Si;r X^epend Qtv-Jewel'Fm/Quafity Fvodt / T^epenct On-Jex*^ Fw Qua&ty FvotUf ^^^T^sp&td OajewetFo*/Qua£tfy FooeUt JEWEL IS DELIGHTED TO BRING YOU-- " u^irw^v*,\nk&K ure for Years to Come "Wonders of the ANIMAL KINGDOM" will help to develop your children's appreciation for nature's wonderful world of fascinating forms that live in our world. You'll find this magnificent album a work of authority, cheated by a leading zoologist and four outstanding artists. There are 420 brilliantly-colored, easy-to-apply pictures. Your children can paste them in the album while learning about the wonders of the animal kingdom.. m tfrndSiotu PACKETS No. 2 & No. 3 of 20 pictures each ARE NOW ON SALE AT 15c EACH! OFFER SUBJECT TO STATE AND LOCAL TAXES DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE 8 to 12 lb. and 18 to 20 lb. USE THIS COUPON! Bring this coupon to Jewel on this week's shopping trip. You'll receive the Album and Packet No. 1 of 20 pictures absolutely FREE I There are 21 packets of pictures in the entire collection--each packet contains 20 beautifullycolored pictures. Jewel will offer 3 NEW PACK* ETS of pictures EACH WEEK. A valuable coupon in our weekly advertisements will make ONE of these packets FREE, and the other two will cost only 15c each. COUPON TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR JEWEL FOOD STORE AND RECEIVE CD EE Picture Album & • 1%C E Packet NUMBER ONE Coupon Good Through Saturday. September 22,1962--ONLY LIMIT ONE COUPON PFP riiCTr»Aici> . x- h: h Start The Da^ Get a head start on good health every morning with Whole Son Orange Juice! This pure fresh unsweetened juice is squeezed from oranges rich in natural vitamins and burst,ng with sunn drenched fruit juice flavor! Whole Sun FROZEN b . Orange Juice 6 oz. can pnmeW»»s Bartlet '•JJ* 2 lbs. 2 Crisp n Snappy Apples! Crackling, snappy apples are a sure 41b. poly 1-AINV.Y MILMICJAN Mcintosh Apples Easy To Fix! sign of fall! Up in the finest apple growing area of Michigan, where it's already cool and the temperature is right for producing juicy, firm apples -- they've selected the fanciest Mcintosh Apples for Jewel and You! Buy a bagful today! FANCY MICHIGAN IWHI V.V ! v>vJeW& . *°ft/ 'no-Ply tissue in lovely pastel m shades and white, plus this wonderful S Jm?j ad,d up ,0 a sPec'a' value IS indeed I Today, add a decorator touch to your bathroom with whatever color tissue 3 you choose I - Northern S WHITE OR &: ASSORTED COtORS .. Tent)er, plump kernels of sun- In 'neiu°°,'1e'r own crean> -- you'll ove his tasty sweet flavored vegetable a Jewel s special price this week. I?s so easy todayr1 °pen and heat- Pick op yours CHERRY' VALLEY GRAPE DRINK REG. PRICE 3/$ 1.00 Welchade EARLY GARDEN Del Monte Peas JEWEL FAMILY PAK Peanut Butter LAUNDER MAID Gal. of Bleach ^ 32oz. cans 8 9 c ^ 17 o*. Jjb cant 3 fc 2 lb. jar. 69c gallon jug 39c Jewel's own modern bakery comes a From Jewei * » • j. aii made accordwide selection of various urjng you delicious, ing to .igid j,wet s.ordmdsto b-.^ |ry Jewd freih bread •»>• V*' ^ fielh v,ilh golden »"<" V>» "" """ and at a money- saying price, tool JEWEL MAID 20 0Z. loat White Bread •^/top fctf t \«A * onW A9t finely ^ -- It's no wonder that pure white, finely * sifted Jewel Maid Flour is the choice of hundreds of women who take pnde in the. £1,;™, It's as good or better than more ex- ~ JEWEL MAID YE OLDE SOUTH Biscuits CRACKIN' GOOD Saltines Crackers JEWEL WHITE Paper Napkins SABLE SOFT Facial Tissue JEWEL MAID PURE ALL-PURPOSE * Vegetable Oil Add Zesly Flavor To Meats' ">e worldVf C0U!rtless cool,!n9 uses, it's r»zriac:ze,i%'n e rct- K«p ho' dogs or hashl """"S hamb<"9ers, HEINZ 14 oz. btl. Nol^iir 10 cf. 24 oz. JwdSious •Happy Fa#ufie$^ To°£l8s T£A CO .c- •£kop