^Thursday, May 31< 1962 ' r " --j-- JL. Lakeland Park WOMAN'S CLUB MOLDS FINAL MEET „ BEFORE VACATION ^ Gloria Flannigan - 385-4710 Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 O -The woman's club meeting will be the first Thursday in •tune at the community house at 8:o0 p.m. Hope every one 4^, planning to attend this last meeting before the summer adjournment. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Little League News s,..Get ou,t your straw hats, your folding chairs and your £ rooting voices becaus'e the •baseball season is about to begin. On June 10. to start the season there will be a triple header with a time limit of houvs for each game. So come on out and cheer your team on.. II there are any boys- who haven't signed up as .yet please contact Bob Matthews as there are still openings. (' v & Smorgasbord Committee To Meet Afiyone who would like to help out smorgasbord committee is invited to Toots Gerstatl's home 'at 1409 Oakwood Court Lakeland Shores on June 4 at about 8:30 p.m. or iL^ou can't make it give Toots a--call at 385-4043. The smork gjasbonl is to be held at the community house on June 16 sd T<lan to attend with your -family and mothers treat yourselves to a day off from the Stove. 7 Community House Schedule Thursday, May 31 -- (evening-) Newsletter committee; Tuesday, June 5 -- Evening, Boy- Scouts; Wednesday, June \l§, 3" to 5 Brownies; Thursday, June 7, Women's r club. For reservations call J® Rizzo 385- 2728. ' J Scout News - Troop 459 -- \rwenty-five Boy Scouts and three adult feaders went on the Kishwaukee-- District Spring Camporee °fi_May 18, 19 and 20- Most our boys have been Scouts ^5hly for aS long as Troop 459 hits been sUirted and that is only six months as it was the first, Camporee for 80 per cent of our troop. They had their first,, taste. of district competition and did a very good &b- ^ • Each of our three patrols ftirnfed a red ribbon to add to their patrol flags. As^a troop we -did ourselves proud by ^f&irning a red ribbon by totaling 255 points out of a possible 300. . As a rewarding gesture to the t)oys the three men who ijad .stayed out with the boys. Scoutmaster Ed Druml. Assistant Ai't Tiffany and Treasurer, Committeeman, Troy Mathews along wilh assistant Joe Prasik took on the troop in a wrestling match. The men did Page Nineteen About 75 per cent of our troop's parents then enjoyed .a family picnic. The leaders were sorry that camp was down but the trucks bringing back our gear had to leave. To list names of those helping out would be long so . instead please except a general thank you. As soon as the District sends the boys patches they will be given out and worn on the boys right uniform shirt pocket for all to' see. Hope\our fall camporee feees us with. a blue ribbon added to the red one we are all so very proud of. Pack 459 -- Monday, May 21, saw Mitch Miller in disguise as Den mother, Shirley George leading all the Cubs and parents in a community sing" Cubmaster Ed Druml explained to the boys what it should mean to them when they say the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. The second,^ color movie of the Scout Golden Jubilee at Colorado was shown and enjoyed by all. Parents try to help your sons den win the attendance flag at the next Pack meeting. Jt goes to the den with the best parent attendance and belongs to the den until the following month. A scooter derby is planned for along with a hot dog roast and the Cubs Indian dancing and a family picnic for the summer months. Watch the paper for details along with phone calls from the Den mothers. Mishap If anyone wants to know what happened to Mrs. Worm's ankle, here's the scoop. It seems she was out looking for her son on her bike just before the rains let loose last Monday and after finding him and sending him home she headed for home. Just as she turned into the drive the bike skidded on the gravel and down she went, breaking her ankle. As luck would have it, no one was around so there she sat in the pouring rain, not able to move. Finally her feeble cries for help were answerecl and someone came to her rescue. She was taken to the hospital where she rested for two days. She is now home an*) recuperating very nicely although she will be on crutches lor (5 to 8 weeks. £ good job but ended up on tJie bottom. Joe Prazak's tee jffii't couldn't have been held together with any amount of glue. Blue Bundles Don and Barbara Dixon are the proud parents of a baby boy, born May 16 at the Woodstock hospital. His name is Chris Alan and he tipped the scales at 6 lbs. 14 ozs. and it! 20 inches long. Awaiting with anxiety was his big brother, Scott Micheal, 13 months old, and his paternal grand- ! parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dixon of Lilymoor and ma- i ternal . grandparent Robert I Link of Houston, Texas. Congratulations! - and to Joe and Agnes Prazak who will celebrate sixteen years of wedded bliss on June 1. Birthday Wishes Happy Birthday to Gail Parisi and Judy Ludwig who share the same natal day of May 31, to Bobby Rode who will be twelve years old on .June 1, to Cynthia Kujak who celebrates her ninth birthday on June 2 and to Mary Ann Krupinski who will be fourteen years old on June 6. Belated Birthday Wishes Belated birthday wish to Fred Ludwig who had a birthday on May 25. Sorry we missed you Fred but better late than never as the saying goes. Jftycees Donald Gerstad, David Ladd, Bob Kozy and Harry Cygan attended the orientation night bf the Jaycees on May 23, in McHenry. Birthday Doings Wednesday, May 23, was a very special day for Steve Stanek. It was his seventh birthday and he had a party