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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen •••• Yl* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September & 1962 £istakee Highlands MOUNT HOPE f>ASTOR RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP Hazel Mortey HVntt 7-S320 Kay Sicllsch HYatt 7-3414 Rev. Stu Smith of Mount Hope church applied for and received a scholarship at the University of Illinois. He will be gone all this week studying Christian Life. Therese Lynn and David Ellis Merkley, children of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Merkley, were baptized on Aug. 26. New members were also received into the membership. They were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Merkley and Mrs. Nancy Earnings. The next W.S.C.S. meeting will be on Sept. 11 at the church. Hostesses will be Delores Oakley and Dorothy Erbin. WfIcoino Daughter Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ketterman who welcomed a baby girl on Aug. 25 at the McHenry hospital. The baby weighs 7 lbs., Vu oz. and will answer to the name of Diane. Here and There Happy anniversary to Bob and Lorraine Hurckes who celebrated 13 years of married life on Au<?. 27. Billy Jones and her three children and Ann Warner and her three girls returned from a five day trip to Du'uth. Minn. They visited Ann's mother and other relatives and Billy's aunts and uncles in Duluth and Bennett. Wis. They came home loaded with homemade noodles, chickens, apples for pies and fish from Canada. Carl and Blanche Haefliger ^re back home after vacationing in New York, Washington. Baltimore and at their son's home in Chesapeake Bay. . Betty and Milt Sandelin had a family picnic over the Labor Day holiday. Jack ^nd Kay Reilly and family were guests last Sunday at the home of Val and Joe Gitlin in Woodstock. Ted Wroblewski returned to work after a two week vacation. Lois Mason and kiddies and Tom's cousin, Martha, spent last Monday at an amusement park near Chicago. The George Van Zeverns have returned from a month's trip out west. They visited Getirge's brother in California. Young Georgie kept his bey friends posted of their travels with picture post cards from various points. Mrs. Mary Sluga has returned to her home in Independence, Wis., after spending two weeks in the Highlands with her son. Roy, and family. Little Jackie Zilligen had a party with her friends in honor of her fourth birthday. Linda Ullo returned to school on Sept. 1. She is attending St. Francis Convent in ttockford. t rtank and Ked Sikora had a houseful last Sunday when Hank's two sisters and their families, Red's sister and her family and Red's girl friend and her family all dropped in. in all there were twenty-eight people. If weather permits your reporter, Hazel, and family along w i t h D i c k i e ' s b o y f r i e n d . Richie Zabski from Fox Lake, will go camping this coming Labor Day weekend. We wil! leave early Sunday morning and return Monday. That's if my weary bones arc able to navigate alter the dance Saturday night. Mourn Death of Senior Citjzen Our deepest sympathy to the Mullally family on the recent death of the husband and father, Thomas J. Mullally. Tom was stricken with a heart attack Aug. 25 and was rushed to the McHenry hospital via Johnsburg resecue squad. Tom passed away Sunday morning. Aug. 26. The Mullallys have resided in the Highlands for the' past several years and their many friends and neighbors will miss him very much. Tom was 74 at the time of his death and leaves his wife, Mar garette, a daughter, M r s, Marie Ivin, and a son, Walter, and three grandchildren. Requiem High Mass was sung for Tom, Aug. 29, at St. Gall's church in Chicago. He was laid to rest in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Tom was a member of the San Salvatore Knights of Columbus. The Mullallys at tend St. Peter's church in Spring Grove. Birthdays and Anniversaries A very special birthday wish goes to Kay's mother, Helena Barry, who will celebrate her birthday Sept. 13. Many happy returns of the day Mom. Also happy birthday to Hazel's Mom on Sept. 12. Belated birthday wishes go to Wayne Heir who celebrated his thirteenth birthday. Aug. 24, and to his little brother, David, who was six years old Aug. 11. Best wishes go to Marie Schlick who adds a year to her busy life Sept. 20. Edna Perschke, Sept. 18. Two couples will celebrate their wedding anniversaries. A wonderful couple Reverend Stewart and Florence Smith will add another milestone tc their happy marriaee Sept. 18 To Mike and Stephanie Contra who will celebrate Sept. 17 the Contras have lived here many years and enjoy a wide group of friends. News of Your Friends and Neighbors We wish to correct an error in last week's column. The Leo Orlowskis were married 48 years not 28 years. Sorry folks it was an error. Aug. 25 Gloria Reinhardt entered the McHenry hospital for observation and tests. We are happy to report she will be fine and home soon. Kay and Wally Sielisch have spent the last two weekends in Downers Grove with Wally'? brother and wife. The four of them have been busy getting their mother's affairs cleared up and closing her home. Aue:. 