Thursday. Oetaber 25; l9e2 PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED Ftr Sale ™v TAKING ORDERS until December 1st for the Spruce Electric Manicurist. Claire Beauty Shop, 385-0010. 10-18-62-tf GULBRANSEN spinet piano, was $1,000, sacrifice $250; table model radio and phonograph, $10; 40 selection juke box, $50. Call 385-3175 after 6 p.m. 10-25-62 ALUMINUM Combination doors, $23.95; windows, $12.25; Pre-finished panelling, $4.75 per sheet. Cabinets made to order. „ Clarence J. Smith, Johnsburg, 385-4372. 10-25-62 e.o.w. T.F. 3 PC. WOOL gray sectional. Very good condition, $50. Call 312-639-9739. 10-25-62 ^ EASY SPIN DRY washing machine. Excellent condition. $100 Call 385-3359. 10-25-62 USED ALUMINUM screens for 25 ft. porch and three 8 ft awnings. Best offer. 385-0436. 10-25-62 SINGER SEWING machines, $6 & up; dresser with mirror, $6; twin beds, $10; gas £ range, $16; dinette sets, $28; steel storage cabinets, formica top, $14; end tables, $4 each; gun racks, $6; .303 Enfield deer rifle, $25; drum table, $12; Westinghouse roaster and stand, $15: Many other bargains. The Trading Post, 2 blocks east of river on Route 120. Call 385-0430. 10-25-62 4 MEN'S SUITS; 1 overcoat, to size 42-44; shirts; good condi- " tion, $5 for all. Tavern type table Formica, $5; kitchen table for two, $5; high chair, 2014. 10-25-62 AKC REGISTERED hunting dogs. 3 gun dogs, 18 months old. 6 puppies, 7 weeks old. For further information call 385-3372. *10-25-62 Help Wanted Man or Woman Earn $35 or more a week in spare time, supplying demand for well-known products in Marengo or Woodstock. One full time opening. Write W.T. Rawleigh Co. Dept. ILJ-52-1107 Freeport, Illinois *10-11-25-62 e.o.w. Help Waited j HOUSEKEEPING maid. Immediate opening for permanent, employment. Will train suitable applicant. 40 hour week, 8-4. Alternating weekends. Regular wage increments. Paid holidays and vacation. Liberal benefits. Apply Director of Nurses, McHenry Hospital, McHenry, 111. 10-18-25-11-1-62 PART TIME help wanted for W1 small clothing store. Day time hours. Must have transportation. Call 385-9894 after 10 a.m. 10-25-62 REGISTERED NURSE -- Excellent position open for Director of Nursing Service. 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Many extra employee benefits. Every Sunday, Monday and holidays off. $385.00 starting salary. Apply £ Valley Hi Nursing Home, R.R. No. 1, Woodstock, Illinois. 10-25-62 Three Women Over 16 to do pleasant telephone sales work from our local office in McHenry. High school girls* accepted for part time evening work. ^Salary and bonuses. SEE MR. WILSON 1303 N. Richmond Rd. Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 10-25-62 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE , Floor and OB duties. Various ^ assignments available. 40 hour week. Regular increments and shift differential. Credit given for experience. Paid holidays and vacation. Must be graduate of approved school and eligible for Illinois license. Call or Write: DIRECTOR OF NURSES McHenry Hospital McHenry, 111. # 385-2200 10-18-25-11-1-62 Classified ads are big business -- bigger than radio, Mggn than spot and local TV, bfeger than weekly magazines ami bigger than outdoor advertising. Tour ad on ttts page ^ read lor 20,000. ••• •el* Wasted 10 OVER THE road truck drivers. Must have at least 2 years highway experience on semi-trailer equipment. References that we can check are required. Lake County Express, Highways 21-83 (north Main St.) North of Antioch, Illinois. 9-27-62-tf EXPERIENCED construction laborers. Apply to Material Service Pre-S tress Plant, Yard 55, Algonquin, Illinois. 10-18-25-62 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE We prefer an inexperienced man who desires to learn. Excellent starting income. Must be satisfied with $400 per month while training. Rapid advancement into management with corresponding raises. Insurance and retirement program. Must be at least 21. WRITE BOX NO. 22 c/o McHenry Plaindealer Stating qualifications and telephone number. All replies confidental. 10-18-25-62 MAN OR BOY for early morning paper route. Apply in person at Krause's News Agency, 3321 W. Elm St., McHenry or call 385-4015. 10-25-62 FULL TIME barber. Call Schmitty's Barber Shop, 385- 2585 or 385-5624. *10-24-62 Unlimited Opportunity One of America's largest and fastest growing insurance companies is seeking representatives in McHenry County. Previous experience desirable but not necessary. Above average man required for this unlimited income opportunity. Extensive training program is provided. CALL AT 3812A W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. or Suite 3, 222 N. Genesse St. Waukegan, 111. Phone: ONtario 2-1640 9-6 thru 10-25-62 HUNTERVILLE PARK -- 3 bedroom home; cabinet kitchen, 1 Vs. baths; family room, garage and river rights. Walk to town. $1,000 down payment. Call 385-1742. 