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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1962, p. 23

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/ \ Thursday, June 7, 1962 THE MCHENRY FLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor NEW MEMBER WELCOMED BY COUGHLIN FAMILY Edle Ivenon - 885-6838 ^The John Coughlin family welcomed a new member May 2 4 . L i t t l e D a n i e l E d m o n d weighed in at 6 lbs., 5 ozs. Anxiously waiting at home for a peek at the wee one were his five proud brothers and sister, Maribeth. Pat's mother from Chicago. Mrs. Garaty, has been out all week lending a hand. ^ Faith Church News Sunday, June 10, is Pentecost Sunday. The sermon shall be entitled "Here Is Power For You". /^Monday, June 11, is the beg i r f m n g V o f V a c a t i o n B i b l e School at the Community Methodist church from 9 to 11:30 a.m. each weekday morning through June 22. ^Monday, June 11, the session will meet at 7:30 p.m.; the bbard of deacons at 7:30 p.m. and the joint boards at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, the choir will meet at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, the executive committee of the Women's Society will meet in the home of Edith Collettc. ' A Birthday Wishes Happy birthday today to Debra Salo who is now eleven r years old. June 8, best wishes for a happy birthday go to June Stuart. June 9. we wish the best for Jean Marsch who also shares the day with 3- year-old Anne Marie French. John Hayes shares June 11 with 11-year-old Marion Olson. Happy birthday to little Mar- Simpson who shall be seven June 12. And on June 13 Albert Weirich and Carl Pcrrino will be celebrating their birthdays.-Our very best to all! Anniversaries Another June wedding this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Barry's anniversary June 12. May you have many, many ®i,re- Birthday Doin's Chris Durkin had a birthday party with eight other fellas Saturday. They ;ill went to the park in Crystal Lake to play games. They finished the party with cake, ice. cream, and candy plus more games indoor^. Cynthia Landin was the ]£lle of the ball Monday as she became four years young! All her little friends came> dressed in their party clothes and looked so cute. They enjoyed the party with cake, chocolate ice cream, candy, and little whistles. Th£lma Massheimer's relar tives came out on the occasion of her birthday Friday and enjbyed the cake. Vicky Gruhn had a birthday party Friday when she'became seven years old The little girls had.a wonderful time aAd were treated to cake and ice cream. Roger Dalo Barnes had birthday party held on Memorial Day. He became two on May 31. He celebrated in a big way with "games, balloons, favors. cake, and ice cream.. Attending were Vickie Kommer, Garry, Melody and Terry Rhoton. David, Suzanne and. Peggy Garrelts, and his Aunt Nelly Kommer. Attending the birthday party for Walter Kuck were the Parkers, Niel Marten, and Tom and Betty Schweiss, Thursday some of Larry Moore's neighbors got together at Kucks for cake and coffee and presented her with a gift in honor of her birthday. Attending were Marge Brodin, Lena Campbell. Dottie Messer and Eleanor Kuck. Monday Dottie Messer invited fourteen of the neighborhood children over for a hotdog outdoor barbecue in honor of young Douglas' birthday. Memorial Day they went to Itasca to att?nd ttye^-^amily picnic there and celebrate Doug's birthday with all the relatives. He received many nice gifji. This lucky boy gets two^srties a vear in this way! Paul Dethlefson enjoyed a nice birthday at home. 11 was attendee! by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dethlefson, from Wonder Lake. Visitors The Jerry Ryan family had a wonderful visit with Lois' father and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lynn, from Pompono Beach, Fla. During the week of May 24 on Saturday a dinner was given in the Lynns' honor at the Rvans with Lois' sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anderson, and son, James, of Cary. Miss Gertrude Lynn of Fox River Grove and Lois' step-sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Griffin, and son, Roy, and daughter. Susan, from Midlothian. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn spent a couple of days with each of their children. Elpha Philippi's mother, Mrs. S. T. Snell, came to spend a -1 Page Twenty-Three few days. She is from Benton, Ark. r Around the Manor Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Eternick were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burger and daughters, from Wheeling. Saturday afternoon Mel Iverson, took his three daughters to the circus in Meadowdale while Edie, little son and California mom went shopping. Lonzo and Lena Campbell had company Sunday. They were her brother, Robert Rollins, wife, and family from Melrose Park. Staying for the weekend were her sister-inlaw. I%s. Wayne Rollins, and daughter. Jeanne. Visiting with Roger and Joan Jacobson are her brother, James Watson, wife, Betty, and two children. They are from Bay City, Mich, c Roger Jacobsen went, to Michigan over the weekend. Sunday visitors in the Bob Mitchell home were Jorgen and Elsa Larseri and son, Kim. Dee