Thursday* January 10/1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Fifl#«k McHenry Shorts SHORES CLUB ELECTS NEW BOARD MEMBERS Patt Petersen 385-5425 In the election held last Thursday at the VFW, Paula Tigcemann, Bob Harper and Bob Petersen were elected to serve a three year term on tne board of dirctors and Frank Jacek and Ray Olszewski wei« elected to serve jtwo year terms. \/ As you know at the December meeting it was deeide'ct to award an attendance pline. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott have won the first prize given for attendance at the January meeting. Skaters Notice At a special board of directore meeting it was decided to turn on the big lights at {he beach from 7 to 10 o'clock in the evening as long as the ice is safe for skating. If you have l#iked down toward the beach recently, you probably already have seen the lighted skating area. Cerebral Palsy On Jan. 12 and 13, volunteers under the direction, of Daisy Smith will call on the /residents of the Shores for gifts to the McHenry County Cerebral Palsy fund. Those who attended the last Shores Club meeting heard of some of the work that these funds are doing in helping sufferers oi this illness. Funds are used to purchase equipment for striken persons and to assist in paying teachers who help teach them to assist themselves. Happy Holidays With all of the entertaining done over the Christmas holidays, it seems as if McHenry Shores will be pretty quiet for awhile, at least until everyone gets their sccond wind. Audrey and Charley Whitney enjoyea the season by being host to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Whitney, Sr., from Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Whitney and their family from Bensenville. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wilson, from Rockwcll City, Iowa, paid a holiday visit to Mrs. Wilson's sister, Irene Middlekauff, and her husband. Trent. Christmas day was sjjent in Wheeling visiting Trent, Jr. Bcrnice and Charles MacCallum .spent the Christmas holiday visiting their daughter and family in Lake Bluff. Nell and Stuart Rode enter* talned with a buffet dinner followed by cards for friends and neighbors. John and Gladys Korner entertained several of their friends with a dinner party. Mildrod Snively .s|jent Christmas Day with Daisy and John Smith. Daisy and John also had visitors from McHenry ©v er the holidays. The VFW Hall resounded to the joy of a "Sweet Sixteen" party* given by Sandra Wetzel., Thirty-two guests attended to honor the occasion. On Christmas Eve Doris and Fred Wetzel were visited not only by "Old Saint Nick" but by Fred's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wetzel, Sr.. from Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. James Daron and son, Terry. Ed and Dorothy Vilim attended a wedding of a relative of Ed's on Dec. 22. On Christmas Eve Dorothy's parents, Frank and Helen Jacek, came to spend the evening and on Christmas Day Ed and Dorothy visited the Jaceks. Barbara and Ray Pogor wei* visited by Barbara's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Schaffrath, who came to spend Christmas with them. On Christmas Eve Kathy Harper had' plenty of help hanging up her stocking. Twenty- one guests visited her parents, Shirley and Bob, for dinner. Christmas Day was then spent with Bob's family. Mrs. Harriet Egger and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Goetz and children came to visit Jean and Art Egger on Christmas Eve. Jean and Art went visiting the next day and spent the holiday with Jean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Ehrhardt, in Wilmette. New Years Eve found Jean and Art in SkoKie visiting friends. Marilyn and Ray Moore held open house over the holidays. Quite a group of friends and neighbors dropped in to wish them a happy season. The New Year was ushered in at a party held at the McHenry American Legion by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hat ton, Mr. and Mrs. Art Brunke, Mr. and Mrs. Jack SchmitC Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vilim, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Whitney, Mr. and Mrs! Charles Lindwall;-Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Olsewski. Mr. and Mrs. Eu Olbinski and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore. The Tanners. Evie and Bob, bad their families visit them on Christmas. Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. John Millus, Mr. and Mrs. Lune and their children, Linda, Susan and* Mark, Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, stopped by to spend the day. On New Years Day, Bob and Evie visited friends and relatives in Chicago. Gladys Korner, Jean Eggei and Daisy Smith were the truest s of Jean Heinzleman of Pistakee at a Christmas party. to purchase a new ticket in order to make it back to his base in time. John and Gladys Korner had both good and bad news over the holidays. Son John, came home from school on Dec. 19 to stay for the Christmas vacation. He left to return to school last Thursday. The bad news came when they heara that Jolin's parents were involved in an automobile accident on Christmas Day. Although the car was damaged severely, fortunately no one was injured. Substitute Reporters In the absence of Patt Petersen. who will be staying witn her mother in Toledo for the next few ^fteeks, the column will be written by several substitute reporters. If you have any news will you please call Leona Wagner or Shirley Harper. Both have graciously consented to be. the news collector until Patt returns. Birthdays and Anniversaries I'm afraid that in Patt's absence several birthdays and anniversaries will be overlooked, however, I'll go ahead with what I do have. Johnny Ray Mack celebrated his first birthday with a party on Dec. 30. Birthdays have been celebrated in the past few weeks by Ray Olszewski, Ingabord Corcoran, Barbara Whetherhut, Deborah Burke, Robert Dobbertin, Jr., Ray Moore, Daisy Smith, Susan Ewald and Gerry Olbinski. Wedding anniversary celebrations were for Sim and Mary Santilli and Charles ' and Bernice MacCalium. Honor Roll Two more of our students have made the honor roll at their schools. Pat Mack has made the honor roll at McHenry high and Becky Partain has made her school's honor roll. Keep up the good work. About 25 million tons of fish are taken from the oceans each yerr for human consumption - yet over half of the world's population seldom get enough to cat. Wonder Lakt Home Burns At Wonder Woods Mary Lou Hartog - While Joan and Sonny Spielman and their three daughters were visiting relatives in Evanston oh Wednesday. Jan. 2, their home in Wonder Lake burned to the ground. On their arrival in Evanston they were told of the fire and they immediately returned only to find that everything with the exception of the clothes they were wearing had burned. Even though there was exceptionally prompt action on the part of the fire department, there was a meeting going on at the firehouse when the alarm came in and the men left for the fire as they pushed the alarm button, the report was still too late in coming to save the house. „ The Spielmans have moved Into a house in Hickory Falls temporarily and thanks to the kindness an£ generosity ol everyone ha* received furniture, clothes, bedding, etc.. which will enable them to get a start again. It's a wonderful thing to see where people in their everyday lives will gripe and squabble and quarrel among themselves and with others too and yet if one gels in deep trouble they will all band together to help out that person or persons. We sec this happen so often when there is a tragedy of any kind. People who perhaps never even heard of the party in question Will do all in- their power to give a hand. I'm glad I belong to these "earth people.'" They're pretty nice folks to have around. Burlueks Win First Plaec , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I>uilagk had the honor of being the first McHenry County couple to have a baby in a McHenry County hospital in 1963. Their young prize winner arrived at Woodstock hospital at. 6:34 p.m. Jan. 1. Many prizes were given to the young man by Woodstock places of business. Congratulations to mom, pop, and young Glaci• er XNT at-i•o na,l P^a rk, C~ an- master Burlack. ada, has no highways loading Large Crowd Attends Lecture lo it -rail or trail, only. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 people were guests of the Altar and Rosary sodality in the ^choul^fn*U--t>f Christ the King Church last Thursday night to listen to Meet at the church and then i c) s i know around here should go to Veterans Acres, Crystal' start a men's garden club here Lake Sunda' nual m Jan. 20, b p.m. An ting of the congregn- Father Vanderpool's account of turn fur all confirmed his trip to the Ecumenical Council in Rome. Guests from Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Richmond and other surrounding towns came to hear the talk since Father Vanderpool is very well known as a lecturer and speaker and those who attended said it was most interesting and inspiring. Refreshments of cake, cookies and coffee were served after the meeting. New Policeman Lots of luck to Arthur Frenssen on his new job as policeman in Woodstock. Arthur started his new job Dec. 12. He is the son of Bill and Ericka Frenssen of 4516 Seneca Drive. * Nativity Mates Hold Christmas Party V The annual Christmas pai of the Nativity Mates of N;i livity Lutheran church w.i held recently in the social h. of the church. Pastor Warren Thummel 1( the group in devotions anil the singing of Christmas c; o!s. Decorations were arrant; by Mr. and Mrs. Burneal I twiler. Mr. and Mrs. P( Peterson saw to it that t children had a wonderful tii playing games and gatherii goodies from a pinata. Ice cream, cake, coffee, pi and cookies were served. The Nativity Mates meet 7 p.m. on the third Sunday each month in the social li of the church. Members the church are welcome join this group. bers beginning with a pot-T dinner. iiu in- Garden Club Veep Roy Noren, one of our local Luther Burbanks, was recently ejected to the office of vicepresident of the Woodstock Men's Garden club. Roy is an avid gardener and has walked off with quite a few top honors al the lake. 