26, joe and Liesel Hanisch enjoyed a visit from Joe's uncle Oscar and aunt Ida Hanisch. and Oscar's son, Gary, and wife and three children. Oscar lives in Chicago and Gary lives in Berkley, 111. It was their first visit to the Highlands and they enjoyed the scenery and movies Of Germany shown by Joe. Reb and Barb Sisk and family just returned from Lake Ozark in Missouri, where they enjoyed a delightful week's vacation. Twenty-one members of the Novotny family and former n e i g h b o r s g a t h e r e d a t t h e home of Irene and Joe Novotny Aug. 26 armed with food and gifts so Irene did not have to cook and could just enjoy the day with her family. The three sons and their families, Joseph of New York, George and his wife and sons from Lft- Grange Park, and Ray, Dolly and sons of the Highlands, their daughter. Mim, and her son, David, from DeKalb and their former neighbors, the Dobes, and their two children and a friend of their son from Berwyn gave Irene a birthday he will never forget. Irene and Joe will have a house tull of company for Labor Day weekend. Dick and Mary Lou Sabielny had a house full of their relatives last Saturday and Sunday to celebrate their son, Danny's third birthday. Danny thinks it is Christmas because he received so many gifts. Aug. 26 Dick and Dorothy Orlowski entertained the members of the color guard from Post 703 and their families after the color guard had made the flag presentation and dedication to the Pistakee Highlands community center. The twenty minute ceremony was very impressive and very well done. We now have a beauti- Lilymoor INCORPORATION DISCUSSED AT MONTHLY MEETING Shirley Schuerr The next monthly meeting of the Lilym&or association will be held Tuesday, Sept. 11, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor. It will start a half hour earlier this month, at 7:30 p.m. After the regular meeting there will be two guests speake r s f r o m L a k e m o o r , J o h n Bonder and Harry Brady. They ful flagpole and flag flying at the center. Bruce and Carol Petherick are busy preparing to move back to Crystal Lake, Mich. Theyf expect to be moved the first part of Sept. Bruce, who had been employed in Waukegan, will take over his Dad's duties in his store. The Pethericks will be happy to be back near their family and the children will love being near their grandparents on both sides. Aug. 24, Joan Zilligen and children, Terry Ozminski and children and Mary Seldon and children enjoyed a day at Pell Lake, Wis., after a day of swimming they all came back to Joan's house for ice cream and Cake. Aug. 26, the Zilligen clan from Park Forest and the Highlands, gathered at Dick's grandparents' cottage in Lake Geneva for a day of fun and to help Jackie celebrate her birthday. Thanks to Bob and Marilyn VanZevern all the Scouts got to attend the baseball game in Cubs park Aug. 25. There were two cars short and at the last minute they were called as alw a y s t h e V a n Z e v e m s w e r e right there to lend a hand. It is a wonderful thing to have folks like them in our community who are always willing to help with the children. A few fathers from this area attended the Marian Central high school Fathers club meeting Aug. 28. The meeting was held at the school cafeteria at 8:15 p.m. Walter Messel has been enjoying a month's vaca ti o n from his job. He's been fishing, working around the house and enjoying his family. will discuss with the people, the advantages and disadvanV tages of incorporating with Lakemoor. If you are interested in the discussion please attend. But please remember this a discussion not a free for all. Auxiliary News The next monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary will be held the second Monday of September due to the holiday. It will be held Monday, Sept. 10, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. At this meeting nominations for the offices of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer will take place. So ladies if you have anyone you>want to nominate for any office here is your chance. Election of officers will take place at the October meeting. Hostesses for the September meeting are Marge Polinski, Sally Rogers and Shirley Schuerr. That's It For another week. We hope your holiday was a happy one. Bye now, see you next week. Girl Scouts Girl Scout Troop 309 and Brownie Troop 267 will meet on Thursday