Jhursday, June 28, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER PERSONALS Page Fifteen Carl L. Antonson spent a few days recently, with his family here. His sons, Dick and Tom, accompanied him back to Finderne, N. J., where they have secured employment 0id where Mrs. Antonson and son, Mike, plan to join them about July 1. Mrs. Sophia Kosti has returned to McHenry from Chulucta. Fla., where she spent the past several months. Mrs. Robert Conway and son. Rob, spent Thursday in Rockford where they 'helped her mother celebrate her birthday. .^Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo were guests of McHenry relatives Saturday evening. Sister Mary Charles (Diane Freund) took her first vows at Profession Day, held at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, Wednesday, June 20, with Auxiliary Bishop Hillinger of Chicago officiating . at the ceref onies in which thirty-nine .. rls were professed. - Included in those attending were Sister Mary Charles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund. her sister. Mrs. Jay Seymour and sons. Jay, Greg and Mitchell, of Wheeling and two aunts, Mrs. Eleanor Manning of "Oak Park and Mrs. Nick M. Just en. Others present at the recepwhich followed were Mrs. Norman Freund and family of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. -Joseph L. Bauer of near Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer, Mrs: Leo Blake, Mrs. Joseph M. Freund, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Misses Shirley Jager and Kathy Pitzen. Sister Mary Charles who has been attending Alverno college, Milwaukee, will return there for summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low, son, Billy, and the Leslie Olsen, Jr., family of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the Elmer Olsen home near Richmond where the birthdays of Elmer Olsen and Mrs. Charles Olsen and the wedding anniversary of the junior Leslie ^lsens were celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams, Joan and Joyce, returned Saturday from a week's vacation at Minocqua, Wis. Miss Clara Miller was a guest in the home of Mrs. Ida Quinlan in Park Ridge the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen returned recently from a vacation at a resort near Spoonw\ Wis. " Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bickler and son, Paulie, of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. F. J. Aichcr. The Laverne Lockwood family of Lake Geneva, the Dallas Davis family of Lake^in-the- Hills, Mrs. Lillian Behrens of LaGrange and Miss Amanda Behrens of Woodstock, wore entertained in the Howard Lockwood home Sunday. The Richard Hayes family of Chicago were guests of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, Thursday. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward i Brooks of Chicago were weekj end guests in the Walter i Brooks home. | Mr. and Mrs. Loren Martin | of Jacksonville, Fla., who have | been spending a -week in the Clinton Martin home will leave J for home Friday. Clinton Marj tin will return home with them : for a few weeks and enroute they^will stop in Atlanta. Ga., to visit the former's son, Freeman, and the la Iter's son, Charles. The Edward Tonyan family ftnei Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosl son and Patsy were 7among those from here who helped Mr. am'. Mi's. A1 Amo celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their home in Kenosha. Sunday. The Art Smith family of Chicago were Sunday visitors j.in the Art Smith. Sr.. homet , Mrs. Walter Brooks -and j Mrs.. James Brooks attended the monthly get-together of I the McAuliffe family held at | the home of the former's niece, j Mrs. Janet Gr:\nneschi, in I Mount Prospect Wednesday. "" Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. [ Schmitt have returned from 1 their winter home in St. Pcj tersburg, Fla., and are spending ihe summer in the Thom- ! ;is Diedrich apartment on Park avenue. ! Mrs. Irene Guffey accompaj nied the William Guffey fami- I ly of Richmond to Woodstock j Sunday where they visited Ir- | ven Pope at 1he Woodslock hospital. Mrs. Eddie Mass and baby son are dividing their time between his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Mass, at McCullom Lake, ami her parents, the William Gaulkes in Woodstock while the husband and father, a N'avv officer, is serving in Cuba for two months. Among those from out of town who attended the wake or funeral of Fred Miller were Loren Miller, Ogdan. Utah: Peter Englen, Fort Meyers Beach, Fla.: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald, Palatine: Mrs. X. F. Steilen, Mr. and Mrs. G e r a l d S t e i l e n , L i n d a a n d Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tuffs. Chicago. Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh and Miss Genevieve Knox, accompanied by Mrs. Norma Thompson of Grayslake. Miss Lillian Caquelin of Wheaton and Mrs. Elizabeth Kaddatz of Genoa City, Wis., enjoyed a weekend sight seeing trip through Wisconsin. ATTENDS INSTITUTE Donald Seaton is among sixty-one high school mathematics teachers who are taking courses at the University of Wyoming summer mathematics institute now in progress. OBITUARIES CARL VONDEREHE Carl Stephen VonDerEhe of Rt. 1, Wonder Lake, died June j 23 at Zion Community hospi- ; tal. Zion. Mr. «VonDerEhe was born Feb. 26. 1901, in Hanau. Germany, and came to the United States in 1926. He had resided at Wonder Lake for twelve years. The deceased was an instractor in baking in the commissary at Northwestern university. He leaves his wife, Maria, of Wonder Lake: two sons. Adolph of Overland Park, Kas., and Carl M. of Kenosha; six grandchildren; five sisters and one brother, all residing in Germany. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning -at 10 o'clock from the Co'ngdon funeral home in Zion, with burial in Pine View cemetery. Zion. ISABEL A. WANK EI. Mrs. Isabel W'ankel. 62. of Chicago, sister of Dominic Hruxer of Oefl'Iing's subdivision. died last Friday. June 22. in her home. Service-- were held Monday in St. Genevieve's Catholic church. Chicago. MRS. ROBERT REITH A young Wonder Lake mother. Mrs. Robert C. <E!eanoret Reith. 35, cf Highland Shores. Wonder Lake, died in St. Elizabeth hospital. Chic;tgi . Friday. June 22. where she h a d b e e n c o n f i n e d f o r t w < . week.-.. Mrs. Reith had resided in thi?" area for the past twelve years. She is survived by the widower. Robert: a daughter. Linda, 13: her mother. Mrs, Susanna Lorisz; a sister, Mrs. Ann Zelewski. of Chicago: and a brother, Joseph, of Carpentersviile. I lor father. Joseph, preceded her in death. The body rested at Ihe George R. J listen & Son funeral homo until 10 o'clock Monday morning, when Mass was sung at St. Mary's church. Woodstock. Burial was in Calvary cemetery in that city. SAM PESZ Funeral rites were held, last week in Chicago for Sam Pesz. Six of the Sloeum Lake area. He was the father of Andrew, Harry and Ju.seph of this area. Mary Neehrcbecki. Ann Hughes and Julia Dumaski of McHenry. PUBLIC AID REPORT According to the Illinois Public Aid commission's listing of the cost of a month's supply of food for a family of four, McHenry county was ranked forty-i-even among the slate's 102 counties in the amount of $91.63. News About Our Servicemen CHARLES MARS Pvt. Charles ' Mars, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mars of 4413 W. Ponca. McHenry, enlisted June 20 in the Army and is now under basic training at Fort Knox. Ky. He enlistfcd under the Army's new program "choice, not chance" and after basic will transfer to Fort Rucker. Ala., where he will attend an aircraft maintenance cours-.\ M Sgt. James Doiierty, son ol Mr. and Mrs. _ WillUim F. Doherty. has complete! 20 \ears in the air force. <•'. Peace \ir F< n c- • base. Port smout n. N. II. He has re-enlisted for i more years. The DoherUs have just adopted a baby girl. They have a son. James Joseph. '62 BLACK AND WRITE SHOW IS SCHEDULED JULY II The annual McHenry County Black and White show has wen scheduled for July 11. The show will again lie held at the McHenry county fair cn.unds on the east side of Woodstock. Showing will start it 0:30 p.m. sharp. All purebred holstein brecd- 'T- are encouraged to participate and 4-H'ers and junior showmen are especially welcome to pai tieipatc. Cash awards will be presente. d to all junior entries and trophies will lie presented to all first place winners. Last year, a total of 140 entries entered the Black and White show. Robert Gardner of Solon Mills, is in charge of black and white entries which must be made by July 7. Entry forms are available from most Holstein breeders, Mr. Gardner, and the farm adviser's office. Ringwood Girls Attend Music Camp For Youth Ida Mae ..iwKington and Sue Fossum of -RingwoOd w ere among ninety high school students from Iowa. Illinois. Wisconsin. Kansas and Oklahoma taking part in the fifth annual Church Music Camp for Youth held at Cornell college. The students visited the campus from June 17 to 23 and received music instruction from Cornell faculty members. The week-long program concluded Saturday afternoon following a public concert by the ninety member camp choir in King Memorial chapel. I ' COURT BRIEFS Gffit SCOUTS Brownie Troop 190 Brownie Troop 190 concluded an event ful'V:year wit h" an impressive 'flying up" ceremony io which mothers and friends were invited. Before the ceremony, the girls presente! a "Pageant of America" during which they sang, danced and acted a short history of the country. Later. Brownies "flew up" into i;ir! Scouts .as they passed throui-h a white arch with i wings spreading from either | side ami received iheir -wings j and. Girl Scout pins. Following I ihe ceremony, the new Girl ; Scouts served petits fours and j punch io their guests, j Events memorable to Troop j 190 this p-ast year were the • trip to Broc.kfield " zoo. two | trips to Chicago to see »>erj formalizes