in his honor. His guests were Tommy Uttich, Tommy Lithane, David Michalik, Larry Oakford, Kevin Hahndorf, Robert Vera. Lawrence Huck, Michael Coughlin, James Stilling and brothers. Pat. Kenny, and Paul. The boys had a grand time and were served cake and icecream, root beer and each received a grab-bag gift,, after which they played a few games. Dancing Recital On Saturday May 26, Suzanne Gerstad participated as a dancer in the "Early Bird" number in a dancing recital. Others from Lakeland Park and Shores participating were Holly and Kim Worm and Sherry Jones. Entertains High School Club Bev Wickenkamp was the hostess to her high-school days club on Wednesday May 23. There were seven girls attending and enjoying a gabfest along with chips, corn, cool drinks and afterwards cake and coffee. Attends Class Reunion Sue Grizely attended her class reunion of 1954 in Chicago at an exclusive restaurant dining room on Sunday, May 27. Sue graduated from St. Michael's central high. She reports she had a grand time. A Visiting We Go On Saturday, May 26, Bdb and Jan Kozy and her daughter, Terri, attended the birthday celebration of Bob's grandmother, Ann Kosierachi, at Bob's aunt and uncle, Jean and Fred Kosie, in Park Ridge. Helping to celebrate his joyous occasion were Bob's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kozy of Palatine, Ann's husband, Cyprian Kosierachi, and the Kosie children, Kathy and Michael. A chicken dinner was enjoyed by a 1-1. Fishing Anyone? Did an\one find a\fish with a pole attached to it lately? Two experienced fishermen, Mel Morganson a n d Chuck Campo ^were fishing off the shore last Monday when all of a sudden the pule was seen floating away. What happened boys, did the fish. get too much for vou? /-- Last Call For Your Association Dues • You'"have'only till June 1 to get yoiy.- association dues paid to your block captain or to Helen Strandquist. It wilj cost you more if it is not .paid by then. So be wise and -save yourselves some money Repaying now. Needed -- Strips And Labels The labels and strips from coffee cans are still needed to purchase that badly needed coffee urn for our community house. So let's get going gals and start sending them to Lyda Radisch or even better yet give Lyda a buzz at 385- 2754 and she will be most happy to pick them up. Lakemoor LAKEMOOR SCOUTS RECEIVE HONORS AT HIGHLAND PARK Annette Schmit CAUTION GARDENERS Words of caution to spring gardeners and bulb buyers have been issued by the Illinois Agriculture Department's Division of Plant Industry. William T. Larkin, superintendent of plart industry, last week reminded gardeners who are about ready to purchase bulbs for spring planting to "be sure that they are paying for quality bulbs, and not just for attractive packages." Larkin referred to a recent report by G. L. Pierce, one of the division's horticultural specialists. who pointed <.ut that "modern merchandising demands that almost everything be done up.in fancy packages, and in some cases the tail has a tendency to wag the dog." Anniversary Wishes Happy anniversary to Chuck and Grace Campo who will celebrate their fourteenth year of wedded bliss on June 5. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products I-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Reasons Why To See Us xfYou Need A Waler System or Weill • 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations ~ Point Changing -- Service Calls _ 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersib'es and Sump Pumps) 1 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. - 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system - 5. A guarantee in writing. _ 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. I 7- Our men and machines are completely insured. - 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. ~ 9. Parts available for all makes. - 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling ~ and drive well points. 111. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. : ON DISPLAY ; SEE TIIEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK j McHenry County Well & Pump ; ' WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! I Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. " Phone McHenry EV 6-5262 or Residence EV 5-0713 It's Time To Replace those our with Ti CHAMPI0 NYLON Blackwalls 7.50-14 \ Tubeless 6.70-15 $lf)95 17.10-15 Tube Type J Tube Type 6.70-15 $ Tubeless '1495 Other Sizes also Sale Priced RAYON - Blackwalls 6.76-15 $ 1195 17.10-15 $ Tube Type Add $3 for Whltewalls 1395 Tube Type All Prices Plus Tax BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks alhd All Passenger Cars All Sizes at Popular Prices Complete CALL U S . . . FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. S981 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 . McHenry. 111. The Lakemoor Scouts appeared in a parade in Highland Park last May 20, at which time they received a ribbon foi\ the best junior group (honorable mention). This is quite an achievement for the Scouts since they have been in existence for such a shot time. After the paVade the children returned home to have a dance among their group. We are all very proud of this new ribbon, and hope thort? will be many more. The Scouts will all be in the Memorial Day parade in McHenry tomorrow, and .we hope that all the parents wjll j^et out. and see t*heir children participate. f On June 2 our Lakemoor Scouts will march in the Milk Day parade at Harvard. This is not 100 far from home, and the hope of seeing a large group of parents is always stimulating to a group such as ours. The Lakemoor Scout unit flag has been received this past week and very pretty it is. The flag was made bv Mrs. H( iwe of McCullom Lake and quite a bit of intricate work went into it. We are all very pleased with the flag and the work that it represents. Who's 21? Well, Annie Hose, of course. Sho celebrated her natal day on May 23, and we will just bet that she's just a wee bit older than that 21 we were talking about. --Congratulations, Annie! Baby Shower A lovely baby shdwe' w as given in honor of Pacita Morrison on Monday, May 21. The shower was given by the Girl Scouts and to Pat, she believed she was attending a Girl Scout meeting. Pat was certainly surprised and quite thrilled by the lovely gifts and very happy that the girls had been so considerate. 