THE Thursday, December 20, 1962 4 . '• • t ' t>•'- o• >-, . > ••- w*-.> SHARON KLINKER John Wirfs Will Claim Bride In May Mr. aiad Mrs. Everett Klinker of township announce . the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to John Wirfs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wirfs of McHenry. The couple plan to be married May 4. Retree Hammershoy To Wed In January Mr.-and Mrs. Raymond H&rrtfftefshoy of Oakhurst subdivision announce the engagement of their daughter, Renee Alice, to Mr, George Estes, son of Mr. and-.Mr& Lloyd C. Estes of Columbus, Ohio. He is a fireman in the Navy, stationed at Great Lakes. The wedding of the young .couple will take place, at St. 1 Patrick's Catholic church on Jan. 12, 1963. ' ChorStf '* Members . At Holiday Party The spacious home ol the Walter Ulicks at Pistakee was opened to members of the McHenry Choral club and their ' guests when the group enjoyed • their - annual Christmas party ^jpnday evening. - About fifty were in attendance to "listen to a recording „qf their recent concert, after Which a buffet lunch was |ervedf«fhd an exchange of gilts ,fpok"|8gc&Xr The- dub- will resume prac- ^ce oM: "Moh^day, Jan. 14, at which 4iine. ttey will go into rehearsal '"'ftsr ; their annual Sowing Guild Has Christmas Party The sewing gjtiild of the Women's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital held its Christmas party Dec. 12 at the home of Nell Bergener in Johnsburg. ft was a pot-luck luncheon. Members present were Celia i {lake, Lila Jordan. Marian Carlson, Margaret Bolin, Helene Pepping, Lillian Cox, lsa Bracnne of McHenry; Agnes Komon. Esther Knapp and Mildred Kennedy of Johnsburg; and Marge RI ore th, Lorraine Lindemann and Gert Snell of Pistakee Highlands. After the business meeting a grab bag and games were ^njoyed. MARIAN GLEE CLUB TO GIVE HOLIDAY CONCERT WHITHI Hoffman „lngageij To Marry •= Mrs. Edith Banks <rf Ringwood ahnounces the engagement of her daughter, Wflma Hoffman-, to John Hardsty of ; Spring Grove. " No. definite date has been -set for the wedding. "Celebrate Three Birthdays Friday Three birthdays were celebrated Friday, Dec. 14, at the Gene Dobyns home. Mrs. Graea ..Sweeney, who was 81 on Dec. 12, and her two granddaughters, Mrs. Robert Weber of fearringtcfri and Mary Grace Dobyns, whose birthdays fell on Dec. 14, were the cele- Ifrants. - For her tenth birthday Mary XSrace entertained eight of her little friends with games and -a delicious luncheon featuring I' birthday cake. These guest? .were Gayle Truckenbrod, Conine Miller, Yvonne Neuman, Stephen Doherty, Janet Lawmen, Mary Pintozzi and Cathie Tgnd Beth Weber. , ..Other eruests included Mrs. Helen Dobyns and Mrs. Frances Bousser, grandmother and aunt of Mary Grace. Friday, the Marian Glee club,' under the direction of John Forbisn, will present a Christmas program including "Carol of the Drums" and White Christmas". The freshmen in the glee club will perform "Dear Little Children" md "Adoramus Te Christe". The proeram will conclude with the faculty and student body singing the traditional songs of the Christmas season. The Student Council, under Jim Gallagher, will conclude the program with a short skit. Six small "amigos" from Westwood school assisted the Spanish II class in celebrating Christmas, Mexican style. An original skit in Spanish was presented by the Seniors, pinatas were broken and the Magi distributed gifts. Tostados, a Mexican delicacy were prepared by members of the class and served at the luncheon. Marian and Saint Francis, Wheaton. held a dual debate at Wheaton Thursday evening. Each school won a debate. Marian debaters were Ed Dolan, Tony Bird, Val Levernier and Roger Schiller. Saturday, Wally Bowman, Fraftk Schepert, Virginia Schneider and Roger Schiller will represent Marian at St. Catherine's, Racine, Wis., where their annual debate tournament will take place. The Sophomore YCS numbers about a hundred students. It was decided to open membership to any who wanted to join. Since the number is larger than any YCS group should be, the group was broken into three smaller groups and each given leadership under three senior members. Bob Strohm's group decided to purchase the regular YCS program books, "Discovery," and follow the weekly meetings as outlined by the national committee. Since the students have their own copies, they are learning the YCS tenets of "observe, judge and act." J i m Gallagher's TTOUD is observing the effects their parents have on the students' thinking in regard to school life and inter-racial justice. Gary Vicytal's group is observing relations in the family and trying to make their relations more Christian. 