Page Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDE&LEB Thursday, May 31. 1962 £ Christine Michels To Marry Fox Luke Man Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michels, of Johnsburg announce tne engagement ol' their daughter, Christine Mary, to Donald E. Hruby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hruby. Jr., Fox Lake. A wedding date will be set after Don has completed a year of studies at Worsham's College of Mortuary Science. He is a graduate of Grant high school and has attended Elmhurst college . this past year. Christine will be graduating from McHenry high school on June 6. ANNE LUNDBORG Anno Lundborg To Wed In Fall Mrs. J. W. Lundborg of 4418 E. Wonder Lake drive, Wonder Lake, announces the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Anne, to David Heuvelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heuvelman of Richmond. An Oct. 27 wedding is planned at Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake. Christen Walter Son On Sunday The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Walter was christened David Paul in a baptismal service which tpol^ place at Zion Evangelical Lutheran church during the 7:45 a.m. service Sunday. May 27, with Rev. Carl A. Lobitz officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Lobitz. friends of the family. A gathering was held afterward at the Walter home in Cooney Heights, where a buffet dinner was served to the following in addition to the parents and sister, Linda; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eshc.o, and maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna Garr. of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Lobitz, son Douglas, and daughter, Karen, Rev. and Mrs. Carl A. Lobitz, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowell and daughter, Shirley, and Mrs. Ella Newman, all of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garr of Chicago were unable to attend. Community Club To Meet June 4 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, June 4, at 8 o'clock. Because there are very important subjects . pertaining to the carnival and improvements to be discussed, members are urgently requested to attend. The committee will be notified by special mail. FACULTY HONORS GENEVIEVE KNOX ON RETIREMENT About sixty-five women faculty members of School District 15, wives of the men faculiy and special guests enjoyed their annual spring dinner at the V.F.W. clubhouse Thursday evening. Following a delicious buffet dinner served by members of the V.F.W. Auxiliary, Mrs. Ann Varese, accompanied by her pianist, Mrs. Verna Schlofner. presented the d e l i g h t f u l m u s i c a l I ' o m e d y "Gypsy"! This - musical comedy is "based on the life of Gypsy Rose Lee and was very well received by the group. the climax of the evening came when Miss Genevieve Knox, who is retiring this spring, was crowned "Queen of the Faculty" by Leta Clark and presented with a beautiful spray of red and white carnations by Carolyn Bauer. The standing ovation and applause given her at that time was an indication of the love and respect her fellow teachers have for her. Mrs. Stella Rortvet, chairman and mistress of ceremonies. then gave an interesting and humorous account of incidents in Miss Knox's life, with special emphasis, on events during her many years of teaching and the contributions she has made not only to the education cf the children of this community but also her constant efforts toward professional advancement. Miss Knox was presented with a beautiful charm bracelet in appreciation of her many years of service as an instructor in the L a n d m a r k a n d E d g e b r o o k schools. On each heart was inscribed the name of one of the twelve teachers still teaching here, who had taught with Miss Knox for twelve years or longer. These included Eleanor Foley. Carolyn Bauer, Lenore Cooley, Nellie Doherty, Velma Douglas, Laura Ferwerda, Aileen Claybaugh, Dorothy Gibbs, Ruth Mead, Arlene Pearson, Mildred Reese and Asst. Supt. M. L. Schoenholtz. Special guests who were invited to help Miss Knox celebrate her "retirement party" included Mrs. A. J. Richards o n o f t h e M c H e n r y h i g h school faculty, Mrs. Joanne Rulien. former nurse in the McHenry schools, Miss Mary Kinney, who retired from Junior High last year, and Mrs. Rasmussen from Chicago, who had been Miss Knox's eighth grade teacher in the Prairie school. Letters of congratulations were presented by Mary Vycital from Margaret Larkin Dowell of Lafayette, Ind., and Dorothy Fisher McCafferty of Marion, Ind., who were unable to attend. Miss Knox, who began her teaching career in 1915, has been a member of School District 15 faculty since 1929 and is at present teaching the first grade at Edgebrook. It would be difficult to estimate the number of first grade children whom she has introduced to the "Three R's" during this time, but her years of untiring patience and devotion to her profession and her pupils have now earned for her a long and happy retirement. May 29 Dance Sponsored by Firemen of Company I -- 9 p.m. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. May 30 Roast Beef Dinner -- Noon to 2 p.m. -- Ringwood Methodist Church. June 16 Lakeland Park Smorgasbord -- Community House -- 5 to 7 p.m. June 22, 23, 24 Annual Country Art Fair -- McHenry High School -- Noon to 10 p.m. -- - Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital. One out of each five vicepresidents, to date, has advanced to the presidency. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ' EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL. TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO IS A.M. and 1 TO S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 LARGE GROUP ATTENDS ANNUAL CHORUS DINNER Newlyweds About 160 persons were present at .the annual chorus pot-luck supper held in the rafcteria last .Thursday evening. Lynn Gustavson acted as mistress of ceremonies, with t w i T " o r g a n i z a t i o n o f f i c e r s , George Erber and, Janet Schimke, speaking on chorus activities. The program included the girls' ensemble singing "Ten Litlle Indians" and "Dreamer of Dreams", the latter Composed by Paul R. Yanda, band director. The chorus later presented Mr. Yanda with a scrap book which they started for h i m w i t h a m e m e n t o o f t h e evening's program. Guest alumna was Miss Anne Lundborg of Wonder Lake, who sang two numbers accompanied by Mrs. Irma Blomgren. Officer candidates for the next year were announced as Judy Martin. Sandi Spohr, Theresa iletl e r m a n n» Bert Kissling. Ed. E^arks, Richard Johnson, Kathy Kostal and Carol Herdrich. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sandberg, Ihgleside, are parents of a son born May 23. A son was born May 24 to a Mundelein couple. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lasnek. Mr. and Mrs. John Coughlin announce the birth of a son May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mullen became parents of a daughter May 26. A son was born May 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kern. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Angle announce the birth Of a son May 22. Twin sons were born May 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Buckholz of Pistakee Bay. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Long May 25. - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller, Ringwood, are parents of a daughter born May 25. Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews became parents of a son May 26. A daughter was born May 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Conder. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nolan, are parents of a son born May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Smith of Woodstock are the parents of a son, Michael Joseph, born May 22. Mrs. Smith is the former Josephine Freund of McHenry. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freund of McHenry. JOINS SORORITY Miriam Gies of-- Riverside Drive, McHenry, has been initiated into Phi Chi Theta, national commerce sorority at Marquette university, Milwaukee, where she is a student in the college , of business administration. CARD OF THANKS Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Smith wish to thank all their friends for the cards and flowers so thoughtfully sent during Mrs. Smith's recent illness and hospitalization. 5-31-62 LESSONS 385-4521 Doggone it! He deserves NCHOQSS Fathers Day Cards DAT SUNDAY. 