1 > Out of Towners Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lesmeister from Calumet City, 111, were Sunday guests in the home of Edward Steadman.' Girl Scouts Last Meeting: The Lakemoor Girl Scout Troop will disband on their meeting of June 4. A court of awards will be held at that meeting and all parents are invited to attend. At the last meeting of the troop, Mrs. Leona Fantus and Diane Fuhler'were presented to the troop and all girls from Lakemoor who wish to continue on or join the Scouts are to contact either one of thes<* leaders. time that everyone would like to hear Mr. John Q. Public speak. Amen May you all have a very nice Memorial Day .holiday, and be sure to take care while driving in the traffic on that day.^^jtos being a short week for news, we hope that the phone rings harder and longer next week. You can call me at 385-5536. I'll be waiting for your call. , Be Wise Use The Classifieds TRAFFIC DEATHS Traffic deaths in Illinois* during April totaled 125, a sharp decrease of 26 deaths or 17 per cent, from the same month of a year ago, W. J. Jayes, Jr., director of the Illinois Department of P4ublic Works and Buildings, has reported. Based on statistics compiled by the Division of Highways and the Illinois State Police, Payes said the total number of traffic cieath.i for the first four months of this year now stands at 475, a reduction of 9 per cent from d20 for the same period a year ago. Pink Surpr^ Dressed in colprC pink and blue, parents who are,,tried and true. So the latest does unfurl. . tender, sweet, adoring girl. And she was born to Mr. arid Mrs. Richard G:::y of Cary ^at Memorial hospital in Woodstock on May 18. Her nam^is Colleen Marie, and she tipped the scales at 7 lbs.. 6 ozs. Most surprised are her two brothers, Chris and Scott, who are e a g e r l y a w a i t i n g t h e t i m e ! when they»>can hold her. She I is the very fine granddaughter*) of Doctor and Mrs. John Gray | of Lakemoor. ' i Village Notes Circle Juno 14 on your calendar. That's the date of the ne\t regular \illage meeting. It is with civic -minderiness and- for informative purposes thai most folks attend these functions. To attend a village meeting is, the only way one can get. first hand, the knowledge of how their ifillage government operates. Do come to the next meeting and join in the informal discussions after 1 he meeting. Perhaps theie are questions on your mind that you would like to ask of your board. They are willing to hear you. won't you come out and hear them'7 There is a special open forum held after every regular meeting which allows the publico to be heard. It ^s at this It happened 100 YEARS ago The oldest incorporated trade association in the cbuntry, the United States Brewers Association, was organized in 1862 ... the same year that 1 r\ IN ILLINOIS, patriots from all over the state were traveling to Chicago to join the famous 93rd Illinois Regiment. Later, folks in Illinois toasted the victories of their troops in the Civil War with sparkling steins of beer. For then, as now, beer was the traditional beverage of moderation. But beer means more than enjoyment to Illinois. The Brewing Industry contributes more than 10 million tax dollars to Illinois each year, money that helps support our parks, hospitals, and schools. TODAY, in its centennial year, the United States Brewers Association still works constantly to assure maintenance of high standards of quality and propriety wherever beer and ale are served. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 1852 .. L\IB Mfc hibhikwi ittimrc ni wis yours The wonderful things Gas will do *MMM| iW Low down payments... Liberal terms.. Easy monthly payments! t. Kilts germs! Only die new Preway gas dishwasher gives you water so hot! That's because the new Preway has a self-contained gas heater that automatically heats water extra hot to scour dishes cleaner . . . and only Preway superheats rinse water to a bacteria-killing 180°! Important new health protection for your family. 2. Easier outdoor cooking! The new gas-fired portable grill starts instantly, cooks without soot or oily smoke ... leaves no messy ash. Reusable charcoal-like ceramic coals spread heat evenly to give you the fun and flavor of outdoor cooking with "kitchen" control. 3. Friendly protection. The modern, attractive gas yardlight provides a welcoming glow for family and friends . . . illumination for patio parties . . . beams protective light all through the night. 4. Won't fall when power^OjM. The new 1962 Norge Gas Refrigerator keeps running even when power failures stop ordinary refrigerators and spoil food. Loaded with work-saving features; freezer and refrigerator never need defrosting. 10-year warranty on the freezing system. Now's the time to visit your Northern Illinois Gas Company store and see how easy it Is to own and operate tbeac modern gas conveniences. NORTHERN A ILLINOIS QGAS /