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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1962, p. 15

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•Thursday. July, 5 1982 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Pistakee Highlands W.S.C.S. HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING AT WAGNER HOME Hazel Morley - HY 7-8320 a The W.S.C.S. of Mount Hope "church will hold its July meeting on July 10 at the home of Ann Wagner on N. Circle Drive. A demonstration is being planned to raise money for the organization. Hostesses for the evening will be Ann Wagner and Hazel Rogde. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy to ,fcKay and Wally Sielisch on the death of Wally's mother, Clara Sielisch. Mrs. Sielisch died on June >25 at the home of her s o n , C h a r l e s , in Downers Grove. The funeral was held in Berwyn and b u r i a l was in the Queen of Heaven cemetery on June 28. Wally's mother was a frequent visitor in the Highlands and spent most every ^mmer visiting here. £ ToPhe Ed Thoren family we send our regrets on the death 3f Ginny's father on June 27. Around the Highlands Welcome home to the Jack Reilly family who have returned from a two week trip to sunny Florida. On July 4 the Bill Barrons, Roy Slugas, Tom Masons, Jerry Janquarts, "and Dick Mor- ^Jfleys spent the day at the home of Dick and Lee Conway. Also in the crowd were some twenty- one children. Jay and Mary Story were pleased with a visit from Jay's sister and her two sons from Blackfoot, Idaho. They were here for almost two weeks. A double birthday party was held last week in honor of Don Weber and Harold Bickler at £*the Weber home. Guests ffor the evening were the Hansons, Pedersons, L e w a n d owskies, G a l e t k a s , D o b e c k i e s , B a l e s , Sisks, Dick Madocks and Slugas. Tommy and Kathy Mason are spending two weeks at camp swimming, camping out, field trips and just enjoying themselves. They will return home July 10. 0 Hazel Rogde has been spending some of her days visiting her mother in DeKalb who has been ill. Barry Johnson is visiting with his Grandmother Johnson in Twin Lakes. Happy anniversary to Billy and Ernie Jones on July 10. This is number 8 for the Joneses. Ed and Virginia Thoren ^dropped in on Ed's brother, Bill, in Chicago and his wife to offer their congratulations on their twenty-second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Moreth entertained guests over the July 4 holiday. Don and Audrey Morin spent last Sunday in Chicago visiting Don's 88 year old grandmother who is ill at St. Fran- % cis hospital. Many handsome men and pretty ladies attended the second annual summer dance sponsored by the Pistakee Library last Saturday evening. Alma (Red) Sikora is enjoying a well earned two weeks vacat ion. Young Steve and Jean Petrov spent a few days visiting their grandparents in Chicago. 9 Happy birthday to Gracie Jones who will celebrate her seventh birthday on July 14. On June 30, Marge and Bill Moreth attended a dinner dance in Woodstock. They were representing the V.F.W. Post 4600 of McHenry. Dick Farwell is on vacation and the whole family have been busy visiting Dick's moth- _er in Cicero and Rose's sisters. 9' Tom ffnd Lois Mason and family attended a family reunion on June 19 at the home of Tom's brother, Jim, in Ingleside. Also on hand were brothers. John and family from Spain. Boh, and Rick and their families. John will be here for 30 days then he and his family will move on to Biltmore. Frances and Steve Horozin- - ski were weekend guest of w Hank and Alma Sikora. They Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 s spent their time fishing and swimming. .Frances and Alma are sisters. The ^Milton Sandelins spent Sunday in Chicago visiting relatives and friends. Joe Hanisch and family were happy to have Joe's parents from Chicago spend the weekend with them. They rode around the area to show them all the beautiful scenery and enjoyed a leisurely weekend. New officers of the Pistakee Highlands Democratic organization are as follows: Leo Orlowski, chairman of the board of directors; Bill Schlicki, Sergeant at Arms; Bill Lange, new director to replace Albert Gilbert who passed away. know there is more news. therN-'fniss floating around in our community and I would sure like to latch on to some of it. All calls are greatly appreciated. It is nice to see LaVerne Madock back home after her recent hospital stay for surgery on her ear. That's It For another busy week. Because of the early deadline and your reporter's lack of time for making all the necessary calls I'm afraid that this week we will not be able to go visiting our neighbors. So until next week I'll say Bye now, be seeing you. Democratic Officers At the Democratic meeting held June 8 Leo Orlowski was elected chairman of the board of directors of the Pistakee regular Democratic organization. Daniel M Johnson is the president of the organization. £amp wonderland Summer fun at Wonderland, the Salvation Army's camp six miles northwest of Antioch, got off to a lively start on July 2 with the arrival of the season's first guests -- 225 mothers and children. Camp Wonderland will entertain an additional 450 youngsters and mothers -- 225 at a time -- for nine-day periods through Aug. 1. Golden agers will have their turn at the outdoor life beginning Aug. 2. For the first time since the Salvation Army bepan holding camping sessions for the oldsters at Wonderland eleven years