Page Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, November 1, 1&2 Ringwood VOTERS WILL USE NEW LOCATION FOR VOTING NOV. 6 Lor Brennaii - W.L 2045 When going to the polls to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6, instead of going to the Muzzy building as. in previous years, go to the Old Ringwood School I think most everybody knows where it is, it's on Barnard MHl road, just west of the intersection of Barnard Mill road and Ringwood road. Remember, voting is your privilege. Please do so on. next Tuesday, Nov. 6. See you at the polls? That's at the Old Ringwood school house. Son Visits Shndles Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle had a very enjoyable few days when their son, Paul Shadle, from Miralesti, Calif., stopped for a visit. Paul was on his way to Philadelphia, Penn., and had an opportunity to stop at Ringwood. tained a group of her little friends a): ? tyft.ljday party held by *her mother, Glpria, in their home last Saturday. They played games and were served refreshments later. An enjoyable afternoon was had by all with Colleen receiving nice Sifts. Belated Birthday Wishes Birthday greetings and best wishes to Colleen Harvey, Kevin Bauer and J. C. Pearson, who celebrated their natal day on Oct. 27. Birthday Dinner Birthday greetings were going out to Magnus Nelson last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby. Mr. Nelson is the father of June Oxtoby. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Elot Bar^efou and son of Hebron: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pearson of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson ot Sterling: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler and family of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. William McCabe of Pistakee Bay; Mrs. Margaret Gielow of Lakeland Park, Judy Nelson of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Crystal Lake. Leonard Nelson of McHenry was unable to attend due to illness. A delicious ham and turkey dinner was enjoyed by all. Sr. Hi M.Y.F. News Last Saturday they had a very enjoyable hayride, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan as chaperons and Don Halcomb as driver of the wagon. Afterwards the group was served refreshments by Mrs. Brenneman and Mrs. Doris Low at their party. Sunday, Oct. 28 they went to Spring Grove to discuss the retreat and listen to a policeman talk on juvenile delinquency with the M.Y.F. group. The retreat will be held on Nov. 2 and 3. They will meet at the Ringwood church at 6 p.m. on Friday night. For more details please contact Linda Low at 653-2641. Collected for UNICEF Last Sunday The residents of Ringwood were very generous in their donations given to the youngsters out collecting money for UNICEF last Sunday. They went out in the afternoon and were guests in the church basement for a Halloween party and sandwiches with refreshments served after the party. Thanks to all who cooperated. Has Birthday Party Miss Colleen Harvey enter- Here 'n There Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Matt Scftied .were luncheon visitors at Genoa City. Wis., on Friday. A Saturday evening caller in the Eugene Oxtoby home was A r t h u r O x t o b y o f S p r i n g Grove. Mrs. Mnble Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago with her sister and friends. Mrs. Jack Leonard, Jane, Peter and Mary Kay of Lake Geneva and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond were visitors in the Wied r i c h - W e gene r home on Monday. Also, they were M e a d o w r i a l e v i s i t o r s a l o n g with Mrs. James Wegener and son. Freddy. Callers in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Sunday afternoon were All . and Mrs. D. Younger of Niles. Mr. and Mrs. Riche from Barrington and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were Friday callers in the L. E. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoffel of Burlington, Wis., were callers in the John Ehlert home on Wednesday. Saturday afternoon callers in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Wawautosa, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the L. E. Hawley home. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Fonlke of Wheaton called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Saturday afternoon callers in the Bill Reinwall home at McHenry were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehlert of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holmstrom of Twin Lakes, Wis., called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Jerousek and family of Melrose Park. Bob Brennan and Bobby attended the Marian Central and Beloit, Wis., football game at Beloit iast Saturday. Marian Central won 12-0. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund at McHenry on Tuesday afternoon. That ends another week of news from Ringwood. Call in your news if you have anything for the column. You make the news column better and longer with your items. Bye for now. SHOP IN McHENRY JOSEPH B. COLEMAN I Would Like To Become YOUR COUNTY JUDGE Your Vote of Confidence Will Be Appreciated and Respected I WILL SERVE YOU WELL. oe Ci emcin For McHENRY COUNTY JUDGE Qualified Experienced Unprejudiced NOVEMBER 6th GENERAL ELECTION Democratic Candidate --Ipertonali Mrs. F. J. Aicher and Mrs. George Steilen accompanied by their nieces, Mrs. Edward Gitzke of Cary and Mrs. fcJrwin Laures of Northbrook, enjoyed luncheon at Rand hurst Tuesday, in observance of their birt hdays which all occur within the same week. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson accompanied by Mrs. Erie Geer of Crystal Lake, attended the funeral of Miss Irene Oberg, former superintendent of Sherman hospital, Elgin, held in Elgin Thursday afternoon. The Jay Seymour family of Wheeling were visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, Saturday. Miss Joan Adams was hon.e from hre studies at Loyola University, Chicago, to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mrs. Mary Buch was a weekend guest of relatives in Chicago. A group of friends made on her tour of Alaska were entertained by Miss Clara Stoffel at her home on Main street Sunday. They came from Joliet, Chicago. Deerfield and Antioch. Mrs. Clyde Bailey and Mis. H. M. Engdahl attended the regional meeting of the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs held in Elgin Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie and Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston were dinner guests in the George H. Johnson home Sunday. Mrs. Isabel Twaites of Daytona Beach, Fla., is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Felcman. The Irvin Freund family and Mrs. A. P. Freund accompanied by Sister Jeremia, of Greendale, Wis., visited sisters of the latter two, Sisters Arcadia and Udefons at Campbellsport. Wis., on Oct. 21. The Ralph Freund family of Madison, Wis., were also guests there and Mrs. A. P. Freund accompanied them home for a few days visit. Mrs. Lucille Wagner and twin sons of Milton, Wis., attended a family get-together at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, Sunday where the birthdays of Mrs. Simon and her twin grandsong were celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Hdward Lockwood accompanied by the Laverne Lockwood family of Lake Geneva were guests in the Roman Lockwood home in Barrington Sunday. Mr. and Mi's. H. M. Engdahl spent the weekend with their grandchildren in Gary, Ind., while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping, attended the homecoming at Iowa University in Iowa City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mrs. Ferol Tomlinson and- daughter, motored to O'Hare Field Sunday, to pick up the former's son, Frank, who arrived by plane from Belle view, Fla., to spend a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. William . Purvey of Huntley were visitors in the Albert Purvey nome Sunday. Guests on Monday were Mrs. Donald Church and son, Johnny, of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron called on the former's relatives in Wes tern Springs, Brookfield and LaGrange Park Sunday. Mrs. Donald Freund, son, Donnie, and Mrs. A. P. Freund visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Petitclair, iii Waukegan Wednesday. The Richard Clark family and Mrs. Elizabelh Thompson were Sunday visitors in the home of the latter's son, John Thompson, and wife in