Page Twehre THE McHENRY PLMNDEALER • 0 Wednesday, November 21, 1962 Pistakee Highlands TEEN CLUB HOLDS POT-LUCK SUPPER FOR NEW OFFICERS Hazel Morley HYatt 7-3320 Kay Sielisch HYatt 7-8414 The pot-luck supper for the new 'Teen Club officers was a success. The committee did a very good job of getting donations for the supper. They also decorated the barn very nicely in blue and white, the club colors. The officer's table held a beautiful centerpiece donated by Craig Thoren. Mrs. Wilson made turkey nut cups for favors. The highspot of the evening was the speech given by President Shirley Spankuch urging cooperation from the members. Special thanks go to the chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Murgatroyd, Mrs. Waldin, Mrs. Wroblewski and their sponsor, j Mrs. Wilson. J There will be a social meet ing on Nov. 19. The club is still open for new members. If anyone is interested please come to the meeting on Dec. 3. Here and There The Dick Farwell family will spend a quiet Thanksgiving at home and have Dick's mother from Cicero as guest. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Petrov and • family will be at Steve's parents' home for the holiday. The Ron Jacksons' walls will be" bulging a little when they host both Ron and Pat's families. ' Ray Cunningham was confined to the McHenry hospital jyid was discharged last Thursday. He was there for observation after he suffered what \vas thought to be a heart attack. It is nice to see Rev. Stu Smith home from the hospital after spending four days there getting over pneumonia. Happy birthday to Nancy Joan VanZevern who was four on Nov. 17. Bob and Lorraine Hurckes will have Bob's family as guests for Thanksgiving. Belated birthday wishes to Jeff Jensen who was 13 years old last week. ; Tom and Lois Mason and family will spend turkey day in Freeport as guest of Tom's , cousin, Martha Sanford. Last Friday Marge Moreth ' and Lorraine Lindemann att e n d e d t h e W o m e n ' s C l u b - meeting, at the Community * Methodist church. Slides from - Mexico were shown. Mr: and Mrs. Moreth will " spend Thanksgiving at their - daughter's home in Chicago. On Nov. 18 Don and Audrey Morin entertained Duke and - Jean Ziegler and family from Chicago." ' - Also entertaining on Nov. 18 - were Billy and Ernie Jones " TheTFguests W^pe^BiHyVrnoth- - er, Mrs. Koehler, Mr., and Mrs. - Boswell and daughter, Robin. I A" few of the gals gathered * at -the home of. Hazel Rogde •; lastr Tuesday- for some cake . and, coffee. Chatting over the - goodies were Dorothy Forslin, * Jartfe Nurse, Emma Eide and Alice Harries. - Lois Mason was hostess to I her, card club last Wednesday evening. As usual Lois served some of her luscious goodies to .Janice Janquart, Lee Conway, Ginny Emmerich, Lilly Hov seth, Tina O'Malley, Doris Hanson and Hazel Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Moreth attend ed a banquet in Bensenville on Nov. 10 and represented post 4600 of McHenry. It was the 5th District membership dinner for the V.F.W. The Morins will spend Thanksgiving with Don's folks, Audrey's sister and brother-in-law, her brother and his girl. A speedy recovery is wished for A1 Rogers who has returned home from the hospital recuperating from a heart attack. Your reporter. Hazel and family will enjoy our Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's home in North Lake. My folks will be there also. Larry Dobbins, the grandson of Herb and Lorraine Lindemann, will make his first Holy Communion on Thanksgiving day in Lansing. Hazel and Tfxidy Rogde spent last Saturday and Sunday in DeKalb visiting Hazel's mother. Congratu 1 a t i o n s to Billy Jones who became an aunt for the third time when a baby boy was born on Nov. 11 to her brother and his wife. w.s.c.s. The Women's Society of Christian Service will meet on Nov. 27 at 12:30 p.m. at the church. Hostesses will be Shirley Wiley and Hazel Rogde. More News Billy and Ernie Jones will have Billy's mother as a Thanksgiving guest. Martin and Hazel Rogde will have all their children home for the holiday dinner. Happy Holiday Your reporters would like to wish each and every one of you a very nice holiday. If you're going out or planning on staying home we extend our best to you and yours and please drive carefully. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Nov. 8, the Pink Lady Sewing Guild met at the home of Mae Siadek in McHenry. After the business meeting the women enjoyed an afternoon of games and fun. The members attending were: Celia Blake, Lila Jordan, Margaret Bollen, and Helena Pepping of McHenry; Agnes Roman, Nell B e r g e n e r , E s t h e r K n a p p a n d Mildred Kennedy of Johnsburg. Gert Snell, Marge Moreth and Lorraine Lindemann of the Highlands. Gert Snell has been nominated to be the publicity chairman for the group. Walter and Marie Perschke will enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner here in the Highlands where they recently moved. A belated birthday wish goes to Marie who celebrated her birthday Nov. 17. Joe and Mabel Gregg were dinner guests of the Sielisches for a big Thanksgiving dinner. Little Georgie Hanisch was a very sick boy all last week. He spent the week with hie Aunt Kay Sielisch. In December he will undergo surgery at the McHenry hospital. Thanks to his little buddy, Brad Morley, the hours in bed were easier to bear. Brad brought him coloring books to pass