Thursday, July, 5 19$2 / THE McHENBY PLAINDEAU'H Village of Sunnyside NEWLY BAPTIZED SISTER GREETED BY FIVE BROTHERS Betty Lehman 385-6866 Little Michele Denise Lennon was baptized Sunday, June 24, in St. John's church. Her godparents were Mr. and Mrs. S. BIythe formerly of Sunnysicie. Friends and relatives gathered to see this sweet little angel. After five sons the Lennons are proud of their first daughter. Birthdays Belated greetings to Eleanore Mangold on the thirtieth. Carl Martin on July 1. Greetings today to Lou La Bay, to Mike Schultz on the sixth, Celene Schneider and Cathy La Bay on the eighth. Belated anniversary wishes to Eadie and Betty Lehman on the thirtieth. Ernie and Lou La Bay on the fifth of July. Parties Danny Williams had a party that was different and one he won't forget. This little Romeo celebrated his sixth birthday by inviting seven little girls. These little girls were Mary Beth Williams, Pain, Denise and Susie Boeger, Mary Metzger, Cathy LaBay and Gail Lehman. Games were played and refreshments were served by Mary Kay Fredricks. Mary Kay Fredrick's celebrated hor birthday by having a picnic beach party in Wooster Lake. A wonderful time of swimming and playing games was enjoyed by Greta. Carla, and Marta Martin, Joy Hettermann. Patsy Meyers, Carol Jean Hiller, Jean Hettermann and Nancy Fritz. Doings Around Village Senior Lehmans^ had their son and daughter-in-law, Griff and Celeste Woolley of New York, in for a few days. Oh Sunday a family reunion was held Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. Jane from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. Targo and family from Pell Lake, Wis., Mr, and Mrs. H. Juske from Rolling Meadows, son, Lowell, and yours truly and family. A good time was had by all, everyone was busy talking over old times. The Metzgers had company from Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers and children and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Growse, who are here from Germany. Elizabeth and Jo-? had a good time talking German with the old folks. A delicious chicken dinner was served. Dessert was enjoyed at the home of Mary and Joe Harrer of Crystal Lake. The Fritjjes enjoyed a cookout at the home of friends in Elmhurst. The Kasperski and Williams families had a picnic in Wooster Lake. Surprise! - Visiting at the home of Ernie Q and Lou LaBay for two weeks is Ernie's mother. Mrs. Irene LaBay. from Crystal Falls, Mic h. Lou and \girls drove to Michigan to pick up Grandma. Sunday a surprise party was held honoring Grandma LaBay. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Chencinski, Sr.. and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. J . C h e n c i n s k i , J r . , and daughters, Collette. Irene and W Laura, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt and children, John, Jr., Theresa, Eddie and Jimmy. Mrs. Colleen Easely and daughters. Kathy and Tyra. and Mr. and Mrs. Mike LaBav By: Russ Emerson, R.Ph. Aside from being something to tan in the summer, your skin is highly important to your health. It is, for ex- „ ample, your first line of de- * fense against germs. It keeps your body from losing its blood, lymph and other necessary fluids and it is the skin that hoftses millions of nerve endings providing the senses of touch, heat, cold, pressure and pain. Then, too, it is the skin's responsibility to control body temperature by giving off excess heat. Small amounts ^ of wastes are also eliminated by the skin. Incidentaly, you will never be skinned when you trade at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. A complete drug, prescription store, with the finest quality drugs and extreme care in their compounding, is available at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 W. Elm., Phone 385-5057. ^ We give Double S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. and daughter, Denise. A one o'clock dinner was enjoyed by all and an outdoor picnic was held in the evening. Visiting Bonnie and Carol LaBay are vacationing in Appleton. Wis., for- two weeks with all their cousins, aunties and uncles. They are expected to return around the Fourth of July to help Mom and Dad celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary which is July 5. Cathie LaBay also has a guest, little Denise LaBay, from Skokie, visiting with her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, Sr., have been letting their grandchildren take turns staying with them. One week they had Chuckie Pitt from Wonder Lake and when he went home his sister, Barbara, came to stay> for a week. Page Seventeen do is call 385-6366. See you next week. PISTAKEE TERRACE Home Again Well George, Mary Mecko and son, Mike, are home again after a wonderful two week stay in Florida where they visited with George's parents and his brother, Joe, and his family. After taking in the sights their biggest thrill was going fishing in brother Joe's 23 ft. fishing boat. Picnicking , Last Tuesday Jim and Birdie Deppmier, their twin sons, Brett and Brad, invited the Meckos to come along for a ride fn their new boat and to -top along the way for a picnic. Baby Sitting It has been awhile since the Gunt hers did any baby sitting but they took on the job for a few days when they watched their granddaughter, Laura, so that her parents could have a few days vacation. Beach Party Fred and Charles Kupstis had a wonderful time last Tuesday when they went to a beach party in Crystal Lake with some of their school chum.