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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1962, p. 3

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v_/ Thursday, September 13, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Three PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. ^ t s S c h m i t t r e t u r n e d r e c e n t l y from a trip into Minnesota and Wisconsin, where they visited relatives. The Schmitts, who spent the summer here, left Tuesday for their winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Miller and son, Donnie, of Peoria were Labor Day weekend guests in the M. L. Schoenholtz home. Mrs. Edna Leonl^ hardt, who had been spending several. weeks in Florida and Peoria, returned to the Sqjioenholtz home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer and Mrs. Herman Schaefer attended the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. John Schaefer in Arlington Heights Saturday. Miss Pamela Gtarley of Newtown, Port of Spain, Trinidad, QW. Indies, has been a guest in the Joseph J. Miller home on Washington street the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brenner, Debbie and Timmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edstrom of Chicago spent a few days the past week in the William Lingenfelter home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and daughter, Joyce, acoom- % panied Joan Adams to Chicago Sunday, where she entered her first year "as a student at I,ew is Towers, Loyola university. Mark Vycital and Terry Brady leave todajf (Thursday) for St. Paul, IVfann.; to resume their studies at St. Thomas college. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunniss have returned from a ten days' vacation in northern Wiscon- # sin. Mrs. Carolyn McLean of Chicago spent a few days last week as the guest of Mrs. Eleanor Renard. - Miss Anita Beckenbaugh left "Sunday for DeKalb to enter hex. senior year at Northern Illinois university. Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholtz is enjoying a month's ^ vacation from her duties as a * stUdent nurse at St. Charles school of nursing in Aurora. In company with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sehoenhoitz, and her grandmother, Mi*§. Ben Freund, she spent one, week at Fox Lake, Wis. Ray Pluncinski and Duke Adams of McHenry, Andy Sundal of Grayslake, Bob Aldertdtt' of Lake Villa and Harvey _ Eady of Chicago, members of w Northern Illini Bowmen, attended the Wisconsin State Bow Hunters shoot held at Richland center, Wis.; over the Labor Day weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lunniss enjoyed a vacation in the north woods recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schroeder spent a few days with their son, Michael May field, at & Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He ® expects to leave soon for Korea. Mrs. Agnes Nieman of Crystal Lake spent a few days the last of ihe week with McHen- Jy friends. . Mrs. Robert Conway, son. Bob, her mother, Mrs. Carl felanner of Rockford, and her sister, Mrs. Thomas Spantideas. and son, Greg, of Crvs- <1 tal Lake, spent a few days with relatives in different points of Nebraska and also called on Sister Mary St. Hilda (Mary Conway) in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz and family of Elgin were guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, Saturday, where they celebrated the first birthday of little . Mark Wirtz. Others present were his other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund, a n d d a u g h t e r , J o a n n e , o f Johnsburg. Dennis Conway, son of the Robert Conways, has received his honorable discharge from the air force in Alaska and left Monday for DeKalb, where he entered Northern Illinois university. 01 Mrs. Ernestine Christian of BLUE BALLOT TO BE DISCUSSED FOR REPUBLICAN CLUB The Young Republican Club of McHenry County will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m. in the American Legion home. Clay street, Woodstock. A very interesting program has been planned. There will be a debate on the Blue Ballot and Jere Dodge, justice of the peace of Algonquin, will present and talk about the Blue Ballot. This question of voting for or against the Judicial Amendment will be a very important decision in November, which should be of great interest to everyone. Dick Joslyn, tsruce Stratton and Ross Kitchen attended the Young Republican^ convention of Illinois at Jacksonville Sat. and Sunday, Sept. 8 and 9, and will report on Wednesday evening the highlights of the convention. The public is invited. Merchants Discuss Retailing Trends Lake county merchants wil1 get together to discuss problems and trends affecting retailing at a 6:30 p.m. dinner meeting Thursday, Sept. 27, in Waukegan. In announces meeting plans, Joseph T. Meek, president, Illinois Retail Merchants association, emphasized the importance of retailers reviewing current challenges in operations, legislation and public relations. The "Dutch treat" dinner session, keyed to the theme, "Revolution in Retailing," will be held at the Swedish Glee club, Waukegan. Serving as co-chairman for the meeting are D. V. Goodrich and Joseph O'Neill. The former may be contacted for reservations at the Waukegan Sears, Roebuck store. Twice Told Tales Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith drove to Iowa and Wisconsin last week, where they visited lriends and relatives. They also saw the World's greatest grotto at West Bend, Iowa. Glen Ellyn visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, Sunday. