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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1962, p. 9

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A Thursday. August 30,1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ft Lakeland Park GENERAL MEETING PROPERTY OWNERS SUNDAY. SEPT. 9 Gloria Flannigan - 883-4710 Barbara Meurer - 885-4356 On Sept. 9, the Lakeland Park Property Owners association will have a general meeting at 3 p.m.. at the community house. Please try to a»- tend this meeting. Baseball Club Dance Don't forget the Lakeland Park boy's baseball club dance ^being held on Saturday, Sept. W22, at the American .Legion hall. All managers have tickets or call C. Haerle at 385- 5790. We wish to thank each and everyone for their; kind support of fhe boys for the past season. Baseball News The last game of Little League ball is over for the seav ^son with the play off game between the Pirates and Sox being played last Thursday under the lights in McHenry. Both teams played a wonderful game of ball as it went into the six'h inning with a score of 1 to 1. No one scored in the ' 7th or 8th inning, then the top of the 9th the Sox scored 3 runs. The Pirates came up to bat and got 2 runs across, , Abut it wasn't quite enough and fhe SoX took first place 4 to 3. Congratulations to you both for a game well played. Now that the season is over we can all sit back and get at the weeding and painting and repairing that gets neglected while we race off to the ball game. Have fun! On Sunday, Aug. 26. ft»e Lakeland Park All-Stars ^played 'he All-Stars from Wonder Lake on the Lakeland Park field. For those from Wonder Lake who came out here to support their team it was a trying day but exciting. Both teams played good ball and showed wonderful sportsmanship for seven innings. The final score was Lakeland Park 6, Wonder Lake 5. On Sunday. Sept. 2, Lakeland Park will £t ravel to Wonder Lake for a return game, and on Sept. 9 will go to Niies. Cys'ic Fibrosis Drive Mrs. Floyd Leieh, Mrs. Carmen Hodges and Mrs. William Kamp are our local volunteers helping with the Cystic Fibrosis fund drive next week. If you are not contacted by one of these neighbors your donation could be left with the Krumskis at the Corner store. Community House Schedule Thursday, Aug. SO-- Newsletter Commit'ee 7:30; Tuesday Sept 4-- evening, Boy S c o u t m e e t i n g ; W e d n e s d a y , Sept. 5t- Evening, Cub Commiltee meeting; Friday, Sept. 7-- 1 to 6 p.m.. Dancing Ciass- - es-- 8 p.m. Minstrel group Vmeoling; Sunday, Sept. 9-- LPPOA general meeting, 3 p.m. Call Jo Rizzo at 385-2728 for reservations. Ge'-well Wishes To Jesse Matthews wno entered the McHenry hospital on Monday, Aug. 27, for observation and to Mary Barle and Vera Baumgartener who both returned home from the hos- "pital last week. Hope you will all be up and around soon. First Grandchild Makes Debut Mr. and Mrs. J. Lanz of 1710 N. Knoll are the proud grandparents of their first grandson born at Wal'her Memorial hospital on Aug. 24. This husky little fellow weighed in at 7^ lbs. and his chosen name is s^James Brian. His parents are 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Lanz of Chicago. Grandma will be spending a few days with them helping out the new mother. Baby Shower A baby shower was given at the home of Bonnie Parisi in McHenry for JoAnne Ibsh on Wednesday, Aug. 15. A buffet luncheon was served to Mrs. -•Kathy Baseley, Mrs. Nancy Forte, Mrs. Pat Rehberg, Mrs. Jeanette Koerper, Henrietta Ahrens, Rose Bochmann, Mable Stubbings, Mrs. Sandy Regler, Mrs. Bet'y Radner, Mrs. Freida Walker, Mrs. Svea Carlson and daughter, Lucille, Mrs. Marge Parisi, Mrs. Rosalee Slonina, Mrs. Gail Parisi, Mrs. Joan Parisi, Sandy Parisi and JoAnne's mother, Mrs. Elberta Koerper, JoAnne received many lovely gifts. Belated Birthday Wishes To Walter Pissowotski who c h a l k e d up a n o t h e r y e a r on Aug. 27 and to Colleen Rode who was every bit of one