the days. Georgie returned to school this week looking very pale. The Hanisches will spend Thanksgiving day with Joe's parents in Chicago Jim and Jane Malek and their daughters, Joyce, Joan and Jamie, spent Thanksgiving day with Jim's v parents in Brookfield. The women from the Highlands who attended the Blessed Virgin Sodality meeting Nov. 13, were Kay Sielisch, Doro thy Orlowski, Dorothy Jenkins, Marilyn VanZevern, Betty Sandelin, Marge Waldin, Eleanor Wroblewski and Kay Reil ly. The next meeting will be held Dec. 12. It will be the annual pot-luck dinner and Christmas party. There will bo a 50 cent gift grab bag and a pantry shower for the nuns. The dinner will start at six-) thirty and will be on a Wednesday^ We a^gfc sorry to report that Rosemary\rhelen is ill again and we hope^ she will be back on her feet \to enjoy a big Thanksgiving Veal. "Birthdays and Anniversaries" Birthday greetings go to Lois Mason who celebrates her natal day Nov. 30. Lois is the lone birthday girl this week. Best wishes to the folks who will be celebrating another milestone to their marriages, Jim and Jane Malek who celebrate Nov. 28, John and Joan Megley add another year to their marriage Nov. 27. This makes ten happy years for the Megleys. It has been reported to us that some one is once again using Broadway near the church as their private dumping grounds. If you see anyone dumping garbage there call the police. This is against the law. The last time garbage was being dumped there, the culprits were caught and they were not residents of the Highlands. Lilymoor FRED FRADINARDO NAMED PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Shirley Schoen The Lily m o or association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 13. At this meeting election of officers took place. Those who were elected to the different offices will be installed at the December meeting, and will be in office for t w o y e a r s , 1 9 6 3 - 6 4 . T h o s e elected were Fred Fradinardo, president; Lawrence Schuerr, f i r s t v i c e - p r e s i d e n t ; Theron Young, second vice-president; Marion Vonikahl, secre t a r y; and Val Fradinardo, treasurer. The next monthly meeting and installation of officers will take place Tuesday, Dec. 11, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor, at 8 p.m. Dance The Roaring Twenties dance Grace and Forrest Reirihardt. Roy and Gert Snell, Gloria, Grace and Forrest Reinhardt and their granddaughter, Denise, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Forrest's sisterin- law, Margaret Reinhardt. It was a dual celebration. The Reinhardts nephew, Scotty, made his First Holy Communion at St. Francis of Rome church in Cicero. Louis and Toots Spankuch entertained Toot's parents, Bill and Emma Rosengart, Bill's sister, Fredia Plattner, her son, Arthur, and his wife, Erna of Chicago, for a family Thanksgiving dinner. Norbie and Bev. Lewandowski will entertain Bev's sister, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Gnewuch of Glenview, her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halonen of Wheeling, and her mother, Mrs. Halonen of DesPlaines, for a family Thanksgiving dinner. Belated birthday wishes to Milt Sandelin who celebrated his birthday Nov. 18. He and The next meeting of the Betty spent Nov. 17 in^ Broad- Woman's club will be Nov. yview at Betty's mothers home held Saturday, Nov. 10, was a success. Those who worked hard in making it a success were Connie Johnson, Toni Ehredt, Eunice Tobey, Pearle Stineman, Lil Neumann, Lil Wijas, Diane Fuhler, and Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr. Eunice Tobey did a very nice job of getting everyone into a community sing. Who was the gal that had a small gun (play gun of course) in her nylon? Cub Scouts Cub Scout Pack 162 sponsored by the American Legion are looking for den mothers from the Lilymoor-Lakemoor area. If you are interested in becoming a den mother contact- Bob Fuhler at 385-5271 for full details on being a den mother. There are several boys in the area who would like to become Cub Scouts. All they are asking is for some of the women to become den mothers so they can become Cub Scouts. As a lot of you know Cubbing is the stepping stone into the Boy Scouts and becoming better citizens of our country. ing you are home and just fine, Al. Birthday Greetings go to Gary Leske. Gary will become a great big five years old Wednesday, Nov. 28. Greetings also go to Diane Fuhler. Diane will celebrate her nineteenth birthday Saturday, Nov. 24. Belated Birthday greetings go to Arlehe Freund. Arlene celebrated her big day Sunday, Nov. 4. To each of you we say many happy returns of the day. More News Bud and Alma Hueckstaedt attended a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Mary Gilmeifof Lindenhurst Saturday, Nov. 10. Tena Bellino attended a surprise baby shower given for her daughter, Mrs. Josie Gore, Saturday, Nov. 10, in Des Plaines. Thanksgiving The first Thanksgiving was held by pioneers and settlers who were in a strange • covin-, try. They were thankful for having food, shelter and new friends. The Indians were a race of people new to the settlers of this country By our standards they had very little to be thankful for. We now have a country that has more freedom than any other country. We can own property, cars and many other things. We eat better and more than other countries. We have more