Thursday, June 7, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nin* t%.uiaiiK t>iuaio fnoio Kotank btudio Photo Pisiakee Highlands RESIDENTS PRAY TOR RECOVERY OF MRS. BROZOZOWSKI ' Hazel Morley - HY 7-3320 Alt the friends and neighbors of Celia Brozozowski ®send~their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Brozozowski has been in the Mc- Herfry hospital since May 17. Her- condition is quite serious and we are all praying for her recovery. Their soft, Ed, Jr., is- home for summer vacation frbm St. Mary's Seminary in Kentucky. Johnsburg school, St. Peter's in Spring Grove ard St. John's. Presents Flag ^ Vi Schuble, a^s i s t e d. by " Marge Moreth and lx>rraine Lindemann, presented the Johnsburg school with a new flag. It was presented on behalf of the V.F.W. Post 4G00 in McHenry . Congratulations On "June 6, some of our very nice ladies and gentlemen £ graduated from McHenry high. From the Highlands were Jill Reilly, Marion Mueller, Bob Fletcher, Tru ly Rogde, Alex Goscinski and Rick Hauck. Breakfast Held The ||oy Scout pnfocake breakfast was held on June 3 at the Johnsburg community hall. The men who work vvilh t he boys are ScoGt" leader, Bob 0 Lulz, Joe Murray and Bill Neilsen, patrol leaders. Best Wishes To all the students from the Highlands who graduated from Woman's Club The Woman's club held its meeting May 29. This is the last one until September. The meeting was very interesting. Mr. Newman of the Illinois Bell Telephone company presented a film and talk on mouth to mouth breathing. It was a most timely film, s|nce it is the beginning of our swimming season. President Jane Malek announced some of her committee women. Vice-president,. Mary Lou Sabielny: program chairman, Beverly Bickler; refreshment chair m e n, Joan Megley will serve her second term as sunshine chairman and Kay Sielisch will serve as Americanisnj, chairman. The hostesses for the evening were Emma Rorengart, Mary Madock and Mary Seldon. Cake and coffee were served. Please pay your dues to Barb Sisk. In spite of the pre-hcliday meet i n g thirtyseven women attended. Irene Novotny received the thanks of the Woman's club for making the club's banner. She did a very beautiful jrb on it and once, again the club possesses its own banner. Our congratulations to the new officers. '%iey deserve a big vote of 1 hanks for undertaking the offices. Around the Highlands Leo and Lil Orlowski attended their niece's graduation on June 1 in Nehoosa, Wis. They stayed at the home of Leo's sister and family, the Kitrusches. Carol Petherick visited her sister, Mary Johnson, in Wau- Juu/e*ul& Inh^/uJUf atowfa in. the. -Ltowe. Remember Dad with a Gift from STORE for MEN kegan on May 29. The girls enjoyed shopping and dinner together. Mary Lou Sabielny was pleased to have her mother visit for a few days. jShe came in from Wisconsin right after Memorial Day. Joe and Irene Novotny spent a few uneasy hours on May 29, awaiting the news of the outcome of their son's operation. They will be going to see George as often as they can. Wally Sielisch has been kept busy stopping to see his mother who is still confined to a Chicago hospital. The Bruce Petherieks enjoyed a cookout at the beach on Memorial Day. It was close to home and no heavy traffic to battle. „ Phil and Patty Knlmwiede entertained Bill and JeEtruje^ Barron and family on Memorial Day. They enjoyed a cookout, baseball and lots of laughs. Jim and Jane Malek and Jane's brother, Emil Nemec, and wife, Barbara, attended a stage play in Chicago. They enjoyed a delicious after theatre dinner. Tommy Warczak celebrated his birthday a little late on May 27 with a birthday party for several of his friends. His grandparents, aunts and uncles were - on hand to help him celebrate his fifth birthday. May 28, Betty and Tommy left .for Indianapolis, Ind., to visit some of Betty's aunts and uncles. Betty's father came in from Lrs Angeles to visit his family and while he was there he attended the Memorial Day 500 mile race. Tom kept things going on an even keel while >ljis two favorite people were gone? * On May 25. Bruce Petherick drove to Honor and Buelah, Mich., to bring home "his wife, son, Scott, and daughter. Leslie. His wife and children spent a few weeks at her parent's home. Bruce stopped off to sec his folks who reside in Beluah. Milton Crosdn'e, Sr. eniovert a comic of weeks vara- JUNE 1 GRANDPA'S, TOO r.:' '"'"-TirT.rj «ll|P tion and returned to work this week. He enjoyed all his hobbies, fishing and yard work. Dean and Phyllis Ferris are the latest residents to donate a panel to the remodelling of the barn. i / Happy anniversary on June 9 to Belle and Elmer Hartineau. They will be wed 31 years. Happy birthday wishes a little late to Jeanne Janquart who was 13 on June 1. Pat Jackson along with her children will attend the picnic for the students of St. Peter's school at Wilmot Park on June 7. Hazel and Martin Rogde entertained a house full of guests on Memorial Day. Their daughter, Pat, and son, Roger, were among the group. A speedy recovery to Bill Hens ley who was hospitalized last^week. Hope you're better soon and back home. ; Belated anniversary wishes to Ed ;and Celia Brozozowski who were wed 30 years on May 27. ' Hank Sikora enjoyed a two weeks vacation at home. He returned to the ole grind on June 5. I'd Like You to Meet This week we are meeting Robert and Evelyn Kosick and family who reside at 308 W. Broadway. They have iived here since Feb. 17 and came to us from Ingleside where they resided for 3M> years.Mr. Kosick is a printer for a concern in Munrielein and he loves to fish. Mis. Kosick is content with her many duties as a homemaker. Bob