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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1962, p. 9

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| Thursday, July. 5 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag* Nina Lakeland Park SET JULY 15 DATE FOR GENERAL LPPOA MEETING Gloria Flannigan - 885-4710 Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 The LPPOA will hold a general meeting on Sunday, July 15, at 3 p.m. at the community house. Everyone should try to attend this very important meeting. A Little Note to All Who Use the Beaches This is to let all bathers know that the following deputy sheriffs have been authorized the power to up hold law and order at our beaches. They are Roy Meineke, Ed Haltm a n n , L l o y d W a g n e r a n d Floyd Leigh. So take heed to this warning. old on July 8. Hope you have a wonderful day. Little League News League Standings: Sox--won 3 -- lost 1; Pirates--won 3 -- lost 1; Cubs--won 2 -- lost 2; Tigers--won 2 -- lost 2; Orioles-- won 1 -- lost 3; Braves --won 1 -- lost 3. Schedule for the week: Sunday, July 8--Pirates vs. Cubs; Monday, July 9--Tigers vs. Orioles; Tuesday, July 10-- Braves, vs. Cubs; Wednesday, July li--Orioles vs. Sox; Thursday, July 12--Tigers vs. Pirates. In the games last week the Orioles lost to the Braves 7~8- The Sox beat the Pirates 8-7. The Cubs trounced the Orioles 29-12 and the Tigers walloped t he Sox 28-3. Lakeland Park Softball The Lakeland Park Softball baseball team is in need of some more players. Any boy between 16 and 21 years of age is eligible so please call either of the following numbers. Frank Sweeney 385-1356 or Mike McEnery 385-2220. Attention Anyone who has not picked up their dishes from the smorgasbord yet, will find them over at "Toots" Gerstad's home before July 7. After that they will be taken to the community house. Toots' house is located across the highway at 1409 N. Oakwood Court. Pink Bundle Kathleen Joan Kreutz was born to Joan and Erwin Kreutz cn the twenty-first of June. Kathy tipped the scales at 7 lbs., 2 ozs., and was all of 20 inches long. Anxiously awaiting for their little sisters homecoming were her broth ers, Michael, 4, Kenny, 2, and Mark, 1, also grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips and Mrs. Carolyn Kreutz, of Chicago. Congratulations! Belated Birthday Wishes To Michael Kreutz who was four years old on June 4. Sorry we missed your birthday, Michael. Birthday Doings Christine Sweeney who was six years old last Tuesday, June 26, was given a birthday lawn party by her mother. Her little guests were Julie, Peggy and Jeannie Guettler, Cindy Kujak, Darlene, Joanne and Debbie Gladman, Debbie G e o r g e , R o n d a l e e S c h w e t z , Virginia Gray, Patty Laursen, Pam Zimny and sisters, Alicia and Colleen Sweeney, and cousin, Mike Pfammatter. "Teenagers Mary Therese and Grezla Maier were the great helpers for mom. They all had a grand time. Gloria Flannigan was hostess for the birthday club last Friday, June 29 at her home. It was in honor of Fran Cina's birthday. Those attending were Elaine Jett, Vickey Bottari, Marge Franklin, Esther Cygan, Millie Pintozzi, Dorothy Humphreys, Jean Parisi, Ruth Roach and Dorothy's mother, Mrs. Ruth ,McGouik. A nice time was had by all. Last Tuesday, June 26, Sue Grizely prepared a cake in honor of Inge Pissowotski birthday. The girls helping devour the cake < were Shirley Grizlac, Audrey Koczor, Vivian Steele, Judy Janczak, " Ann Wohnrade, Donna Rode and Jesse Matthews. or give her a call at 385-2754 and she will be glad to pick them up. w Initiated Tuesday evening, June 26, was Grand Lecturer's night at the McHenry Chapter No. 547 of the Order of the Eastern Star and this was the night Lyda Radisch was initiated into the order. A wonderful night she will npver forget. Lyda was quite pleased too to see so many of her friends in attendance including childhood friends, Mabel and Joe Brozek of Oak Park who are Past Matron and Past Patron of the O.E.S. Among the gifts Lyda received was a beautiful Eastern Star pin, ritual book and star hanky Owens, Chuck Jett, Lorraine Glover, Marge Parisi, Sylvia and Rolla, Dorothy and Doris Levato, Elaine Pizeczi, Cynthia and Beverly Grote and Judy Reining. Open House Wednesday evening of last week an open house was held for Rev. and Mrs. Martin at t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church for the going away oarty. Cookies and coffee were served to the many people who came to wish them