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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1962, p. 18

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Pap® Eighteen THE McHEHftY PLAINBEALER Thursday^ May SI, 190E McCullom Lake FOUR YEAR OLD BOY WINS PRIZE FOR NAMING PET Elma Nelson About two weeks ago. Ruth Smith offered a prize to anyone who could come up with a good name for her new pup-- one that would "ring a bell" for her. Douglas Mackinder, four year old son of Vera and John Mackinder, formerly of our village, came up with the prize winning name for Ruth's miniature Schnauzer pi\p. After having received lots of entries that had left her unmoved. Ruth was -talking to Vera on the phone when the pup pulled the jack out of the wall and disconnected the circuit. Discovering and rectifying the problem, Ruth replaced her call and was recounting the pup'sNintics when Dougie said it would .be perfect to call the doc "Na'stv". Ruth thought the dot; was a bit. small for such a name, so the young'un :ame up with "Midgie". This .vas the .bell Ruth was waiting to hear - and Midgie it is. One little four year old is the very proud recipient of the .> cash prize. Ladles of the Lake The gals met at the beach house Thursday, May 24. It was the night for their social evening and the lucky ones to go home with prizes were Edit h Breridl, Myra Murray, Marie Howe, Marie MeKim, Tommy Fox, Emma Pyritz and Vera Lynch. Marge Stacknick took "Rome a beautiful four strand necklace with matching earrings and Sally Olson was the recipient of the last prize. Vera Lynch, a friend of Louise Bergquist, occupied the guest seat for the evening and goodies were supplied by Emma Pyritz, Ethel S£hmit-t and Elizabeth Rie'ter. Milky Waters •Perhaps you have noticed ; the condition of the water, if : you've been down to the lake , during the past few weeks. | Gene Piotrowski did and made , a few inquiries in the right ! places and came up with this j bit of information. Floyd Frye | informed Gene that the Illinois j State Conservation department j claims that we have an abun- ; dance of algae --a microscopic plant growth that tends to ' make the water milky. It is j necessaty to remove this j growth to allow sunlight to penetrate the water, thus im- j proving the growth of weeds | and water plants that fish feed : upon. The Conservation department, for a sum of $500, will remove these offenders by putting a chemical solution into the water. This will clear the water, but only the algae will be destroyed, it will not harm the water or plant growth in any way. Some of the fish caught this spring that I have seen--and eaten--were real beauties. Clear fresh water is necessary for good fishing, and pretty necessary too, for the two-legged varieties that enjoy the water during the swimming season. An account has been opened in a local bank, under the title of McCullom Lake Restoration Fund. Within the next few weeks, Gene Piotrowski will contact the various property owners associations in Lakewood. Lakeland Park, West Shore Beach, Germantown, Spojnia and our own Cullom- Knoll association, in an attempt to stimulate^nterest and support for this cause and raise the necessary $500. Anyone who so wishes may send donations by check made out to McCullom Lake Restoration Fund, or go to the bank with your contribution, no matter how small and enter it in the fund account. Should the amount received exceed the required sum, the remainder will be used to benefit the lake. Lake improvement has progressed so well during the past few years, it would be a shame to allow it to lag now. Memorial Day Notes There was an early deadline for this column because of the Memorial Day holiday. The notes were turned in on Friday, May 25, so it was impossible to give an account of the ceremonies. They will appear | in next week's column. At j press time it was stated that j the Griffins, our 'teenage club, would lead the pledge of alle- I giance and Feme Carter | Pierce, democratic outgoing J state repre s e n t a t ive, was j scheduled to be guest speaker at our services. No doubt she made 'a fine appearance, for i she is one of the few women \ who can combine the arts of 1 achieving high political status j and remain .a devoted house- [ wife and mother. She's a i charming gal indeed --one j whose personality reaches ev ervone she contacts. from the audience When he injected opinions and witticisms of his own, appropos to the occasion. He is, incidently, the father of Nat King Cole, the recording star and TV personality. To tack on an extra bit, C h a i r m a n L e v e s q u e han d i e d the gavel for the^three cpunty caucus held at McHenry high school, Friday, May 18. The caucus was held for the purpose of selecting one candidate to fill the office of State Senatore. This would eliminate the need for a special primary. However, the primary may be necessary, for at press date, there's a good chance of another candidate filing his intentions to run for the office. Eastwood Manor BROWNIES HOLD FLY-UP CEREMONY AT FAITH CHURCH Edie Iverson - 885-6888 Village President Guest of Congressional Nominee Republican Central Committee Chairman, of McHenry county. J: R. Levesque, was the guest of Congressional nominee. Robert R. McClory, at a recognition dinner Monday, May 21. The dinner was held in Waukegan in honor of the Hon. Mr. McClory, who is Republican nominee for Congress from the new 12th District. There were 1.500 attendants to the affair, including such imposing personages as Secretary of State, Charles Carpentier, Arthur J. Bidwell and George E. Drach. Special guests were Mrs. C. Wayland Brooks, Donald Rumsfeld and Republican candidate for State Treasurer, William J. Scott. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. E. J. Coles, pastor of the First Missionary Baptist church of North Chicago. The Rev. Mr. Coles, after pronouncing the b e n e d i c t i o n , drew a p p l a u s e Proud / You bet Frank' anfr Bev Rourke are "bustin' their buttons". Their son, John, a junior in McHenry high school, was one of six to receive a scholarship to attend Boys State in Springfield for a week in June, the course beginning on the twenty-fourth. Boys State is a plan for training in the functional aspects of citizenship. The American Legion' is the organization that selects the few so to be honored. To be eligible, a boy must show outst a n d i n g qualifications in leadeiship, character, ancl service with scholarship an important point of consideration. There will be about 1.200 boys from all over the state attending. Congratulations to John--very well done. Mothers--Attention - An alert has been sounded as to the damage and annoyance that is being caused, both to property and-birds, oy boys with BR guns. These "toys" arqi illegal on the village streets and should be confined to your own property and targets should be placed in a position that cannot cause damage. The area under discussion is N. Orchard street, Park, View, Lake Shore drive and Clover Hill drive^Please gals, check your small fry. lest troubles brew. The guns can be confiscated and prosecution possible where the damage warrants. Steak 'N' Cake for Jake Steak and trimmings and a beautifuly decorated cake was the birthday dinner convalescent Eve served hubby Jake for his birthday, Wednesday, May 23. Dinner music was -in proper taste and supplied by four youthful voices and one . The Brownies held their fly- Up ceremony in the Faith church basement Wednesday evening. Many mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers attended. The program was given very well beginning with Mom. A quiet evening and an early bedtime was to have been the general idea and would have been but for the arrival of the "Joyous Four" bearing gifts! Frank and Bev Rourke Sand Betty and Nick Tabor arrived "nine^isn" and bravely hauled Jake out of the "sack". They were very welcome guests and provided a perfect conclusion to a pretty special day. Deepest Sympathy Her neighbors and friends extend sincere condolences to Lil Sawdo. Her brother, James Sandberg, of Oconto, WisM (Lil's birthplace) has been a heart patient for several years. He was 54 years old when he was stricken by a fatal heart ' attack at 12:30 noon, Friday, | May 18. Lee and Lil left for • Oconto on Saturda^, May 19-- I attended Mr. Sandberg's fu- J neral on Monday, May 21, and ; returned home on the follow- j ing day. Our thoughts are j with you, Lil. their flag ceremonies and Brownie salute and including several songs they had learned. The six girls who flew up in Girls Scouts had speaking parts and received their wings and World Association pins. All the other Brownies received Brownie World Association pins. The girls who sold Girl Scout cookies received Girl Scout rings for a job well done. After the program the little girls served brownies and col fee to their guests. We are all proud of our Brownie troop who are sponsored by the Eastwood Manor Property Owner's association. Our leaders are Peggy Garrelts and Rosemary Newlon who also earn a big hand. Brownies The Brownies met for the last time this season at the church Wednesday afternoon. They went through their program for the evening fly-up ceremony. Each Brownie took part. They had a table set up with a display of the projects they had accomplished this year. June 14 they will be enjoying a big picnic. Faith Presbyterian Church News / Sunday, June 3 -- /Sermon topic.. "Christian Responsibility" based on Luke 10:25-37. Tuesday, June 5 -- Because of Junior High graduation exercises there will be no choir practice. Hospitalized Frank Poledna hasn't been feeling too well for awhile now. On Thursday, May 24, .the condition grew steadilly worse and Ruth Smith drove him to Passavant hospital in Chicago. There he will undergo a series of tests tp determine the degree of his ailment and the necessity of surgery. The well wishes of his neighbors would be a big "help to Frank at this time-- he's had a pretty rough row to hoe.! Cards would be a real nice gesture. How about it? Well friends --this is my "Swan Song". Thanks so much for all the fine cooperation you have give me. "Indestructible Eve" will be back at the typewriter from here on. Keep your news bits coming, but this time the phone number is 385-3191. She isn't quite as perky as is normal, so your news calls will be much appreciated. So for now bye, bye - see you around. Visitor My mother, Mrs. Mary Vanderberg from California, arrived here Saturday morning for a visit. Enroute she visited many friends and relatives all over the state of North' Dakota. Birthday Celebrations Florence Tucker was hostess and cake baker for a birthday surprise get-together on Mary Vestgard and Georgiana Wilson. Many of the neighbor gals attended but Mary was unable to be there. Cissy Rothshad a great time at her eighth birthday party Friday after school with ten little girls enjoying ice cream and the chocolate cake that mother made. Jackie Radner became eleven and celebrated wrth a party attended by twelve young ladies. Fancy cup cakes with candles were served ea c h along wi,th soda pop and ice cream. They all had a very good time playing games. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday today, the atolkf-it. TDeAiiofr By: Buss Emerson, R.Ph. It is difficult to establish a starting point for mankind's practice of medicine and surgery to cure his ills, but we do know that prehistoric man was acquainted with trephining, a formidible piece of surgery. Many skulls bearing trephine holes have been unearthed in several areas of Europe. Trephining, as practiced by the ancients many thousands of years ago, wasn't done for the raising of depressed skull fractures. The absence of injury near the holes suggests that the early operations were preformed to provide escape for the demons which prehistoric man very likely held responsible for ailments such as epilepsy and migraine. Prehistoric man couldn't rely on a pharmacy such as MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. for relief of his ailments. Complete drugs and prescriptions, sundries including Rubenstein and Bonnie Belle cosmetics, American greetings cards are available at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm, Jewel Shopping Plaza, Phone 385-5057. We give Double S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed In this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. Other Styles Available 6-Ft. TABLES as 75 low as *19 RIGID - FRAME GARAGES Two-Car With Storage '^RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! * Compare The Features! ' Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments LET US HELP YOU WITH ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS! ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Fhon@ 385-1424 last day of May, to Hazel Schulz, 3-year-old Susan Lee G r p r n , i S - y e a r - o l d R o g e r Barnes, and 14-year-old Alice Weirich. Saturday, June 2, is the day for 11-year-old Linda Lawrence and 8-year-old Jimmy Qual to celebrate their birthdays. We wish a very happy, birthday to Russell Davis on June 4. June 5 A1 Bianchi shares with 12-year-old Rhil Krebs. Around the Manor \\feekend guests at the Elwyn Eternick home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eternick from Milwaukee, Wis. The Milt McHales enjoyed guests over the weekend. They were Jeanne's mother, Mrs. Helen Nelson, and grandmother, Mrs. Louise Allan, from Chicago. The children's greatgrandmother was celebrating her birthday with them and Jeanne baked a cake in her honor. The Bill Philippi family enjoyed company from Dixon. They were Elpha's brother, Wendell Snell, wife, and two daughters. j ^The Gerald Biederer family went to Morton Grove where Gerry's nephew, Michael Biederer, was confirmed. Gerry was his sponsor. The school and church were also dedicated at the ceremony. Also attending the dedication and confirmation at St. Martha's in Morton Grove were Ed and Mary Vestgard as their niece and nephew, Katjiy and Kenneth Krause, were confirmed. Tom and Rita Simpson attended the dinner Sunday night at the Marian Central high school. Visiting with their daughters, Pam Woodbury and Irene Betke, this week were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eklund. Sunday the Ed Betke family enjoyed a backyard barbecue and the company of Mr. and Mrs. George Hart and their one-year-old granddaug h t e r, Kim, from Milwaukee, Wis. The John Coughlin house was bursting with little chillen this weekend when Pat's' brother, Danny Garaty, wife, and three little ones came to visit. Accompanying them were three mor»e small, cousins. With their .own six and these six that's, a lot of small fry! Two of the three Griffeth children spent Sunday night and Mfonday with their aunt, Jane 'Danaher, in Arlington Heights. MeJvin and Louise Griffeth uncle and auntie again wheui. baby Audrey Ann Griffeth joined Cardl and Bill in Park Ridge. Sunday the Ed Radner family" attended a graduation party for their niece, Linda, who graduates from college. The 'party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightholder of Beverly, Betty's brother and wife. Anniversary Happy, happy anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Don-\ aid Areridt on June 6; our first June anniversary couple. Demonstration Joan Jacobson was hostess Wednesday evening to a demonstration party. Many games were played and prizes won. She served the gals delicious cake and coffee or cold soda. PHILATELIC EXHIBIT The best-kept secret in U. S. Post Office history, the Project Mercury Stamp celebrating ah American's first orbital flight around the earth, Will be among several 1962 first issues on display and sale ate the Illinois State Fair. Th^*' stamp will be on sale at the special post office maintained by the U. S. Post Office at the p h i l a t e l i c e x h i b i t . O t h e r stamps available will include: Arizona C e n t e n n i a l ; World Against Malaria Commemorative; Civil War Centennial (Battle of Shiloh); Louisiana Centennial; New Mexico Statehood ; Charles Evans Hughes^ Memorial; and the Seatti^ World's Fair. Entry blanks and information can be obtained by writing Philatelic Exhibit, Illinois State Fair, Springfield. Closing date for entries is July 20. It does a man little good to sit up and take notice if fte keepfc on sitting. When there aren't enough men to go around, they sometimes do. The wise man hates no people, only their habits, ways and vices.. Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 3004 W. Route 120 McHenry, IlL at your Cleaning 1 • Ask About Our Many Special Services is given meticulous, individual attention by professionals! For expert repairs, dyeing, alterations, sizing, reweaving or any other special services . . . our work and prices can't be beat! Just give us a ring and well be right at your door. There's no extra charge for our pickup or delivery serviced HOLIDAY XL Quality Dry Cleaning L. V. Adams, Jr. Free Pick-Up and Delivery Phone 385*0189 I 4

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