Kansasville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson, daughter, Pat, and Miss Judy Walsh spent Sunday in the A1 Amo home in Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Hazel Suchy and the Harold Garbrechi family of Elgin were visitors in the Howard Lockwood home Friday. Mrs. Rose Staines and Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hennikin of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Elmer Smalfelt home in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday, where Mr. and Mrs. Joe May joined them later. The gathering honored the Smalfelts' son, James, and wife of Cape Hatteras, N. C. Mr. Smalfelt, who is doing government work, is being transferred from Cape Hatteras to Alaska where he will be employed until the holidays when he expects to be sent to Bermuda. The Pedersen family moved recently from 920 S. Rt. 31 to the J. P. Miller home at 1511 N. Green street, vacated by Mrs. Emma King who is. now making her home in the Guf- Fqrm Bureau Continues Efforts To Assure Big Vote November 6 Your vote influences how the people of other countries look at our form of government, Dale Noe, president of the McHenry County Farm Bureau reminded voters as he u,rged a good turn-out of citizens for the Tuesday, Nov. 6 general election. For the past ten days, Farm Bureau has been conducting a "Be Sure to Vote" campaign among its members and urging all citizens to assume the serious responsibility of exercising their right to vote. On Monday and Tuesday of next week Farm Bureau members will be called by workers to urge them to vote Tuesday, as part of a comprehensive "telephone reminder crew." Farm Bureau and affiliated staff members are wearing "I Will Vote . . . Will You?" tags and are distributing them to farm families as they make their restflar calls around the country Said Noe, as he emphasized the international overtones of our election: "If the total ^ote in this country is light, it will appear to our neighbors abroad that we're not as hot about democracy as we say we are." Farm Bureau directors and assistant directors in each of McHenry county's seventeen fy apartment on Washington street. Mrs. Ben Stilling has moved from the Miller apartment on West Washington street to the Rich place on Fox street. Mrs. Henry Weber spent a few days last week with her son, Father James Weber, assistant at St. Therese parisl' in Aurora. While there she and her son accompanied by Father Hagel, pastor of St. Therese, and his sister, Rose.. Jan, attended the ice show at the Chicago Stadium. Richard Hayes and son, Larry, of Chicago were Saturday visitors in the home of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin were Sunday visitors here. » Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thomas were Indiana visitors over the weekend. Lisle Bassett motored to Chicago Sunday to pick up his wife who had been baby-sitting with her granddaughter, Lisa, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bassett, were vacationing in Indiana. Reg. 29c Old Fashion SPONGE CANDY 23c Block J FOR Reg. $1.59 Value SWEAT SHIRTS White Only, S-M-L 'l1* r. Reg. $1.99 Men's FLANNEL SHIRTS S - M - L $|' 66 Reg. 98c BASKET ASSORTMENT Special IT Reg. $1.98 35 Qt. WASTEBASKET 99 Reg. $2.79 BED SHEETS Twin or Full Fitted Only Slight Irreg. $ 199 Reg. 39c Brown JERSEY GLOVES Special 3 * 82* Reg. 98c PERCALE APRONS 67' Reg. 89e Pr. Cushion Foot WORK SOCKS 3 p, 99' Reg. 98c CAT UTTER 10-lb Bag V% 79 Reg. $5 99 CHILDREN'S JACKETS 3 - «x $444 Reg. $24.98 9x12 FOAM BACK RUGS igss 6x9 Size $11.88 l/33 OFF Large Size FLOWER PLANTERS Reg. $1.00 Box XMAS CARDS 77 townships are organizing "Be Sure to Vote" campaigns in their respective townships. Aim of the program is to prod Farm Bureau members to go to the polls and is not meant as an endorsement of any political party or candidate. Noe outlined why the election has special significance to farmers, a shrinking percentage of the population. While smaller in number they have proven a bulwark of democracy, Noe suggested. "Democracy can't succeed unless people exercise their democratic heritage by going to the polls Nov. 6. "All summer farmers have been working with various candidates to urge various action on legislative proposals. The