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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1962, p. 8

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Page feighi CLASSIFIEDS Real Farmers Market 'mC ^ ^ THE McHENRY PLAINBEALER TRACTOR -- John Deere Model M. Used only 120 hours with snow blade and 16" bottom plow. 385-2426. *5-3-62 MANURE SPREADER -- Like new. 75 bushel John Deere. 385- 2426. *5-3-62 WELL KEPT 2 bedroom home Overlooking lake. Corner lot, full basement, garage, gas heat, dUbinet kitchen, dining area. Wall to wall carpeting, vinyl J PORTABLE BROODER house, floors, aluminum storm doors, Good shape 16.xl6- $90 335 Windows and screens. Many ex- i 2426 tras. $10,500. $1,000 down. $76 , ' jjfer month. Blacher's Real Es- ( FARM BUILDINGS tdte. 385-5440. 5-3-62 : discontinued sizes -- steel I buildings. Clear span. Special Council Names Lemker Chief (Continued from Page 1) WATERFRONT home 1809, prjce Financing if desired. Woodlawn Park - 2 large bed- phone Waukegan 244-3630. rooms, gas heat, living room 20'x28' glazed porch on water. Ftlfnished. $12,500. Terms 385- 5939. *5-3-62 9-21-61-tf 3 BEDROOM home, full* basement. Near North School in Crystal Lake. Priced for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Phone 459-5738 after 6 p.m. ; 5-3-62 40 ACRES with house, artesian well and trout stream in northetfi Wisconsin. Price $1,175.00. ISO .00 down, $25.00 a nioivth. Att Schmidt, Broker, Park Fdlls, Wis. 5-3-62 3 BEDROOM rainch, fully in-j sulated, full basement, thermo-; pane picture window, birch kitchen cabinets, 2 car garage, on large landscaped lot. Call 385-1375. 5-i'-62! FLEMING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA -- GEHL BOLENS GARDEN EQUIP, SALES and SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service Chain Saw Sharpening & Repair PHONE 385-0033 4005 W. Waukegan Road GEO. P FREUND Authorized Dealer For StGmation Wanted SALES & SERVICE PHONE 385-0420 as new desk man early this week and started work Wednesday morning. In other action, Mayor Dohi erty, with unanimous approval j of the Council, re-appointed j John E. Looze as city attorney, j Fred J. Meyer continues, with | a vote of confidence and ap- *5-3-62 ' prociation, as superintendent -- j of public works. Dr. Peter Special | Griesbach was named health officer and will Continue as chairman of the local board of health with members Leo J. Winkel and Carl N. Weber. Library Bid Tonyan Construction Co., Inc., submitted the only bid on the addition to the library, the bid being in the amount of $36,639. This figure greatly exceeded the original estimate so no action was taken. The Council will consider the project further after a break-down in costs of various items. Dr. Peter Griesbach presented a proposal from the Mc- Heiuy County Medical Group, urging the City Council to sponsor a plan for distribution of oral vaccine as a polio prevention. Some 2,600 school children have received this vaccine, but it is hoped the program will reach those of preschool age and also persons up to 50 years of age. This program would be carried out on a very small cost to the individuals. Further plans are to be worked out before Council action is taken. ONE-CAR CRASHES IN LAKE COUNTY ~ RESULT IN DEATHS 14102 W. Crystal Lake Road WILL DO BABY sitting in my | 4-19-62-tf hofne for working mother. 385- 2803. *5-3-62 32 YEAR OLD Industrial Engineer with 12 years experience. Resume sent on request. Write Box No. 803, c/o McHerjry i PIANO u LESSONS for childly Ministerial association will Plaindealer. *5-3-62 | an(3 adult beginners and more , conciuct a Chain of Missions ifi vfar urpu advanced students. $2.00 per i program at the Free Methodist 16 YEAR HIGH school boy h{^f hour phone 385-6210. *5-3-10-62 Niseel lanous_ HOLD CHAIN OF MISSIONS PROGRAM IN AREA MAY 5-6 Saturday, May 5, from 7 to 9.30 p.m., the McHenry Coun- (Continued from Page 1) neth, 12, residing in New Jersey; a brother, Raymond, of Des Plaines; a sister, Helen Dahlmeier, of Des Plaines; and his