year old on Aug. 27. Sorry we m i s s e d y o u r n a t a l d a y s a n d hope you both had a nice day. Birthday Doings Denise Bucaro celebrated her seventh bir'hday, Aug. 13. with a few of her friends. They were Patty and Paul Rogers. Debbie Holas, Doug Mayers, Gary Hanson, Lee and Jim Hahn, John and Bob Mueller, Tanet Barle, Lance Kuhns. Terry and Kathy Brooks, Joey. Larry and Susie Koerper. Diane Krater, Billy and Larry Burns, brother. Jack, and Lu cille Carlson. Cake, pop and candy were served, along with games played and, enjoyed by all. Saturday, Aug. 25, was a big day for "Chip"'Grizely. He was celebrating his first birthday which was Aug. 23. His guests were Grandma Grizely of Chicago, uncle George and his fiance, Betty, aunt Eve and uncle A1 Schmidt and cousins. Kim and Timmy. also cousins. Johnny. Joseph, Chester, Frances and Norman Thurman of Chicago, aunt Ann and uncle Wally Whaling and cousins. Buddy, Ca'hy and Timmy of Elmhurst and aunt Kathy Mester. On Sunday there was another birthday celebration for "Chip". His guests on that day were grandma and grandna Mester and aunts and uncles Sharron, Chuckie and Michael Mester of Chicago. Mel and Cathy Sims and children, Mel, Jr., Greg. Karon and their puppy "Petite" from Lincolnwood. cousins. A1 and Chris Kee and children, Kim and Jeff from Wheeling and friends. John and Arlene Chapham of Chicago. To Model in Stvle Show Mar<?e Parisi will be one of seventeen models 'o model tonight. Aug. 30. at 7:30 p.m. at a shop in Meadowdale. The theme is "Key to Fashions". Demonstration Shirley Koch was hostess for a demonstration last Wednesday. Aug. 22. There were about twenty women attendine in all. Coffee and cake was served. Page Nine Lakemoor CAROL VENABLE TRIES HAND AT REPORTING NEWS Carol Venable Hello, I'm Carol Venable and I'd like to try my hand at reporting the village news to you. I know I'll have to be on my toes, because you'r^ all spoiled by the colorful, newsy columns our old reporter, Annette Schmit, wrote. However, 111 do my best and I'll be relying on you to call in your news items as in the past. My number is 385-5287. Farewell On behalf, of all the villagers I would like to thank Annette Schmit for the fine reporting job she has done for us. As she explained last week, there are several personal reasons why jak, John and Gloria Flannigan, Mr. and^Irs. Lane and Paul and Joan Schwegel. Vacationers and Vacationing Cameron and forest Viita returned home after spending some time near Devils Lake. N. D., visiting rela'ives and friends. The boys had a grand time. The Rizzos have a guest this week. She is Jo's niece, Dale Kutine, from Chicago. Joanne Rizzo is spending the week at Dale's home and Jo reports they had to twist her arm to do so. It was a fair exchange as Leslie, Dale's sister, and Joanne will get along fine and there won't be any arguing and fighting this week and bo'h moms will have a rest. Paulettee Rizzo spent a few days in Chicago at a friend's home. She had a wonderful time sight-seeing and was verythrilled about visiting the new Prudential building. Judy and Rich Janczak have a visitor this week. She is Judy's sister, Debbie Ambrosa. from Chicago. The Ron Muerers are spending a few days in Wisconsin visiting relatives. she resigned. . Village News The dog and cat situation is out of hand again. Any animals running loose will be picked Up and their owners held responsible. Several com plaints have been received about the stench arising from burning garbage. It is unlawful to burn anything with the exception of papers. Papers may be burned in an approved container.. Let's all co-operate on this issue. Lakemoor Scouts The Lakemoor Scouts were husv a-?ain last Saturday. Aug. 5. In the early part of the day they enjoyed a picnic at Sherwood Park on Cedar Lake in Lake Villa. This outing comnensaated for one thev had to miss the weekend of the street dance. The men who so generously gave of their time to drive the grouo were: Mr. Pierce. Larry Ehrhardt, Stan Zabroski and Norm Morrison. When they returned home from picnicking they boarded their bus and marched in Elburn. Bet the beds looked mighty good after a day like that. Panrake Breakfast This Labor Day even mom gets a holiday. . .at least from making breakfast. The Scouts a r e s o o n s o r i n g a p a n c a k e breakfast on Labor Day, Sent. 3, at the Charm House. The proceeds will go towards their winter jacket fund. So let's all eet out and enjoy the luxury of breakfast without dishes to wash. Shower A pink and blue shower was held for Pat Morrison last Wednesday evening at Club Lilymoor. The hostesses for the evening were the members of the Fun Club. Pat received many lovely gifts. The ladies enjoyed coffee and cake. Prizes were awarded to those having an "X" on the bottom of their party favor. Narrow Escape Ruth Schmit escaped serious Ha-He-Ho's F^'Hav evening. An°\ 24. the i Va-Ho-Ho's eot toge'her at the "erzogs home for a delicious dinner which Ann had prenhrert. Afterwards they enioveH thfir favorite game pinochle. This time though they split the games 50-50. Five Llpastro Children Christened Do^nie. Darlene, Daryl. Tina and Terri Licastro were chris- <*»ned on Aufi. 19 at St. Paul's Eniscopal church in McHenry Their snonsors were Peter and Dollv Nowell, William and Hel- Havnes. and David and Eleanor** Franz. A reception "'*><? held af'erwards for the children and their guests. Attend* Picnic John and Gloria Flanntean and children attended the Pis- • akep Democratic picnic last Sundav which w»s held at the harn in the Highlands. A cood time was had and there were quite a few in attendance. Back Yard Party Clarence and Eleanore Haerle were hosts for a back yard par'y last Saturday evening. Guests were Joe and Agnes Prazak. Dorothy Chismar and Chet. Sue and Matt Grifcely. John and Vivian Steele, Rich and Judy Janczak. Jesse and Bob Matthews. Donna and Ray Rode, John and Polly Licastro. Shirley and Max Koch, Walther and Inge Pissowotski. Dorothy Glorch, Tee and Ray Bu- HERE'S EVERYTHING YOUNG "FELLAS" WAN' A LOAFER V elasticized top-line for perfect fit V modified tapered toe lor smartness V durable "EXTRAUTE" soles with light appearance and extra wear! V Step Master quality construction! V budget priced! A Typical ROBIN HOOD Value at $6.99 LORED SLIP-ON FOR PRE-TEENS by Tailored in styling ... distinctively simple and so-o-o-o dressy. Tailored in fashion-right black Nylon velvet (yummy new colors) --and tailored to fit your shoe budget in price, tool injury at 8:30 Thursday evening, when her" car crashed through the front of Kleinhans Lumber Co. building. Ruth was driving west on 120 when a child on a bike in the middle of the highway caused her to swerve off the road. When her car hit the loose gravel it went out of control and went right over Kleinhans' foundation and into the office. The car is badly damaged, but fortunately Ruth came out of it with only a splintered bone and a bad bruise. The same day Danny Levand was swimming in the middle of the lake. He dove from a boat and struck his head. He was unconscious when his friend. Herman Freeman, pulled him into the boat. This must serve as a warning to all the children who will be swimming these next two weeks before school starts. This same situation was fatal to a young boy this year. Parents. advise your crildren to exercise every caution, especially in the boats. Happy Birthday Belaid birthday wishes go to Lucia (Peachie) Pogany who was 8 years old on Aug. 24. She celebrated the twentyfifth with four of her friends: Jan Steadmen, Mary Therese Schmit, Janet Hose and Nany Wright. The girls enjoyed home made pizza from the fabulous Pogany kitchens. So Long That's it for this week. Please remember to call 385- 5287 if you have any news. Our most abundant surplus crop seems to be wild oats. Spring Grove LITTLE LEAGUERS ENTERTAINED AT SPAGHETTI DINNER Eva Freund All the boys in the teams of •he Little League