'Nuff said. Weekend Visitor I.arry Lefebvre, summer resident, spent the New Years weekend at the home of his (uunt, Kay Lebvre. Larry is attending St. Ambrose College in Davenpoitt, Iowa., He has always spent his summers here and is well known among the yodnger set. Lota* Hans Brinkcrs The John Doherty family 1M?-. at 1 lower shows for his Afri-i in real togetherness. The can violets, lilies,N arrange- i whole darn fcrfVjjily got ice ments, roses, etc. Experiment- ! for Christmas and last ing with lights in growing Sunday all six of. them were plants has become a fascin- , doing fancy didos on the ic0. a ting hobby \$th him, and he'll 1 - --- 1 talk flowel-s with anyone at Visitors the di'op of a trowel. He and 1 Vivian West brook of Oak a few other dedicated .ndrtt Park «nent the weekend with Marguerite Cottrell and because Marguerite turns hfr house over to the nuns every Saturday night -- they spettt 1 (he night with the Kays. Altar And Rosary News TLp Altar and Rosary so-... dality of .Christ the King church will receive Communion together at the 7:30 Mass next Sunday. Immediately following the Mass will be the initiation ceremony for new members. Anyone who desires to be a member and has not l>een formally ' received into the sodality should be at this Mass. If all known gold mined (or found t since dawn of history were put into one place at one time, it would make a solid cube 42 feet per side, and be wo] ili Sn hiliiop. Troubles, Troubles, Troubles Clarence and Irene Mueller's son, Jerry, came home for a week's leave from the Air Force. He is attending a school in Oak Harbor. Wash. After arriving on Christmas Eve and sjio'iding Christinas with a family gathering, Jerry had to ' l et urn on New Years Eve : When he started to depart! however, he found he had lost ! his return trip ticket and had i FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 --- Just East of Route 12 -- Voli, III Phone 385-6260 CHEVROLET Keeps Going Great No wonder Chevrolet is so popular with a choice like this: the luxurious Jet-smooth Chevrolet, lively low-priced Chevy II, sporty rear-engine Corvair, and two new versions of America's only all-out sports ear, Corvette. m m PL ££•5 • • • Lowest Prices Complete Selection # Open Display Shopping # Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S & H Green Stamps with Prescriptions Millstream Walgreen Agency Jewel Shopping Plaza EN Nativity Lutheran Cnurcli STAMPS Notes Sunday, Jan. 13, 2 p.m. I.i ther league tohoganning party 3720 W. Elm St. The make more people depend on 1 iSiiliiiiiiii wMpas '63 JET-SMOOTH CHEVROLET Impaln Sport Sedanone of 1.1 Jet-smooth Chevrolet* 7% "T --i Gas makes it easy to heat any extra room economically Chevrolet Impair) Sport Coupebeauty, ride and comfort you'll go for instantly Chevy II Nova 400 Station Wagon-- shares the easy-care features of the big Chevrolet wmwmwmmmmm. rxY' ;4W"' ' $%y,. Choose from these modern gas room-heaters for the fast, dependable heat you need in that extra room. All are handsome and compact. . . require no chimney . . . use no room oxygen (air is drawn in from outdoors into sealed combustion chamber). Ideal for attics, brcezeways, closed-in porches, garages, bathrooms and sleeping rooms. All operate with typical gas economy. 1. Suburban Novent installs in window or wall. Completely automatic with built-in forced warm air circulation system. 2. Stewart-Warner Saf-Aire can be recessed in either masonry or frame walls. Operates as a self-contained unit; won't affect other heaters. Corvair Monza Club Cofcpe-- vith snazzy bucket seat interior Corvette Sting Roy Sport Coupe-- there's also a new Sting Ray Convertible See four entirely different kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's Showroom! CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE^85-Q277 3. Peerless Uni-Matic can be used on any outside wall. Can be located beneath most windows to provide free arrangement of furniture. 4. Iron Fireman Chill-Chaser is a hot water room heater with compact built-in pump. Excellent for any hard-to-heat area--requires no rent. 5. Temco is ideal for heating large areas. Unit rests on floor and fastens to wall with two screws. Also may be used for summer ventilation. / 6. Siegler (not illustrated)--is a compact, horizontal baseboard heater with a built-in look that blends well in any c6om or with any decorating style. Wall thermostat is self-energizing. For the right gas room-heater for your needs, see your local heating contractor or stop at your Northern Illinois Gas Company store. Phone 385-2081' NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS C3AS COMPANY Si r via around the clock 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS ^Ifyoulivebeyond our mains, see your f; .l * § IfKALKieJ