Pag® Twelve \ THE McHENRY PLAXNDEALEB Jolmsburg INSTALL NEW OFFICERS IN ST, AGATHA COURT ^ Betty Hettermann 3 Last Tuesday evening, April 24, seventy-three members of the lady Foresters and Father Weidemann enjoyed a chicken dinner served at 6:30 at Hettermann's. Immediately following the dinner the group proceeded to the community club -hall where the installation of officers were held. High trustee Angeline Mauer was the installing officer. Newly-inslalletJ- into, office were: Marie Orffling as chief ranger, Catherine Dehn, vicechief ranger, Virginia Pitzen, recording secret dry; Agnes K. Freund, financial secretary; Evelyn Deidrich, treasurer; Kay Bauer, Mabel Smith and K&therine Huff, trustees; Cathy Schaefer and Laura Schmitt. conductors; Lu Ann Smith and Helen Decker, sentinels; Lou LaBay, Catherine Dehn and Nancy Weber, juvenile directors: Eva Schaefer, Olivia Hiller, Alma Freund, Marge Schmitt, Estelle Klapperich and Doris Freund, good of the order: Elsida Fuchs, Clarice Freund and Rosemary Young, auditing comm-i t t e e; Alvina Miller, Helen Hettermann and Olivia Hiller, sick committee. Special conductors for the installation were: Kathy and Christie Michels, Peggy Klein, and Jean Smith. Members from St. Stephana court in Aurora, St. Thomas ] the Apostle in Crystal Lake and St. Clara of ^.McHenry were also on hand at this installation. ... , A social evening followed. called to Pistakee Hills late Saturday evening when a resident suffered a n apparent heart attack. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Hospital Patient Mrs. Doris Roberts is spending a few days in the McHenry hospital this week. Her daughter, Pat Tomasello, also enters the same hospital later this week for more surgery on her leg. We all join in wishing these ladies good health in the future. Thursday, May 3, 1962 CANCER CHAIRMAN SETS $20,000 GOAL IN 1962 CRUSADE Passes On Word was received Monday morning of the passing of Will Krift of Burlington. Mr. Krift suffered a stroke a short time back from which pneumonia developed later on. He had seemed to bp getting better last week but then had to be taken to a hospital in Burlington last week. He passed, away there late JSunday evening. Funeral services are incomplete at this time. He is survived by one daughter, six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. ' Around The Town Julie Oeffling and Maria Tomasello are among the youngsters who have recently recuperated from the mumps. At this -week's Holy Name meeting which will be held Thursday evening in the community club hall, members of our own rescue squad will be on hand to show some most interesting and informative movies. Association to Hold Card Party The St. John's Home and School association is sponsoring a card party and luncheon next Tuesday, May 8, in the community club hall, Lunch will be served at 12:30 followed by cards. Tickets are available from the officers and other members; Communicant Entertains at Open House Vincent Tomasello, young son of Sam and Pat, was honored with an open house party in his home last Sunday in celebration of his First Holy Communion day. The rite was received at the 8 o'clock Masb at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Enjoying a buffet supper in the Tomasello home were: the Joe Jost and William Patterson families of Sunnyside, the Tony Tomasello family ajid Eric Muecke of Chicago, Virginia Tomasello and Charles Torpasello of Mc- Cullom Lake, the William Vickery family of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Pat Ansell and Barbara Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiller. The highlight of the day came when Vincent was able to talk with his grandfather in California. Girl Scout News At last' week's meeting, troop 295 started making earrings. Mrs. Baith held uniform inspection, and was real happy that the troop was in perfect order. Mrs. Dehn brought a beautiful cake to this meeting in honor of Mrs. Barth's birthday. Mesdames Long, Patterson, Kdbus, Earth and Dehn and eleven Scouts participated in this meeting. The troop .wishes Kathy Palmer, who was hospitalized recently lots of _ fast get-well wishes. Troop 378 held their last meeting in the home of Mrs. Cahill.The girls marked their items which they exhibited at the Girl .Scout fair last Sunday. Joy wnn Heitermann was cookie nostess at this meeting. Everyone" who attended the Girl Scout fair in the junior high school last Sunday was real proud of their exhibitions. Various troops from the neighborhood including troop 150 of the Brownies from Sunnyside and Girl Scout troops 295, 378 and 408 from here showed their own projects. It proved to be most interesting for one and all. Last Wednesday eight ladies from here attended u card party in Crystal Lake. They were: Mesdames: Mary Hiller, Susie Hiller, Martha Freund, Katherine Huff, Barbara Freund, Alvina Miller, Eva Schaefer and Marie Oeffling. Four members of St. Agatha's court attended the installation of St. Clara's officers in McHenry last Thursday evening. Attending were: Marie Oeffling, Catherine Dehn, Evelyn Diedrich and Virginia Pitzen. Hurray for our Johnsburg Tigers who slaughtered the Harvard team last Sunday. Next week they will appose the Richmond team at 2 o'clock. Tom and Andy Cteflling entertained the A1 Oeffling family and the Girard Brennan family for dinner on Sunday evening. Over last weekend Mike and Eva Schaefer and Pat and Mary Hiller journeyed to Ohio where the men participated in a Forester bowling tournament. NIMAPC APPROVES TERMS OF GRANT FOR WATER STUDY Rescue Squad Called The squad1 " members were The Northeas tern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning commission will receive a $202,000 federal grant to help finance preparation of a program for developing the water resources of the Chicago area. Acting at its quarterly meeting, the commission approved the contractual terms of a '701' federal urban planning grant which had been announced a week earlier by U. S. Urban Renewal Commiss i o n e r William Slayton. Slayton announced that the Planning commission would receive the grant to support a $303,000 project designed to "formulate the broad strategy of a plan and policy for the comprehensive development and management of water resources" in northeastern Illinois. The federal funds are to be matched by S101.000 in state and local funds in financing the eighteen month project. The main task of the new water study will be to develop the information necessary for formulating a metro p o 1 i t a n water resources plan. This will include: -p 1. Measuring the water resources of northeastern Illinois and estimating future demands for water; 2. Developing methods for achieving a better and more efficient use of water in the metropolitan area, and 3. Formulating "guides" for water resource management by local governments in the area. Nursery Stock Shade Trees -- Shrubs -- Evergreens -- Fruit Trees All, Home Grown -- All Fresh Dug Plac*>: Gretrhen'g Garden 1 Mile North of Genoa City, Wisconsin on U.8. Hwy. 1 % Time. SATURDAY, MAY 5th AT 2 P.M. Special Introductory Sale -- Not On Auction 12 Improved Red Ricard Geraniums -- Not in Bloom -- Grown and Sold in Z'/2 inch Plastic Pot -- Value $3.60 12 Plants $2.50 All Sales Cash -- No Plants Removed Until Settled For Fredricks and Sullivan, Auctioneers «l«es OTik v Manager Nursery Sales Holiday Hills WOMAN'S CLUB OFFERS RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS Inez Young The nice warm 80 degree weather has led us to believe that swimming days are just around the corner. To make our beaches safer for our children we have, for the past 3 yeai-s. offered swimming instructions at our lake beach with a qualified Red Cross instructor. They will be offered again through the efforts of the Woman's club. Registration will be at the lake beach on June 11. All who wish to take instructions are asked to be at the lake beach with their suits on so that the instructor can put each one in the proper class on that day. Parents with young children are asked to sign up at the same time for the day that they will help to watch the children. If each one will take a turn it won't be necessary for anyone to come down more than once. If you have not been con- I importance of receiving medical tacted on swimming lessons or aj(j early to give your family would like further information physician a chance lo cure viccall Mary Mahon at 385-o955. | tims of cancer/. Swimming lessons will begin Drive workerS heard an on June 18 and will be held on Lmazi re t on another Mondays and Wednesdays. jphase of ^ batUe againgt Woman's Club Mee.t.. ,.* |i cancer at the dinner meeting when OHver FieJd directQr q{ Hm olrirTla v n<Hu inll s mevW5 ommga n 's° ' cli u^b ! t.h e depK artment of investiga, tion will be held al SI. joh„.s (or the Amencan as- Kvanselieal Lutheran church socla,,on' talked °n «uackery A twin program to reach every family in McHenry county has been launched by fund drive workers of the McHenry County Cancer society. Now under way through mid- May, the drive's goals were stated by Roger Reichert, Crystal Lake and Woodstock businessman, who is serving as this year's fund drive chairman, at a kick-off meeting last week: "We expect to raise $20,000 to support the work of the American Cancer society, and I'm proud so many citizens throughout the county have volunteered to call on their neighbors in this 1962 Cancer Crusade." "Equally important is to reach every family with information concerning cancer-- the need to seek medical aid