180 JUVENILE FORESTERS ENJOY CHRISTMAS PARTY St. Mary's O.jrt, No. 594, Catholic Order of Foresters, entertained 180 juvenile Foresters at a Christmas party at the Legion home on Sunday, Dec. 16. George J. Freund was -reneral chairman and Jim Doran and John Rogers, juvenile directors, were in charge of the program. State Court Trustee Fred J. Meyer announced the activities' program of the state and hi.^h court for the coming year. The talent contest for juveniles will be held in Chicago Jan. 27 at St. Killian's, 87th and Alwierdeen street, at 2:30 p.m.: annual basketball tournament at McHenry Feb. 9, 10 16. 17, 23 and 24; and fortyfirst annual juvenile and adult bowling tournament at Crystal Bowl. He also announced that ail entries in the C.O.F. eb say contest for juveniles must be turned in to the court office not later than Jan. 31. Subject of the contest is 'The C.O.F. in Home, Church and Country". Essays are limited to 300 words. Contestants must give roster number, age and court to qualify for the three prizes, $100, $50 and $25 in government bonds. Director Doran started the program with the seventh and eighth grade boys taking part in the home run ball game, followed by the fifth and sixth graders with the home run tennis ball game, the third and fourth graders blowing table tennis ball on hand knees, second graders hand balloon game and first graders and under with another balloon game. Santa arrived in the midst of the festivities, and his helpers distributed Christmas packages for all the juveniles. Later, the committee treated the boys to hog dogs and chocolate milk, which they ate with zest following their afternoon of exercise. The chief ranger and officers of the court are grateful to the committee and parents who helped make the party so very successfuL DIVORCES GRANTED Evelyn O'Halleran of McCullom Lake was granted a divorce from George O'Halleran last Friday by Judge William M. Carroll in circuit court. Vernon Bond of McHenry received a divorce from Eva Bond. Knights Name New Committees At the regular meeting o£ he Fourth Degree Assembly of the Knights of Columbus, lield at the K.' of C. hall in McHenry Dec. 12, the final jommittee appointments were m n o u n e e d by t h e g e n e r a l chairman, Bob Fagan of Woodjtock. Dates for committee reports to be submitted to the General Assembly were also set. Heading t h e s e c o m m i t t e e s were the following: Faithful Navigator, Joe Pokerny of Wauconda, honorary chairman; Faithful Captain, Andrew 3rodja, honorary-co--chairman; Harold Evans of Woodstock, ^o-chairman; Leo Brink of Barrington, publicity; Bob Conway of Woodstock, reserva- 'ions; Joe Burg of Woodstock, finance; George Perkins ot Crystal Lake, reception; Orlando Davia of Waueonda, decorations; Eugene Freund Qf McHenry, entertainment General Chairman Fagan stated that the entertainment ommittee will meet in McHenry within the next three weeks and make a final decision as to location of the danee. There will be a choice of four K. of C. halls -- Woodstock, Barrington. Harvard or McHenry. Plan Dinner Dance The annual dinner dance is a semi-formal dress event. Guest speaker will be either a federal government official or a high rank'ng military officer. The data will be April 20, which is the first Saturday following Easter Sunday. Reservation letters will be mailed out after Jan. 10. A cocktail i hour from 6:30 7 will precede the dinner, with dancing from 9:30 to 1 a.m. This gala social event of the year for the Assembly will also be the kick-off of the new membership class for 1963. Bob Fagan was appointed membership chairman for the new class to be initiated in Aurora in October of next year. The committee will be the same as the one set up for