ago, there will be two six-day periods for them. Some 175 men and women 60 years of age and older will vacation in each group. At close range, talented people are so ordinary that many of the rest of us tend to have faith in our own abilities. Be Wise Use The Classifieds Ringwood BID FAREWELL TO PEARL BERG AT POT-LUCK PICNIC Lor Brennan - W.L. 2045 Mrs. Pearl Berg was surprised last Tuesday by a host of her friends and neighbors at a pot-luck picnic in her yard. A tasty lunch of all varieties of dishes was enjoyed by twenty-two guests. Those present were, Miss Alice Peet, Mesdames, Mertie Harrison, Althea Walkington, Belva Sebastian, Ruth Swanson, Emma Ortlieb, Nellie Hepburn, Helen Winn, Phyllis Rassmussen, June O x t o b y, Mary Ann Wegener, Lor Brennan, Clara Cristy, Mary Butler, Verona Huff, Anna Shadle, Gerry Kunz, Katie Harrison, Ruby Shepard, Helen Page, Agnes Jenks, Viola Low and guest, Mrs. Berg. An afternoon of visiting followed the presenting of a gift to Mrs. Berg, who will soon be leaving our small town for the west, in California. She will reside with her son and family. the Lee Bergs, at Alhambra, for the time being. Her other son, Gordon, and family live quite close in Arizona. She will be missed by all her friends, but not forgotten. Went Fishing! Two of Ringwood's great fishermen have returned after spending a week throwing their lines over the side of their boat in Wisconsin. They are Lester Carr and L. E. Hawley. We haven't found out about the ones that got away as yet, but we will. Little League Our Little Leaguers have been up to bat and out in the field playing hard. On June 19 the Pirates won over the Yankees. On June 26 the Sox beat the Pirates. Last Thursday the Pirates played the Yankees. That game ended in a tie. On schedule for next week are July 5, Sox vs. Pirates; July 10, Yankees vs. Pirates; July 12, Yankees vs. Sox. Try to make some or one of the games and see how our Ringwood boys are. doing. They play all their games at the Mc- Cullom Lake beach at 6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Page Fifteen Krohn Reunion The Krohn family held Its annual reunion last Sunday at t h e W o o d s t o c k c i t y p a r k . There wefe approximately fifty persons present. All had a very nice time visiting with all the relatives. Those from here attending were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Loren Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell. Personals Mrs. Dessenboug of Chicago is visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. L. E. Hawley, for the week. Mrs. Flora Carr and' Miss Mae Wiedrich were callers in Elgin on Tuesday, visiting in the Mildred Munshaw home while there. Frank Hawley of Crystal tlake and Andy Hawley of Fox River Grove were callers in the L. E. Hawley home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart were callers in Rinwood on Saturday visiting in the Bob Brennan and the Wiedrich- Wegener home. Mrs. Marion Reinwald and boys and Mrs. Anna Reinwald of McHenry were callers in the home of her parents, the L. E. Hawleys, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Page was a caller in the Ruby Shepard home on Tuesday. Timmy Woodward of Madison, Wis., is visiting with his grandparents, the L. E. Hawley?, for several days. With the short week for news, that's all for this week. The holiday of July 4 is always one of traffic problems, so please drive careful and stay around for awhile Picnics are always in order for the holidays, so, here's hoping all had a safe and sane July fourth. See you next week. Words without ideas are like sails without winds. FREUND'S DAIRY. Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone or EV. 5-0232 Sunnysi^ Estates MAJOR RESIDENCE A BEE-HIVE OF ACTIVITY LATELY Joan Walczynsld - S85-S105 A beehive of activity, that's what the Major residence has been. Lorraine and Steve and their three children, Steve, Jr., Mike and Janice, had overnight guests last week. Lorraine's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geisler, and their daughter, Francine, of Oak Lawn, came out for a nice visit and spent the night. They returned home on Friday afternoon; and on Friday evening the Majors hosted a fish fry for Bob Kelso and Fran and Jerry Olsen and family, the main .course being the fish caught in Wisconsin by Mike Maior and Bob Kelso. Steve Major is on vacation now and they have more guests as well. Lorraine's other sister, Gladys Mau and her three children, Richard, Raymond and Russell, came out on Wednesday and plan on staying until Sunday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geisler and their daughter will return to enjoy the festivities of the celebrating of Steve, Jr., twenty-first birthday. Like I said, busy bees these Majors! Pot-luck The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's church will have their monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 10, in the way of a pot-luck picnic. It will be held at the Community Club at 6:30 p.m. and each member is asked to bring a dish to pass. Partying The Farley family spent a lovely weekend last week. M;iij;e and Jim and their five children, Jimmy, Mary, Steve, Kathy and Helen, were guests at a dinner party at the home of Marge's sister and her husband, Helen and Tom Caplis, of Chicago. Also in attendance were Marge's brothers and their families and their mom. Little Kathy Farley had the pleasure of spending the" week prior to the party at her Aunt Helen's house, so she