Pagi Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, July 5, m VJ.W. Auxiliary News The regular monthly meeting of the V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary to Post 4600, McHenry, was held. Monday, June 26, with- a nice representation of the membership present. We are most happy with the Fiesta Day queen contest which has twenty-two competing for the title. The contest is sponsored by the V.F.W* Ladies Auxiliary with Vivian Mack, chairman, and Ann Scarbrough as vice-chairman. There will be three judges in the final judging which will be conducted July 12 at 7:30 p m. at the V.F.W. clubhouse. Rte. 120. The girl selected as queen will be the recipient of various gifts and will have the honor and distinction of representing the city of McHenry on Fiesta || Day when she will appear on the float -sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce A very lengthy report was iven by Kay Fuhler, hospital chairnjian. concerning the recei^ t/tarnival iven for the patient's at Downey Veterans hospital/ A total of forty-two booths were sponsored by different organizations and the McHenry auxiliary sponsored a booth with workers Vivian Mack, Dora Krocker, Elizabeth Thompson. Irene StolTer, Daisy and John Smith and Kay Fuhler assisting. A good time was enjoyed by the patients and all who attended. The next hospital party will be held the third Wednesday in July and anyone interested in attending is to contact Kay Fuhler. Committee reports were given by Sylvia Hess, youth activities chairman; Vivian Mack, community service chairman; Pauline Pries, press and radio chairman; Irene Stoller, membership chairman, and Viola Schubie, Americanism chairman. A public card party with dessert luncheon will be held at the V.F.W. clubhouse on July 25 at 1 p.m., with Josephine Hansen and Ann Getner as chairmen. The tickets may be purchased at the door or from any auxiliary member. More details will appear at a later date. Anr Scarbrough att e n d e d the convention in Springfield as chaperone for the drill team that participated, and everyone wholeheartedly is grateful I l<ffr a wonderful gesture well' dVme. Delegates to the National V.F.W. convention being held at Minneapolis, Minn., on Aug. 10 through Aug. 17 are Florence Svoboda, Irene Stoller, Jean Wiles and Ann Getner. Alternates are Kathy Fuhler, Daisy Smith ahd Stella Rortvet. The recipient of the threeyear nurse-medical scholarship was our own members who has served as a member of the color "ledm for the past year and a half, Dorothy Kerr. All members of the auxiliary wish her the best of luck she will undertake in September. Dorothy plans to study pre-medic. Announcement was made that Mrs. Lillian Buckynski of V.F.W. Ladies' auxiliary of Skokie was elected as president for the state of Illinois and Daisy Smith of McHenry was elected vice-president of the Past President club for the state. Conratulations. The first meeting in October, which will be the eighth, was voted to set aside as strictly a social meeting. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 9, with Irene Stoller, senior vicepresident. presiding as Florence Svoboda, president, will be at that time with relatives in Canada. Pauline Pries, Reporter OBITUARIES RICHARD F. CLARK Richard F Clark 41, if Channel Lake, near Antioch, died very suddenly Thursday. June 28, at 4 a.m. in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. <• Mr. Clark was born May 1, 1921, in Spring Gorve and moved to Waukegan in 1937 | where he lived until 5 years ago when he moved to Antioch. He was a dispatcher for the Yellow Cab Co. in Waukegan. Survivors include his wife, Ida, nee Young; three sons, ] Michael, Mark and Scott; one j daughter, Robin; three broth- I ers, George, California; Ernest, ' Rockford; R a y m o n d, Winthrop Harbor; four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Haneline, Monticello, Mrs. Jean Bryant, Roy- 1 al Oak. Mich.; Mrs. Lee Stough, Waukegan, Mrs. Evelyn Freund, Antioch; and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark. Waukegan Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday, June ,°.0, at the Strang funeral home in Antioch. WAYNE I'OLIT Wayne, son of Neil and Norma Polit of Holiday Hills, died at birth at McHenry hospital Wednesday, June 27. Graveside rites were held in St. Patrick's cemetery. Regular 31* Borden "Elsie a MILLSTREAM DRUGS 5 Pints Only 3720 W. ELM ST. 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