election offers a concrete way to register approval or disapproval of legislators' actions -- at the ballot box." Figures dramative the seriousness of the "no vote" problem. At the last presidential election 64.5 per cent of eligible „vbters cast their: ballots -- not a big percentage when comparted with voting record jn sqme .other free .countries. But at the last off-presidential electi ng voting, only 43.5 per cent v.took the time to cast votes :;n J.958 -- a deplorable shameful record. ' ' F r a n k l y , f a r m p e o p l e throughout the state didn't turn o^it in a very admirable manned," concluded Noe. "So this yecjr Farm Bureau is calling the' seriousness of the failure to vote to the attention of farm pc-ople so that McHenry county can post a participation record more nearly jn keeping with the importance of the J|ight to vote." GR, j NTED CHARTER 1 A charter has been issued by the t state to the Three S &orpora.rtion "to purchase and develop j land sites for investment pitfj5ose<^ by leasing and sale of jjsaid property in regular couivse of business." Reg. 79c Box XMAS WRAPPING 47 SPECIAL PURCHASE WASH CLOTHS, Reg. ISc Value ... 12 for $1.00 Wise motorists have a flare for roadhide safety. The Institute for ; Safer Living urges all drivers tit) equip their cars with approved, flares for use during emergency stops. A flare is essential ift you must stop on a throughwaiy or at any point, where yciu cannot pull completely of? tl^e road. OBITUARY JAMES S. GILLETTE James S. Gillette of 8903 Shady Lane, Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, died Friday evening, Oct. 26, about 9 o'clock at Memorial hospital, Woe stock. He had been in wort health for the last two years. Mr. Gillette, 72 years cf age, was born Jan. 21, 1890. in Terra Haute, Ind. He was a retired telephone company employee- in Chicago. The family moved to Ingle- Sidc in 1954, and for the past five years had made their home in Highland Shores. He is survived by his vwfe, Bertha H.; a son, James n.; of Duck Lake Woods, Ingleside; a daughter, Mrs. Joanne Klicker, of Arlington Heights; four sisters, one brother and four grandchildren. A son Charles, preceded him in death. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son^uneral home until Tuesday at 1:30 o'clock, when Rev. Bruce Brenet*an of Ringwood officiated at *st rites. Burial was in Irving Park cemetery, Chicago. Changing your mind often does not improve it. Annual Inventory Clearance.. SALE OF ALL FLOOR SAMPLES' Two-Door REFRIGERATORFREEZER Combination 13.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity dL True Zero-Degree ^ Freezer Straight-Line Design Combination REFRIGERTORFREEZER Automatic Defrost Refrigerator Zero-Degree Freezer 11.5 Cu. Ft. Capacity $ SALE PRICE 257" 239 95 13.8 Cu. Ft. Capacity Deluxe Combination Automatic Defrost REFRIGERATOR- 5 ^cr#t tor Ronom 33 FREEZER Freezer $ 318" 12.2 Cu. Ft. FOOD FREEZER Straight-Line Design Fits Flush 9 Position Temperature Selector Magnetic Safety Door <188 88 Super Grind DISPOSAL Super Grind -- Super Speed Continuous Action At. The Flip Of A Switch $398? Deluxe Automatic MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER Exclusive Power Shower Flush-Away Drain Pushbutton Control ) $19777 40" Automatic 2-OVEN RANGE Fast-Heating 23" Master Oven Push- Button Controls Focused Heat Broiler Easy-Clean Hi-Speed Calrod Units $ 248 88 Hi-Speed Fast-Heating 23" Maso3n0 -tImN . Ax tUtTta OmM aA TTirI1C Oven Pushbutton Controls Focused Heat RANGE Broiler $16777 £ 12 Lb. Filter-Flo AUTOMATIC WASHER Big 12 Pound Clothes Capacity - Improved Filter-Flo System New Spiral Activator *175 00 Big -12 Pound Clothes High-Speed Automatic Capacit^ ^<>Heat ELECTHIC Temperature Control DRYER Big Capacity Lint Trap $ 135 00 High-Speed AutomaticAdjusJfblf . Tempera- • «i iM niiuM ture Control New Air £rJ->EAs 1 rtlV* Flow System Full DRYER Width Door *98" Deluxe 19" PORTABLE TV New "Daylight Blue" Picture Hy-Powered. Chassis Built-in Dipole Antenna $0995 23" Ulira-Vi&ion CONSOLE TV "Daylight Blue" Picture Set - and - Forget Volume Control Straight-Line Styling $19995 * Less $20.00 Allowance By Public Service Co. If You Qualify. | CAREY Appliance Inc. 1241 N. Green St. McHenry, I1L ft