got in on all of the party preparations. Vacationers Debbie Noah spent a week recently with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson of Chicago. But, as all the kids are, she was ready to return to Home, Sweet Home after one week, so she called to say, "Come and get me.." Our own Judy spent a funfilled week with Dolly and Ken Strorigl of Schaumburg, or so we thought. It was definitely fun-filled but when 3he returned home on Saturday, we learned she-had spent two nights in Batavia at the home of the Strorigls' niece, Paula Remsnyder. Originally, P&ula came to Schaumburg to be with Judy for a couple of days, but when they took her home she and her folks convinced Dolly and Ken to leave Judy with them for a couple of days. All I know is that when Judy came home and we asked if she had a good time she said "We had a ball." Let's Go Visiting Bet you thought I gave up this item entirely. Well, I didn't. It's just that I usually do my column so late at night that I can't call anyone and I just never think of it until I start to write. Excuses, excuses, all I've got is excuses! But this week we are going visiting. The address is 1912 West Oakleaf Drive and the name is O'Brien. Rita and Jim and their four children. There's Steven who will be five years old this year, Matthew was just three in January, Sarah will be two in September, and Rebecca who was born on Thanksgiving Day last November. Rita, (who is from Chicago) and Jim (who is from McHenry) were married on Oct. 29, 1955. They moved to our community from Lake Forest in March of 1957. Jim works for a construction company in West Dundee and Rita keeps mighty busy at home tending to the house and the four youngsters. They both have hobbies they enjoy, but find little leisure time in which to do so. Jim likes to hunt all game in season, but his favorite is moose; has one to his credit already, and he's only been on one moose hunt so far. Rita likes sewing and painting in the way of interior decoration, and her house proves it, too. A nice, young, suburbanite family, the O'Briens, and we're pleasecuthey live in our locale. Howdy, VJeiehbors! Happy Occasions Happy birthday today to Mrs. Emma Fischer, the mother of Herb Fischer of Oakleaf Drive. Tomorrow our greetings go to Johnny Senkerik who frill be eighteen years old. On July 7 Mary Rose celebrates; on the eighth, Donna Jensen; and on the ninth little Rosemary Kayler will . be six years old. The tenth is shared by Betty Lakowske and little Connie Hanahan who is two years old this year. Happy birthday one and all, and may each and everyone of you enjoy many, many more. Sorry, but no anniversaries to report this week. Guess Cupid was plumb tuckered out by end of June. Signing Off That just about wraps it up for this week. I know it's shorter than usual but if there are no calls, there can be no column.; few calls, short column; lot of calls, long column; and so it goes. What with vacations starting there should be more calls than ever, so I give us a buzz and let us in on your fun, too. 'Bye now! NOTICE! SEYMOUR'S LICENSE SERVICE has moved from 3618 W. Elm Street to 3812-A W. Elm Street (In the Plaindealer Building) Now under the management of M. B. GRANT Office Hours: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9 - 5 p.m. Phone 385-4908 32nd Jim Wright has been a resident of the McHenry area for over 12 years. He is married and has 4 children. The Wrights reside at Griswold Lake. Jim has had many years of experience in the service station business. HELLO NEIGHBOR! My name is ... JIM WRIGHT I'm your new Deep Rock man at McHenry, Illinois We hope youH stop by and get acquainted. We sell Deep Rock products by Kerr-McGee. Natural Power gasolines -- nature's finest motor oils--and our own brand of "Neighborly Service." We're proud of all of 'em. Caps off for NATURAL POWER and NEIGHBORLTSERVICE tmfacu to KEAN BROS. DEEP ROCK Route 120 & River Road Just East of the Bridge 3KEM-MCGEC OIL INDUSTRIES. Inc. FREE With 8 Gal. Gasoline Purchase • Cocktail Glasses • 14 K. Gold Dinnerware Set • Comet Cleanser • Tide Detergent • Kleenex Tissue 9 Dial Soap t Ash Trays VALIANT 6 Cyl. Sedan $1848.00 # Torsion Air Suspension # Unibody Construction # Anti Rust -Proofing Protection # Arm Rests # Variable Speed Electric Wipers • Oil Filter # Air Foam Cushions • Heater & Defrosters # Signal Lights # Dual Sun Visors m PLYMOUTH 6 Cyl. Sed. $1998.00 • Torsion Air Suspension • Unibody Construction • Anti Rust Proofing Protection • Arm Rests # Variable Speed Electric Wipers # OH Filter 0 Air Foam Cushions • Heater & Defroster^ # Signal Lights • Duaf Sun Visors Our Anniversary Gifl To You with every New Car purchased during the month of July. A New Sycamore ROTARY POWER MOWER 2'i h.p. 4 cycle engine Handle mounted engine control. ALSO FREE Plastic Model Cars for Junior CHRYSLER. ... $2931.00 9 Torision Air Suspension • Unibody Construction • Anti Rust Proofing Protection • Arm Rests 9 Variable Speed Electric Wij>ers • Oil Filter # Air Foam Cushions • Heater & Defrosters • Signal Lights • Dual Sun Visors # Torgue Fjight Push Button Transmission USED CAR "ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS I t 1961 Valiant . . . $1475 1959 Ford. . . . . 895 1958 Dodge. . . . 775 1959 Plymouth . . . 850 A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. 2508 W. Route 120 Phone 385-3102 McHenry, Illinois OPEN DAILY TIL 9 P.M. -- SATURDAYS TIL 6 P.M. t

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