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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENR* PLAINDEALER Thursday/ July 5, 1962 ft LIEUT. NELSON TAKES BRIDE IN JUNE NUPTIAL Miss Watkins Wed Saturday Wed In June Announce Betrothal Of r<-*re.Y Wluting; Mr and Mrs. Sebre Whiting announce the engagement of their daughter. Peggy, to Mr. Philip Hays. s^n of Mr. and Mis. Newman Hays of Lakesine. Colo. Miss Whiting is in her senior year at the University of Colorado and will obtain her Bachelor of Science Degree in .lanuury. Mr. Havs is an aeronautical engineer h a v i n g graduated from the University- of Colorado in 1960. He is presently employed at Huntsville, Ala. Wedding plans are being made for early next summer. Yacht Club Auxiliary Served At Luncheon Edna Armstrong, assisted by Ine/ Buralli. served a f^h fruit salad luncheon for the meoiing of the Pislakee Yacht Club women's. v auxiliary on Tuesday. June 26. After a frozen creme desserts the ladies enjoyed an afternoon of cards. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ericsson, host and hostess for the dinner dance on Saturday. June 30, served delicious charcoal broiled steaks for dinner. Their committee members were Mr. and Mrs. R. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Westerberg, Mr. and Mrs R. Withrow and J. Maselter. Everyone enjoyed wonderful music and dancing following dinner. . Honor Johnshurg Couple I On Birthday, Anniversary j Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schulz | (if Johnshurg were honored at I a reception planned by their ! children, held last week at the ! Schulz home. The occasion I marked the celebration of the • couple's fifty-ninth wedding , anniversary and the 80th birthj day anniversary of Mrs. Schulz. ' Among those attending we ; their sons and daughters, Ken- ; neth Schulz. Wesley Schulz i and SeVina Rix and their families, all of Chicago, and Robert and family of Harvard; also Edith Schulz of Chicago, widow of the Schulzes' son, Paul. In addition to family members, about fifty friends calleo during t he memorable celebration to extend best . f wi;,hes. The Schulzes have seven g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d s i x t e e n great-grandchildren. A beautiful centerpiece on the serving table was a gift of Woodstock friends. Newly weds Open House Held For Rev. Martin Rev. and Mrs. George Martin, who left McHenry last weekend to serve another church in Chicago, were honored at open house held at the Community Methodist church hall last Wednesday night. The reception was planned by the Women's Society of Christian Service. A large number of church members were present to extend best wishes to» Rev. Martin and his family in their new assignment and to present them with- a set of kitchen utensils. Pretty Miss Mary Louise Watkins. daughter of Mrs. James T. Watkins of 2306 Orchard Beach, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Edward M. Ogorzalek of Jamaica, New York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ogorzalek of Kewanee, III., in a nuptial service performed Saturday, June 30, at 9 30 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the service. Altar bouquets were made up of white glads. Miss Watkins approached the altar, given in marriage bv Harold Vaupell. She wore a gown with fitted bodice of peau de ange lace, featuring a sabrina neckline embroidered in seed pearls and long, tapered sleeves. A very fall, paneled front skirt of silk organza with appliques of lace extended down the entire front of the gown and the back was swept into a graceful chapel length train. Two large, selffabric roses were placed at the waistline in back to accentuate the bustle. Her headpiece was of silk roses and petals , of seed pearls and held a bouf- Of interest locally was the fant silk niusion Veil. She carwedding performed Saturday, ried a cascade bouquet of June 9. in First Presbyterian ; w hite carnations, vellow and church. Champaign, uniting In white gladioli, buds and white marriage Miss Jane Denlse stephanotis. C„ orzinet andi Secrro,.n d . L-ji eu.t . : Miss Judy tFwesil er o„fe Wyom- ,thhe' Ud7a ughh,t er ?Of •Mr s. AJllTen na ins- ln" and Mr* Melinda Lomba,.di of park Forest were Corzine of that city and the b,.idMmaids, and Miss ;room is the son of Mr. and Double Christening In McHenry Church A double christening took place at St. Patrick's church on June 24, when first cousins, Kelly Anne and Peggy Ann O'Leary, were baptized at the same rite. After the christening. open house was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary of Bull Valley. Godparents for Kelly Anne were Sharon and Dale O'Leary and Godparents for Peggy Ann were Tom O'Leary and Rose Holble. In attendance at the open house were Kelly Anne's par- ?nts. Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Virginia Gray) O'Leary; her maternal grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. John Gray; her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary; her maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray of Chicago; and maternal g r e a t-grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude Quinn of Lakeland Shores. In attendance also were Peggy Ann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Carol Shark) O'Leary, her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Leary; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shark; her paternal g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r . a n d Mrs. Jack (Mary) O'Leary; and her maternal great-grandmother. Mrs. Mathon Frank. A host^of other friends and relatives attended the double christening. MARRIAGE LICENSES Melvin Hudeeek and Joan E. Holt both of Wonder Lake. THE JOHN" J. SPEARS Kotalik Studio Photo Miss Rosanne Brzezinski of Lakemoor became the bride of John J. Spears of Glen Eltyn on June 23 in a pretty ceremony solemnized in St. Mary's Catholic church. 0SMTAL •S McHenry Hospital During the past week patients in McHenry hospital included Master Donald Lane, Lake Villa; Estelle Hecklin and Robert Schroeder, Richmond; Ronald Spilker, Rolling Meadows; Cecil Shaler, Therese Waynar. Lorraine Fedderson. Jack Sold, Barry Zell and Frank Peterson, Crystal Lake; Eudora Rex, Genoa; Herbert Howard, Round Lake; Baby Kevin Smith, Spring Grove; Sands Sanford, Ringwood; Pe- 1er Kukla, Fox Lake; Olga Munson, Ingleside; Mary Adams. Norma Pollit, Frank Smith of Atlanta, Ga., Kay was 'M -0nH. enrvOn,a rCi , " mtir0eidd i0nf thu0rnq0uro'i sTe, hs^ilk Wo6rrgea n"z"a sidLinhg! Tin tRSapifd City* South <•-«««. »allerina length, with petal-shaped overskirts. D a k o t a f o l l o w.i.n.g. .a ..t.r. i^p -i matching pi. li l,b. ox .h a.t s and, ihrough northern Illinois, Wis-1 consin and Minnesota. Mrs. Neteon is a 1962.gradua, e unlwfKy. Pe" caS; snape. ona. She will be a playground director at Ellsworth AFB this shoes. The bouquets were similar, consisting of white carnations and yellow glads in a summer and will teach physi- Richard Ogorzalek of Kewanee served as best man and cal education at the new Doug- | ^001,18,11611 were Phil Burgess las Junior high school on the I Washington, d. C., and Robbase as soon as it is com->er* ^ aupell of McHenry, pleted. Lt. Nelson, a 1961 graduate of Bradley university, is registrar with the 821st medical group at Ellsworth AFB. July 6-7 St. Paul's Episcopal Church Rummage Sale -- 9 a.m. to I p.m. dri Friday; 9 a.m. to II a.m on Saturday -- Sale in Church on Green Street. July 13-14 McHenry Hospital Rummage Sale -- Engdnhl Barn, South Green Street. July 17 Pistakee Yacht Club Public Card Party -- 12:30 p.m. July 22 Lakeland Park Ice Cream Social -- 2 to 6 p.m. JOINS SORORITY Nancy Buckner, daughter of Lapinski, Cynthia Hat ten, IMr" and Mrs- Carl Suckner, Michael Coughlin, Robert Cal- "'as amonK sixteen students at lender, William Hcryn, Doro-'1h^ Univ^rsity of Wisconsin t hy Hayner, Roy Carlson, Ted ' ° were recently initiated in- Graham, Roy Borre, Henry | 10 the Wisconsin chapter of Mrs. Watkins wore a champagne beige silk shantung sheath dress with matching jacket, and had accessories in aqua marine blue. Her corsage was of white roses and carnations. The groom's mother was attired in a black and white chiffon' dress and white accessories. A -wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vaupell in Country Club drive, and at 12:30 o'clock dinner was enjoyed at Martjnetti's, Crystal Lake. The couple left on a trip through the South to St. Jeykll's Island, off the coast THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU \A rnnouncement Effective July 15th DR. CARLETON SMITH will asume the Chiropraiic Practice of Dr. Edgar E. Peaslee at 3616 W. Main St., McHenry Licensed to practice in the State of Illinois Dr. Smith has purchased the home and offices. SUNDAY, JULY 8 "YOU ARE NOT ALONE" Loneliness can be one of the most trying problems in human experience. Hear how you can learn not just to endure loneliness but overcome it. ^ , Radio: Felmeten. Steve Bennish, Edna 1 Gamma Delta, social ; WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9.00 a.m. Hamlin, Jane Buckley, Paul 1 soronty- WCLM-FM (101.9 mc) 8:45- Suratte, Robert Boyle, Albertha Brossman, Paul Stasiewski, Madelyn Hartwig and j Ruth Smith, McHenry. Memorial Hospital During the /{5ast week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Esther Orr, Lawrence McAulev, Cindy Tyler and Janet Allen. McHenry; and Brad Wyatt of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Flmer Urban, Mrs. Edward Wegener and George Simpson, McHenry; and Herbert Kober, Wonder Lake, were patients during the past. week in the Harvard hospital. DRYCLEANING INDUCEMENT SPECIAL Beautiful Ceramic WALL PLAQUES FOR YOUR KITCHEN ONLY 59 EACH with cleaning order. These are beautifully hand painted glazed ceramic tile with white enamelled decorative wire framework. SUPPLY IS LIMITED! Bring in your cleaning and get one today at RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. McHenry McHenry's Oldest, Largest, Most Modern Professional Drycleaners COIN-TYPE CLEANING SERVICE, TOO! The Professional can do your coin cleaning FOR YOU, BETTER THERE'S ALWAYS PLENTY FREE PARKING AT RAINBOWS DRIVE-IN. LEONA ARNDT, RAYMOND BUJAK MARRIED JUNE 30 THE ROBERT Z!MMERMA\S Lant^don Studio Photo Miss Barbara Ann Hirt of Mi-Henry became the bride of Mr. Robert Zimmerman of Cry