Page Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday; October 25; 1962' a Ringwood HOLD CHILDREN'S HALLOWEEN PARTY AT SCHOOL OCT. 30 Lor Brettnau - W.L. 2045 Community Club Halloween party Oct. 30 at Ringwood school is at 7:30 sharp. I bog your pardon about the error made as to the time of the Halloween party. I had put 8, but the party is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. due to the children •having school the l'ollowing day. Come as your favorite somethins or someone and have an enjoyable evening of good fun entertainment. There will be many kinds of hobgoblins, witches, ghosts and other favorites to be in the parade of Halloween. Admission: 1 dozen doughnuts per family. Let's have a large turnout of both children and adults. There will { be prizes awarded to all 1iic< age groups and grand prize. Also, after the awards and! marches, refreshments along j with the doughnuts will be | served to all. ; Let's spend the evening with our neighbors. See you there? were Mrs. Agnes Jenks, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, and Mrs. Mabel Havvley, on Tuesday evening. Card Club The Card Club met at the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepaiti on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gerry Kunz was low with Miss Mae Wiedricli taking high. Swimming in October??? The local gal sporting a beautiful Arizona tan these days is Barb Shrentny, who recently spent nine glorious d a y s v i s i t i n g h e r b r o t h e r , Mark, and his family In Phoenix. While in Arize,na, Barb^had the opportunity to see some of the scenic wonders of the West including ^'Roosevelt Dam, Oak Creek ffanyon, Superstition Mountains^ the Desert, San Francisco Peaks and the famed Apache Trail. She als"o spent some time at the Grand Canyon, and visited Sedona where a great many western movies are filmed. Biirb describes her vacation as "Fantabulous". After all, who can beat swimming in October??? Sr. Hi MYF News The Senior High Methodist Youth Fellowship meeting was held on Oct. 21 at the church, j A very lively discussion was j led by Xancy Kane and Cristy Fossum on "Christianity and C o m m u n i s m . " The w o r s h i p service was led by Glen Decker and refreshments were served by Evelyn Harrison and Susan Fossum. Their next meeting will be on Oct. 28 at the church at 6:30 p.m. They will go to Spring Grove to discuss the retreat that will be combined with the Spring Grove M.Y.F. and held on Nov. 2 and 3. The hayride will be held on Oct. 27. They will meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. Ringwood Methodist Church Services Rev. Brace Brcnneman, Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. --Worship Service. 10:45 a.m. -- Church School for all. Attend Lotos Club Card Party Those from Ringwood attending the card party held in Richmond by the Lotus Club Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Ila Hogan celebrated her birthday last Friday, but bad her family including Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson and family of Greenwood for a birthday dinner on Sunday. Also attending were Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholtz of McHenry and Jim Brady of Lakemoor. Congratulations and belated birthday greetings, Ila! Here and There Miss Pat Hogan, our dairy princess, attended the homecoming at Champaign over the past weekend. Sunday dinner guests in the John Ehlert home were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family and Mrs. Obermiller of Kenosha, Wis. Callers in the Bob Brennan home last Sunday evening were Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago and Loren Harrison. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Ruby Shepard was a visitor in the home of her daughter and family, the Allen Aingers at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan and, Mrs. James Wegener and son, Freddy, were Wednesday afternoon callers in the Bob Brennan home. ntroductory Sale! These are Top Quality Tires with a Full Road Hazard Guarantee NOT Factory Seconds. SEIBERLING Wm Seiberling Nylon 100 Sale Pr. *17.65 *20.25 M liJ List Pr. 7.50-14 Blackwall 23.95 7.50-14 Whitewall 27.95 Seiberling 7.50-14 Blackwall 26.65 7.50-14 Whitewall 32.70 8.00-14 Blackwall 30.35 8.00-14 Whitewall 37.20 *20.30 *23.55 *21.20 *25.55 Seiberling SAFETY NYLON *26.75 7.50-14 Whitewall 43.85 j AH other sizes Sale Priced proportionlately. All prices shown plus tax McHenry Tire Mart 3931 W. Main St. McHenry, III. PHONE 385-0294 Visitors in the Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kunz home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz and Richard Kunz. The Roger Kunzes reside at Lake-In-The-Hills. On Sunday, Mrs. John Skidmore, Mrs. Fred Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mabel and Mrs. Millie Rush visited relatives in Twin Lakes, also were guests in the home of newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy McRae, along with twenty- five other relatives, to see the opening of their wedding gifts. Mrs. McRae was the former Miss Susie Pacey. M r s . N e l l i e - H e p b u r n i s spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Jerausek and family of Melrose Park, Spending some time in the MV. and Mrs. Earl Kunz home are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kunz. Rich has just been discharged from the service. Sunday