1 tfege Fourteen THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, May 3* 1962 < i Lt&eland Park Woman's Club Meets Tonight ' Gloria Flannipan - S85-^ Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 Hope we have a good turn out lor our Woman^ club meeting tonight. Thursday, May 3. at 8:30 p.m. in the community house. It is the last social before the summer vacastreamers and yellow and white spring flowers. And how we all enjoyed the whipped cream cakes, cookies and candies. Watch for the date of the next welcome party if you missed out on this one. Communit> House Schedule Thursday, May 3--8:30 p.m. Women's club meeting social night. Friday. May 4--1 to 6 dancing classes, evening 7:30 p.m. Plaines, Mrs. George Cox and daughter, Cookie, of Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindell of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lombardi and family of Ciiicago, Mrs. Virginia Novak and family of Norridge, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Small of Chicago and James Cox also of Chicago. fion starts, and Inge and her i' minstrel 1p ractice. . Tuesday. May 8 -- Evening the wonderful goodies whicn Bridge Club Meets Bernice Bovce was hostess to the Bridge, club last Tuesday, April ' 24, at her home.' Playing bridge and devouring committee's last doings. Please bring your new neighbors and help them get acquainted. The new^officers will be installed into their new positions.,Please bring any of those winding strips and labels you may have to the meeting for Lyda Radisch. Quarterly Dues Now Payable April 30 or May 1 ended and began another fiscal year of our association. Thus association dues and quarterly dues are payable. If this has slipped your mind take your payment H. e. ht . over to your block cap- . , tain beff ore you f,o rget. once 'a - w_ as one„ vera* r o• ld oun May 1,\ . . J I To Joan Dort who was two ^ain' , | years old on May 1 and io Donna also on May 1 ... to Matt Bott on May 2. Sony we Boy Scout meeting. | were in Easter fashion were Wednesday, May 9--Brown- , Lucille Dietz, Louise McEnery, ies.. Evening welcome commit- Ann Leigh. Ivy Lezak, Ann tee workers. | Herzog, Joyce Braun and Ruth Thursday, May 10 -- Chop j McMahon. Lucille Dietz was suey luncheon at 12 noon. For i the lucky winner of first prize reservations call Jo Rizzo at • and Ann Leigh took second. 385-2728. Lakeland Park Boys' Baseball Club There are still openings for any boys who wish to play baseball this summer. All boys who will have reached the age of eight by April 15 and will not have reached their thirteenth year by August 1 are eligible to participate. Please call Bob Matthews at 385-6042 to sign up your boy. Belated Anniversary Wishes To Judy and Fred Ludwig who celebratetd an anniversary on April 27. Hope you both had a wonderful day. Belated Birthday Wishes To little-Kenny B.M'an who and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Steen in Lombard where they witnessed the comfirmation of their granddaughter, Virginia Dale Steen. First Communion At St. Patrick's Church The following children received their first Communion at St. Patrick's church Sunday, April 29. Patty Idstein, Cindy Casey, Tommy Uttich, Kathy Humann, Maiy Ellen Deja, Debbie Franklin, Charles ^airipo, Bonnie Kroening, Barbara Osman, Bill Burns, Lawrence Vera, David Dawson, Patrick Carlson and Greg Bartos. Chop Suey Luncheon May 10 is the date, the time | missec| your birthdavs. Is 12 o'clock (noon) the place ! the Lakeland Park Community house and the event ;s the annual spring luncheon. The tickets are going fast all have a nice da v." and, i,h. e t..i me i. s Te.r1t-i m, cl, ose l„Hu m, preys on May 4, and, al,,l .t.h e memb, ers oft t4hU e 1 l Hahnciorf on MaJy _o. j welcome commit l ee have tickets so be sure to get yours ds you will not want to miss this annual luncheon. In addition to the luncheon, you are also invited to stay and play fcards or bunco. Visiting: Baby-Sitters Lyda and Bill Radisch report they are real happy to" be back Birthday Wishes home, although they enjoyed Happy birthday