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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. September 13,1962 McCullom Lake "SCREW* DOZEN" PUNS TO RENEW ACQWUNTANCES Pioneer Settlers Recall Old Times On Saturday Night Gv« Levmque Tales of the "good old days" will abound on Saturday night, when a large group of young old timers congregate at McDonald's for a reunion of the "Screwy Dozen" organization, now disbanded. Many of the members of this old time club were among. the first permanent settlers in what is now the village of McCullom Lake. There will be some members present in memory only --two of whom must be mentioned as Betty Baumbeck and Betty Poledna. There will be a fancy buf; fet table and perhaps some imnromptu entertainment. If you have not called in your reservation yet, please clo so tonight, although it makes it a bit late for planning. The number is 385-3191. Ladies Will Resume Meetings Tonfeht The first fall meeting of the Ladifes of the Lake will be held tonight fThursday) at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Most of the regulars will be in attendance., but this is a special invitation to all women in the community, especially to those who have moved in recently. This is a wonderful o p p o r t u n i t y t o m e e t y o u r neighbors and have an evening of business and pleasure. See you tonight? time for two families to journey through the lovely state to the north of- us --Wisconsin. Do and Charlie Brennan, accompanied by Merv Huff of Richmond, departed Thursday morning preceding the holiday and toured through the center of the State. According to their experiences, people were friendly in the interior but oh, the reception on the western side! Their opinion was that strangers are not welcome, at least in the stops they made. They drove as far ' as Ironwood, Mich, before returning home. The entire trip covered 1.200 miles., During their jaunt. Do picked up mementoes for some of her friends which should cause plenty of merriment' Ask her about them. Shirley and T^en Jensen returned home Labor Day, after touring Wisconsin also. barbecues, corn on the grill, a variety of salads and all the trimmings. Ol' sol contributed his warming rays for the joy of the day. How Can I li Successful Party for Building Fund A' jolly good crowd met at Whitey and Bernice's on Saturday, Sent. 1. to kick off the fund drive for the Cullom- Knoll building fund. Almost sixty dollars w a s realized. Frank Poledna, as chairman, was the host and was assisted by Bobbie and Jim Carroll. The next narty will be held in the near future but you will have to check the column tor date and place. "Welcome Mat" Spread • It was a p^asure for Barbara Thaekor /to prenare for 1he coming of her brother, Jim McDonald, last weekend. He ir, from Seattle, Wash., with his destination Atlanta Citi. It w.-ts a business trip for •he youn<r man, and his boss arranged for the pause so that brother and sister might have come time together. He will be in Atlanta for about three weeks, with a possibility of •^oing on to New Jersev. Tt is two years since Jim last visited in the community bui at that time he was accompanied bv his vvife and two children. The family resides in Mount Lake Terrace, which i? iust outside of Seattle. Hospitalized Mrs. Elsie Osterby has been a patient in McHenry hospital since Saturday afternoon. She is beinqr treated for an infection which caused her pain and discomfort. As of Monday, she was to remain in the hospital for a few more days. Wouldn't it be nice to remember her with a cheery message? Her home address is 5207 W. Orchard Drive. A Hearty Welcome Home!! It was sheer pleasure to hfve the opportunity to meet Bob Kantorski's lovely and completely charming bride, the forrtier LaVerne Linderman. The two have been married Shtce last November, but due to th?" pressure of Bob's business .in Kansas City. Mo., they Rhd been finable to' make a Visit to our community. They returned here for Chester's funeral, services pn Friday, Aug 31. and flew home on Labor Day. Their presence was a comfort to Mary and the rest of the family durine their sorrow. LaVerne resembles her sister- in-law, Josephine Loesch. in appearance and personality and the two have become fast friends. Boh has the contented look which comes from a satisfying union with the woman of his choice. He waited long enough, but for the right one! Here's hoping we can look forward to their next visit soon. Natal Days' Soiree Two birthdays were given • he full treatment on Sept. 2 The first was the birthday of Bill Klapperich. Sr., with the nartv held at his and Nada's 'ovely home on Orchard Drive. The second euest of honor was Bill's son, Delphin. whose natal day was Sent. 2. Bill's date was Aug. 30. The entire Klapperich clan was on hand and many friends also. The guest list included the family of Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Tr.; Lawrence and his tribe; Margin and his wife and fami- 'v: Rose and John Schmitt of Oermantown; Anne-Marie and Walter Scarbrough; the newlyweds --Brigid and Georee Scarbrough: Roseal O'Donnell and her daughter; Mr. and Mrs. John Klapperich and the kiddies: Bill's twin sisters from Milwaukee --Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and Mr. and Mrs. AI Weber and son. Allen. The- boys and their families contributed for the purchase of a handsome piece of patio furniture --a lounge chair for Pon's birthday. Celebrants and guests consumed their fill of luscious M Orchid Occasions Forty- four years in "double harness" for Jean and Hugh McDonald on Saturday, Sept. 15. . . .Their son, Ed Caron, will be a handsome young man of 23 on the sixteenth. . . . Marge and Bonny Egerstaffer will be wed eighteen years on Sept. 17. . .Roger Thacker will be 7, Mary Ellen Aalto will be 11, and it is the natal day for Marge Reid and May Kennenberg --all on Sept. 18. . . Yolanda Fernandez will blow out 9 candles on her cake, Sept. 19. Best wishes to all. That's all for this week and we hope to see you around next Thursday. • N Titanium, one of the earth's most abundant metals, jumped from 3 tons total production in 1948 to some 8,000 tons now. It is so difficult to extract that it took a century to develop the process now in use. by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley In care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor build* ing, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Q. What is an easy way of burning out an old tree