immediately when any of the seven danger signals appear; the facts that science, is making important strides in its fights against cancer; and the Dr. Ruggero Elected President New Wonder Lake School Board in Island Lake on Wednesday, May 9, at 8 o'clock. Ladies are asked to bring guests along for the meeting and bake sale. Entertainment will be furnished by one of our Girls Scouts. Visiting We're visiting at the home of 'new' neighbors at 2403 Riverside Drive. Hillard and June Kaminski moved in with four of their children in March and one week later increased the number to five. Their chil= dren are Terry, age 12, and enrolled in McHenry Junior high, twins Jack and Joy, age 9, and enrolled at Hilltop school, Larry, 3 years old and the newest little one, Lon. The Kaminskis moved here from Woodlawn Park and claim Chicago as 'hometown'. Hilliard is employed here in McHenry and enjoys bowling. There's not much doubt about what June does with her time. A warm welcome to Hilliard and June and their children. Get Weil Wishes Our sincere best wishes to Bernice Malstom who is back home after her stay at McHenry hospital. Little Billy Mahon had a pretty rough couple days what with first some sort of infection --- a smashed finger and climaxed by the mumps which his sister, Debby, decided she didn't what to keep all to herself. I'm not quite sure who this is tougher on -- but Mary's beginning to feel a little like a prisoner without bars on the windows. C'mon, kids, hurry and get well, mama wants out! Jackie Sawiscn is back home recuperating from a tonsillectomy. She spent her Easter vacation at McHenry hospital. Hope you're feeling much better now! Happy Birthday Belated birthday greetings to my neighbor, Jim Dowhin, Sr., who didn't tell anyone he had a birthday on Easter Sunday. Happy birthday to Carl Weiss on May 1 and to Connie Hawhee who will be 10 years old on May 4. in cancer Field, Woodstock native who now resides in Crystal Lake, documented his talk with material and products from the AMA's files which show how an unsuspecting public blindly listens to quack doctors. "Quackery is pretension of medical skill, and the worst form of quackery concerns cancer," said Field. People from all walks of life and with good sense otherwise succumb to the lure of cancer quacks, he said, as he cited examples of how smoothtalking, shrewd, and skillful imposters rob people with fake cures and magnify their heartbreak. This year's public education program will include emphasis on the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, and the need for men to receive routine checkups. Emphasis has been placed on the need for women to receive a checkup but men require this safeguard too, Reichert concluded. I Thursday, April 19, to visit Jesse's mom, Mrs. Mammie Moore, in Tell City, Ind., and returned Sunday night with Mrs. Moore who will spend two weeks here. On April 26 the Hawhee's daughter, Mrs. James Bryer, came here from Oregon, 111., with her two sons, Jeff arid Greg, -to visit with the family and to help celebrate Lisa and Connie's birthdays. And while all this visiting was going on Jim Hawhee and h i s son-in-law, Ronnie Bryer, went to Kentucky Lake, in Paducah, Ky., for a fishing trip. We Youngs spent four days of the Easter vacation in South Bend, Ind., with my sister and her family, Mr. and I\|rs. Jim Sauarese and Debby. Anniversary Greetings Mary and Bill Mahon celebrate 8 years of wedded bliss on May 1. Weekend Travelers The whole Boettcher family, including "Cleo", packed up on Friday, April 20, and went to Eau Claire, Wis., to spend the Easter holiday with Helen's mother, Mrs. Regina Leland. The Hawhee family left on NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. 1X1111 Afifc"Srar Doctor WUnycufiMl "put of uwhP, will «apfa| friend will preserflb fer jrsar Silt. Thai? |«%nostf ,1s bead d?Ic% ©a fcihafr tfcoy hovo heed! tea ofeso. Susfj Mcrcdly Iitforas? ras}? resulo 8r sonata Whm yew sissd rasdlcei @dvko ack y§w dgsfar. Hop ale/is^ Is tpjelfficsl ff© dlegftsco yoiy caw. & aiwlleatien is Deeded, BOLTER'S will flll yeur prescription ptoopny. B©L©EtBS Drug Store Registered Pharmacist* Donald P. Doherty -- Arthur HcKent) John Ai Stewart Dr. S. L. Ruggero, Wonder Lake physician who out'polled six other candidates in the recent school district election, has been elected president of the Harrison District 36 school board. He succeeds Dr. Raymond H. Watkins, dentist and president of the board the past nine years. Watkins was re-elected to the board along with new member, William Cristy. Other board" members are James Robinson, Henry Setzler, Wilbur Haak and George Rink. Cristy, in effect, replaced Maxine Lichty who did not seek another term. Canvass Vote Before swearing Cristy to the board, the old