\ Thursday, Decembers, 1$62 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEK GARDEN CLUB HEARS TALK ON HOLLAND TULIPS Eighteen members and one guest, Mrs. J. Nichan, attended the meeting of the McHenry Garden club on Thursday, Nov. 29, at the lovely home of Mrs. John Ritter in Orchard Beach subdivision. Delicious refreshments were served at 1 o'clock. All those who attended enjoyed a very interesting program given by Donald Orton, an expert in the field of horticulture. He showed many beautiful slides which he took Impressive Ceremony Marks OES Installation Saturday A while visiting Sassenheim, Holland. when he was in service Stuttgart, Germany, show ing the tulip and narcissus farm there owned by J. Van Home. He explained the many different varieties and the cultivation of the bulbs. Mostly raised for commercial purposes, the tulip originated in Turkey and was introduced in Europe in 1554. In the 17th century there was the famous tulipomania when a single bulb sold at $1,000 throughout Europe. The soil in Holland is sandy, which grows cleaner bulbs and the sand provides proper drainage. The many canals there are a great benefit to the growing. The club president, Mrs. Duncan, had charge of the meeting and Daisy Jones gave the devotions. Mrs. Gruenfeld, 'secretary, was unable to be present, so Mrs. Bolin read reports of the September ana October meetings. The club received a third place award on a table "Bound for the Goal Post" entered at the Crystal Lake show in September. Those assisting were Mesdames Duncan, Bolin, Pepping and Engdahl. The club voted again far membership to the Lincoln Memorial and also to have a show during the summer,-- The December meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 20, at 10:30 at the home of Mrs. Pepping. It will be the Christmas pot-luck and stockings will be filled for the Valley Hi home as in previous years. Mrs. Snively will give ideas for Christmas decorations. County Safety Club To Hold Bake Sale The McHenry County Safety club will hold a bake sale on Saturday, Dec. 15, at the ,0 McHenry county lahd office on the Woodstock square. The sale will begin at 10 a.m. and will last until all produce is sold. It will feature home-made cookies, candy, yeast breads, cakes, pies and other Christmas goodies. The Safety club is composed of a delegate from each agricultural and home economics 4-H club in the county, and S'; they meet once a month to formulate safety projects or learn of safety methods to take back to the individual clubs. This year's officers are president, Donna Schmelzer, McHenry; vice-president, Peggy Schlosser, Richmond; secretary, Patty Hansen, Wonder Lake; treasurer, Jackie Hansen, Wonder Lake; and reporter, Nancy Kane, Richmond. An impressive installation ceremony for a new corps of officers of McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, was held Saturday evening, Dec. 1, at 8 o'clock at Acacia hall. Installed as worthy matron was Stella Chambers; worthy patron, Clifford Chambers; associate matron, Josephine S w a n s o n ; a s s o c i a t e p a t r o n , Carl Swanson; secretary, Edith Dowell; treasurer, Margaret Klingberg; conductress, Phyllis Koehler; associate conductress, Grayce Swanson; chaplaip^ Anita Hansen; marshal, Lei t ha Glorch; organist, Phyllis Nimtz; Adah, Genevieve H e y w a r d ; R u t h , K a t h r y n Scholtz; Esther, Joan Blixt; Martl^, Joan Brosky; Electa, L i l l i a n C o x ; w a r d e r , J o h n Brosky; sentinel, Harry R. Hansen; and instructress. Harriet Dodd. Mrs. Dodd, a grand lecturer of McHenry chapter, served as installing officer; Margaret Klingberg, past matron of McHenry, as installing marshal; Ray Horenberger, past patron of McHenry, as installing chaplain; and Helen Creamer, member of the local chapter, as installing organist. Soloist for the evening was Kathryn Frazier, past matron of McHenry chapter. Escorts were Roy Dodd, Sr., past matron of McHenry chapter; Arthur Klingberg, past patron; and Louise Horenberger, member. The color bearer was Bill Hansen and the ode to the flag was given by Alan Cina. Roy E. Dodd, Jr., acted as master of ceremonies. Bethel