stump? A. First, bore .a number of holes deep Into the core of the stump, and fill these with saltpeter (available at drugstores). Pour hot water Into the holes and repeat this process on successive days, until the crystals are completely dissolved. Finally, set fire to the stunip after it has had sufficient time to dry out thoroughly. Q. How can I renovate some cheese that has become moldy? A. Put the cheese into a covered container with a few lumps of sugar. The mold will leave the cheese and enter the sugar. Eat the cheese and throw away the sugar! Q. How can I keep lownecked dresses from constantly slipping off the wire hangers in my closet? . A. By the placement of a bobby pin on each side of the hanger. Q. What can I do when some burned starch has accumulated on the bottom of my iron? A. Disconnect the iron, allow it to cool, then apply sotpe paste silver polish to the starch. Wipe the Iron with a slightly damp cloth, - and follow with a dry one. It's as simple as that. Q. How can I eliminate the rather unpleasant odor when cooking shrimp? A. A stick of cinnamon dropped Into the water in which you are b o i l i n g your shrimp will dispel the smell and still not affect the taste. Q. How can I remove shine from dark suits? A. Often you can remove the mirror-like appearance by rubbing the fabric lightly with very fine sandpaper. Dampen a navy skirt or pair of trousers with bluing water, and press while still damp. Shiny suits may also be sponged with vinegar before pressing. Q. What is an effective and easy way to bleach bed sheets? A. Stretch them on the line outdoors and each time the sun dries them, turn the hose on them. This will save the trouble Q.f taking them down each time to wet them. Q. How can I cope with that annoying stream of water that invariably trickles down ray arm while I'm washing walls and ceilings? A. Try wrapping a washcloth around your working wrist, securing this in place with a thick rubber band. Q. How can I give first aid to a torn rubber girdle? 8:45 a.m., Sunday WCLM^FM, 101.9 mc 9:00 a.m., Sunday WAIT, 820 kc New Christian Science Radio Series "WHAT MAKES A HOME" A. liuy yourself a tirepatch kit at the service station, then cement a tire patch on the rip in your girdle, and you should be "well-contained" again! Q. How can I remove mildew from white clothes? A. Put a teaspoon of chloride of lime in a gallon of water, dissolve thoroughly, and then put the garment Into this until the mildew disappears. Rinse thoroughly. Since chloride of lime bleaches, do not use it on colored1 fabrics, Q. How can I make a cleanser for dirt that is ground into the hands? A. Rub petroleum thoroughly into the hands, let ' it remain for at least 15 .minutes, then wash the hands, and see how easily the dirt is removed. Q. Is there any way I can resurrect a bamboo garden rake whose ends have become worn? A. Try soaking the rake ends In boiling hot 'water for five to 10 minutes to make them pliable, then bend the ends under again with a pair of pliers. Use The Classifieds FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced Sewing Machine Operators Full And Part Time Inexperienced -- Will Train Vacation Pay Holiday Pay Bonus Pay MAGIC SLACKS 4001 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois Bridal Attendant L o v e l y 1 7 - y e a r - o l d J u d y Murray served her gal pal as a bridesmaid on Saturday. Sept. 1. It was during the marriage of Barbara Ann Wolf to Mr. James McGee of Des- Plaines, 111., at St. Mary's church. In the Ranks of the Retired Walter Patzke of Fountain Lane retired from his place of business after almost forty years with the same company He can now keep his lovin'. Adelaide, company and help her with writing novels. She has completed one and we can't wait to peruse it! R0FE«l0nfll DIRECTORS1 EARL R. WALSH tNSCRANCE Hn, Auto. Farm A L>(# L. Representing LEL1ABLE COMPANIE8 When You Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone 885-0043 or 385-0058 129 W. Elm St.. McHenry, ID DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. A Frl. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-63 The buttons on Jim Carroll's vest are really popping these days with the birth of his first g r a n d s o n , M i c h a e l W i l l i a m Carroll, on Sunday, Sept. 2. The little fella is the son of Jim' son and wife. Phil and Bill Carroll, of Harvey, 111. The child was born in St. Francis hospital. Blue Island and weighed 7 lbs., 9 ozs. The young couple have a daughter. Michelle, who was 2 on Aue. 25. Sharing in the general glow are Bobbie Carroll and the boys. Jim and Tom. The entire family can hardly wait to meet, the newcomer. Wisconsin Treks Labor Day weekend was the SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 385-0950 8-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4198 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wllmot Road 11-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Evamined-Glasses Fitted 13113 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Frl. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & FrL Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 pan. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 385-2262 g-St An nounciinnafy j»#* Spring. 0<c cupancu: | McHENRY : HOUSE ! APARTMENTS Southwest Corner, Fourth and James Streets 34 Units . . . 3V2 and AV2 Rooms !»'• Luxury Living ... in an Ideal Location • Large, soundproof rooms • Air conditioned; baseboard healing • All-electric kitchen, automatic laundries • Ceramic tile baths • Basement storage • Quiet neighborhood • Spacious garden setting • Convenient to train, schools, shopping • Private swimming pool '• Private parking space JAMES STREET • BR BR O a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT COMPARE T ST The 3Yz room apartments will rent starting at '$130 a month . . . $1,560 a year. Rent for a W2 room apartment will start at $145 a month, $1,740 a year. Compare -- even a "low priced" house costs far more when you add up principal . . . interest . . . taxes . . . utilities. No, for luxury living, at a sensible cost, you can't beat the McHenry House Apartments. APPLICATIONS NOW BEING CONSIDERED. If, next Spring, you would like to be living in a McHenry House Apartment, send your name now to: PARKING APARTMENT BUILDING AWVRTMEN BUILDING POOL LxJ CC h</) I H* CC z> o McHENRY HOUSE APARTMENTS 1601 W. Sunnyside Beach McHenry, Illinois (Please give bank reference)

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