mother. Youth Killed An 18-year-old rural McHenry youth, Michael J. Herman, who resided at Mylith Park, near Wauconda, lost his life in the second fatal auto crash within two days. He died early Saturday, April 28, when his car went out of control on Rt. 12, a half mije south of Highway 59, in Lake county. The vehicle struck a culvert. Herman was taken, to Condell Memorial hospital, Libertyville, where he was pronounced dead. ,* The youth was reported by authorities who investigated to have been thrown from the car by the impact, with the auto hurtling into the air. Son of Mrs. Harry Herman and the late Mr. Herman, the dead youth was born Feb. 22, 1944, in Chicago and moved to this area six years ago. He attended Wauconda high school and since that time was employed by a television firm in Wheeling. Besides his mother, he leaves a sister, Mrs. Ralph Saillo, of Melrose Park, his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Tesola of Chicago j and Mrs. Mary Lemke of Myj lith Park. j The body was taken to the j Murphy chapel in Elmwood i Park. Last rites were coif-j I ducted from St. Cyprian Cath- j J olic church, River Grove, with j i interment in St. Joseph cemej tery, Elmwood Park. New Jaycee Officers, Club Members Carry Qut Project Ed. and Ron BehnKe watcn Jaycee Dave Ladd spread the first load of sand delivered by the McHenry Jaycees as the Sand , for Sandbox project got under wajj last Sunday in the area. desires job for summer vacation. Call 385-1560. *5-3-62 MALE . --- Bookkeeper. Complete set of books. Payroll, taxes, etc. Full or part time. Reply Box No. 804, c/o Mc Henry Piaindealer. church in Woodstock. Featured on the program will be Miss Lucille Damon. Miss Damon has served as an educational and evangelistic missionary since 1945. On Sunday, May 6, the RUMMAQE AND * BAKE SALE Sponsored by the Wonderview *5-3-10-62 j Women's Auxiliary will be held ! Chain of Missions program will -i May 11th and 12th jbe held at the First Methodist Grass Growincj ' in ' church at Harvard from 2:30 T--no i Wonderview Subdivision;"' 5 h pm lh M.lss," . , lall?, , . ! Wonder Lake, C-To rner of W• j id-! 8R/e"vl.r ' Pbaeu ,lt h„Re . fS^totuc[ke dw iyll askeer'v^e D_i d th, at boy next door that, off and Cherry'. Hours: Friday, _ 0 . , j on the panel and Edgard Perez Sr „ move a"ay; -|®:» am' «® Saturday :wi!1 be' ,he MtA anel mem. Oh "ell things can be alnght! 9:30 a m. to 4:00 p.m- Lunch j Mr perc., na|.vc of with just a dial of your phone, and refreshments will be sold. CALL 385-1889 5-3-10-62 KNEIPP'S MOWING SERVICE You'll be glad you did and so will we. *5-3-62 Plant - Shop Office 25 Years Experience in Plumbing business. Purchasing, es- j timating, sales, installations. WHlhig to assume responsibil- i ity. Two years college en-' gingering. Age 48. WRITE BOX NO. 8051 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 5-3-62 Panama, and is now studying for his B.D. at Garrett. His Classified ads are big business j main interest has been his -- bigger than radio, bigger i work with youth institutes, than spot and local TV, bigger | than weekly magazines and I bigger than outdoor advertis-, ilig. Your ad on this page is | read by 20,000. ••• Miscellaneous 75* 75* Wanted INFORMATION ABOUT Trice Brothers. Last known address. 307 Venice Ave., Lakemoor. Call 385-2530 after 6 p.m. 5-3-62 FISH FRY at the McHENRY MOOSE EVERY FRIDAY -- 6 to 10 p.m. You Are Welcome NEW LIVESTOCK i GROtJP ORGANIZES. ELECTS OFFICERS (Continued from Page 1) , eight districts for the purpose | i of representation on the board | of directors. One director was ! elected to serve at large, in ad- | dition to one from each of the j 1 districts, making a nine mop | I board. , i j Directors elected are as fol- | : lows: Director-at-large, Her- ; i b e r t L o e r t s c h e r , R i n g w o o d ; | j District 1 (Chemung and Dun- ! ham townships), James Bock, ' Harvard; 2 (Alden and Hebron j townships), James Fuller, He- 1 bron; M (Richmond, Burton j and McHenry), Ted Wickman, I Ringwood; 4 (Hartland and .Greenwood). Charles Wilson, Harvard: 5 (Marengo and Ri- | ley), Ray N e v e 1, Garden Prairie; 6 (Seneca and Coral), J Ed Hayden, Jr., Woodstock; !7 (Dorr and Nunda), Lester Luedtke, Woodstock; and 8 (Grafton and Algonquin), Ehrhardt Schultz, Algonquin. Each member of the association is, in turn, a member of the Illinois Livestock Feeders association and of the national association. President Stoxen and secretary-treasurer Ober- I wise will serve on the board | of directors of the state asso- ! ciation. SHOP IN McHENRY 5-3-62-tf PmMic Notices Public Notices r= Public Notices 45 hMLfa Wanted To Buy u TOP PRICljJ PAID for iron! metals and"" junk cars. Ed! Marsh, Phone Woodstock -- FE 8-4287 9-1-60-tf ELDERLY Couple wish to purchase on contract, with sensible down payment, small cottage as close to water as possible. Can be in need of repairs. W. C. Zinter, 1254 West 90th St., Chicago, 111. Phone: PR 9- 5060. 4-26-5-3-10-17-62 THANK YOU "JOE" For Your Excellent Police Work. For Your Fine Police Department. For Your Junior Police Department. For Your Good Example And Help to Our Teenage Group. For The Good Work You Did For All The People of McHenry, May It Continue. EDWARD J. THENNES Sand for sandboxes, the McHenry Jaycees project, will be run again Saturday afternoon, May 5. Due to the popularity of this project, club members were unable to cover the whole area and therefore the trucks will cover the communities missed. Lakeland Park, Country Club Estates and Eastwood Manor will be covered May 5, and those wishing sand delivered should tie a handkerchief to their mail box. Sunday, April 29, McHenry, Edgebrook Heights, Cooney Heights, Lakeland Shores and Kent Acres were serviced and twenty cubic yards of sand were delivered. Elect Officers Jaycee officers for the 1962- 1963 term were elected at the April 25 general meeting of the McHenry Jaycees. Named by unanimous ballot were Lee Hiller, president; Don Seaton, vice-president; Henry Buch, treasurer, and Jake Marino, secretary. Plans are being made for May 23 orientation night. Invitations are to be extended to the other seivice groups to help bring about better understanding of the purpose of the Jaycees and a closer cooperation between the groups. President Hiller, and Harry Cygan, district V.I.P. and past president, will be McHenry's representatives at the Illinois state Jaycees convention at the Morrison hotel in Chicago on May 4, 5 and 6. Elections cf state officers and setting the state goals for 1962-1963 will be the main order of business. GYPSY VAGABONDS RETURN IN SONG IN MAY PROGRAM (Continued from Page 1) acci", Dee Amici as the old gypsy woman in "II Trovatore and later as Carmen, Roy and Tucky Kissling as the gypsies of "The Bohemian Girl". Other soloists include Irene Keim, Mary Ann Wegener, Mervin Loper and Mary Rita Stilling. Featured in comedy, among others, will be Charles Jacobson and Otto Pyritz, Accompanists for the chorus are Shirley Ross, Irma Blihngren and Mary Ann Sharp. Club officers include LeRoy Hiller, president; Tim Wheel o c k , v i c e - p r e s i d e n t ; B e t t y Martin, secretary; and Ruth Barger, treasurer. Norbert Mauch, long time club member, is providing special scenic effects. The singers, now in their twenty-first season, have members from Fox Lake, Wonder Lake, Carpentersville, Johnsburg, McCullom Lake, Holiday Hills and other subdivisions near McHenry, as well as city residents. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Secretaries Meet Mrs. William V. Haynes attended the Illinois division meeting of the National Secretaries association (Int'l) April 27-29 at the Hilton Inn, North Aurora. Helen is a member of the association's Shoreland chapter at Waukegan. International President Ruth Gallinot, a member of Lake Shore chapter in Chicago, presided at the installation of officers. President A. G. Dixon of Modine Mfg. Co., states that the annual report to be mailed to shareholders about the middle of May will show earnings of $2.95 per share for the year e'ided March 