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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1962, p. 3

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4 Thursday, September S, 1982 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER --Jf^erAonais --* Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes of Chicago and Clarence Whiting of Elgin were guests of Mrs. Edith Hayes Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the Labor Day weekend in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh of Fox Lake were visitors in the Alfons Adams home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda have returned from a trip to Collegeville, Minn., where they attended a reunion of the classes from 1920 to 1930 of St. John's University, held on Aug. 24, 25 and 26. Mr. Yanda, who graduated from that school in 1926, had the pleasure of renewing acquaintance with class mates he had not seen for manyyears. Enroute home they spent some time with relatives in Cloquet, Minn., and Minong, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Conway and son, Mike, vacationed in northern Wisconsin over the " Labor Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kimmel of Elgin were visitors in the home of Mrs. Walter Walsh Sunday evening. Included among out-of-town folks here to attend the wake or funeral of Miss Marion Mc- Omber last week were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frofelich of Wood Dale, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Watson of Glen Ellyn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. George Waldron, Mis» Helen Flynn, Miss Florence Butler, Chicago, Mrs. Ida Quinlan and Mrs. Clara Schofield, Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. George Brower of Indianapolis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damen last weekend and enjoyed a picnic in Joliet on Saturday. Among the out-of-town folks who called on Mrs. Mary Mc- Cabe at the Villa Rest Home during the past week, to extend congratulations for her birthday which fell on Aug. 29. were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence, of Chicago, Mrs. Lucy McDonald, daughter and granddaughter of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans of Woodstock. Mrs. Alfons Adams, daughters Joan and Joyce, and Robert Bartelt attended a gathering at the Kenneth Murray home in Mundelein Sunday, honoring their neices, Joyce Adams and Pamela Walsh, of Fox Lake, who are leaving soon to enter their freshman year at Loyola university, Chicago, and Whitewater College Whitewater, Wis., respectively. Mrs. Robert Saelens and family of St. Charles and John Aylward of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt were in Aurora Sunday where they visited Mrs. Thelen's and Mr. Schmitt's sister, Mrs. Nick Bertrang, and also called on Mrs. Schmitt's sister, Sr. Edulfa at St. Nicholas parish. Miss Eva Williams and brother, Martin, of Chicago, visited McHenry relatives Tuesday of last week. Clarence Whiting of Elgin spent a few days last week with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gies have returned from a two weeks trip to New York City where they accompanied his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Risch, to Idlewild airport where they boarded a plane for their home in Luxemburg, Ger- PAST WORTHY MATRONS, PATRONS GUEST OFFICERS At a recent meeting of McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, past worthy matrons and past worthy patrons honored guests and acted as officers for the evening. Worthy Matron Anita Hanson and Worthy Patron Harry Hanson were hosts and welcomed the following as officers: Worthy Matron, Betty Krickl; worthy patron, George Krickl; associate matron, Minnie Martin; associate patron, Duane Overton; conductress, Elsie Rieker; associate conductress, Harriet Dodd; secretary, Katie Harrison; treasurer, Eva Eppel; chaplain, Mabel Johnson; marshal, Delia Kennard; organist, Phyllis Nimtz; Ada, Lulu Klontz; Ruth Florence Larsen; Esther, Frances Vycital; Martha, Elsie Hoppe; Electa, Ethel Holly; warder, Ray Horenberger. Pr.; sentinel, Roy Dodd; flag bearer, Lisle Basset t. Barbara Krickl, a member, was soloist. Past matrons and past patrons of McHenry chapter not holding office but present for the evening were George Johnson of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. William Hoeft of Des Plaines. Other past officers who were escorted and introduced were from Chicago, Harvard, Wauconda, Crystal Lake and Woodstock. Marge Klingberg, a past worthy matron of McHenry chapter, was escorted, introduced and seated in the East as Mrs. Krickl's guest of honor. As this was the Krickl's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, they were extended many good wishes. Appropriate songs were sung to them by their daughter, Barbara, who also sang to the other guests in the East. Refreshments were served and decorations were in keeping with the twenty-fifth anniversary. McHenry chapter will hold Advance Officers' Night on Sept. 25, with, Sister Stella Chambers and Brother Cliff Chambers in the East. . In October, the chapter will sponsor an evening's entertainment given by Ann Varese in McHenry high school auditorium. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards. Prayers and. many, kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulrtess will always be remembered. John Dreymiller *9-6-62 IT PATS TO ADVERTISE many, after a visit in the Peter Gies home. After leaving New York they visited Niagara Falls and motored through Canada and enroute home they visited John Bolger in Harrisburg, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Freund in Worthington, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Ayre of Hesperia, Mich., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damen. Mrs. Ayre and Lillian Olson of Island Lake are sisters of Mrs. Damen. Earlier in the week Mrs. Damen surprised Mrs. Ayre at a birthday party. The Ayres are driving to upper Wisconsin, Minnesota and Lake Superior, and hope to be back home in Hesperia by the middle of the week. Wherever the boys are... you'll find a gal with Robinettes! On campus or off, these sporty Robinettes will catch the fellows* eyes. They're soft as a breeze, with comfort to match... the touch of a gay buckle adds to their sportiness. If you like crowds (of boys, that is) you'll loye these dashing Robinettes. $6.99 Many Other Styles and Colors To Choose From ROTH .1246 N. Green Si. SHOES Phone 385-2027 September 8 Rummage Sale--A-OK Instrument Co., 913 N. Front st., McHenry -- Benefit Viscounts Drum and Bugle Corps. September 11 St. Patrick's Mothers' Club First Meeting of Season -- 3 p.m. -- Refresh m e n t s -- Prizes. September 12 McHenry Woman's Club Fall Luncheon -- Noon -- Shady Lane, Marengo -- Presentation by Ann and Leora Varese. September IS High School P.T.A. First Meeting of Season -- 8:15 p.m. -- High School Cafeteria. September 15 Pistakee Terrace Women's A u x i l i a r y R u m m a g e S a l e -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- 1015 W. Elder St., Pistakee Terrace. September 16 J a y c e e s o n t h e V i l l a g e Green -- Noon to 3 p.m. Knights of Columbus Pot- Luck Dinner -- K. of C. Hall -- 3 to 7 p.m. September 18 McHenry Township Republican Women's Club Membership Picnic -- Chuck Miller Residence. September 19 Dessert Luncheon and Card Party -- Social Hall, Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West -- 1 p.m. Roast Beef Dinner -- Community Methodist Church -- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Honoring Larry Thomas. September 22 La k e l a n d P a r k B a s e b a l l Club Dance -- Legion Home -- 9 p.m. September 26 Lecture Luncheon Club -- McHenry Country Club -- Noon -- Dr. C 1 e o Dawson, Guest. September 39 "Good Time" Party and Dance -- V.F.W. Clubhouse, McHenry -- Sponsored by McHenry Shores Club. Use The Classifieds McHenry Hospital Among patients confined to McHenry hospital this past week were Joseph Simon, Guy Garn, Eugenia Tucker, Donald Rosing, Perry Walker, Judith S c h m i t t , M i c h e l e C o o p e r , Charis Ary, John Convery, James Mars. William Roberts, Linda Larson, Ethan LeRoy Lowry, Karen Nicholas, Bernard Matchen, Betty Charles, Charles Stout and Ruth Borchardt of McHenry; Elizabeth Bieneman of Spring Grove and Pearl Bough of Island Lake. Memorial Hospital Patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, tliis past week included Vicki McCall, Alma Davis, Charlotte Kulisch, Baby Dennis Marley and Elizabeth Holmes of Wonder Lake; Harriett Johnston, Pamela Knutson, Margaret Moore and Lola Schiller of McHenry; and Wilma Hoffman of Ringwood. Harvard Hospital William Dumalski of McHenry has been a patient In Harvard hospital this past week. MARRIAGE LICENSES James S. McGee. Bensenville, and Barbara Wolf, McHenry. Angelo F. Budasi and Andrea M. Morris, Crystal Lake. Frank Krumwiede, McHenry, and Carole Steinhorst. Woodstock. Roger Grayman and Judith Schuler, Wonder Lake. Siegfried Tietjen and Dorothy Kerns, McHenry. Howard D. Mortimer, Crystal Lake, and Rosemary Felicetti, McHenry. John Brzenk, Wonder Lake, and Nancy Colby, McHenry. Geoffrey S. Moss, McHenry, and Karen L. Thompson, Ingleside. Kevin Michael, McHenry, and Mary Halm, Crystal Lake. John Ahrens, McHenry, and Barbara Sullivan, Prairie View. WATCH FOR THE FREE PIG NEXT WEEK AT . . . COUNTY T.V. S41S W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 885-4020 FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREAS Completion of the large new parking lot in the Green Street Shopping area has brought a new era of shopping convenience to the shoppers of the McHenry area. Any store in the area can be reached by only a short walk from the Convenient FREE lot located to the rear of the stores on the East side of the street. The construction of the lot marks the result of fine co-operation between the merchants in the area of Green Street and the City of McHenry. This parking area came into being because the business men recognized the need of a free parking area and contributed the funds necessary to secure the land on which the lot is located. A great deal of credit must be given to the city council of the City of McHenry for their excellent co-operation and willingness to provide parking free of cost to the people of McHenry and the surrounding area. Special mention should be made of Mayor Donald P. Doherty and Superintendent Fred Meyer for their efforts in bringing this facility into being. With the completion of this parking lot, McHenry has become one of the best shopping areas in the area. Free parking is now available along with a variety of kinds and types of stores which are able to meet nearly every shoppers needs. Because of low property investments and rents, the merchants in the area are able to keep prices at a minimum for your benefit. Use the Green Street Parking Areas. They are for your benefit to save you time, money and effort. A Public Service Feature of your Ben Franklin Store -- Adv. -- Page Thre« NANCY COLBY IS MARRIED TO WONDER LAKE MAN Miss Nancy Diane