freedom in one week than others have in a lifetime. To my knowledge we are the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving. When we count our blessings, no matter how few, we have a lot of things to be thankful for. To all I say have a happy, healthy and prosperous Thanksgiving day. "COMMON MARKET* vl GUESTS Six officials of the European Economic Community (Common Market) were guests of the Illinois Department of Agriculture for four days starting Nov. 9. All the visitors are specialists in some phase of agriculture, and are currently touring the Middlewest to study the possibility of u4 I ing area feed grains in livestock production. Their visit to Illinois was the result of an invitation extended by Ralph S. Bradley, state director of agriculture. Have You Noticed How Bud and Alma Hueckstaedt are beaming with joy lately? Congratulations are in order for them and their daughter, Laurel, and son-inlaw, Mike Hertel. Laurel presented Mike with a beautiful little girl Monday, Nov. 12. The wee-one's name is Michele Lea. She weighed 7 lbs., 13 ozs. The proud grandparents are Bud and Alma Hueckstaedt of Lilymoor and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hertel of Libertyville, formerly of Volo. Congratulations to you all on your blessed event. Get-well Wishes go to Al Grenier. Al entered the McHenry hospital Monday, Nov. 12, for an emergency operation. Here's hopor QUALITY and VALUE '££^5 • • • # Lowest Prices # Complete Selection # Open Display Shopping # Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S & H Green Stamps with Prescriptions • Mell • \w£ 6ivi i Midstream Walgreen Agency iORBEN I STAMPS 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza Since this is a very important meeting it would be nice if most of the members would attend. The meeting will be at the Mount Hope church hall and the program will be very interesting to all members. News Bits The St. John's Home and School association is selling candy and fruit cakes for the holidays. If you wish to order these items please call Mrs. Dan Schmitt at 385-4714. She will be most happy to take your orders and these items are very delicious. Joan Zilligen- and her kiddies spent last Wednesday in Forest Park. Slyvia Murray and her kiddies spent part of the day in Chicago. The two went in together. Nov. 16, Emma Rosengart attended her Phoenix Ladies club meeting and card party in Chicago. Nov. 17, John and Shirley Ivans and their two children*, Debbie and John, from Elmhurst, spent last weekend with for a family pot-luck to cele- Drate Milt's and three other birthdays and an anniversary. THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU WCLM-FM, 101.9 mc |9:30 a.m. Sunday, WAIT, 820 kc New Christian Science Radio Series Sunday, November 25 "KEEPING PEACE IN THE FAMILY" We're Celebrating FIRESTONE'S 62011 Anniversary Now...Get Our Early Bird Deal on ^f\FC$tOttC WINTER TIRES si In All Popular Sizes Including the Compacts Whitewalls or Blackwalls Tube-Type or Tubeless Check Your Size Today! BATTERIES -- TIRES -- TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Complete FARM TIRE SERVICE Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 io $5 on Your Old Battery CALL US . . . for your Truck Tire Needs McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND, Pron 3931 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY. ILLINOIS Phone 385-0294 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm 6 Life L. Representing LELIABLE COMPANIES When Too Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone 385-0043 or 885-0953 129 W. Elm St., McHenry, ID DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-68 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 385-0950 2-6S GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Yt Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted 1803 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & FrL Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday 'Contact Lenses Phone 385-2263 t-M / Don't be fooled Other ranges may look as modern, but nothing cooks as modern as gas Modern cooking moans greatest convenience ... only new gas ranges offer oven "controlled cooking" to cook food perfectly, then keep it warm and ready to serve for hours--automatically! Only gas ranges give automatic top burners with such accurate control of selected temperatures. -. make any cooking vessel, metal or glass, an auto* matic appliance. Modern cooking meant greatest speed . . . only gas g i v e s you i n s t a n t c o n t r o l with countless shades of heat between low and high. When you turn gas off, it's off--instantly-- with no hang-over heat to raise kitchen temperatures. m\ Mi il l li lilll I P vijiilfi See the Dick Powell Show--Tuesday nights--8:30--NBC-TV Modern broiling means cleaner kitchens ., . only gas gives you truly smokeless broiling : you broil with the broiler door closed-- the gas flame consumes greasy smoke that would otherwise escape into the kitchen. Modern economy means more for your money... only gas ranges combine up-tothe- minute style and features with greatest economy and dependability to make your cooking simpler and surer than ever before! See the new gas ranges at your appliance dealer's or nearby Northern Illinois Gas Company Store. Phone 885-2081 NORTHERN 1 ILLINOIS fie AS Service around the dock If you live beyond our mains, see your IP-GAS (^DEALER