9-20-62-tf LARGE LOT in Lakeland Park. 1 block to route 120, close to town. Widow must sea Call 383-3144. 8-16-62-tf LAKELAND PARK -- Beach St. lot for sale at half of cost including water rights. Call code 312-692-3492. *10-11 thru 11-1-62 FOR SALE in Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, 1 block from private beach on corner lot, 8 room imperial stone front home. 5 large bedrooms, with double closets and 2 large store rooms. Tile kitchen & 2 tile baths, alum. comb, windows, basement and rumpus room. Oil furnace heat and electric water tank. By owner. $22,500. 653-6608. 9-27-flfi-tf EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS 4 HOMES Priced below cost for quick sale. For information contact Mr. McLauchlan, Elgin Federal Savings & Loan Assn., 176 E. Chicago St. PHONE 312-741-3900 8-16-62-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. Ph. 385-0037 6>15-61-tf FOR SALE HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS--BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-0421 12-28-61-tf RIVERFRONT 9 room house. -- 4 bedroom, double garage, full basement, gas heat, newly remodelled. Lot 125x360. 1642 N. Riverside Dr. Reduced to $39,500. 9-20-62-tf •Pago Scr«n IN HUNTERVILLE Park, 2- story, 4-bedroom home; 2 full baths; 2-car garage; full basement; large lot. By owner. Call 385-4911. *10-18-25-62 LARGE BUSINESS lot on highway 120. West of McHenry 130 ft. on highway. 150 tt. deep. For information call 385-085?. 7-26-62-tf 2 BEDROOM HOUSE with utility room; tile and hardwood floors; on quiet tree-shaded lot. Call Laura Belford, 385- 6348. 10-18-25-11-8-62 3 ROOM HOUSE. Ideal for couple. Will rent for $50 per month or sell on contract. Full price $3,500. Call 385-0430. 10-25-62 3 BEDROOMS and bath, 2nd floor. Deluxe kitchen, living room, dining room, main floor; carpeting; full basen^e^^with half bath; gas heat:- 2?" car garage with shop; blacktop drive. 3 blocks to - - central school, 4 blocks to high school. Price $19,500. Call 45^-12 after 5 p.m. 1Q-1N-25-1 LOT 165 FT. frontage by 115 ft. deep in Maryville Heights, private subdivision. Call 385- 0264. *10-11-18-25-62 CAPE COD RANCH Split - Level $100 Down--$54.63 Per Month Some Interior work by purchaser. HOUSE, IN WONDER Lake. Garage. Natural gas heat. Suitable for " 2 people only. Rent $70 per month. Call 385- 5264 after 7:00 p.m. only. 10-18-62-tf 5 ACRES -- 2 miles from Crystal Lake. Ideal home site. With lake possibilities. By owner. $6,900. Phone 459-0414 or 459-5735. *10-25-62 CALL OWens 5-1133 1-25-62-tf RURAL PROPERTY 5 ACRES with 2 Bedroom home and other huildings. Chicken house and shed for horses. Priced for quick sale. VACANT 7 ACRES, partly wooded with creek flowing through property. Priced to sell quick. IN McHENRY 3 BR. BRICK HOME with breezeway, full basement and 2 car garage in McHenry's finest area, TTiis home is priced right for quick sale. List your property with us. THE KENT CORPORATION McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office Established 1923 PHONE: 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 10-25-62 BAIRD & WARNER. Inc. Est 1855 LAKELAND PARK -- 2 Br. home never lived in. Gas heat. Att. garage. Lown down payment. $11,750. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- 3 Br. ranch on lot with 140 ft. frontage. 2 car garage. Gas heat. Low taxes. $13,500. EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS -- 3 Br. ranch with att. 2 car garage. Full electric built-in kitchen includes dishwasher, Food- O-Rama, washer, dryer. Fully carpeted. This is a bargain at $20,500. Low down payment. Mr. Heinen - 385-2527 10-25-62 We Specialize In WATER FRONT PROPERTY A. H. Gallagher and Associates VIRGINIA GALLAGHER - 385-1629 EDWARD CARLSON - 385-0818 8-2-62-tf WILL TAKE anything of value in trade on large river lot. Call 385-0430. 10-25-62 2 BEDROOM. River rights. Garage. Large living room and bath. $6,500. Call 385-0430. 10-25-62 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom; wall to wall carpet, tile bath, water softener, landscaped, garage, cement drive, newly decorated. Must be seen to appreciate. 385-5055. *10-25-62 McHenry Library Corner Main and Green Sta. 1 HOURS Friday Evenings: 7 to ft pjn. Dally, Including Saturday: 2 to 5 p.m. 3 BEDROOM close to town, garage. Large cabinet kitchen. 510,500. Call 385-0430. 