No. 98, International Order of Job's Daughters and Emmanuel chapter, Order of DeMolay, participated. Harriet Dodd presented the junior past matron, Anita Hansen, her jewel, and Roy Dodd, Sr., presented the junior past patron, Harry R. Hansen, his jewel. The Benediction was given by Rev. Franklin E. Wales. Club Features Holiday Theme SOSMTAl ThSd CARD OF THANKS > We wish to expressy our heartfelt appreciation^for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offering#' received during thb*=slTness and passing of our loved one. Many, many thanks to all. The Herzog Family 12-6-62 December 6 Women of the Moose Enrollment Meeting. December 8 Jaycee Cinders for Safety- Deoember 15 Snow ball Dance -- Club Lilymoor -- 9 p.m. -- Benefit Children's Playground Equipment. Dinner Lecture Club -- McHenry Country Club -- 7:30 p.m. December 18 C a m p N o . 6 8 1 8 , R . N . A . Christmas Party -- Pot-Luck Dinner at 6 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall, McHenry. Jaycee General Meeting CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards, prayers and good wishes received on the occasion of our fiftieth wedding anniversary. We are especially grateful to the clergy for their spiritual blessings. You have helped to make this one of the most memorable • days of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May 12-6-62 Parents of intelligent children always believe in heredity. SALLT FCLDE "Christmas Decorations All Through The House" is the program to be presented at the McHenry. Woman's club by Mrs. Sally Fulde of Crystal Lake on Dec. 14. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. in the Community Methodist church social hall. Mrs. Fulde is well known in this community for her work in garden clubs, woman's clubs, Eastern Star, etc. She is an accredited judge of the Garden Club of Illinois, teaches flower arrangements and presents many programs in the Chicagoland area. She is wellversed in horticulture, landscaping and floral designing, and at times has done some floral designing locally. Real flowers, as well as artificial material, will be used by Mrs. Fulde to show how to beautify the home for the holidays. Mrs. Fulde has been a resident of Crystal Lake for thirty years. She has two married daughters, one living in Liberty ville and the other in Denver. In additon to Mrs. Fulde, the program will also include violin solos by Mrs. Eleanor Locker, a very talented local musician. All members are asked to bring a wrapped Christmas gift for a man to be sent to Valley Hi. Also again this year, the club wishes to participate in the community collection of good, clean, used clothing and canned goods for the needy. Members are asked to bring these also. APPEARSS IN PPLI AY Lance Parkss,.{fssoonn of Mr. and Mrs. Lance M. Parks, 5416 Euclid road, McHenry, will appear in Northern Illinois university's production of "The Inspector General," a Russian farce by Nicolai Gogol. The performances will be held at 8 p.m. on Dec. 6, 7, and 8 and at 2:30 p.m., Dec. 9, in the university's Fine Arts auditorium. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my friends, relatives, Rev. Baumhofer and Rev. Holmgren for remembering me with visits, cards and prayers during my recent hospitalization and since my return home. Your thoughtful - ness was very much appreciated. Anton H. Freund *12-6-62 Everybody hopes for the best, but few people are willing to work for it. McHenry Hospital During the past week patients admitted in McHenry hospital included Dorothy Maj e w s k i , A l g o n q u i n ; C a r l t o n Palmer, Deborah Gildemeister, Clara Buttery, Richard Lawler and Donald Hamberger, Wonder L^tke; Lucille Lindsey and Katheryne Heit k o 11 e r, Wauconda; Phillip Weyna, Keith Monahan, Richard Childress, Pauline Steinsdo r f e r, Mamie Mroskovak and Victoria Bladon, Crystal Lake; Ida Nagel, Fox River Grove; Albert Vanzieleghem, Waukegan; Emma Pierce ' and Carl Westerbeck, Woodstock; Harry Heckman and Michael Murray, Chicago; Frank Lemberg, Barrington; Joseph Tathfalusi, Hammond, Ind.: George Barnbas, Richmond; Harold Thomas, Libertyville; Mae Capps, Ingleside; Hejrp' Kwat, Fox