Penick and her friend, Mrs. Thompson, enjoyed luncheon with Mrs. Frank Palmer in Pistakec Lake. The Tuckers, Roths and Brogane got together at the Biederers Memorial Day for an outdoor barbecue. Later in the day practically everyone on Eastwood Lane gathered at the Vestgards and had a real good time. Visiting in the Tom Simpson home Memorial Day were the children's grandparents from LaGrange and Oak Park and also their aunties, Mary and Joyce McEnroe. They came in time to see little Martha march in the parade. The Edwin Haldeman family went into Chicago Mother's Day and enjoyed the day and dinner out. The Richard Fenner family went into Chicago to attend a Communion party for Diane Del Santo. Walter and Eleanor Kuck attended a meeting of their boat club at Korpans Saturday which was followed by a trip to the American Legion hall in Fox Lake for an evening of dancing and games. Wednesday Kucks went to Fox Lake for the day. They had a picnic and went boating. Before returning home they enjoyed dinner out. Tuesday Walter and Eleanor got together with the Langlows and the Parkers for the dance at the VFW where they had a very nice time. McHenry Shores SHORES CLUB FAMILY PICNIC JULY 14 AT BEACH Jeanne Egger 385-5903 Tonight the McHenry Shbtes Club will hold the last meel ing until this fall. If you havn't registered or have been lax with your family dues, why not drop in at the meeting Thursday night, June 7, at the V.FAV. to get squared away. The picnic Saturday. July 14, will be the summer highlight for the children of MCS families. Everybody is asked to bring card tables and benches to the picnic. Circle July 14 on your calendar and get set for a dav of fun at the beach. Farewell Party " A farewell p&rty was given Bill and Elpha Philippi and fSuest Catches Big One May 30 was a memorable day for seventeen year old Wayne Mech. Wayne caught a "22-inch northern ' in the channel. Wayne and his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mcch. of River Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Klein. Mrs. Louise Schilz and her daughter. Gale, were also guests of the Kleins. These friends had come to help Louise Klein celebrate her birthda v. The excitement over the children Sunday by Homer and Peggy Anderson in their new home. Attending from the Manor were A1 Bianchi and Ed and Alberta SoBacki and children. The men did the cooking. The day was spent w a t e r - s k i i n g , b a l l p l a y i n g , ping-pong, dancing, and some bridge. The Philippis will soon be leaving us to make their home in Hartford. Conn. Bookmobile June 12 we shall see our wonderful Bookmobile for the last time as it makes its last trip to pick up our books. Many of us will miss it terribly, especially when the kids look forward to that bedtime story! Cub Scouts On the twenty-third both Kay Stephenson and Lydia Fenner had cook-outs for their little Cub Scouts. This was the last meeting of the season and t he boys enjoyed playing games. Guests at Lydia's cookout were Bert Stoll and Georgia Sigman. On June 16 they will have an outing with the pack in McHenry. Some of the boys will receive awards then. It's S.A.V.E. time again at yourlfifymouth-Valiant Dealer's! Time to, i (Sell All Valiants E-mmediately!) PRICE NEWS FROM VALIANT-VALIANT IS PRICED*..: *473.00 less than OLDS F-85 $73.00 less than CHEVY II $347.00 less than BUICK SPECIAL $70.00 less than RAMBLER CLASSIC $256.00 less than i o C : C1 $62.00 less than C0RVAIR 4* CJI a less than MERCURY COMET $55.00 less than FALCON * Based on comparison of Manufacturers' Suggested Retail Prices for lowest-priced six-passenger models. Whitewall tires and wheel covers extra. Some of the compacts listed include a heater as standard equipment (others, including Valiant, do not) except when deleted by special order, with appropriate price adjustment. The word is out to all Valiant salesmen: Sell All Valiants E-mftediately! So out they go--at tremendous savings to you, if you act now. Compare what you get for what little you now need to pay for a family-size, 6-passenger sedan. Quality-engineered by Chrysler Corporation Count all the many Chrysler Corporation extra value features Valiant includes--at no extra cost--plus its now lower-thanever list price and consistently high resale value. See your Plymouth-Valiant Dealer this week--you'll SAVE! COME SEE! COMPARE! COME SAVE! AT YOUR PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER'S! Top-qualify buys on used cars, tool S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. 2508 West Route 120 -- McHenry big catch increased the enjoyment of a wonderful day. House Guests The past week has been a busy and happy one in the Charles Ramage home. Loretta has had a close friend, Dolly atessa, staying with her" for e past week. May 29 Mrs. age entertained three ladies at a luncheon in Delavan, Wis. The ladies were Winifred Clausen, Daisy Smith, and Dolly La!e£sa. The luncheon was delicious and the ladies had a wonderful time looking in the shops. On the Go Loretta Ramage was the installing officer May 28 for the Fox Lake Lioness club. The club held a luncheon in Waukegan. It was a very enjoyable day. The John Smiths have just returned from a wonderful trip East. They visited Daisy's mother in Philadelphia and then went to Atlantic City. We are very c*lad to see them at home again. Daisy will be on the go again. She was elected chaplain for the fifth district of the V.F.W. on May 20 and she plans to attend the convention in Springfield on June 7. 