s til Lake, in a wadding solemnized at. St. John Lutheran church, Island Lake, cm June 23. WED JUNE 30 >, orene Jastrab and Robert Wijas were united in marriage i n S t . P a t r i c k ' s C a t h o l i c church last Saturday, June 30. of Savannah, Ga., and up the New England coast to- New York, where they will reside in Jamaica, N. Y. The bride is a graduate of McHenry high school and of Knox college with a BA degree and major in elementry education. She plans to teach. The crroom is a graduate of Kewanee high school and of Knox college with a BA degree in political science. He is employed by the American Chicle company in New York. Miss Leona Arndt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt of 4220 W. Prairie, McHenry, was married to Mr. Raymond L. Bujak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Bujak of; 4504 W. Prairie, McHenry, in a pretty ceremony performed in St. Mary's Catholic church last Saturday, June 30. Rev. Fr. Eugene C. Baumhofer officiated at the nuptial rite, and the children's choir sang. Vases of flowers decorated the main altar. Pretty Miss Arndt wore a silk organza and alencon lace dress over taffeta, chapel length, styled with round neckline adorned with lace and pearls, fitted bodice and bracelet length sleeves. Applique was featured at the waist and on the front of the skirt. Her silk illusion bouffant veil fell from a silk organza cabbage rose on a chantilly lace shell, highlighted with pearls and aurora borealis crystals. Her cascade bouquet consisted of stephanotis and Amazon lilies. Judy Barwig acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Diana Horn of Wonder Lake, Judy Watson of McHenry and Dolores Roppollo of Chicago. They wore avacado, silk organza over taffeta sheath dresses, with matching silk org a n z a , r e m o v a b l e b o u f f a n t skirts. Their half-hals were of silk organza cabbage roses, with maline circular veils. They had bouquets of yellow and white daisies. Denise Cwik of Villa Park, the charming little flower girl, wore a white dress with avacado cummerbund and rose headpiece. Attending the groom were George Boyack and Ronald Swanson of Chicago, Louis Roppollo of Niles and George Smith of Wonder Lake. Ushers were Clem Adams and John Baumgartner. Patrick Simmons of Fox Lake was the ring bearer. The bride's mother Xvore a Dior blue, silk orgaflza over taffeta sheath dress and i >natching straw pillbox hat I with veil trim. Mrs. Bujak was attired in a gold chiffon dress with satin cummerbund and matching circlet hat with veil. Three-hundred guests gathered at a reception in the V.F.W, clubhouse in McHenry, after which the couple left on a trip to Nassau. They will make Iheii^ home in Wonder I Lake. Among those attending i were the two grandmothers, ! Mrs. Anna Arndt of Chicago and Mp. Anna Wagner of Arlington Heights. The bride received her education in the McHenry high school and is now dental assistant to Dr. Kohl. The groom is a graduate of McHenry high school and attended Northern Illinois university. He is employed with Blackhawk Loans, Inc., Woodstock. V Bridal Couple The George Scarbroughs Kotalik Studio Photo St. Patrick's Catholic church was the setting for the wedding of June 23 of Miss Brigit te Sack and -George Scarbrough, both of the McHenry area. RESIDENCE CHANGES You Score A HOLE IN ONE In Fun When You Golf At SPORTY PISTAKEE Well Manicured Greens and Fairways A Challenge for Experts -- Fun for Beginners COME OCT TODAY AND PLAY Special low rates for group lessons -- the Easy Ron Somers Way. J-^idtakee C^ountry C^luh South End of Pistakee Bay Phone 385-9854 SHOP AT HOME Phone 385-2835 The Harvey Sand family has % moved from Waukegan to a residence along the river, near MrHenrv. t}3eciutu Sa(on It's Experience That Counts Air Conditioned 4 for your Comfort ami Pleasure 3813 W. Main Street . McHenry, 111. ^ (Closed Monday) c there's no substitute for MONEY IN THE BANK The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank authorizes commercial banks to pay a maximum interest rate of A% on money left on deposit for at least one year. The McHENRY STATE BANK in accordance with this regulation and in accordance with the bank's policy of paying the maximum rate of interest in keeping with maximum safety does issue one year savings certificates bearing the maximum rate of YOU CAN NOW EARN AS MUCH AS 4% ON YOUR savings and still enjoy the safety of "MONEY IN THE BANK." YOU CAN NOW EARN AS MUCH AS 4% O YOUR savings and still enjoy the availability of "MONE^ IN THE BANK." For complete information on how to obtain the maximum rate of interest with maximum safety consult any McHenry State Bank Officer. For complete banking service, including Trust Department, consult the McHenry State Bank, where the customer is now and has been more than 55 years, THE BANK'S MOST IMPORTANT ASSET. DEPOSITS RECEIVED BY THE 10th OF EAC H MONTH EARN INTEREST FROM THE 1st ALL PASS BOOK SAVINGS DRAW INTREST AT THE RATE OF 3'/z% There's No Substitute For "Money In The Bank" McHENRY STATE BANK ESTABLISHED 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION TELEPHONE 385-1040 * \

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