10-25-62 7 ROOM BRICK ranch on 2 acres, fenced, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large 18x24 living room, lnnnon stone fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, large basement. 2 ^car--garage. Edge of town. 385-3520. \ 10-25-62 CHOICE LOT in Kent Acres. Value $1,250, will sacrifice for $900. 385-1742. 9-13-62-tf FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE -- Living room carpeted. 1 car att. garage. Price includes all furniture. $11,000. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE -- All hardwood floors. Large living room, l1^ car garage. Blacktop driveway. $12,000. BULL VALLEY -- 20 acres. 3 bedroom brick ranch house, baths, fireplace, 2 car att. garage, swimming pool, tennis court. Terms. Bayshore, Inc. Corner Elm and Green Phones 385-3620 or 385-3710 10-25-62 HICKORY HILL HOMES PRESENTS Family Wise Model Homes Designed With Your Family Needs In Mind MORE LIVABILITY -- EXPANDABLE PLANS -- QUALITY MATERIALS 1. Ceramic Tile Baths 2. Oak Floors Throughout 3. Built In Range 4. Fully Insulated 5. Formica Kitchens 6. Landscaped 7. Glass Lined Water Heater FROM $17,400 COMPLETE CONVENIENT DOWN PAYMENTS LOCATED IN EASTWOOD MANOR UNIT NO. 3 East on Rt. 120 to White House. North on Chapel Hill Road to Fairview Lane (third street North of Route 120). M-I8-2B-62 ACCOUNTANT desires position in area. 20 years experience in bookkeeping and accounting functions; experience ejso extends into office, personnel and credit management fields. Opening must be in nonfamily type corporation with possibility for good future. Write Box No. 25, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *10-25-62 I WILL GIVE good care to your child or children while you work. Experienced and dependable. Call 385-4551. *10-25-11-1-62 WILL DO IRONING in my home. Free pick-up and delivery. 16 year old high school boy wants job after school and Saturdays. Typing done at home. Call 385-1560. *10-25-62 Pablle Modee* r~ NOTICE Effective immediately, I am no longer employed by the George R. Justen & Son funeral home. In the future, I will be able to serve my friends in the funeral and ambulance business if they will call me at 385-2404. JOHN J. SHAY 3804 W. Millstream Drive McHenry, I1L 10-25-62 mLm ASK tor what you want with "Wanted to Buy" Classified ads. Dial EV. 54X170 to place yours. ••• Halloween Dance Friday, October 26th PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES Music by ESCORTS DANCING EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. NO MINORS ALLOWED TWINKLING STAR Rte. 14 North, Woodstock, 111. 10-25-62 NEW ROOKS "THE LANE OF ETERNAL STABILITY," by K. C. Wu. In the days of "ancient" China--those years before 1948 --there was a street in the inland town of Yi called the Lane of Eternal Stability. It was a proud name, connoting fixed beliefs, an honorable Confucian society, and respect for such virtues as filial piety, loyalty, integrity. But today the street has a new name. It is called Lenin Lane. Its people are called Comrades --those who still remain, that is. The intellectuals, the independent thinkers, are gone, liquidated. For this is modern China, and Yi is a mcdern city. This novel covers three generations of the House of Ho-- in time a bare fifty years, from the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 to the Communist take-over in 1950--but it might as well span centuries. Rarely has a nation undergone so sweeping a change, and accomplished it under tighter wraps. Now, K. C. Wu, a man uniquely qualified to lift the Bamboo Curtain, reveals how his country turned from one of philosophical serenity into the most frightening in the modern world. The metamorphosis is strikingly reflected in the destinies of the Hos themselves. Grandfather, a Confucian scholar, was minister of state in the Manchu court of the Dowager Empress; Ho Fucho, his Japanese- educated son, was a secret revolutionary who became first governor of his province when China was declared a republic. With grandson Ho Takong, the history of the Hos came full circle: the little imp who dared tweak his venerable grandfather's pigtail grew up to become one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party and one of the most dreaded men in the land. The panorama of the novel Boy Scout AccomplisRments Merit Support For Fund Drive One of the great strengths of the Boy Scouts of America over the years has been that this national organization and its local Scout councils have never become satisfied with their accomplishments. They have always been anxious to press forward for greater service. But with the myriads of accomplishments happening day after day all over