to Janice j very much their stay in Chi- Parisi on May 3. to Dorothy ! cago taking care of their three Jean grandchildren, the dog, and the y and to ] bird, while their youngest Mary Ladd on May 7. May you daughter and her husband Minstrel Show News The Lakeland Park Minstrel group is putting on another minstrel show this coming May 20. The .place r- the McHenry junior high school at 7 p.m. The doors will Ik. open at 6:30 J».m. Before you know It the Spring dance will be here. The date is Saturday, May 26 at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Tickets will soon be available to all so get yourselves lined up with a baby (Jackie and Carl Riley) took a jaunt on a jet plane to California for a little vacation. While in the city Lyda was able to visit at Ogden Park Methodist church where the Radisches were members for Birthday Koines Kenny Bottari cei<?bra!ed his first birthday which was May 1" on Sunday, April 29. with a party given by his parents, Len and Vickey Bottari. His guests | many, many years. They were were grandparents, Mr. and j having a dinner and of course, Mrs. Bottari, Mr. and Mrs. i Lyda ended up guess where? Mazzoni and godparents, Mr. j In the kitchen of course. Bill and Mrs. A. Bucci, and brother ! assumed the whole job of babya n d sister, Raymond and! sitting that day. Elaine. T On their return home they Kenny Becker celebrated his ! have been having quite a bit of tenth birthday which was April ' company, including Mr. and IS on Monday, April 23 with a Mrs. William Treber *«f Park Mrs. A! Gort. and family from party. His guests were Douglas • Ridge, Mrs. Marge Lehmann, j Fox Lake. and Scott Belohavy. Tommy, i and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trup- David and Gary F>ockman, po and son, James, of Chicago Harold. Johnny and Joey Mey- and Lyda's brother, Ralph ers, John Seaton and Creig ; Kendig of Oak Park. Florek. Dad Becker helped : conduct the games and the Visiting Communion Doings Cindy , Casey received her first Communion at St. Patrick's church on Sunday, April 29. Present to celebrate this occasion were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Earl Beck and grandma, Mrs. Margaret Casey and aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Casey, Mr. and Mrs. John Casey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casey and all their children. Tommy Uttich also received his first Communion. Here to celebrate this occasion from Plain, Wis., were his godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Palmer, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Klomann from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Palmer and five children from Kenosha, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. P. Giebeo. Tommy also had his boyfriend, Stevie Stanek, over for the day. Breakfast was had at the Country club, then back to the house for dinner. To end this perfect day, it was discovered that Stevie was breaking, out with the measles. Bonnie Kroening's first Communion was celebrated Sunday, April 29. Helping with the celebration were grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroening, Sr., from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. William Kroening and family from Mundelein, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kroening from Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gort and family from Schiller Park, and Mr. and Friday evening Charles Campo's grandma, Mrs. Helen Campo, and aunt, Angie Mclntyre, arrived to help prepare for his first Communion reception. On Sunday his aunls and uncle?. Sitter and come out for an eve- ' pi ize was won hy Gar"y Bock- , Barb and Ron Meurer and j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campo, ning of fun. Welcome Party My, Wasn't if a" pleasant 6vehing and didn't we all have such a lot of fun? Such were the commcnls at the welcome party on Thursday evening, April 26, when it was time to go home. We were so happy to become acquainted and have as guests Judy Barker, Ruth Ctyadwick, Edna Hountras, 1*1 la Julian, Maureen