the spring dinner dance. Bob Fagan stated: "I believe this will be our finest year for new members and effective programs. We hope to have Master Cyrus Haller from Free port, Bishop Muldoon General Assembly present, state officers from the General Assembly of Aurora and our Su- McHENRY WSCS KEEPS BUSY AT HOSPITAL EVENTS Santa Claus is keeping a crowded schedule at Elgin Stale hospital, where eightyseven concerts and carolling programs, as well as community- sponsored parties (or parents, ore posted on the December calendar in the Volunteer Services Program. WKh the voluntary support of area organizations and individuals, special holiday gifts and treats iire being provided for each of (he hospital's 6,000 residents, Among registered volunteers assisting once a year and monthly or weekly visiting groups with holiday festivities is the W.S.C.S. ol the Community Methodist church in McHenry. ' aKihimAB McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts are parents of a daughter ;om Dec. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zimmer of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a daughter Dec. li. A Crystal Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burhqp, are narents of a daughter born Dec. 11. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Kruse of Crystal Lake, Dec. 13. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Harold Michels are parents of a daughter born Dec. 13. Harvard Hospital A son was born Dec. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Householder, Wonder Lake. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the illness and passing of our loved one. Many, many thanks to all. The Family of Mrs. Howard Christensen 12-20-62 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for all the cards, gifts and prayers during my recent stay at the hospital. Francis Kattner *12-20-62 I DUTCH MILL CANDY SHOPPE nreme Director Charles Morgan at our spring dinner 'ance". Award Dinner Honors Corps About 370 parents, friends gild member^ of the Sons of the Legion Viaeount drum and bugle corps gathered at the Legion home Saturday evening, Dec. 15, to honor the "oung people at an award dinner. Guest speaker was Ken Kobojd, contest director of the Illinois Drum and Bugle association. Coveted awards were presented by Mr. Kobold to Bonnie Wirfs, most improved Vi- Kette; John Zimny, most improved bugler; Jimmy Lingenfelter, most improved drummer; and Susan Matchen, most improved member of the Color j Guard. A popularity award made by Tom Birmingham, commander of the Legion post, went to "Bud" Reid and Jane Weber. The instructor's award was presented by Dorothy Weichmann, president of the auxiliary, to "Bud" Reid and Judy Hay, while managers' awards were given by Ed. Reid to Sue Gregory, Carol Gray and Kenneth Homo. Marie Howe received an award for being an all-around booster of the corps an$ for extra services to the Viscounts. A special feature of the evening was the singing of Christmas carols by the DesPlaines Corsairs. Their manager is Victor Mensqhing, who was awarded a plaque by Bill Lingenfelter, making him an honorary member of the Viscounts, Masters of ceremony for the evening were Ed. Reid and Ernie Zimny, who outlined some of the corps' activities during the past summer, during which time they travelled 3,000 miles for turn-out appearances. xSanta Claus distributed gifts fo all the children present and 'ater the older boys and girls enjoyed dancing to records. HOLD 4 H ALUMNI CHRISTMAS PANGB NEXT SATURDAY The McHenry County 4-H Federation is sponsoring a 4-H alumni Christmas dance on urday, Dec. 22. All persons who are alumni and those who UIH presently active in the 4»H program are invited to attend. There will be no charge for admission. The dance will be held at Clarence OJsen school, Wood* stock, between 8 p.m. and midnight. Punch will be served at he dance. Roger Manke reports that ihe band for this dance is very exceptional. SAFETY MEASURE Chairs are for sitting, ladders are for standing on. The institute for Safer Living says be sure to use an approved step ladder rather than furniture when decorating the Christmas t ree. Orange and grapefruit trees are often found