America, the volunteers who lead this youth movement continue to recognize certain fundamentals which will emphasize character building citizenship training, and physical fitness. These fundamentals are the Scout Oath and Law, the boy in uniform, the "Good Turn" principle, experiences in leadership, and opportunities for growth in an expanding world. Without these significant values that " characterize Scouting among the family of youth-serving agencies, the Boy Scouts of America would have become only another recreational activity. The victories achieved in the lives of boys through' influences reaching them in Cub Scout packs. Boy Scout troops, and Explorer units make up the story of the vigorous moving forward of the Boy Scouts of America. Now, the Blackhawk Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America is asking citizens of our area to support Scouting financially. We believe there is no better investment that can be made in our youth than through Scouting. TO BE GIVEN AWAY STRAY PETS for adoption. Call McHenry Animal Hospital, 385-0031. 6-21-62-tf 5 BEAUTIFUL female pups, 6% weeks old, sired by pedigreed Belgian Shepherd, German Shepherd and Border Collie. To be given away -- only requirement a good home. Call 385-1459 after 7 p.m. 10-25-62 Farmers Market GEO. P FREUND Authorized Dealer For SALES & SERVICE PHONE 385-0420 4102 W. Crystal Lake Road 4-19-62-tf FARM BUILDINGS -- Special discontinued sizes -- steel buildings. Clear span. Special price. Financing if desired Phone Waukegan 244-3630. 9-21-61-tf FLEMING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA -- GEHL BOLENS GARDEN EQUIP. SALES and SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service Chain Saw Sharpening & Repair PHONE 385-0033 4005 W. Waukegan Road MISCELLANEOUS 75* 75* FISH FRY at the McHENRY MOOSE EVERY FRIDAY -- 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. You Are Welcome 75* 75* 6-IR-62tf is vast, the cast huge. There is t h e A m e r i c a n m i s s i o n a r y whose devotion to his adopted land never wavers, though he is imprisoned first by the Japanese, then by the Communists. There is the impoverished widow who becomes a famous doctor, and finally, to suve her people, an inspired guerrilla leader; and her son, who w a g e s p o l i t i c a l w a r , f i r s t against the Reds and then against corrupt elements in the Kuomintang --a direct result of the practical idealism he teamed while studying in the United States. There are scores of unforgettable episodes --the vivid panoply of a traditional Chinese wedding; the student uprisings; underground activities of the secret societies; the hapless life of the concubine; the depravities of the war lords; heat 3d clashes between the kuomintang and the Commun i s t s ; t h e b r u t a l J a p a n e s e bombing of Chungking; the historic long trek, which enabled the Communists to escape capture by Chiang Kaishek; the mass trials when the Reds took over--in short, the intense drama and tragedy of China itself. "THE SHAPES OF SLEEP," by J. B. Priestley. Enigma rears its head on the title page of this exciting new diversion of one of the old masters of English letters, and accompanies the novel's hero through adventure and intrigue to the very last word. Ben Sterndale, a 42-year-old journalist out of a job, is the unusual hero of this actionpacked story. His good friend, and executive with a London advertising agency, has retained him to track down an enigmatic sheet of green paper which had been stolen from the desk of the agency's chief. With little more to go on than a list of the visitors who had access to the desk Ben sets out on the search. His first stop is at a hospital in which an elderly philatelist lies dying; and from there on Ben encounters a host of peculiar birds, seductive women, cloak-and-dagger types, and enough fast action to satisfy the most demanding of searchand- adventure novel devotees. The novel's surprise ending treats the reader to a series of astonishing twists and revelations, solving the riddle of "The Shapes of Sleep" deftly and delightfully. "DREAD THE SUNSET," by Morjorie Carleton. Looking back, Ellen Brent realized the ghastly ordeal had all begun with a splinter. It had entered Ellen's finger --a serious accident for a concert violinist. The injury led to young Dr. Maynard, and he in turn suggested a part-time job at the expensive Tolliver Home for the Aged. At first, all was serene. Ellen's employer, Dora May Tolliver, was charming, though surprisingly young and beautiful to be devoting her life to the aging rich, The only odd note was Head Nurse Gantry, who not