enjoyed a spaghetti dinner on Wednesday night. The Colts won first place and were presented an award. Richie McGovern was the recipient of a brand new pair of shoes. Clubs The birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Hattie Harms on Monday afternoon. Winners in the games of five hundred were Mrs. Tillie May, Mi's. Myrtle Siedschlag, Mrs. Mame Tinney and Mrs. Frances Mc- Nally. A lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Minnie Pierce entertained members of her club af her home on Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded Frankie Shotliff, Clara Dein* lien, Minnie Pierce. Nora Miller and Tillie May. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. New Assistant at St. Peter's Rev. Thomas Monohan who has been at St. Peter's the past two years has been transferred to St. Patrick's in Rockford. He was fhe leader of the Cath- .olic Youth Group and will be missed by all the young people as well as all parishioners of St. Peter's. Rev. Robert Hoffman, newly ordained will be the new assistant. Girl Scouts May Register New registrations will be accepted on Monday, Sept. 10, at 3 p.m. at the fire house. At this same time and places Troop 519 will s'art their meetings for the season. If any further information is desired, please contact Mrs. Lolly Class - Phone: Richmond 5174. Vacationers Those who are galavatin' around this week are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Robers, Mr. and Mrs. Ed May. Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred May. They've been drivi n g a r o u n d W i s c o n s i n a n d Michigan. Baseball The big game of the season was when the dads and moms of the Little Leaguers had a game last Saturday night. The dads won but it was a close score, The girls had some help from several of 'he men who came dressed in ladies' ap- . NOTICE.; Bids for snow removal «hcmld be in the hands of Village Clerk before next meeting, Sept. 10, 1962. IRMA GUENfHER Village Clerk, Village of Sunnyside (Pub. August 23-30, 1962) The earliest earthquake recorded in U. S. was at Providence, Rhode Island, in 1568, by Roger Williams^ • Clearwater, Florida, claims that 15 out of each 100 visitors stay, or return later, to make their home in that area. parel. It was great fun and of course the party afterwards is always the best part of it. BOYS' SPECIALS ALL WASHABLE SLACKS Cotton - Corduroy - Wool S2M '398 Sizes 3-16 Also Available -- Slims and Huskies Rive/aide Retoif Out NO HIGH PRESSURE V LOW FWEST END OF OLD BRIDGE IN McHENRY here is no more practical time than now to introduce your family to the pleasures of Cadillac ownership. Durable Back-To-School Shoes HOES 1246 N. Green Si. Ph. 385-2027 Visit Your Local Authorized aaacary OVERTON CAD ILLAC-- PONTI AC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET • PHONE 885-6000 I^AJhat f^art 2)o^j .Savings an d csCoan Piay in Our American £ conomy. Billions of dollars annually in financing are provided by Insured Savings and Loans Associations to build new homes. This money pays all kinds of construction workers . . . makes business for the builders, the building materials dealers, the hardware dealer. It creates jobs in hundreds of factories which manufacture materials such as glass, hardware, appliances . . . and for those who supplly raw materials. Dollars put into savings accounts at Insured Savings and Loan Associations benefit the entire American economy. Savings and Loan dollars make jobs for many! SAVINGS INVESTMENTS BY ONE OF EVERY SIX AMERICANS WAS PROTECTED BY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION AT YEAR END -- 1961. These Insured Institutions held in trust total savings of $67,323,000,000 for 29,913,000 Investors . . . about one out of every six persons in the United States. ^1^2% Per Annum On Investment Accounts 474% Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 West Elm Phone 385-3000 McHenry. 111.

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