at the Goodman | 1 heal re. the snow party, a powwow on the shores of the Fox river, when the girls cooked outdoors, it h <i the happiness shared- in making® tray favors for McHenry hospital and flowers for the Girl Scout jamboree. Members of Troop 190 are Sharon Adams. Candy Freres. Judith Homo, Karla Freund, Kary! Koepke. Jean Lingen- .fe-ltei. Debra Maekinder. Pa- 1 tricia Moerschbaecher, Jessica I Nell, Terry Rog,wer. Kathy ! Tessc ndorf. Vicki Varese, Barbara V'ilim, Debra Walter. Donna Weich m a n n, Corinne Wilhelm, Linda Worts. Cheryl Ziszik and Nancy Wallace. Mrs. Earl Tessendorf and Mrs. Robert Freres assisted the troop at various times. Meetings were held in the Methodist church hall. SUSPEND THREE DRIVER LICENSES FOR VIOLATIONS Brian O. Baker and Duane Schneider of McHenry and George Kawell of Lakemoor received S50 suspended fines uy purchasing liquor as minors. They were all required to pay S10.60 court costs and. sheriff's office fees. Another youth was dismissed on the same charge. They appeared in the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday. "" « A & E Blaektopping of Wonder Lake received a $26 fine for driving . a truck overweight on the license. Elaine M. Miehels of McHenry paid a S10 fine for leaving the scene of1 an accident. Thomas E. 'Smialek of Wonder Lake was fined $7 for disobeying a step sign. George Falster of Fox Lake was fined $7 for driving with loud mufflers. der Lake. $8. Kenneth.. Kohl of Ingleside. Charles Wessels of -Crystal Lake and William Kloepter of Lakemoor, $10 each, all for speeding. A $20 fine was imposed on Kenneth O'Kane of McHenry or driving 1oo fast for conditions. Edward Polinski of Fox Lake paid a S25 fine for reckless driving. In the court ot Police Magistrate Donajd Howard last Thursday, Sam Caccamo of McHenry was fined $5 for an illegal U-turn. James M. Frisby of McHenry and Albert G. Timroth of DesPlaines were fined $15, James J. Comstock, Won- Bruce Sansone of Wpnder Lake paid a $15 fine for driving with noisv mufflers. A SI 00 suspended fine was • 1.1 posed on Frank W. Cros- >on of McHenry for disorderly conduct by driving with noisy mufflers at 2:30 in the morning, but he paid Sn costs. He was also fined $25 for driving with open liquor in the car. Howard Mortimer was fined $2'» for speeding. Patrick Faunt pain a $25 fine for illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. SHOP McHENRY A bachelor is a feller who wouldn't take "yes" for an answer. The skin is the largest organ 'f the human bod v. Suspension of driver licenses werfc ordered this past week by ?he office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier for Kenneth L. Billmyre • I Crystal Lake. George W. Hoey. Jr.. of Harvard and Earl P. Pfanning of Cary. all for three violations. Probationary permits were issued to Richard W. Appner and William H. Zimmer of Algonquin. ON SALE JUNE 28th thru JULY 4th To the Wonderful People of McHenry and Surrounding Area: Thanks for your patronage, our first year at Holiday Liquor has been very successful. J. A. JOSH RAY MENDYK OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9-11 DAILY <5? Regular - $2.19 Filter - $2.29 Kings - $2.29 Mr. Boston \ GIN 5th *2" 3i.,$875 YOUR CHOICE Straight Bourbon Whiskey Fifth $398 EARLY TIMES JIM BEAM ECHO SPRINGS ANTIQUE ANCIENT AGE Gibson's Blended WHISKEY sth *298 3,„ $875 Quarts - $3.50 SCHENLEY Prepared Cocktails $2»8 2 ,„SS00 (2/3 quart) Mogen David WINES Rose Grape Blackberry Cherry 98 V Ph. II. WINES - ^ LIQUORS 4512 WEST ROUTE 120 LAKELAND PARK (V2 Mile West of McHenry) EV. 5-3200 Free Delivery 3IPPS & PRIM/ B E E R 6pak 7Qe cans a ^ MAUTE'S Assorted Beverages 5 Flavors 24 7-oz. bottles 99 < plus dep. YES! WE HAVE BOCK BEER J Now's the time to get out of the ordinary .. . and into an Oldsmobilel It's the season for values. That means it's easier than ever to step up to a dollar-saving Dynamic 88. Your Olds Quality Dealer will be happy to prove it to you ... today I THeres "StDMETM!tSitS EXT#?^' afaoiit otA/rwing an SEE YOUR IOCAI AUTHORIZED OIDSMOBIIE QUALITY DEALER R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 N. Front Street HELLO NEIGHBOR! Jim Wright has been a resident of the McHenry area for over 12 years. Ho is married and has 4 children. The Wrights reside at Griswold Lake. Jim has had many years of experience in Ihe service station business. My name is . .. JIM WRIGHT I'm your new Deep Rock man at McHenry, Illinois We hope you'll stop by and get acquainted. We sell Deep Rock products by Kerr-McGee. Natural Power gasolines -- nature's finest motor oils--and our own brand of "Neighborly Service." We're proud of all of 'em. Caps off for NATURAL POWER and NEIGHBORLY SERVICE KEAN BROS. DEEP ROCK Route 120 & RiverJ Road Just East of the Bridge £fi KERR-McGEE OIL INDUSTRIES, Inc FREE With S <«al. (iasoline Purchase • Cocktail <i lasses • 14 K. (.old Dinnerware Set • Comet Cleanser • T'de Detergent • Kl eenev Tissue • I>ial Soap • Ash Trays 9