-j from Marian. Sick List Mrs. Tucker is still confined to the McHenry hospital. I'm sure she would enjoy receiving a few cards from her neighbors and friends. Mrs. Mangold's mother, Rose Levy, is recuperating nicely at home in Cicero. Words of Praise Let's not forget the work and protection we get from our village police department. We are all grateful to know our children are protected on our streets, by these fine men. Association Meeting Changed The date of the July annual meeting of Pistakee Terrace Association .has been postponed to July 9, X p.m. at 121 Oakleaf avenue. This meet! is especially important since it is election of your new officers and because there is a proposed amendment to be Voted upon. At the June meeting an amendment to llie .by-laws Article VI11, Section 1, was proposed. In accordance with the by-laws this is notice of such p r o p o s e d amen dment to be voted on at the July meeting. The current chairman of the Women's auxiliary shall automatically be nominated to current year's election as director of the association also the past year's president of the association shall automatically be nominated as director of the association for the coming year, subject to approval of parties thereof and to be elected to office by members of good standing. Lilymoor THREE RESIDENTS HURT IN SEPARATE AREA ACCIDENTS Shirley Schuerr Three of our residents were injured in three separate accidents. I am glad to report none of them were seriously hurt. Young Phillip Zahn was riding his bicycle on the black top road and was hit by a car. Fred Fradinardo was changing a tire on his car when it slipped and cut his finger. Stitches were required to close the cut. Vic Bassi was coming home from work and was hit by another car. Vic had to have stitches in his face. He also injured his chest and has two of the biggest black eyes. Fortunately none of theni were seriously hurt and all are home and not in the hospital. BLACKHAWK AREA SCOUTS HONORED ON CHARTER DAY Let's Go Visiting Phil and Eleanor Mangold were school day sweethearts, the love at first sight type. They have three children, Linda, who is 13, and a married son and daughter, two grandchildren and two more on the way. Phil is a salesman who enjoys hunting with his dog, Smitty. Eleanor is a housewife who loves to bake, she also enjoys working in the garden. I hear she loves bowling and has a few trophies to prove how good she is. Phil has recently been appointed our village president. Linda attends St. John's school and is in the eighth grade. She loves sports also spends her time with her little kitten, Kandy. This fine family formerly resided in Brookfield then Johnsburg. now they are part of 'our village. If anyone wants to see their name in print all you have to The Illinois State Shorthorn a s s o c i a t i o n and North wood Farms are sponsoring a junior field day to be held at Northwood Farms, Cary, on Sunday, July 8, starting at 10 o'clock. All 4-H and FFA members are welcome to spend the day. A program has oeen arranged which is designed to help guide beef cattle project members in feeding, trimming feet, showing. judging and selection. Members of all breeds of beef cattle will be most welcome. Representatives of the major beef breeds will be »at the meeting to answer questions for those who desire special help. Those attending should bring their lunch. It will be picnic style, and coffee and cold pop will be available. If a person in New York could yell loud enough, he would be heard in New Zealand 14 hours later. Tinstone 6.70-15 CHAMPION TIRES 7.50-14 Tubeless NYLON Blackwalls 6.70-15 Tube Type Tubeless RAYON - Blackwalls 6.70-15 Tube Type Add $3 for White walls U95 M95 I™5. *1395 I Tube Type £# All Prices Plus Tax ALL SIZES eomporabSf LOW PRICED Available with black m white walls tube type or tubeleu blow's The Time To Trade Tires BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and^ll Passenger Cars Special Trade-in Allowance from $1 io $5 on your old battery. Complete CALL US... FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 39S1 W. Main St. Phone 385-0204 McHenry, III. Association News The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held this coming Tuesday, July 10, at the community house at 8 p.m. A reminder, the second half of i he dues is now due. The second half for the year round residents is due as of July 1. The dues for the summer residents is due as of June 1. days with them. While here they enjoyed taking in the sights at ;he zoo. swimming and visiting with friends. They all enjoyed an evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews of McHenry. The Belxoi ds and Gramlings made a trip into the airport in Chicago to spend a short time with their aunt, Dr. Hilla Sheriff, who was enroute to Denver to a medical convention. Also visiting with Earel and Laura were Laura's other bmt her. Fred, and his wife, Cieicildine. Last Friday, June 29, Earel and Laura attended an office p. i ty where Laura is empi' wed. Brownies The Lilymoor Brownie Troop 267 had a full day Tuesday, June 26. The girls made a trip into Chicago and saw many interesting sights. They also visited Chinatown. Seems like the only young ladies that were tired out from all the walking were the* leaders, Leona