board canvassed the vote and found records to be in order, the vote count previously reported being confirmed. A quorum of Ruggero, Cristy, Robinson and Haak cast a paper ballot to elect a president, three votes for Ruggero and one for Watkins. Other members were absent. The board also voted to continue its present monthly meeting schedule, the first Tuesday devoted to business and the third Tuesday to educational affairs. Meetings, open to the public, are called at 8 p.m. Tax Anticipation Merl F. Thomas, superintendent, requested the board to authorize! tax anticipation warrant up \o $15,450 for one month. Tn^distri&t is short about $ll,00^f^on?l tax nonpayments. Thomks explained the district has $15,450 worth of certificates, but a 3 per cent interest income on these would be forfeited if cashed before June. The tax anticipation warrant bears 5 per cent per annum interest at McHenry State Bank, but the cost for short-term use Of the funds would be less than the interest lost of the certificates were cashed. The board unanimously passed the enabling resolutioin. Thomas reported the eighth grade Springfield tfip is scheduled for May 9 to 11, the class banquet for May 24 and graduation May 25. A post-graduation party will be held at the home of Dr. Ruggero. Three teachers will not return to Harrison in the fall. Anne Lundborg has accepted an elementary school teaching assignment in West Germany. Miss Audrey Zetterberg and Miss Patricia Halverson are accepting Assignments elsewhere. V.F.W. NEWS ATTEND LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE a Thirty-three Northern Illinois university students have been selected to attend the spring leadership development institute at Lake Geneva May 4 and 5 at George Williams college camp. Two are from McHenry, Judy Laskowski, a sophomore from McHenry elementary education, and John Wayne Batjas of Wonder Lake, freshman in marketing. Be Wis© Use The Classifieds Members of V.F.W. Post 4600 will be glad-to hear that their community service scrapbook entry has placed in the first ten in the Department of Illinois contest. All of the 550 posts of the Department of Illinois entered scrapbooks in this contest, which I believe is a record, Six of the ten scrapbooks will be selected after more judging, and sent on to the national convention for competition in the nation-wide V.F.W. contest. Our scrapbook entry was a record of the joint efforts of VJF.W. Post 4600 and its ladies' auxiliary. This contest period was from April 1, 1961 to March 31, 1962. Community service categories featured in the scrapbook were youth activities, patriotism in action, willing hearts and hands, civic pride, health and safety, and commu^|y recreation. Chief compilers of the scrapbook were Daisy Smith, service officer for the auxiliary, and Roy Bradley, public relations officer for the V.F.W. Giving valuable help were Gertrude Barbian, Flo Svoboda, Lill Doran, Connie Thomas and Genevieve Bradley. Those who are interested in the activities of our Red Devils Drum and Bugle corps should be informed that they are preparing themselves for entrance on the field in competition against the top senior corps of the state and the nation. The first outing for the Red Devils will be in the famous Loyalty Day parade at Elgin on Sunday, May 6. Parade kick-off is 2 p.m. People attending this event will see, besides the floats, twirling units, and color guards, some of the top musical units in our state. To name B some of them, I will mention the following: McHenry Viscounts, McHenry V.F.W. Post 4600 junior drill team, St. Charles Training School band, St. Michael Chi-Angels, The Chessmen, The Starlites, the Vaqueros, St. Alexis, the Phantom Regiment, as well as others. Don't miss this parade!! This is the V.F.W.'s answer to the Reds' annual May Day deal. On another theme! Our area Little League is now in the process of organizing for the forthcoming season. Thursday night, April 26, was the registration time for all Little Leaguers at the Post 4600 clubhouse. A host of potential ballplayers showed up. This is an excellent sign of the times because it means our future adults and possible leaders are off to a proper start. Sunday afternoon the tryouts for the individual teams were held at the Little League field. This scribe does not feel that Roger Maris has to worry about his job for a couple of seasons, but some of those kids looked good. I will have some photos of the action for you soon!! Roy Bradley «p0AJ & it's good business to *buy 111*1 lA^D AlfEfft ifillVViMV 111 BUSINESS STATIONERY } •( Heliograving--nti to it taUh tagravingt HEUOORAVINO is distinctive raised lettering. HELIOORAVIjN^ has the elegance and indbidwU distinction of fine craftsmanship. Heliograving costs about half as much