afternoons at the little white schoolhouse. As of vet the starting date lias not been announced. The giris will be notified by their troop leaders Leona Fantus and Diane Fuhler. They will take in new Brownies into the troop that are in third and fourth grade. Those girls who are in second <jrade and wish to join the Rrownies may join the troop in lakemoor. For more information please contact Leona Fantus at 3R5-5.C>41 or Diane Fuhler at 385-5371, they will give you all the information on joining either Brownie troop Get Well Wishes go to Paul Rathke who is in Hines Veteran hospital in Maywood, 111. Get well wishes go to Harry Neumann's aunt, Mrs. Edward Piatt, who was taken to the hospital suddenly. To you both we wish you' a speedy recovery. Belated Birthday Greetings go to Ida Legge. Tda celebrated her big day Wednesday, Aug. 22. Related ereetings also go to Sharon Neumann who celebrated her eighth birthday Friday, Aug. 31. Birthday Greetings go to Leona Fantus. I^jona celebrated her big day Monday, Sept. 3. Greet ings also go to Liane LoPresti who celebrated her fifth birthday Wednesday, Sept. 5. Greetings also go to Skipper Schuerr. Skipper is celebrating his sixteenth birthday today. Still more greetings go to Eunice Tobey who will celebrate her big day tomorrow Friday, Sept. 7. To each of you we say many happy returns. Anniversary Greetings go to Steve and Lil Wijas who celebrated their wedding anniversary Thursday, Aug. 30. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more together. Guests Harry and Lil Neumann's guests were Harry's cousins, Pete and Jim Chrisos of Chicago. Vacations Herb and Leona Fantus and children, Jim, Judy, Steve and Bill, enjoyed two arid a half weeks visiting Herb's mother, Mrs, Lillian Fantus, his brothers, Bernard and Dr. Robert Fantus, and families of San Francisco, Calif. They also enjoyed the different interesting sights at Yellowstone Park. All had a very good time on their vacation. A1 and Pearle Stineman enjoyed sixteen days camping and taking in the different interesting sights of northern Wisconsin and Minne a p o 1 i s. While in Wisconsin they enjoyed a boat ride around the different islands. Lawrence and ShMey Schuerr and children. Skipper, Bill. Kennith, Mary and Richard, enioved a nine day vacation seeing the sights of the states of Kentucky, Tennessee. Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Thev also visited with Shirley's uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ufferman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gladden, of Birmingham, Ala. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tresler of North Orlando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr spent two days visiting relatives and friends in Chicago Tnd visiting Mrs. Schuerr's brother and sister, Pete and A_gnes Wiorek, of Knox, Ind. The history of wars are always written by the victors. Therefore, the losers are always the agressors. Ringwood ^ SCHOOLS OPEN AGAIN SO WATCH OUT FOR CHILDREN Lor Brennaa - W.L. 2045 For the first time in a few months, we saw the old familiar parade of youngsters on bikes and on foot accompanied by their parents to register for school. The bells started ringing out on Tuesday for a full day session. A warning to drivers to be especially careful is now in order. Sometimes these future citizens forget to watch, let's not forget, we'd lite to keep them around for a "long time. MYF News The MYF met at the Ringwood church on Aug. 26 with Donna Low giving a report on Reynolds Wood Camp and passed out other information for the MYFers. The next meeting o£ the group was held Sept. 2 at Spring Grove. Local Tnrzan Falls Ffrom Tree Ray Low took quite a fall from a tree in town last Wedn e s d a y n f t e r n o o n , b r e a k i n g both trms. Tree climbing proved to be something better left for Tar7an. Roy is recuperating at home and will be able to sit in on his classes at school. I'm sure all hope he recovers soon and is back playing. Returns from Florida Miss Pat Hogan and Miss Gail Marquart of McHenry returned home from their fun filled vacation in Florida. They will be returning to their busy schedules of personal appearances. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, Mike and Harry spent Saturday at the Elkhorn Fair. Mrs. Shirley Woodward and son, Timmy, of Madison, Wis., have been spending a couple of weeks in the home of her parents, the L. E. Hawleys. Callers in the L. !£. Hawley home on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Shirley Woodward and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers on Johnny Woodward, Jr., in Great Lakes where he is a patient. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. IT'S TIME FOR A BIG SHOWDOWN McHENRY! AUCTION Located on the Chardon Farm No. 2. 