well in "heir new parish in Albany Park. Then on Sunday an open !iouse with punch and cookies Was held again at the church, this time to welcome the new minister Rev. Carder from Savannah, 111. Just a Little Reminder Please keep right on saving the winding strips from the -oflee as well as the instant coffee labels for Lyda Radisch. You can drop them off at her house, 1712 N. Knoll avenue Farewell Parties On Monday afternoon, June 25, the member of the Rebecca Circle of the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church met at the home of the chairman, Lyda Radisch, for a surprise farewell party for Mrs. Betty Martin. Wanting to present Mrs. Martin with a remembrance gift, and not knowing . just what to get, the "gals" decided on a trading stamp book shower and each was gift wiapped and the packages were quite novel and of many sizes and shapes. Betty Martin was quite surprised and pleased and will now have a lot of fun shopping for her gift. Refreshments consisted of cold drinks, whipped cream cake, coffee, candy and nuts. C i r c l e m e m b e r s a t t e n d i n g this surprise party included Gertrude Anderson, Maudia Beaudry, Eva Eppel, Ann Herzog, Hat tie Horenberger, Evelyn Krukow, Florence Lacy, Cleda McCracken, Ella New* man, Alvina McKaige, Elsie Reiker and Lyda Radisch. Also attending was Mabel French and of course Betty Martin. Tuesday, June 26, a farewell party was given for Bob Glover who has joined the Marines. Guests were Jim Kujak, Nick Pintozzi, Roily Koerper, Bob Harris, Tony Mogdans, Frank ' Sweeney, Mike McEnery, Ken Vacationers - Here and Then Polly Licastro's sister, Faye Wilkinson, is spending two weeks with her. Faye is from Chicago. Nancy Matthews is vacationing at her aunt's home in Schiller Park. Mrs. Eileen Grondy, Petey Oakford's mother, is spending a few days with her. Delia Kroening and the kids, Bobby, Ann, Ronnie, Thersa and Margie, are enjoying themselves at Bob's folks summer cottage in Fish Lake, Inidiana. They will be joined by Bob this weekend when he begins hi^" vacation. Last Wednesday afternoon Bob drove Out there taking Grace Campo and her two children, Chuckie and Kathy, along. They weren't there five minutes before everyone was in the water for a long swim. Visitors Bud; and Donna Stholtz were visited this past week by Donna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noris Barr, who are here from Portland, Ore. Dcnna and her sister, Mrs. Judy McLear, of Wauconda had a family reunion planned at Donna's home. Everyone had a swell time. They hadn't seen the Barrs for four years so there was much to talk about The Oakfords' company last w e e k S a t u r d a y w e r e o l d friends, June and Arvy Anderson, and their six children, Dennis, Susie, Sharyl, Donald, Denise and Baby from Chicago. Visiting Wednesday, of last week Barb Meurer and the children went into Maywood to h e l p c e l e b r a t e a b e l a t e d birthday party for their grandma Meurer. A delicious lunch and cake and ice cream were had and enjoyed by all. On Friday the Meurers spent the day touring the Zoo in Brookfield Meet Your Neighbor Paul and Pat Richardson have resided at 4807 W. Shore drive for three years this coming November. They moved here from Chicago. The Richardsons have two children, Paul, Jr., who will be three in October and Jacqueline who will be one year in August. Pat attended high school at St. Pius Commercial in Chicago and Paul attended Carterville high school in Carterville which is down in southern Illinois. Paul's folks moved to Chicago later and he met Pat on a blind date through some mutual friends. He served four years in the Navy and they were married when he was in his third year so Pat waited out their first year of marriage pretty much alone. At the present time he is employed in construction work. Paul'-s hobby is hunting and he has a genuine German W i r e h a i r e d p o i n t e r n a m e d "Bogart" whom he is mighty proud of. In fact he won fourth place in a field trial at a nearby hunting and fishing club. Pat's hobbies are knitting, baking and puttering around the house. PERSONALS Mrs. Mabel Sourek of Chicago spent a few days the past week, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steffes enjoyed a vacation in Iowa a few days the past week. Mrs. Ralph Smith visited her sister in Broadview Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bacon and daughter, Betsy, of Crystal Lake, called on Mrs. Nellie Bacon Thursday evening before leaving for a vacation