Fantus and Diane Fuhler. T^ie girls of the troop will be going to day camp the week of July 9. Busy Home The Bel ford home has been a busy home the past couple of weeks. Earel a n d Laura have had many guests. Laura's oldest brother, Andrew Gramling, Jr., and wife. Frances, and five children spent several Birthdays Cirectinus go to Carl Ritter who i-elebrated his big day Sunday. July 1. ilreetinns also go to David T'.ihoy who will celebrate his f t i i M o o i i t h b i r t h d a y t o d a y , July f> r.ivetiiiLTS also go to Jim M< lit or wh<> will celebrate his bi>, (lay Tuesday, July 10. Still nv-i-e greetings go to Mrs. Rita Mcriure. She will celebrate her hi«> day Wednesday. July II. Many happv returns to you Li;.!. Carl. Jim and David. Bir-tliday Olebratio« • Siind: y. July 1. Marge Herb Polinski had a din- !•'•! party for their daughter, N twentieth birthday. were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hioner of Harrington, Mr. and J. I.itka and sons, Joe ain! Tora. of Chicago and N ithy's boy friend. Ken Ven- /i ti df Deerfield. Boating and v.nor skiing took place on the V"\ River. This coming Saturday, July 7, Kathy Poiinski and two of her girl friends will leave for a week's Vacation at Fontana, Wis. Earel Bel ford is enjoying a week's vacation. While on his vacation the family will visit in Earel's home town of Galva, 111., and attend the5 Manx reunion picnic. The main speaker at the picnic will be Rev. Oarke. Women of the Moose Installed Eunice Tobey was very honored to be installed a pianist of the Moose for the fifth year. Congratulations go to you, Eunice, for the honor. This and That Theron and Ruth Young h ave four lovely liitle guests in their home. They are having a nice time with their four 'grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tresler of North Orlando, Fla., paid a surprise visit to Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr Tuesday, June 26. Mrs. Kate Caswick of Chicago spent" the weekend visiting both the Schuerr families. Seente like we have a young Chapter 1348 of McHenry held installation of officers Thursday, June 21. The meet- j ing was called to order by in- ! stalling chairman Nancy Bowan. The pro-1em co-workers j were installing guide, Hazel i Struwe; installing regent, Ma- | 'ile Thomas: installing chap- i lain. Ann Rodenkirch; instal-j ling pianist, Marion Pflug. New officers installed were I Sr. regent, Alyce Kowal; Jr. I graduate regent, Ethel Bruce; | Jr. regent. Olga Johnson; chaplain, Lillian Fox; treasurer. Ethel Hagberg; recorder, Marjorie Fernstrom; guide. Marge Granatin; assistant guide, Kay Mahoney; argus. Mae Holeomb; sentinel, Bertha English; pianist. Eunice Tobev lady who used her foot instead of her hand to push some papers down into a trash can and took a nice spill for herself. She was not hurt in anyway. But next time you better use your hand, Eunice, it's a lot safer.. Our loyal order escorts for the evening were Bill Struwe, Dale Thomas, Keith Johnson, Joe Formella. "Red" English, John Granalh, Ed Ozog and Dick Jager. - Buffet supper was served and prepared by Nancy Bowman. Hazel Struwe received her degree in the College of Regents. Olga Johnson, our star recorder for the past year will be leaving very soon for Atlanta, Ga.. to eceive her honors. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July .'I at 8:30 p.m. The Loyal Order of the Moose observed the tenth anniversary of the lodge Sunday. June 24. Marey Strossner. Publicity Chairman READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Vacations Hoy Tobey is enjoying his two weeks vacation by boating and fishing nere in Lily Lake. W a l t e r S c h u e r r r e t u r n e d to "irk after spending three weeks of his vacation here 1 .ilymoor. Seems the rains were against Al and Pearle Stineman for spending a weekend in Wisconsin. They set out Iwice to have a nice time in that state but the heavy rains MIH them back homP again. 0NTRACT0R EVERGREEN 5-4345 Know Your Contractor Your best guarantee of complete satisfaction is to know your contrac tor. Our experience in the construction business in the McHenry area is our guarantee that you'll get the most out of your building dollar ... If you call us! No job is too bis or too small trrmTima i"'!!!!!!ill V. » : The happiest vacations begin with a visit to your CHEVROLET DEALERS GET A JULY BUY AND SEE WHY! CHIVY EE NOVA CONVERTIBLE-Here's one convertible that doesn't cost a bundle. Try S and find out why Chevy II won Car Lite magazine's 1962 award lor engineering excellence; L CHEVY H NOVA STATION WAG0N-A family-sized hauler that's easy to park, pack and pay for. Lots ol load space, rich appointments, with a gas-saving six for low-cost wagoning. CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT SEDAN-About everything you'd expect from an expensive make except the expense! Distinctive styling, Jet-smooth comfort, Body by Fisher, 6 or V8. C0RVAIR M0NZA 4-DOOR SiDAN-The family-style sports car! Rear engine agility--and as easy to buy as it is to drive! CHEVROLET BEL AIR 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON-Saves fn a big way. Carries plenty of cargo (tailgate opening nearly 5 feet wide). Roof Lugga|e Carrier optional at extra cost See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 3609 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. EVergreen 5-027? t