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. A. P. Freund were the Ralph Freund family of Madison/ Wis.; the Donald Freund family of Crystal Lake, Wis.; and the Del Freund family of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia, John and Julie, of Minneapolis, Minn.; were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Williams, Mrs. Mike Degen and Mrs. Fred Smith visited Sister Lambert at St. Joseph convent in Milwaukee, Sunday. Sister Lambert, the former Elizabeth Williams, celebrated •hirty-five years as a nun re- •ently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood, Nancy and Gary, attended the funeral of Mrs. Larry Behrens at the 'Harvard Lutheran church Monday, with burial in the Alden cemetery. Messrs. and Mesdames Ray Plucinski, Martin Klapperich, <\lfons Adams, John Duball, Norman Pedersen and also Rudy Bryant attended the Northern Illini Bowman annual awards dinner held at Fox Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lockwood and family of Lake Geneva, Wis.; were dinner guests in the Howard Lockwood home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson were in Kenosha recently to help his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs, celebrate their twentyfifth wedding anniversary. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS "SCUFF $5.99 TIPS" ANKLE COMFORT Two good reasons why this Step Master should be your first choice for the boy. who expects his shoes to be a perfect match for his running, jumping, kicking Jet-propelled energyl ROTH SHOES 1246 N. Green St. Phone 385-2027 FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Sept. 5, 1912 Miss Anna M. Carey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, passed away unexpectedly Friday while visiting a friend in Racine, Wis. T. R. Walsh, brother of M. J. and Jack Walsh of McHenry, formerly employed in the McOmber hardware store here, will open a hardware store in Grayslake this week. The McHenry County Telephone company, which during the past few years has maintained an exchange in the home of George Meyers, Sr.; has moved its McHenry headquarters and exchange the rooms over the Barbian Bros, cigar factory. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith are occupying the living apartments over the cigar factory and are acting as relief operators while Mrs. Gertrude Masquelet Sophy is the day operator. Sunday and Labor Day were record breakers for the hotels in McHenry, and from all reports we should say that this village entertained more visitors on these two days than ever before. Every hotel in town was taxed to its utmost capacity, while a number of visitors were obliged to go further for the reason they could not be accommodated. It is estimated that the afternoon and evening trains carried out at least a thousand people from this station. Weddings the past week included those of Miss Arline Stephenson of Ridgefield and John Schaffer of McHenry, Miss Dorothy Sto^fel of McHenry and Curtis West fall of Bushnell, 111.; Miss Celia Barbara Nell of Johnsburg and Frank T. Fox of Chicago. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Sept. 7, 1923 The McHenry ice cream factory, on account of the great demand for its product, was forced to operate during the entire night Sunday. It was the biggest business experienced by the proprietor, C. Unti, since locating in McHenry. Before the largest crowd that has witnessed a ball game in this village for many years, McHenry defeated the Alohas, a Japanese team, at the West Side ball park last Sunday afternoon by the one-sided score of 15 to 2. From the items of quarter of century comes the news that Simon Stoffel commenced excavating for his new store on the site of the old Parker House on Monday. The build ing will be 44 by 80 feet, two stories high with basement. The first story will'be finished into two stores and the second story hall will be 44 by 60. The Fox dancing pavilion, which has been entertaining large crowds during the entire season, broke all records last Saturday night when 925 door admissions were sold. John J. Sauer of Chicago, who some weeks aco rented the Mrs. Emma K. Freund building on Main street, will open a Perfection System bakery there next Saturday. The two-day festival sponsored by St. Patrick's church proved a huge success. The gross receipts amounted to approximately $5,500. of which there will remain a net of something like $3,500 after all bills are paid. A total of 600 were served the chicken dinner on Sunday. Lee Kercher was the winner of the Buick which was given away. The first golf tournament, under the direction of the McHenry Country club, took place SERVICE NEWS William C. Tychewicz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tychewicz of 4406 West Ponca, McHenry, left recently for San Diego, Caiif. for his recruit training. On the fifth of September, four of Bill's friends left to follow in Navy recruit training at San Diego. They are Daniel E. Kinnerk, son of Joseph M. Kinnerk, 355 Riverside drive, Robert W. Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gates, 5208 West Fountain Lane, McCullom Lake; Albert F. Kempfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kempfer, 3505 West Washington; and Gary L. "Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Schroeder, 1917 West Oaklieaf drive. All are from McHenry and are 1962 graduates of McHenry high school. Upon completing recruit training, they will report to service schools for further training in a specialized rate. Joins Franciscan Order on their grounds Saturday and Sunday and was a huge success. Postmaster E. E. Bassett, in the handicap event, was awarded the cup by H. H. King, president of the club. The American Institute of Banking is planning to hold its annual golf tournament at the McHenry course on Oct. 1, which will bring not less than 150 bankers and their families to McHenry. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Sept. 9, 1937 Announcement is made of the approaching marriage of Miss Ruth Walters of Chicago and Mr. Charles Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson, which will take place at Holy Cross church, Chicago, Sept. 18. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sattem of St. Paul, Minn.; were in McHenry Friday enroute to New York City where he has been transferred to the main office of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York. Mrs. Elizabeth Oertel, a former McHenry resident, was found dead in bed by her daughter, Mrs. Marie DiSilves. in Chicago Sunday, where she had been making her home. M!ss Florence Conway became the bride of Mr. James E. Doherty in a pretty ceremony, in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart at St. Patrick's c h u r c h T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g , with Father Walter Conway, brother of the bride, officiating. A pretty fall wedding, took place at St. Mary's parsonage Saturday, Sept. 4, when Miss Marie Steinsdoerfer was united in marriage to Mr. Daniel Gibson, Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Peas tfnd string beans have turned out well this year. Cucumbers and green corn are plenty and everything consul- , ered, cholera morbus promises to be a good crop and physi- j cians are happy. From "So I Hear" comes this news. The time has come when McHenry reverts .to the normal stride of a small community. Labor day has come and gone. Cars roled through town Monday night with the monotonous succession of sor-, ghum syrup from the spigot i to the pitcher. Some of our; summer visitors remain, but the big show is over for another year. We can tear down . the main tent now and look over the side shows. ' Two things women never get are 1) what they want, 2) what they deserve. SHOP AT HOME World Series Quiz Winner! Mrs. Melvin Nelson of 32 S. Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake receiving 1st prize R.C.A. Victor Stereo Phonograph from Ed Vestgard of County T.V. & Furniture Center in McHenry. Mrs. Nelson had the correct answer (Dale Long), when called Friday afternoon. Brush up on your baseball facts; Next phone call and you jnay be the next lucky winner. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON HOW YOU MAY ENTER WEEKLY QUIZ CALL . . . COUNTY T.V. 385-4020 Medical Members To Meet Wiih Ministers The McHenry County Medical society meeting will be held Thursday evening, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. at Martinetti's in Crystal Lake. This will be a joint meeting with the McHenry County Ministerial association, featuring a panel discussion on the relation of religion to medicine. Dr. William S. Morrow of Harvard, president of the society, will preside. The Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness indicates that the cost of preventative services are only a fraction of the cost of aid to the blind in the economy of the state. A woman can make a hit with a man by asking him questions he can answer. FLOWER WEDDING LINE • INVITATIONS \\|) ANNOUNCEMENTS It was a bit of parental pride that Mr. and Mrs; George Mecko, 1301 W. Circle" drive. Pistakee Terrace, posed with their daughter, Carol, now Sister Maria del Rey, O.S.F., following her reception as a Sister of St. Francis'of Mary Immaculate. Sister received the habit of the Franciscan order during ceremonies held at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. She will now study for two years before making her. first profession of vows. Precision printing is where we shine! You don't need a magnifying glass to see the difference in our printing. The result of our careful craftsmanship is immediately apparent . . . and highly gratifying to our customers. You'll like it, too! Let us prove the quality of our work with samples, and the modesty of our prices with a quotation on your job. Come In Or Call . . . ^ v. if \ VX-J* ' McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street 385-0170 Ask for Bill Moore By: Russ Emerson. R.Ph. There is an old bromide to the effect that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." This old saying was put to test by Michigan State U. and it was found that 1300 appleeating students actually made fewer sick calls than other students. Respiratory and tensioninduced ailments were significantly fewer. Very likely the vitamin C content of the apples accounted for a lesser number of normal illnesses and some as yet unknown natural tranquilizing substance lessend everyday tension. When your medical needs require something more definite than what an apple can provide, call on MILLSTREAM DRUGS. Prescriptions of the highest quality are a specialty at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 W. Elm. Phone 385-5057. We give S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. ' , ) \ See the complete catalogue it McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 West Elm St. I'll have another ki Mie cocktail, please (non-alcoholic, of course) Kiddies' Cocktail Hour Fridays from 4 to 6 p.m. Kiddie cocktail served free in main dining room to children accompanied by parents. Perch or Haddock .. .75 Walleyed Pike ....$L2S Kiddie Fish Fry 50 Club Lilymoor 2'/i Miles East of McHenry Llinunats storm window drudgery forever . • • with Crown windows.. • made of heavy extruded aluminum, the nation's finest yet so reason* in cost* COMFOZT and CONVENIENCE EVERY MONTH OF TUB YEAR SU M M E R mm W I N T E R ) tienae** - COMPLETC RANGE Of MODERN COLORS GIldtfM ENDURANCE Howe Paint Now Afkyd fdrtflUdfori brasbiag, longer m higher gloss. Nen-chelldagi VEL-VA-C0TE Outside White HOUSE $195 PAINT 4# Per. Gal. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 3T South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424

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