Johnson, ftetty Minor, Helen Kraskie- \vR?z, Irma Moglicki, Florence j Piasecki, Mary Schaan and ! Rose Schiddell. We were sorry j the other ladies who called and i expected to attend the party : tttere unable to do so at the I last minute and hope they will be able to attend the next welcome party. After a short tale about ihe Community and its virtues, the ; Lakeland Park Woman's club j artd its purpose, many games ; were played and lots of prizes i were awarded. The welcome committee was represented by Vickey Bottari, Lillian Glosson, Louise McEnery, Jo Rizzo, Ruth Roach and the chairman, Lyda_Radisch. Audrey Elmer, Lakeland Park Women's club retiring president, and Vickey Bottari, president- elect, each gave a word of welcome to the ladies, inviting them to become club members. The welcome committee had the tables set in the shape ol a triangle and beautifully dec* orated with yel-cv and white , children went up to Edgetown, and son and Mr. and Mrs. ! Wis., on Sunday to attend the ; Charles Salazar and two sons Birthday and Family Reunion ! confirmation of their niece, | bofh from Chicago, and Mr. Irv and Dottie Becker were 1 Vicki Sandeen. The family also and Mrs. Hank Keating from host and hostess for a combin- celebrated Barbara's mother's 1 Wauconda, and friends, Mr. ation birthday and family re- ' birthday with a beautiful cajte. and Mrs. E. Gollo, and four union last Sunday, April 29. It ; Bill and Ann Herzog visited children from Round Lake, Ann's brother, Steve Werlik, in Hines hospital last Sunday, April 28. Afterwards Bill and was Dot tie's uncle, Father N o r m a n ' s b i r t h d a v . T h e i r guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilbren and family of Des- Ann visited Ann's daughter Sally Reuter from Bull Valley and neighbors Dot and Mel Morgenson and son, Butchie, Barb and Ron Meurer and ABy: Buss Emerson, R.Ph. Let's have a quick look at a misconception many people hdVe concerning vitamins. Because most of our vitamins are obtained from food, some people are disposed to look upon Vitamins as a type of food. Food, however, is a ^material prdviding heat energy, measured in terms of calories, for vital bodily processes. Inasmuch as vitamins do not contain calories, they are not food. They are, however, chemicals of drugs that are present in foods and a vitamin is still a vitamin whether you get- it from a beefsteak or a bottle. You might also say that a prescription is a prescription no matter where it is filled. This is largely true, of course, but we suspect that you will take a small measure of added com fort in the knowledge that an surpassed accuracy and quality is assured at MILLSTREAM I)l|tl<iS, INC., Jewel Shopping Ptftza, Phone 385-5057. We give Double S&H Green Sfamps with prescriptions. BEN FRANKLIN s EVERY AT SAVBiGS fly for the carriage, trade § SAVE! DURING National Baby Week SAVE TO 40% CURITY DIAPERS Keeps babys' tender skin soft! Finest gauze diapers known the world over as the best. Now save at Ben Franklin during National Baby Week. Have several dozen on hand always. Save 77c A Dosen 312 Reg. 3.89 INFANTS Shirts littU Majesty combed cotton. Jiffy collar. 3 moi.-3-yrs. w roof s 6 for 78* Vinyl plastic bloomer style. Asst. colors. , Sizes S-M-L-XU Training Reg* $1.99 _ DIAPER and FORMULA BAG Reg* 49c RECEIVING BLANKETS Reg. $1.98 Print Terry PLAY - SLEEP SETS leg. $7.98 WELSH STROLLER Reg. $8.98 Welsh "PUDDffl PIE" RECLINER Reg. $18.98 WELSH CARRIAGE Reg. $29.98 WELSH CARRIAGE Reg. $37.98 WELSH CARRIAGE We Carry Complete Line ui Baby Needs. Shop Here and Save 3 pr. 67c. Double thick, triple crotch. 1-2-4-6, BEN FRANKLIN delle Kroening all stopped in for the celebration. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vera, Sr., and godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vera came to help Lawrence Vera celebrate his first Communion. Breakfast was had at the Country club and the dinner later at home. Here to help Greg Bartos celebrate his first Communion Sunday were his grandparents Messers Barta and Hruby. Also Messers Steve Derris and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pick Derris, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kroch, great aunt Mary Miller, Mrs. Rose Mensick and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartos and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chadwick and Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend. Patty Anne Idstein received her first Communion Sunday and here to join in the celebration were grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waymel, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Idstein, aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waymel, Jr., and children; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Idstein and children; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Idstein Jr., and children; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Idstein and children and her brother and two sisters. Kathy Humann's grandma, Mrs. Audrey Neuenfeldt, was out for the weekend from Chicago to help with her Communion celebration. Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Humann and great uncle Harold McGuire came on Sunday. Debbie Franklin received her first Communios Sunday, April 29. Present to help celebrate were grandma, Mrs. Carrie Carey, Mrs. Fred Boedecker, her aunt and a cousin, Beth Ann. - 157 COUNTY 4-H'ERS ENJOY ROCKFORD TOUR Ringwood Install W.S.C.S. Officers May 9 Lor Brennan - W.L. 2045 On May 9 at 8 p.m. the W.S.C.S. will m&et a i the church for the installation of officers. The installing officer will be Mrs. Bruce Brenneman. Mrs. Aithea Walkington and Mrs. Mae Holcomb will be hostesses for the coffe-hour. A total of 157 McHenry county 4-H'ers left the iftc- Henry county fairgrounds on April 23 to tour Rockford. The tour was planned by the 4-H committee, composed of Mrs. A1 Jensen, Huntley, chairman, Mrs. Ralph Lacy, Harvard, Mrs. Ralph Ensiroin, Can.', and Mrs. P«.uth Fenwick, Huntley. Places of interest visited were Goodwill Industries, Television Station WREX, and a machine and furniture company. 4-H'ers enjoyed seeing these different phases of business in operation. SHOP IN McHENRY Home Circle Meets On May 10 the Ringwood Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Mabel Hawley with Mrs. Bessie Cruickshank as co-hostess. It will be a 12:45 p.m. luncheon followed by the meeting and entertainment program. Weekly Church Calendar Thursday, May 3, 7:30 p.m. --Choir practice. Saturday, May 5, 1 p.m.-- The Confirmation will meet. Sunday, May 6, 9:30 a.m.-- Worship service; 10:45 a.m.-- Church school for all. At the 9:30 service Dr. Amos Thorhberg, the new district superintendent will bring the message of the morning. All are invited to stay after church to help prepare for the pot-luck dinner. The Quarterly Confe r e n c e will follow the dinner. Sunday, May 5, 3:30 p.m.-- The District Board of Lay Activities will meet at 6ur church. Mark Your Calendar The Ringwoqd Methodist Men's Club is having a program of very good entertainment coming up June 2. Just keep the date open -- they'll let us know more next week. The suspense of it will have to wait until next week's column. First Communion On Sunday, April 29, Patricia Brennan made her First Holy Communion with 99 other Jjoys and girls in St. Patrick's church at McHenry. It was a very exciting day for our Patty. Fpr dinner we entertained Patty's Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schmitt of McHenry and Fred Wiedrich along with her Godfather and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Freddy, also Butch Leonard. For supper, in addition to the above, we had Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmitt and family of McHenry. Patty looked lovely in her white outfit and had a wonderful day. School has Trees There were a few busy beavers working awfully hard last week to enhance the appearance of the beautiful new school. The front has many lovely.^ev^rgreens planted and partly seeded for grass. Thanks go to the workers, and we do hope all in the community will notice and take care. Personal Items Mrs. Gerry Kunz had lunch with Mrs. Ann Haerle at Fcx Lake last week. It was Mrs. Haerle's birthday and anniversary. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larsen of Antioch called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Aithea Walkington, Mrs. Katie Harrison, oMrs. Sue Brenneman and Lor Brennan were party guests in the Einsmeinger home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sody of Kenosha were guests in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home. Callers in the Earl Kunz home for a surprise anniversury on the twenty-eighth were Carol and Roger Kunz of Algonquin. Also in the afternoon for tea were Mrs. Emma Ortleib and Mrs. Anna Shadle for an anniversary surprise. In the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Sunday afternoon for a visit were, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larsen of DesPlaines. Mrs. James Wegener and son, Freddy, and Mrs. Bob Brennan were Woodstock callers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuteze and daughter, Ruth, of W a u w a t o s a . W i s . , s p e n t Sunday afternoon in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home. Dave Walkington left on Saturday for his home In Phoenix, Ariz., after spending time with his dad, Ben Walkington. Callers in Crystal Lake on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley. Qn Tuesday Rich, Donna, and Scott Kunz of Dixon called' on his mother for a brief vis- O i t . They r e t u r n e d home on Wednesday morning. Also, Roger and Carol Kunz of Algonquin came for the family get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Howe of Crystal Lake called in the L. E. Hawley home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schuman of Dew Trail, Colo., were weekend guests in the William Cruickshank home. Several ladies from the church attended a luncheon at Greenwood. Belated happy birthday wishes go out to Henry Aissen whose birthday was April 20 and to Dorothy Aissen cn April 24. That's it for this week. Don't C forget to call me about your news. See you in May!! ASK VARIATION IN EOmNG TO ERECT* TON George tind Clara Barber and McHenry Kntorpj;ises, Inc., R. J. Miller, have filed a peti- A tion before the zoning board of appeals, asking for a variation of the set-back line for tne erection of a sign on properly located on the corner of Rt. 120 and Johnsburg road. The hearing on the petition will be heard on Wednesday, May 9, at 3 o'clock at the city hall in McHenry. USE CLASSIFIEDS Peter Wj. Juiten Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED A M B U L A N SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5°0863 WEEKEND SPECIALS AT THE NEW BEN FRANKLIN LADIES' HALF SLIPS $1.00 Value 57c ea. 2 for $1.00 S - M - L - XL BAMBOO CAFE CURTAINS 30" Length 67c 36" Length $1.00 Valance 54c NYLON HOSE Compare to 79c Value 51 KHUK«\ 13 ff$?nior 57c pr. Foam Filled BED PILLOW 99c On Sale Basement MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Blue Chambray Reg. $1.98 $1.44 Men's MATCHED WORK SETS Khaki - Green - Grey Shirts $2.88 Pants $3.88 MEN'S DUNGAREES Reg. $3.29 $2.88 WORK SOCKS Reg. 39c Cushion Foot 3 pr. 99c 3 pc. LUGGAGE SET Reg. $15.98 Special $13.88 Reg. $1.49 GARDEN HOE Special $1.00 WHITE PICKET FENCE 3 Section $1.00 Reg. $1.59 COVERED CAKE PAN Limited Qty. 99c INSULATED GLASS CUPS Reg. 59c 29c Reg. 69c Glass 39c Womens' Reg. $9.98 REVERSIBLE RAINCOATS Special $7.99 ALUM. LAWN CHAIR $3.99 ALUM. LAWN LOUNGE $7.77 6 TRANSISTOR RADIO $14.88 Shick ELECTRIC RAZOR Reg. $22.50 Value \ $11.88 SALE SHEETS - CASES • Reg 69c PILLOW CASES 2 for $1.00 * Reg. $2.98 81 108 SHEETS $1.77 ea. * Slight Irreg. of Famous Make.-,-** 2 for $3.50 Reg. $2.49 FLORAL FULL FITTED SHEETS $1.99 Reg. $2.29 FLORAL TWIN FITTED SHEETS $1.79 Reg. 69c FLORAL CASE 99c pair CLOSE OUT SALEiKj'. L. MUST Reg. $3.98 Pedal Pushers $1.99 Reg. $2.98 Pedal Pushers $1.49 Reg. $3.98 Tops $1.99 Reg. $2.98 Tops $1.49 ER MATERNITY WEAR! -- '/j; PI^BCi J Reg. $2.98 Burmudas $1.49 Reg. $5.98 2 pc. Sets $2.9S Reg. $8.98 2 pc. Sets 1 $4.50 Limited Quantities -- Shop Early J