5 miles Northwest of Mundelein, 111. 4 miles Northeast of Wauconda 2 miles North of Route No. 176, on the Volo-Gilmer Rd„ on' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th Commencing: at 1:00 o'clock CATTLE -- 20 head of yearling cattle. PIGS -- 25 Feeder Pigs SHEEP & GOATS -- 14 registered ewes, 1 ram, 4 Neubian Goats. HORSES -- 2 Appaloosa Registered Yearling Colts, 2 Mares in foal; 1 Brown Stud Pony. TRUCK -- Ford, 1V2 ton truck with flat bed. TRACTOR & FARM MACHINERY -- Ford tractor w/sidemounted mower, plow, cult., 3-pt. hitch box carry-all & tractor chains & 8 ft. rear blade; MH 3-pt. hitch 4 row corn planter; 40 ft. elevator w/motor; J.D. 8 ft. disc; Danco PTO mower, 4-sec. drag, J.D. tractor spreader; rubber-tired wagon w/flare box; side delivery rake; PTO seeder; corn binder; roto tiller, Gravely 72 in. gang-cut mower; chain saw; pony cart & harness; saddle; chain hoist; 2 elec: motors; tires gates log chains, wire, barrels* tanks, and many other' articles too numerous to mention. JOHN WACHS, Owner Robers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORP.. Clerk I'nion Grove, Wis. Phone 878-21?! IT'S A PRICE SH0VD0WN ON 1962 VALIANTS! Drop in to our showroom and let us show you how a Valiant with the optional "225" engine fared against bigger, more powerful cars during the "Showdown at Riverside" in California. And, let us give you our showdown on price and value. Our cards are on the table now and our prices are slashed to clear out all '62 models. You'd,better hurry! See your PLYMOUTH-VALIANT Dealer today! A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. 2508 West Route 120, McHenry Roy Harrison and JLoren were visitors in Hebron and Woodstock. Bruce Bremmer of Lake Zurich was a caller in the Mrs. N e l l i e H e p b u r n h o m e o n Thursday. . John Woodward and son, Louis, of Madison, Wis., were overnight visitors in the L. E. Hawley home on Wednesday. A visitor in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Tuesday was, Mrs. G. Eckburg of Pecatonica, 111. Mrs. Roy Harrison, along with a group of ladies from Woodstock was a luncheon guest near Genoa. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund on Tuesday. Mrs. James Wegener and son, Freddy, and Mrs. Helen Winn of Richmond were Waukegan callers on Thursday. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. James Schmitt called in the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brenrian. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Miss Huff have been on a week's trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Winn were callers in the Bob Brennan horn# on Monday evening. Due to the early deadline; for the columns this week, this will be a short column for I Ringwood. Bye for now, and I; hope you are all with us next! week again. ' TREE PESTS Webworms, which feed on more-than 100 fruit trees, woodland trees and ornamental plants, seen) to be more prevalent this year than usual. Presence of the pest is indicated by loosely woven webs, dirty white in color, enclosing the ends of the host plants' branches. One-inch long caterpillars feed on the leaves inside the webs. Control measures should be used as soon as the webs are noticed; in less severe infestations the web may be removed more easily by hand than by spraying. If severe, infested plants should be sprayed with two pounds of 50 per cent Wettable DDT powder or with three pounds of lead arsenate per 100 gallons of water. SHOP « McHENRY McHENRY JAYCEES ON THE VILLAGE GREEN (City Park) Sept. 16, 1962 -- 12-3 p.m. DUTCH CMILL CANDIES 1260 N. Green St. RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of the SKYLINE DRIVE-IN 1018 West Lincoln Road PHONE 385-2436 AT STUD . . . Becker's "Smokey," son of field champion, Imperial Bob V. Becker. "Smokey" is the sire of numerous field trial winners, namely Becker's Julie, Becker's Gal and Becker's Lady. Also some trained hunting dogs and partly trained dogs for sale. BOARDsNG . . . Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving German short-hair pointer puppies available TAKES H0U> m WUM K No other low priced tractor tire gives a deeper center bite.. [ No other tractor tire gives so much for so low a price Be sure to check the condition of your tractor tires before this fall. NYLON -- BLACKWALL CHAMPIONS iiiTs priced from... 1*>95IB-70"1S JLrai Tubeless 6.70-15 Tube Type I495 Add $3 for Whitewalls All Prices Plus Tax ALL SIZES comparably LOW PRICED Available with black or white type or tubeleu Nov/s The Time To Trade Tires BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 to $5 on your old battery. Complete CALL U S . . . FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 883-0294 McHenry, 10.

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