USDA CHOICE Keep A Cool Kitchen ^ Y/ith "Top o' Range "Chicken Fried Round Steak , y, to 2 lbs. Vi inch round .teak 2 beaten eggs 2 tbl milk , 1 cup fine cracker crumbs y4 cup fat salt and pepper heaN,5-60min. Serves 6 U.S. CHOICE EXTRA VALUE TRIM Your best meat value this weekend is versatile, flavorful Jewel Round Steak. Jewel Round Steak is all TOP CHOICE BEEF--the most desirable of all the beef that's Government Graded U. S. Choice, and it's oozjng with hearty beef flavor. Jewel Round Steak is Extra Value Trimmed of excess fat, leaving only enough to insure moistness and add to the flavor! Because you can count on Jewel to bring you just this one high grade of beef, you never have to worry about the meat you buy--another reason why it's a pleasure to shop at Jewel! ~ U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED--4 TO 8 LBS. Turkeys »>. 39" Steak h> You'll Be Using Plenty! Keep careful check on your GRANULATED sugar canister this summer. Baking lets up ... but now you'll need sugar for sweetening all those refre^Wng summer drinks--iced tea, lemonacle, Kool-Aid. Take advantage of this low Jewel price this week! JEWEL WHITE--9 INCH Paper Plates Reg. 98c ovc No matter how hl9h the temPe.,a'ur i* Jewel Maid Potato Chips are packed in on inner ba9 spe<io„y maximum freshness Take a bo* wherever you go--they re great for between meal appetites! JEWEL MAID MARY DUNBAR - WHOLE KERNEL Golden Corn Potato Reg. Price 59c 89 13c Bright Morning Lift! Surprise your family and serve them Apple •Juice fpr breakfast. They'll love this smooth, sweet drink made from juicy apples! YUMMY LB. BAG PLUS DEP. CANFIELD Beverages PLUS DEP. Beverages 3 Grape Drink 3 PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT Cherry Valley Drink WELCHADE 32 ox. cans 46 oz. can Fry Crisco and you'lf never have to ^ worry about eating improperly fried foods! f§ So instead of being greasy, your foods will H turn out light and delicious every time I i| "5c OFF" LABEL Q CRYSTAL PIK NIK-POTATO Shoestrings MARY DUNBAR DARK RED Kidney Beans A CHERRY VALLEY CUT 4% Green Beans * VEGETARIAN OR PORK 'N BEANS Heinz Beans Cleans Instantly! c?aMy0d«i/n?ddto mX'your housework easier In Jewel's Household Department--and many V^m are Jewel "money-savers" such as of them are jewei cleaning hard working, soap-filled 5.0.^. tor c* FOR SCOURING _ S.O.S. sos ids •Happy fanu&ea Juice 4ppi,b.WI^ 46 or. can 16 oz. cans PERK "2c OFF" LABEL I5yi ox. Dog Food cans FAMILY PAK-STRAWBERRY 16 oz. Preserves V * - ' I I jtoodMMlA Crisco SHORTENING Regular Price 90c JEWEL MAID PURE VEGETABLE Cooking Oil CHERRY VALLEY Catsup MOTT'S Applesauce BLUEBROOK - 14 oz; btls. FRESH, TENDER Sweet Corn FROM FLORIDA CLAPP'S own ,A**, rv,' 'v ffiUi -'Mi M ' Naturally you want the besf for y Jewell *0 °nl>' Jewell Direct deliveries from Jewel't modern bakery, and the best quality dients assure you of family.soti.fyin- brwd every day from Jewell •^VVEL MAID--LARGE WHITE Bread20 °1- loaf / -Happy fnnu&eA tea cgj^f/ "Happy fttnti&M Skop -At *