callers in the* Bob Brennan home to get acquainted with Baby Linda Lou were Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ajppelt, Kathy, Steve and SiiBW ik W a d s w o r t h , M i s s J o a n n e Schmitt and Mr. Kelly of Waukegan: Also, afternoon and evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and Georgia Mary of Sycamore, Fred Wiedrich, Mrs. James Wegener and son, Freddy, also were supper guests. James Wegener, Robert Brennan, Herbert Bert, Michael Wieser and Tom Morgan took four bus loads of Marian Catholic football fans and players to Dubuque, Iowa, Jast Sunday for the football game between the Marian Central Hurricanes and the Wahlert high school. The usual parade of trick or treaters will be coming Up soon. It's always such fun to try to figure out who of little neighbor's are under what disguise. Don't forget to get your goodies tor treats ready --the little goblins will have their night. Have a happy tialioween, and we'll see you next week, via the Ringwood column. CROP REPORT Corn is well over 90 per ceht mature with the remainder being in the dent stage, according to a report from the Illinois Cooperative Crop Report* ing Service. The percentage of crop mature in Illinois is about even with last year at this time, except in the southwest part of the state where more than one-fourth is still in the dent stage. Soybeans are about 60 per cent harvested, slightly behind the 1961 and the fiveyear 1957-61 average for this time of year. PUBLIC AID PROGRAMS DROP FOR FIFTH MONTH With the exception of a Slight gain in disability assistance, all public aid programs dropped in August. The overall state load fell for the fifth successive month to a total of 437,525, a drop of over 3,300 persons from the July load of 440,852 according to. a report released today by Harold O. Swank, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid commission. The recipient rate Was 4.3 per cent of the population, ddwn from 4.4 per cent in July, and the year's high of 4.7 per cent in March. In August 1961 public aid recipients numbered 425,981. Although the Assistance to the Medically Indigent Aged program became effective in August 1961, ho payments were made during this month. Following is the caseload in McHenry county: Total, all programs, 545, $26,417; old age assistance, 208, $13,877; aid to dependent children, 153, $6,431; blind assistance, 4, $247; disability assistance. 14,, $629; general assistance. 166, $5,233. Each year, it takes less time to cross the country, but more time to get to work. We don't get it. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE 8AU8AGR8 • DELICIOUS HICKORY SBLOKKO HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Ronte 120 • Jmt East of Bonte 1$ » Volo, I1L Phono EVergreen 5-6260 EVERY CARD WINS-PICK UP YOUR CARD TODAY-NO PURCHASE REQUIRED! SMOKED FRESH. U.S. GOV'T INSPECTED PICNICS 35 Super-Right Qualify with a Low, Low Price 4 to 8-fo. Size CUPPED BEEF £ 29 CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS WITH THIGHS Lb. 39* 49 JONATHAN APPLES School Boys--Perfect for Trick & Treaters, Snacks and Salads--Michigan's No. I Super-Right Quality Pork Sausage Fried Ocean Perch Ready toEa* Mb. RoH Lb. 69e Lobster Tails 49c Pan Ready Whiting Brazilian--Celebrity 2 Tails Per Pkg. 8-oz. Frozen «e. 98* -Lh. 79( Box ANN PAGE KETCHUP CAKE MIXES Ann Page---Yellow, White, Devil's Food, Honey Spice 2 4 14-ot. Wis. 35 19-ot. Boxes 99 Sugar Wafers 39c Maine Sardines 3 V", 29 Jumbo Fudge Cremes "zr 43c Swift's Beef Burgers «" 95 Crisco Shortening^ 3 89 Fould's Macaroni Indian Summer APPLE CIDER J"° M&M Brand 5%-0Z. A A( Plain or Peanut Pkg. 2 £ 25 2-lb. Tin ANN PAGE Pure EGG NOODLES 1-lB. 29 PKG. Strained Variety Chicken Noodle Condensed Red, Rich Tomatoes t|2S 6 "t~ 69' 310%-oz. MC Tins 2 r 49° 11 -01. 45c Jar Choc. I9-0Z. Af}( Fudge Pkg. Mazola Margarine ^ 1 -lb. Ctn. 43° AmJ I ||AL Margarine | uOOu LUCK 3c off sale i } lib. £ Ctn#. 53° Bosco Milk Amplifier Mb. 8*oz. Jar 63' Kosto Pudding : £ 3*oz. a Pkg#. 32° IHISI "I!1! DVriilllliI rA Orange Pineepple 1 Qt. 14-oz. Tin 35e TV Time Popcorn M 4-oz. 4 Pkgs. 49c Marshmallows IO'/2-oz. Pkg. 25e Fresh Cranberries IE Lb. Cello Bag 29# Ideal Dog Food A l ib. 0 Tim 47c Pillsbury Brand IS'/i-oz. Pkg. f 9-oz. Pkg. 39' Maxwell House Coffee Heinz Baby Food Heinz Soup Heinz Ketchup Heini Sweet Pickles Pillsbury Cake Mix Yellow Cake Mix Pillsbury Cake Mix - r 39 Cap'n Kitt Tuna - 2 29* Puffs Facial Tissue ~ r 29' Waldorf Tissue 4 - 37e Scot Tissue 3«.»40e Scotkins Napkins ££ "T I9e AMERICA'S fOBiMOII luiiliiifik THI OtfAt ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THRU SATURDAY. OCT. 27H., 1942 Ivory Detergent Dash Detergent Spic and Span Mr. Clean Cleaner Handy Liquid 12-oz. Btl. For Automatic Wailliii For Horn* and Walls hrpow 21/4-01.73* 3-lb. !>/2-oz Pkfr £ 31I fS-oz. 39° B«L ENJOY COFFEE MILL FLAVOR FRESH-GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN! NEW LOW PRICE Vigorous and Wlnef I-LB. BAG BOKAR 6IC 3 Sb'i.n Mild and Mellow EIGHT O'CLOCK l-LB. 55c 3 LVI.59 BAG l-LB. BAG Mcfc Md Fmlt-Bodhd RED CIRCLE 59c 3&M.7I Comet Cleanser ££ 2'^35e , Cascade Detergent %E*X45' Gt. size btl. 89c IS Handy Tablets J.^z.* Pk g. 43* Downy Fabric Softener Salvo Detergent Liquid Detergent tr "? 65' Trend Detergent E2 49c Dutch Cleanser Improved 2 '£? 35c Sweetheart Soap ~ 3 31* Sweetheart Soap 2 " 31'