growing wild along the Atlantic coast up north as far as northern North C a r o l i n a --the G u l f S t r e a m floats the seecls along, ajid the surf washes them ashore. S0PH0MO&E TOP WINNER IN PIE QUEEN CONTEST Pgtty Schmeglitz, a sophomore, was top winner, Linda Amann, a sophomore, was second, and Donna Holcomb, a freshman, was third and Mary £ Phillips, sophomore, was fourth in the penny flame pie queen contest held Dec. 15 at the home economics department of the local high school. The first winner will npw compete with others in the various schools in this district. Judges were faculty members, MARRIAGE LICENSES £ Carleton Smith and Shirley M. Stowe, both of McHenry. Max Schwedler of McHenry and Emma Lohman of Boulder Junction, Wis. Charles Jett and Lorna Henneberg, both of McHenry. CARP OF THANKS A note of thanks for ail who remembered us with flowers, £ cards, food and other kindness- ™ es at the time of our bereavement. Tile Family of Katie Harrison •12-20-62 5 An ideal family gift that offers hours and hours of family entertainment. A i • countless number of practiced uses, too. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Rev. Father Eugene Parker ajid Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Connerton. Also fr'ends ^nd neiorbbors, American Legion Post No. 491. McHenry Barracks No. 1315, for their Spiritual and floral bouquets of sympathy in the passing of my beloved husband. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Margaret Davidsen *12-20-62 "Complete Selection of Special Pre-Recorded Tapes - $3.95 TAPES -- SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES 1 CAMERAS -- PROJECTORS -- FILMS 20% to 40% Discounts GEO. W. K0TALIK S STUDIO & CAMERA CENTER YOUR DISCOUNT STORE ISIS N. Riverside Drive McHenry, DL Phone 385-0275 If no answer phone 385-3176 •ft Large Selection Christmas Wrappings Gibson Christmas Cards • Christmas Candies • Gift Tins • Party papers by Pakay 2-lb. Holiday Special -- $2.95 Reg. $3.20 • Large Selection of Stuffed Toys • Beautiful Christmas Candles • Chanukah Greeting Cards 1260 North Green Street Phone 385-8520 Christmas Greetings Im&mM mm JM[ ay the Christmas message shine brightly in the heart® of people every where, bringing to all new hope and new courage, inspiring all with a deep sense ol renewed dedication and devotion to the fulfillment of the glorious promise of Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." NBOW CLEANERS 1804 N. Front St. McHenry, III rS? TO ONE AND ALL worn The Casual Shoppe is the Store that Guarantees She'll Give You a Kiss Most MEN like to give feminine, frilly appealing Christmas gifts . . . MEN like to dress their lady in fashions which they like . . . apd you know what? You MEN have darn good taste. A woman likes to be dressed in feminine fashions her favorite MALE has chosen . . . for time after time . . . she'll say, "I'll take it home to see if my husband likes it." • But _-you. MEN hate to go through the lingerie section or the sweater section if women are around . . . That's why the Casual Shoppe will help you to select the right gift and size for her. You can do all your shopping for her . . . right at the Casual Shoppe, for we are a women's specialty shop . . . carrying famous name brands you can be sure will be a favorite style, fabric and tailoring. Choose your presents ... we wrap them up pretty for you and you have thrilled her again with something feminine frilly and appealing. We know she'll give you a KISS for your feminine fashion gift . . . but just to absolutely guarantee a KISS , . . THE CASUAL SHOPPE WILL GIVE YOU A SPRIG OF MISTLETOE WITH YOUR GIFT WRAPPED PACKAGES. •V', •/-v >.l'o *' V'. Mi 'A*1 Is the Store for Every Woman on Your List. Give Her a New ROBE & SLIPPERS ROBES Many Styles $12 95 ch°ose from. SLIPPERS % ii BEAUTIFUL Holiday Dresses For That Special Event Long Black or Brown Leather GLOVES $12.95 pr. Large Selections of SWEATERS and MATCHING SKIRTS Lounge Wear 2 Pc. Sets $14.95 up CHOOSE A GIFT OF JEWELRY We have a Large Selection BABY DOLLS SCHRAMM'S TOY SHOP 87Q0 W. Elm gt, CSflft! $6.00 pr. JLI inaerie 3717 W. Ebn The Gift Every Woman Loves oCuxurtoud HOUHS: Open Every Nile Till 9 pan.