L a k e ; F r a n k ^ R u b y , O t t o Dettke, Charles GundlaclKand Dorothy Taylor, Lake VilKT Marian Anderson, Marie Carlson, Jean Miller, Fred Checchin, Sophie Dolderer, Kathleen Weber, Marian Nicolai, Cathryn Tremper, Adeline Albert, Anna Raney, Scott Grist, Carolee Vann, Rosalie Kiddelsen, Jennie Hagberg, Clarence Ehrhardt, Charlotte Jourdan, Joe Knaack,. Walter Hopkins, Sylvia Blanchard and Laurie Ann Olsson, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Mary C. Wesson -and Clara Tonyan, Ringwood; S t a n 1 e y Samp, Baby Donna David, J. P. Embry, Patricia Jensen, Robert Jensen, Wonder Lake: Karen Givens, Lavern Johnson, William Sutton, Frances Harris. Kathrine Ryan and Emanuel Macaluso, McHenry. THREE YOUTHS PAT FINES ON LIQUOR CHARGES Three youths paid fines when they appeared before Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday evening to answer charges resulting from their recent arrest in the parking lot near the local roller rink. Gary Ritter of McHenry paid the highest amount, $47, for accepting and possessing alcoholic liquor as a minor. Marshall P. Pearson of McHenry paid $35 and William J. Jonas of Arlington Heights paid $20, each on a charge of possessing alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle. A fourth youth from Wauconda requested to have his case heard immediately and was fined two weeks previous. GIRL. SCOUT PARTY The annual Christmas party for adult leaders and committee women for the Girl Scouts will be held on Dec. 12 at 12:30 at the McHenry Country club. All the leaders and committee women are urged to attend. There will be a gift exchange as in previous years. For further information or to m a k e r e s e r v a t i o n s , c o n t a c t Mrs. Frank Gans, 1502 N. Riverside drive, before Dec. 8. 4-H DANCE The McHenry County 4-H federation is sponsoring a 4-H Christmas dance on Dec. 22 at the Clarence Olsen school in Woodstock. This dance is in honor of all 4-H alumni. If you know of an old 4-H'er who is working outside the county or is away at college, send him or her a clipping of this so they may plan to attend and renew old acquaintences. McHenry HonpitAl Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koenigseder are parents of a son born Nov. 26. A daughter was born to Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald Holly of Wonder Lake Nov. 28. " Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mieritz announce the birth of a son Nov. 30. A Richmond couple, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Courtemash, are parents of a son born Dec. 1. Mr. and , Mrs. Anthony Popelka, Womjer Lake, announce the jiusttrof a daughter Dec. 2. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marino are parents of a son born Nov. 29. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers Nov. 29. On Nov. 30 a son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cruetz. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sullivan, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a daughter Dec. 1. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann, Jr., of Sunnyside, announce the arrival of an 8 lb. 11 oz., daughter at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22. Little Sandra Jean was welcomed home by sister Susan Joan, four years old, and brother, William Joseph, 2. Mrs. Neumann s the former Jean Weber, daughter of the Carl Webers and Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann, Sr., are the paternal grandparents. Mrs. Nettie Weber is the proud . great-grandmother. OBITUARIES BERNICK LtJDWIG . Asphyxia was blamed for the death of Mrs; Bemice Ludwtg, 50, of Pistakee Highlands, who died Tuesday, Dec. 4, n her home. An inquest was conducted at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home later in the day. Survivors include her husband, William; two step-children, Janice Ludwig of Chicago and William in the United States air force; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Materich of Georgia; and a brother, Raymond Blankenship, Michigan. The body rested at the K. K. Hamsher funeral home, Fox Lake, until 3 p.m. Thursday when it was