8. 9 and 10.J A very happy 3birthda> is wished to me and all. Anniversaries We are very sorry^that we missed the anhi versary of Charles and Loretta Ramage on the first (jtay of June. Charles and Loretta celebrated thirty-three wonderful years together. We wish them many more happy years together. Today, June 7, we wish a happy anniversary to William and Ingaborg Corcoran and Capt. John and Mary Lou Midler. On June 11 Ray and MariV lyn Mooje will celebrate their anniversary. ,June 12 Walter arid Anna Conner have their anniversary. William and Anna Tennert celebrate their anniversary on June 13. Jeanne and An Egger will cekbrate their anniversary on June 14. May you all have many more happy years together. ESTtMAtE COST OF INTERCHANGE WITHIN COUNTY Chief engineer George Jack- I son of the Illinois Toll High- j way Commission reported that I he estimated $180,000 as the j cost of an interchange at Illi- i nois Route 47 and the North- \ west Toll way. r In attendance at the commission meeting were supervisor T. F. Nolan and assistant supervisor Ernest B o h n of Dorr Township, Woodstock, village president Brill of Huntley and former State Senator Robert McClory, a merpber of the toll way advisory committee. A detailed report of the rheeting and recommendation is expected to be made at the meeting of the McHenry County board to be held on June 11. The engineer's report indicates that the Intersection would be profitable to the tollway operation and questions of cost allocations ate to be worked out after further conferences with county, state and toll highway officials. At the conclusion of the meeting. Senator McClory stated, "We have reason to he, very encouraged by Mr. Jackson's report and the coiiimission members appear to be anxious to cooperate with the county boards of McHenry and Kane counties. We must pursue this improvement actively in order that the people of McHenry county may gain the economic advantage and convenience which this interchange would provide." IT PAIS TO ADVERTISE Lost Pet Or, the last day of May Paul Tiggt-man lost a pet turtle that he h:>d found on the road. About a month ago Doreen Egger also lost a turtle that her father found on a road in southern Illinois. If it was the same turtle, he or she must be well travelled by now. We wonder if the said animal is a guest oi' some other family in the subdivision. Don't ask me what to feed a land turtle because I wouldn't know. Birthday Greetings On June 8 we wish a happy birthday to James Whetherhult. June 12 is the birthday of Marie Addante, Philip Brod, and Terry Wetzel. Michael Whetherhult and Fred Dodge will celebrate their natal day on June 13. Young William Dostel is eagerly anticipating his sixth birthday on June 14. In Closing This is your column. I can only write the news thql you give me. You can make a better column by giving me the news. How about a little help? The cynic believes he could make a better^world, i'nd the wise man tells him to go after it. The grump says it can't be done, and the sma'-t-alec says: "Why? I'm satisfied with myself right now". RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE... German short-hair poinler puppies available BOARDING. . . Training, Obedience, Hunting 81 Retrieving F.H.A. and V.A. MORTGAGES Available in McHenry County Area CONTRACTS REFINANCED Are you currently paying over 6% interest? If so you can sate money by refinancing. RICHARD L. DECKER 7 N. County Street Waukegan, 111. ONtario 2-1540 -- After 6 p.m. DE 6-4644 MOST DEPENDABLE EVER MADE It's Norge! It's New I It's Gas! It won't fail when the 1 power does I This Norge Gas Refrigerator (Model 724-990) with a true 13.S2 cubic foot food capacity, holds 85 lbs. of food in its freezer, has completely automatic defrosting in refrigerator and freezer. J 10 An exclusive safety feature makes the new Norge Gas Refrigerator the only refrigerator that keeps operating even when power failures stop ordinary refrigerators and spoil food. Three appliances in one. This new Norge is a refrigerator, an automatic ice-maker and a true zero freezer. True Never-Frost convenience from top to bottom--no defrosting in either the refrigerator or the freezer. Automatic Ice Maker. Replaces cubes as they are used. No trays to fill, no water to spill. Ends struggle removing cubes from trays. Glide-Out Shelves on nylon glides can't rust or squeak, won't ever jam or wear out. Slide with fingertip tug. Designed for more years of troublefree service. So well built, Norge gives you a 10-year warranty on the entire cooling system--twice the warranty you get with other type refrigerators. Buy the most dependable reMger* ator ever made. Five models-to choose from. Get complete details at your nearby Northern Illinois Gas Company store. DOWN Up to 60 months to pay 10-year warranty on entire cooling system NORTHERN A ILLINOIS OGAS Jfci mx mmul the deck

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