as you'd expect to pay, and it's reziy wifthifo the week-- , compared to longer periejs Esjpfesd for other processes. Cords • letterheads «ad EivsIsms • taMmmntt McHenry Piaindealer 3812 W. ELM STREET McHenry Shorts SHORES CLUB TO HEAR SPEAKER AT MONTHLY MEETING Jeanne Egger 385-5903 The monthly meeting of the McHenry S h of'e s club on Thursday, May 3, will be of great interest to residents of the McHenry Shores subdivision. This evening William Pearson is scheduled to speak on the proposed garbage incinerator. After this informative lecture the meeting will be open for pertinent discussion, questions, and answers. We urge all of you to attend this meeting. Good Time Farty aiid Dance Tuesday evening, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. the Board of Directors and Shore Club officers met to form committees and make plans for a good time party and dance. The date set for this gala event is Sept. 29. The time is 8:30 p.m. 'till 1 a.m. Music, entertainment, games, and prizes are planned. Food will be available. This is THE party of the year! So-- all of ycu, "teens" and "rfrteens" mark this date (Sept. 29) on your calendar. Hill and Ellen Tiggemann of McHenry Shores. The girls wore slacks since this was a horseback riding party. Mrs. Vilirn informs us that we haye four happy but slightly sore equestriennes. Miss Shirley VilJm spent the day with her friend, . Susan Koepke, also horseback riding. Hospitalized We are very sorry to hear that four of our friends and neighbors spent the Easter holidays in the hospital. Warren Weber, Mrs. Irene Middlekauff and Mrs. Emille Guy were in the McHenry" hospital. Mrs. Ruth Dodge is in the Harvard hospital. We wish them all a speedy recovery. News Bits Almost all of us spent the Easter holidays entertaining or visiting friends or family. It is always nice being with people near and dear to us. Some of us had combined celebrations as did Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tiggemann. The Tiggemanns celebrated Easter Sunday, Mr. Tiggemami's birthday, and their seventeenth wedding anniversary. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmoeger, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmoeger, Jr., and their two children. A wonderful time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Fedrick Stark celebrated Easter and their son's birthday with Fred, Jr.'s grandparents. Happy birthday, Fred. Miss Barbara Vilim entertained the guests at her birthday party. Her guests were Holly Thurston of Holiday Hills, Carol Koepke of Chapel Dancers Entertain The McHenry Women's Club was entertained by the pupils of Mrs. Ray Olszewski, at their April meeting. Their performance was delightful and enjoyed by all. Those who took part in the program from the Shores were Tracey and Leslie Brunke, Vickey Mieritz, Susan Misiak, Carol Olszewski, , Donald Olbinski, Susan Olbin- * gki, Robert Ruemelin, Barbara yilim and Mike Wetzel. Otir dancers are also appearing at a mother and daughter banquet in Island Lake, and at a Fun Fair at the Island Lake school on May 5. Birthday Greetings Today we wish the very best & to Patricia Ruemelin, who is celebrating her birthday. Tomorrow John W. Miller is celebrating his day of. days. May 5 Danny Moore will celebrate his tenth birthday. May 5 is also the special day for Janet Keevins and Mary Santiiy,. JLoretta Ramage will celebrate her birthday on the seventh of May. Doreen Egger is ^ happily anticipating her ninth P birthday on May 8. The eighth of May is Cathy Barrows birthday too. William Ewald and Edward Valel, Jr., will have their special day May 9. We wish you all many more happy years. We wish belated birthday greetings to Edwin Raddatzon April 27, David Addante and Caryn Schmitt April 29, Eliz- A abeth Dobbertin and Cindy Hawes on April 30, and Charles Geds on May 1. George and Donna Gunder celebrated their sixth iwedding anniversary on v April 28. Gerald and Vi Morris celebrated their anniversary April 29. We wish you many more happy years together. MERITS HONOR ROLL Cadet J Beau Fidler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Fidler of 3100 W. Riverstream drive, McHenry, has earned academic honors for the second sixweeks' grading period of the second semester at Wentworth military academy. He has earned superior grades to qualify for the dean's honor roll. ^ Jeisl Pistri Hop Special ed Donuts or Bismarks ywd.Slou ( Regular Price 39t TEA co. MABIENOWAT.. Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Failfeiil lanige Sl®p Thurs^ FriH Sat., ©ily! Smoked flew ®m§ e©l@r! Try German Style BoS©gR3sr fossa csSected cuts of beef and! pcrCi„ gssyQ t ©tea @33 SOTdbfches or a cold moM platter! GERMAN gfYia Bologna jltw (f1m,d 1 Klb. awuiabue now at. Jewel In McHenry ^18 W. Hsa H£, J