transferred to the Wieting Funeral home» 3658 S. Wolcott, Chicago, where funeral services- were held Friday at 1:30 p.m. Interment was in Glen Oaks cemetery, Maywood. JOSEPH F. Kt CERA Joseph Frank Kucera, 79, of Rt. 1, Crystal Lake (Burton's Bridge area) died in McHenry hospital Friday. Nov. 30, following a day's illness. He had made his home in this community for thirty-seven years. Mi'. Kucera was born in Czechoslovakia Nov. 25, 1883. He was a retired pressman. The body was removed from the George R. Justen & Son funeral home to the Broadview chapel in Chicago for final arrangements. SHOP IN McHENRY OTTO KOEHN Otto Koehn. 89, of Johnsburg, a former resident of Bellwood, died at his home on Dec. 1. He was born Sept. 9, 1873, in Saxton, Germany, and had resided in this area for the past three years. His wife, Louise, preceded him in death. He leaves three children, Walter of Lincoln, 111.. Bertha Tyndal of Gary, Ind., and Lillian Halverson of Tampa, Fla; two brothers, William of Glen Ellyn and Louis of Wisconsin. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Leonard Memorial home, with Rev. William F. Eifrig officiating. Burial was in Oakridee cemetery. The shadow of an airplane is the same size, regardless of height of plane. COURT BRIEFS, Speeding was the charge against five motorists who appeared last Saturday before Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams. James D. Houdek of McHenry paid $15; James L. Coomes of McHenry paid $13; Edward Mars of Richmond paid $10; Clarence Wohlert of Richmond paid $13 and Otto Menolasino of Wonder Lake pjud $8 for the offense. Marial A. Sears of Mount Prospect was fined $10 for failure to yield the right-ofway. A reckless driving charge was made against Robert Strossner of McHenry, Who had a $30 fine imposed^--/ Janet Weiss of JMcHenry was fined $30 for /m}>roper lane usage. James Wautlel W McHenry was fined $15 by\ Police Magistrate Donald Ht^'ard for too fast acceleration. for reckless driving and 3th(P other was $15 for damaging city property. V William Kidd Of McHenry paid $10 fines for improper passing and for speeding. Lillian Michelsen of McHenry was fined $15 for speeding. Dennis Angellotti of Round Lake 'was fined $32 for hot having a driver's license on his person. ERVICE NEWS Ronald Glosson of 5402 Rt. 120, McHenry, paid fines en two charges. The first was $105 ArmyNCapt. Frederick D. HartmannTSwhose wife. Harriet, lives in KentT^V'ash., xrecently completed the thirteen week associate officer career course at the signal school, Fort Monmouth, N. J. Captain Hartmann received instruction in the duties* and responsibilities of a field grade Signal corps officer. The 29-year-old captain entered the Army in July, 1956. The son of Mrs. Dorothy M. Hartmann. 1803 W. Davis avenue. McHenry, he is a 1950 graduate of Crystal Lake high school and a 1955 graduate of the University of Illinois. INTRODUCTORY OFFER SOFT WATER $199 PER MONTH At last, a Soft Water Rental Plan that gives you UNLIMITED Soft Water -- No more messy tank exchanges - -- one flat rental rate. LINDSAY SOFT WATER CO. S721 W. Elm McHenry 385-3900 Christmas. hits! Jl lilii NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St, McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. MMHriir' n mstswju&itti* PLYWOOD TABLE TOPS for mounting Electric Trains x ' -.xoxs*. \ VATC8 *008 MAR BWGIHS." VEDNESMT NIGHT, ABC-TV Now...a car that's even nicer than the '62 Pontiac the '63 When yon put style Bki this together with new niceties Hke a wider Wide-Track, an even dltlw ride, and deeply sumptuous interiors you're got a car that's nicer than the '63 Pontiac. Wide~Tritck PoiUUiC SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A WIDE CHOICE OF WIDE-TRACKS AND GOOD USED CARS. TOO _ OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET , MeHENKY Road Racing Sets Available in Various Sheet Sizes FOR FAMILY FUN . . . PING PONG TABLES Unpainted -- Ready to Assemble Hours of Family Entertainment For the DAD and his HELPER • Quick and Eeasy to Assemble • Sturdy Construction • Multiple Uses Open Daily: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424