam and turkey dinner with all its, trimmings and a birthday cake were served in hanor of Cypryan Kosieracki celebrating his eightieth birthday. To help celebrate his birthday werfe his son, Walter and his wife, Jo, from Palatine; son, fYed, and his wife, Jean, and Children, Kathy and Michael, from Parte Ridge; Grandson, Robert, and his wife, Jeahnett, fend daughter, Terry Lynn, from Lakeland Shores; the first greatg r a n d d a u g h t e r to Cypryan. Telephone greetings from son, Harry, and his Wife, Shirley, and children, Karen and Chris, from North Dakota and grandson, Walter, Jr., and liis wife, Lill, from Fort Worth, Texas. All wished Cypryan good health and many more birthdays. Sue Prawl, honored queen, presided at the regular meeting of Job's Daughters held earlier this month. It was the official visit and the grand guardian, Margaret Adamitis, and associate grand guardian, Homer Woods, came aaj brought the grand officers with them. Kathy Francke and Libby Stihesprlng were initiated into the order. SPRING SPECIAL! $1.00 in Gasoline with every grease job & oil change 1 can of Radiator Protector with every radiator flush 1 Bottle of Winshtald Solvent with purchase of two wiper blades 1 can of Household Oil with purchase of 10 gal. gasoline FREE Installation of All Headlights and Oil Filters purchased here. 1 "We also have Old Tires for your Boat Pier" This offer good until May 1st RISP0LFS Standard Service EASTWOOD MANOR On Route ISO and Hill side Lane Open Daily 6:50 a.m. io 9 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 6:30 a.m. - 19 p.m. -- Sun. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. •JUUiW CU! BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME * WITH COLORFUL PHONES f Spring's a-ringin' with new phones in colorful tones, to add bright accents to your spring redecorating... and give you new convenience for springtime living. EXTENSION^ the lovely PRINCESS (left) put springtime calls at your elbow in bedroom, kitchen, den or playroom. Choose the phones you need in flower-fresh colors. The choice is wide, the cost is low, and they'll save you timfrand steps throughout the year. HOME INTERPHONE.;j (right) lets you talk room-to-room or answer the door over the same phones you use for regular calls. And how secure you feel! No need to open the door until visitor has identified himself over the HOME INTERPHONE. BEILL CHS ME... announces your calls with melodic notes, like daffodils set to music. Comes in soft g&ld or ivory finish. To order helpful services like these, or for more information, call or visit your Illinois Bell Business Office. Or, ask your telephone man. ILLINOIS BELL Mil North Court at TELEPHONE 385-0B81 » I

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