5 JUNI V OSRITAL Larry Thomau is reported somewhat improved in Passavant Memorial hospital, Chicago, where he has been confined since surgery two weeks ago. Friends may write to him at .11).'; E. Superior street, Chicago 11, III., Room 729. Miss Mary Gorham and Robert Dunham, both of Woodstock, were united in marriage May 12 in St. Mary's Catholic church in that city. The Bride is the only daughter of Mr. and " Mrs Henry Gorham and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dunham. Among the attendants were Miss Sandra Rodenkirch of McHenry as bridesmaici, Miss Max*y Doran of McHenry as flower girl, Charles Doran of McHenry as ring bearer and Danny Freund of Spring Grove as usher. The young couple, well known in McHenry, will reside in Skokie. Roger Swanson Is Top Scholar Roger Thomas Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Swanson, 1013 No. Cherry V a l l e y r o a d , M c H e n r y . i s among top scholars at David Lipscomb college, Nashville, Tenn. * Swanson has been named to the honor roll by Dean Mack Wayne Craig. This means he is among the upper 10 per cent of the entire student body in scholarship, based on his g,rade averages for the last quarter. A graduate of McHenry high school, Swanson was president of the Athletic association, v o t e d " m o s t s i n c e r e " - a n d a ' member of the honor society. Now a freshman at Lipscomb, he is majoring in Bible. McHenry Hospital Patients admit ted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Timothy Suchy, Woodstock; Debra Lee Jessie, Spring Grove; Clarence Sutton, Margaret Vachy and Robert U s e l d i n g , I n g l e s i d e ; J e n n i e Harris, James Kluwe, Kim Briers, Bonnie Ra^ Noble and Mabel Chamberlain, Wonder Luke; John Belltowski, Richmond; Margaret Selby, Island Lake: Raymond Busby, James McNally and Virginia McGovern, Chicago; Alma Hiner and Lawrence Smiley, Algonquin; Marie Jung, Wauconda; William Henk,.Crystal Lake; Donna Sangiavanni and Myrtle S m i t h . F o x L a k e ; D e r e k Knapp, Twin Lakes, Wis.; Gerald Het terrnan n, Irene Baird. Maurice Gladstone, Elizabeth Jones, Fred Frantz, William Seifert, Ivan Gfreene, Mae Cooling, Mary Miceli, Caiol Wilson, Margurite Wardell, John Mclnerney, Erin Dulaney, Henry Seegert, Henrietta Russell, Douglas Russell, Margaret Rieke and Edward Rieke, McHenry; and Joseph Saari, Glen Eilyn. FOSTER FAMILY PICNIC The child welfare staff of the Rockford regional office of the Illinois Department of Mental Health will sponsor its sixth annual foster family picnic on Sunday, June 10. The site chosen for this year's picnic is Sinnissippi Park, in Rockford. In case- of rain, a large shelter house is available in the park, and the picnic vyill go on as planned. The picnic dinner will be pot-luck style and will begin at 12 DST. Invitations have been sent to the 111 families who care for the 207 children who are under the care of the department. IN MEMORIAM In memory of its departed neighbors Fox River Valley Camp No. 3251, R.N.A., is sending a gift of money to the home at Davenport, la. 5-31-62 Harvard Hospital During the past week patients at Harvard hospital included LeRoy Arentz, Wonder Lake; and Mrs. Joseph Buckley and Mrs. Robert Stoller, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Carol Buss, Kenneth Schlottman, Lawrence Kreutz, Edna Ryder, Joseph Epp, Wonder Lake; and Elizabeth Walker, Bertha Smith, Roy Hollenbach, James Doherty and Earl Conway, McHenry. PERSONALS Mrs. Varina Oyvens and Mr. andlMrs. Vernon Marshall and family of Rockford were guests in the Holly home on Sunday. MiW^Joseph W. Wagner and Mrs. EleanOT Young attended the May music festival at Mari a n C e n t r a l C a t h o l i c ' h i g h school Sunday evening. Their son and grandson, Edward Wagner, is a member of the chorus. RECEIVES' AWARD Military awards were- given to eighteen College of St. Thomas Air Force ROTC students in O'Shaughnessy stadium, including Mark Vycital of McHenry, lor academic accomplishment. CAKD OF THANKS I wish to thank all of my friends for the prayers, gifts, cards and visits; also Father Parker and the entire staff at the McHenry Hospital. Pauline Sheriff *5-31-62 BOLGER'S 1258 N. Green St. Ph. 88fr4M8 7ZQJ5L NOW IS THE TIME To Choose Swim-Wear for a Summer Fun & Sun $10.95 & Up Catalina & Darlene HOURS: Da^ly 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Frida^ 9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. OBITUARIES GFTACE JAGER funeral rites were conducted in Chicago Monday for Mrs. Grace Jager, wife of Carl Jager of .McHenry. She died Thursday, Mtfy 25, in Englewooti hospital. Among her survivors ia a son, Richard Jager, of McHenry. MAE COOLING Mrs. Mae Cooling, 68, of Chicago, died shortly after admittance to McHenry hospital Thursday afternoon, May 24. She was visiting in Lakeland :Park at the time, she was taken ill. * The b<»dy was taken to the George R. J us ten & Son funeral home and then removed to Chicago for last rites. QUEEN CONTEST V.F.W. FIESTA DAY (DEADLINE .TUNE 26, 1962) Name Address ; Age Phone No Parents -Signature (Submit Photo Witb Entry) Send Entry To: •J | Daisy Smith Ethel Groih j 3118 W. MoKinley 2508 S. Michael l McHenry, 111. McHenry, 111. ---m-mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmrnmmm » 3719 W. Elm Street McHenry EMIL "BUFF" FELTZ Services for Emil H. "Buff" Feltz of Wopdstock, a native of McHenry, were held Monday afternoon from the Peter M. .Tusten & Son funeral home, with R^v. George Martin officiating. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Mr. Feltz died in Memorial hospital. Woodstock, Friday evening, Mai' 25, about 6 o'clock, following a forty-oneay stay. The 76-year-old n:an had been in poor health for the l^past tjj^o years. XThe >w?ceased was born in Mcfyennt' Oct. 22, 1885, sen of Aug lis r and Albertina Geske Feltz. He had worked at Terra Cot.ta for nineteen years and at the Auto Lite in Woodstock for twelve before his retire- Vnent eighf years ago. Since the death of his mother nineteen years ago, he had resided with a sister, Mrs. Bertha Gaulke, in Woodstock. He is also survived by another sister, Mrs. Louise Footc, of Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere "Thank You" to all our friends and neighbors for their cards, memorials and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. The Family of Henrietta Fandre 5-31-62 YOUNG PEOPLE FROM AREA WIN COLLEGE DEGREES Richard C. Herdrich, 1018 N. River road, is a candidate | for the A. B. degree at Mar- | quette university in Milwaukee, ' Wis., where the spring semesj ter ends today, May 29. I A member of the Army ROJ TC unit, Herdrich will also i receive his commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Marquette's commencement exercises will be held in the CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent cards, flowers and gifts, visited me and offered prayers in my behalf. I am especially grateful for the services of Father Rennell and those kind people who did so much for my Mommie and Daddy at the time of my accident. My sincere thanks to all. Kathleen Young 5-31-62 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Smith, the R.S.C.S. of Mt. Hope church and all the other kind people who lent a helping hand to us after the fire in our home. Larry and Dorothy Pulk and children 5-31-62 SANTA'S VILLAGE OPENS Santa's Village, located on Highways 25 and 72 in Dundee, opened May 26 as $350,000 in improvements were completed. RICHARD HERDRICH Milwaukee arena on Sunday afternoon, June 3, with the Very Rev. William F. Kelley, S. J., president of the university, conferring degrees and diplomas on a record class of 1,277 candidates. Baccalaureate services will be conducted in the Milwaukee IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE auditorium on Saturday afternoon, June 2, with the sermon being given by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Shannon, president of the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. Marquette alumni will participate iri an on-campus reunion during the commencement,, weekend. ° Other Graduates Girard Toussaint of 3013 Emily Lane. McHenry, will receive his BS degree in pharmacy when 450 graduate from the University of Illinois at the medical center, Chicago, on June 8. McCormick Place exhibition hall will be the setting for the commencement exercises at 10 a.m. The address will be delivered & by Dr. James A. Shannon, director of the National InA stitutes of Health. He is the recipient of the public welfare medal from the National Academy of Sciences. A reception for graduates and their guests will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Chicago Ulini Union. Judith C. Kolar, daughter 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolar, who reside at 7107 Oak street, Wonder Lake, will graduate from Quincy college on Thursday, May 31, at the 99th Baccalaureate and commencement exercises. She receives her degree in the department of English. At commencement exercises starting at 10:45 a.m. in « Memorial gymnasium. Rev. Titus Ludes, O.F.M., Ph.D., dean, will present the candidates for their degrees to the president. Gov. Otto Kerner will deliver the address. CL cure 5 HAIR STYLISTS 385-0010 1222 N. GREEN «T. MON. thru SAT. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wed. CALLING ALL GIRL GRADUATES Let our staff of hair experts help you pick a style to highlight your big day. Claire • Mary Ann # Eieanore 9 Marlene Substitute for oney in the Bank! ~ 4 >