31, OR thirty-one million dollars o.l saies. Earnings in the company's preceding fiscal year were 92.14 per share on sales of 31.6 million dollars. George A. Rink, executive vice-president of Earle Ludgin & Company, Chicago-based advertising agency, last Thursday was elected to the board of directors of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, holding its annual convention at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Mr. Rink resides at 4215 ,E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. Thursday, May 3* 1962 CLASSES ELECT STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS IN FALL The very important task of carrying on the duties* of student government for the next year as members of the M.C.- H.S. Student Council, will be assigned to young people elected by members of their classes this week. From among the seniors, officers will be named later. Next year's seniors will be represented on the Council by Arnold Berry, Roseiinda Blatter, Tom Bitterman, Sue Gregory, Kathy Kostal and Ed. Parks, with Carroll Beck, Bert Kissling and Lee Amour as alternates. Juniors will have as members, Jim Benson, Lynn Eichinger, Steve Harris, Jeanne Liptrot, Mike Noonan and Val Peterson, with Craig Cone, Chrys Levesque, Jim Fantus and Sue Nowak as alternates. The s o p h o m o r e s e l e c t e d Jeanne Jo Benoche, Dick Bitterman, Paul Liebman, Kathy Thompson and Paul Wilkinson, with Barb Albright, Jim De- Vos, Lynn Reihansperger and Ray Spohr as alternates. u The Bible a n d Form 1040 each show the futility of gaining riches. Good management of people consists largely in encouraging average people to do the work of superior people. If elephants could be bought for a dollar down and a dollar a month, it would be interesting to see how many would be sold. Love is one game that is never called off because of darkness. Phone OBSd3ecLulu Sail Experience That Counts 3813 W. Main Street McHenry, 111. (Closed Monday) Behind every successful man is a woman, and generally, she is about two steps ahead of him. Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BU REP Phone 385-0783 3004 W. Route 120 McHenry, 111. 5-3-62 Wanted to Rent //tiff/A 3 BEDROOM house on lake-1 front or with pier. Price open, j Call Park Ridge TA 3-8814. ' 4-26-5-3-62 HOUSE OR apartment for 2 children and 4 adults. Very reasonable. Near McHenry Phone 385-2099. *5-3-62 Wanted To Rent 2 or 3 BEDROOM HOUSE In McHenry or Vicinity By Employee at Plaindealer Needed by May 6th CALL 385-0170 • ' 5-3-62 Be Wise Use The Classifieds Declared Dividend Rate THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT OUR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS You may start your account with any amount. Both large and small accounts are equally welcome. You may add savings on a regular basis or put in odd amounts at any timie . . .the account may be in your name or jointly with someone else All accounts insured to $10,000 . . . Savings immediately available . . . Highest rate of dividends paid. A Mutual Company o'ooo 2 Organized 1m 1925 • "iiiiiiiiiniiifniiiii total assej ;s over $14,000,000.00 mt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Gulbranson Organ As Low As $98900 Gulbranson Spinet Piano Full Keyboard $C|7C00 As Low As 3 # 3 0NDI PIANO & RE (Your McHenry County Franchised Dealeri 9111 Wondermere Rd. Wonder Lake Phone W. L. 6551 or 385-1143 Now for Your Convenience Wondermere has a Display of Pianos & Organs at HI-WAY RADIO & TV Rt. 31, Main Street Richmond Phone 5331 mmmm iillliiiiill Fr@ii C@gw®rence to Crew Race You'll stand out in comfort and fashion in your CURLEE sports coat. In addition to fabrics and patterns for all warm weather wear, CURLEE workmanship is your assurance of perfect fit and timeless quality. We fcave a complete line of CURLEE sports coats. See them soon. Cur lee Coats . Curlee Slacks $29.95 lo $39.50 $16.95 lo $19.95 1245 N. Green St. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA

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