Colby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora N. Colby of McHenry, became the bride of Mr. John W. Brzenk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brzenk of Wonder Lake, in a quiet service which took place Sept. 1 in Algonquin. The young people were attended by Miss Christine Szczupak and Richard Mercure, friends. A dinner for the bridal, party followed the service. The bride is a 1962 graduate of McHenry high school and is employed as an IBM operator at the Oaks Manufacturing Co. in Crystal Lake. The groom graduated in 1958 from Tilden Tech in Chicago and is employed as a printer in Crystal Lake. sj ADULT COURSES The Adult Education division of the Barring ton public schools is offering new courses this year, including a travel adventure film series, new college extension courses and a new discussion class, "The Layman. Looks at Local and State Government". Registra- i lion will take place Sept. 19, j 20 and 21 at 7:30 in the high I school lobby in that city. OBITUARIES GERTRUDE CHAPPEIJL Services were held Saturday from the Wauconda funeral home fpr Mrs. Gertrude M. Chappell, 75, of Briar Court, Island Lake, who died Aug. 30 at her home following a year of poor health. She had lived in that area for seventeen years. Survivors include her husband, Albert; two daughters, Ruby Mackenzie and Margaret Burkrey, both of Chicago. A second service for Mrs. Chappell was held from the Drake funeral home in Chicago Tuesday morning. Burial was in Fairmount cemetery, Willow Springs. MARGARET MOORE Margaret J. Moore, 92, mother of Mrs. E. G. Siemon of Shalimar subdivision, McHenry, died Tuesday morning, Sept. 4, in Memorial hospital. She had resided in the Siemon home for about fifteen years. Mrs. Moore was bom Oct. 31, 1869, in Ireland. The body was taken to the Peter M. Just en & Son funeral home and then sent to Now Haven, Conn., for services and burial. Many people couldn't live on their wages, if they were paid according to their abilities. LAURA ENfiELN JFuneral services were conducted Wednesday from the Schneider-I^eucht funeral home in Woodstock for Laura B. Engeln, 83. of 410 N. Hoy street, who formerly made her home in McHenry. She died Sunday evening, Sept. 2, in her home. Rev. Clarence Kerr officiat- Mr. and Mrs. Winn C. Davidson of Chicago are the parents of a son, born at Passavant Memorial hospital on Aug. 30. The little fellow weighed in at 6 lbs., 15^ ozs. and has been named Craig William. Besides his parents, he has a ed at last rites, followed by burial in McHenry. She was born Dec. 16, 1878, in Chicago, daughter of William and Minnie Holtz, and later made her home in this area. In 1917, she moved from McHenry to Woodstock. Her husband, Peter G. Englen, survives. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Holl i s t e r , o f W o o d s t o c k ; f o u r grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. year-old sister, Laurie Ann, awaiting his arrival home; Mrs. Davidson is the former- Barbara "Bambi" Marticke of McHenry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Marticke' of McHenry and Mrs. Harry Davidson of Wonder Lake. McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Thennes welcomed a son on Sept. 1. A girl was born Sept. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vecchi of McHenry. A daughter was born Sept. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lund of McHenry, are parents of a daughter. Mar go Elizabeth, born Aug. 3L A daughter was born Sept. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. William Nimsgern of McHenry. -Announcement. . . WALLY has now joined the staff at Judy's Beauty Shop and invites his friends to visit him at his new location. BEAUTY J SHOP (Formerly Jen's Beauty Shop) East Route 120 385-0322 (Closed on Mondays) Evenings -- By Appointment Only harm NOW OPEN for ENROLLMENT Jeintaiu DAY NURSERY COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping Half or Full Day Sessions Available by the Day, Week or Month. • 6 Acres of Playground with Slides, Swing, Merry- Go-Round, etc. • Chickens, Duck, Pheasants and Lambs for the Kids to Feed and Play With • Story Telling, Reading and Inside Play • Hot Meals -- Morning and Afternoon Snacks • Napping Facilities • An Opportunity for Your Child to Play with and Get Along with Others. * Call 385-2499 for Daily and Weekly Rates You Can Afford State Licensed Located M mile Soatb of McHenry on the old Crystal Lake Black Top Bead Special Subscription Offer For College Students SEND YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER away at college, their home town newspaper, THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER. Think of the pleasure it will give them keeping up with home town activities; news and pictures of relatives, friends and neighbors! This offer expires soon. So do it today and save on the regular subscription rate. Next Bejst To A Letter From Home ... Is Your McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sent To Your Boy Or Girl Attending College. Gentlemen: | Enclosed find $3.00 subscription to start immediately and continue to June 1, 1963. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION TO: Name Address City & State SENT BY: Name Address : Remittance Must be Enclosed with Order Special Offer Price *3.00 To College Students for 9 Months Subscription to Start Immediately and Continue to June 1, 1963 SAVE $1.25 ON THIS OFFER CLIP THIS COUPON AND MAIL TODAY McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry

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