and Evelyn grew up in the same neighborhood on the North side of Chicago and will be married 21 years this August j 9. They have a son. Bob, 15, a V.F.W. Auxiliary News The second regular meeting in the month Was held May 28 for the V.F.W. ladies auxiliary to Post 4600, with President Florence Svoboda presiding. Grave decorations for Memorial Day were under the direction of Chaplain Wilma Aylward and a large number of volunteers did help on May 29 in honor of the 'war dead• f and deceased members. Poppy Chairman Florence Svoboda gave a very detailed report concerning the most successful Poppy Day and the proceeds are used for relief purposes. The Buddy Poppy citation for 1962 was presented to Josephine Hansen for her effort and salesmanship for Buddy Poppy Day. All members who participated were given a word of "thank you." and these members consisted of ladies of the auxsophomore at McHenry and a daughter, Pat. 12, who will be/ in eighth grade next year af Johnsburg. The Kosicks atteno both the St. Bede's and St. John's churches. They love it here in the Highlands. It was a pleasure talking to Mrs. Kosick and meeting them for the first time along with the rest of you. That's It For another week My better half is on his vacation and won't go back to work until June 18, so my pal Kay Sief lisch will be -writing the column for the next two weeks. iliary. post 'and the drill team of Lakemoor. The hospital chairman, Kathy Fuhler, reported about the carnival being held at Downey Veterans hospital on June 18, 19 and 20, and the auxiliary will assist. Also a "thank you" letter was read concerning the recent paKy held for 125 patients at Downey Veterans hospital. Americanism Chairman Viola Schuble announced that three flag presentations will be conducted shortly. The Prom breakfast served to the junior-senior students was most enjoyable and large group was in attendance. Youth Activities Chairman Sylvia Hess reported that several applications have been requested foi' the junior unit and that application blanks will be mailed as soon as requested by post members who have children between the ages of 5 and 18 years. For further information on the junior unit, anyone interested is urged to contact Sylvia Hess at 385- 4577. Chairman for the Fiesta Day queen contest is Vivian Mack and she will be assisted by Ann Scarbrough and Daisy Smith. Girls interested in entering the queen contest must be between the age of 16 to 21 years and unmarried and living within the area of the McHenry Community high school district in order to qualify. The 5th district meeting which was conducted at Na<- perville was attended by a large membership of both the V. F. W. ladies' auxiliary to Post 4600 and post members. The auxilia^' is most happy and offers congratulations to all officers elected, particular- We wish her the best of luck and success in this new office. Members were urged to remember the ill members with a card or note. Irene Stoller has been confined to the Harvard hospital and Vivian Mack has been confined to her home. The next regular meeting will be held June 11 at 8 p.m., with a social hour to follow. Pauline Pries, reporter. When she >says she'll go through ANYTHING with him, she means his bankroll. People who hide their candles under a bushel seldom set the world on fire. ARTS-CRAFTS FAIR Northwest suburban artists and craftsmen will have an opportunity to show their handiwork at the Second Annual Arts and Crafts Fair to be held in a model home in the Brigadoon subdivision of Cary Aug. 10 to 12. The Fair, in which both amateurs and professionals may participate, attracted more than 100 entries last year including some wellknown professional artists. If all the magnesium in solution in the water of all the seas were extracted, it would cover all the land areas of the ,earth 6 feet deep. PUSH BUTTON LIVING! If you have any news Kay will be glad to get it. So until two i ly our own Daisy Smith, who weeks from now, bye, bye. lis now 5th district chaplain. FURS 'OTTER' BE IN STORAGE A bad pun, perhaps, bul good sense. To keep your furs safe during the long, hot summer months, call us today. RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. . Dial 385-0927 SHARE OUR SUCCESS SALES ARE SOARING' Brand New 1962 VALIANT SEDAN LOOK, even though s I'm all dressed up, I'm scrubbing my floor. * with My Maid The world's finest built-in home cleanei \^ith revolutionary new wet pick-up & auto- 8 mat ic down-the-drain ^ disposal , J % \>*' ;.ji I * j 'SHARE OCR ST'CCESS" SPECIAL PRICE FOR JUNE OXLY 1848 Equipped As Follows: Heater, Air Foam Cushion. Dual Sun Visors, Variable Speed Wipers, Alternator, Oil Filter, Unniibbood^^,. Rust-Proof Body, Luster Bond Finish A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. 2508 W. Rt. 120 McHenry Phone 385-3102 Open Eves, and Sunday Magical but true Even whisks away scrub w'ater with air. Installed in New or Old Homes. Call our local representative ISABELLE NORMAND -- 385-4437 Richmond, llinois Phone: 4381 units 474% P®r Annum . . : talking about teamOn Regular Savings Accts. work, when you save at McHenry Sayings and Loan Association, you and your family can have SEVERAL savings accounts, each insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. • Our Services To You 41/2 vO ™er Annum On Investment Accts. of $1,000.00 1. Travelers Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Reg. Savings Accts. 4. Invest. Savings Accts. 5. X-Mas Savings Accts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans U. S. Gov't. Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository On Bonus Investment Accts. im| Phone 385-3000 i 1 3611 West Elm Street