in Montello, Wis. . Miss Maiy Walsh of Chicago was a guest of Miss Genevieve Knox a few days last week. Mesdames Wallace Dobyns, Glen .Dixon, Hugh Locker, Albert Purvey and Miss Frances Vycital enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to Milwaukee Wednesday as guests of the Wonder Lake Woman's club. Mrs. Art Smith visited her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Mendel, and family in Westchester Tuesday. M e s d a m e s S t e p h e n N . Schmitt, Art Smith and Charles Dowe visited their sister, Sister Edulfa, in Lombard, recently, where she is spending a few weeks. Clare Whiting of New Brunswick, N. J., spent a few days last week in the home of his aunt. Miss Genevieve Knox, and with other relatives in the vicinity. Mrs. George Worts, Mrs. Louis Stoffel and Mrs. Joe Williams accompanied by Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee spent Wednesday in Kenosha, Wis., where they helped Mrs. John Kueny celebrate her birthday. Rev. Father Clarence Thennes of Stockton and Rev. Father Wacherly Of Apple River were out of town guests at a family picnic held at the John Thennes home Thursday evening. Miss Susan Ekhol^n, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Roger Ekholm of Elgin, and granddaughter of Mrs. John R. Justen of this city, was one of the Elgin junior high school musicians who . attended the annual summer rAusic clinic held at the University of Wisconsin from June 17 to June 30. Mrs. Loyis Althoff and daughter, Mrs. Charles Vycital spent a few days last week in the home of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Clinton Beckenbaugh, and family in Bettendorf, Iowa. Miss Margery Murray of Geneva called on McHenry relatives and friends Saturday. Miss Judy Bacon of Crystal Lake called on her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Saturday evening. She left for New York Sunday to join a group of fellow students and two nuns from Loretta Heights Academy, Denver on a five months tour of Europe. They went by boat and will return by plane. Hamilton Parr, a former local resident, called on friends here Sunday. He is spending the week in Waukegan enroute frbm a visit in his old home in Royal Oak, Mich., to spend the summer with a sister in Creve Coeur, Va. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfg of St. Petersburg, Fla., are spending some time in McHenry visiting their children and families. G I R L S ! ASK ERICA TO SHOW YOU OUR /J GLAMOUR SWEATER $g98 Black or White Hooded Nylon Lace over Orion Really Luxurious! Sizes 54-40 Kivewiie Retui Odkt NO HfGH PRESSURE v.Meets OUR SUPRISE ROOM DAILY. 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SUM.9-5• EY55900 Birthday. Wishes 40 Happy birthday to Chuckie Campo who will be eight years We're G iving Away 5" x 24 FIESTA DAY BALLOONS on-a-siick! One FREE with each Drycleaning Order GET ONE TODAY and help advertise McHenry's Big Day! GEM i HOUR CLEANERS 3722 W. Elm St. McHenry In The JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Ben Frankliri : plastic Housewares Sale 'Values to 98c each YOUR CHCJlCE 53" 2> for *loo • Rust-proof, Chip-proof Plastic • Match-or-Mix New Kitchen Color Laundry Mwit 914 ran K*ct«navl« ^ Dlthpan l«B> 9*1 Mixing Bowii 2-pc. S«f Reg. 894 ll 14-Quart Wntibaiut It*. 9U •own* Dishpan ••g. 79* 12 •Quart PaB *•«. 9«f5 CutUry Tr«7y9 i Shop and Save at Ben Franklin Friday and Saturday Only! 1250 N. Green St., McHenry A Beautiful 72"x90" CANNON BLANKET FOR SAVERS! RECEIVE: An Attractive, Useful GIFT tor THRIFT! Here's How: Just add $200 or more to your present optional savings Account, or open a new savings account for $200 or more. One gift only to each savings account. SAVE TODAY . . . For Your Home of Tomorrow! Why be satisfied with less -- when you can earn more -- Earn the highest rate of dividend consistent with safety. t r - * * " '.w ^ SAVE FOR YOUR TOMORROWS - - TODAY! Our Services To You... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. X-Mas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U.S. Gov't. Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository 41/4% P®r AnnuriS Oh Regulax Pfcr Annum 4j/47. Regular Savings Accounts Per On Investment Accts. of $1,000.00 o On Bonus Investment Accounts Savings Availability Your Savings have ALWAYS been ACCESSIBLE - WITHDRAWABLE at ONCE - upon your request. IMP Un»ti and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 West Elm Street Phone 385-3000

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