only looked like a camel, she was just as irritable and biting. But Gantry never lost a patient --no one would dare die under her stern, efficient care. Then strange, insidious diss o n a n c e s b e g a n t o s o u n d among the major harmonies of the Tolliver Home. "HAND IN GLOVE," by Ngaio Marsh. Ngaio Marsh's fascinating new suspense novel, "Hand" in Glove," will fulfill every expectation of her devoted audience. Complicated motives and s u b t l e i n t e r - r e l a t i o n s h i p s among the characters are as expertly developed as is the ingenious plot. This latest Marsh novel is certain to enthrall every mystery stoiy reader. The peace of a small English village is broken when a man is found in an open sewer line, his skull crushed by a heavy pipe. That same night a wild treasure hunt has taken place sending many of the characters to the sewer line in search of a treasure clue. Thus they become possible suspects in the crime. The well known investigators, Supt. Alleyn and his assistant Fox, find, moreover, that most of the victim's acquaintances had motives. The crime is done -- the chase,is on. Miss Marsh is superb at handling suspense. She sharpens the impact with quick humorous shifts in mood, delightfully playing with the reader's interest. The treasure hunt, with its search for hidden clues slowly drawing the seekers on to the treasure, emphasizes the more important hunt for the murderer which e n s u e s . Momentum g a t h e r s quickly, clues gain meaning, and Supt. Alleyn goes on to the final appalling revelation. NEW CHILDREN'S BOOKS "THE SECRET OF THE SINGING TOWER," by Hairiet Evatt. Who fiiled Willem Hoorn's wooden shoes with gulden? Who is the silent; mysterious stranger from the East with the little black donkey? What has become of the donkey's beautiful foliar? vWhat, do the rhymes in the silver box mean? Why did Uncle Dirk go out to sea in winter when all the other fishermen stayed sensibly at home? Anil, where, oh where, is the beloved little bell from the chimes in the old tower, the bell that was famous all over Holland for its singing tone? Willem was so puzzled he thought his mind Would lt»uist with all these questions! But although he was only 11; he was Dutch to the.. backbone, and he would not give tip. Come to Klokdorp with lis . and see how it all happened. This gay and touching story is a magic carpet that will take you right into the heart of Holland. Here is Willeru's heme. Come into the warm, shining kitchen where the "dear grandmother Is baking, sit, by the gleaming hearth and hear her stories of old times. That half door leads into the stable, scrubbed and polished like the farmhouse itself. There" are the cows and the little donkey, Blackberry, whom W i 1 ITS m loved at sight. And .here comes Willem's twin sister, Gretcheri, with her pet goose.. WhifiR of the two is gabbling faster? Over there is the canal. ^In summer boats go by. tou -the market all day long, and** in winter men, women and" children skate past. There is--Willem's dog, Boombast, puQIng the little brothers on their sled, and oh dear, that goodfor- nothing Boombast has charged into the burgomaster and upset sled, little - boys, burgomaster and alir~ Now the Christmas, bellsvare ringing out. Do you he&^tTlat silvery note? The lost „ Utile bell has come-home and ^0^-is in every heart in JJjg^SJake tonight. Willem has found this answers, and solved '"ThS** Secret of the Singing Tower." ••THE CHRISTMAS TRIE FOREST," by Raymond Mac- Donald Alden. Another classic Christmas story by the author of "Why the Chimes Rang," this is a traditional tale of Christmas. It presents the warmly loved figure that all children associate with the holiday season-- Grandfather Chr i s t nrra s, or Santa Claufe. The children in the great walled country, far to • the north, were persuaded by a stranger to change* "their C h r i s t m a s c u s t o m . T h e y agreed that it would be far simpler and more rewarding to themselves just to carry off their own presents, instead of fathering presents to give , to their friends. - But this wasn't Grandfather Christmas', idea at all. So none of the children found the toys and candy and other good things they always expected h) the Christmas tree forest-- that is. none except a boy who decided to break the new rule and seek presents for his crippled sister. Just what happetis to" the forest points up the true meaning of Christmas in a way that only Mr. Alden's great gift of story-telling could--a lasting story that will never grow qld. Excellent for reading aloud, it is a story children wiH wtani to again and again. SHOP UTMcHENRf "