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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1963, p. 3

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Thursday, January 10, 1963 a THE McHENRY PLATNDEALER Garnet Murra^> Honored Queen Janot Murfa3T""b£carne the new honored queen of Bethel 98, International Order of Job's Daughters of McHenry, recently, when the installation of officers was held. s The installing officers for the evening were Barbara Kriokl Meyer, installing officer, past honored queen of Bethel 98; Joy Whitlock, installing guide, past honored queen of Bethel 15; Sue Prawl, installing marshal, past honored queen of Bethel 98; Judy Murray, installing chaplain and senior custodian, past honored queen ol Bethel 98; Karen Peterson, installing recorder, past honored queen of Bethel 93; Kathy Prawl, installing escort, past honored queen of Bethel 98; Karen Lindwall, installing junior custodian, member of Bethel 98; Mrs. Verna Schlofner, installing organist; and Mrs. Tucky Kissling, installing soloist. The girls installed were Janet Murray, honored queen; Barbara Lorch, senior yrin; Virginia Grek, junior princess: Kathleen • Kengoit. guide: Rebecca, Kissling, marshal; Marltne Viita, recorder; Jennifer Krickl, treasurer; Ruth Ann Kengott, musician; Sand) a F . i i r c h i k l , c h a p l a i n ; N a n c y Phillips, librarian; Nancy Gr^k, first messenger; Leora Varese, second messenger; Ruth Lightner, third messenger; Leota Stinespring. filth messenger: Judy Burghardt. junior cusl;- dian; Nancy lossman, outer guard. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Laurcncc Murray, Janet's parents. Michael Wetzel gave the otic to the flag and Laurie Jean 'Murray presented Janot with a bouquet of flowers. Robert Childs, deputy nuister of the Klmhur^t Chapter No. 11, Order of the Boy Builders, gave the beautiful roseceremony. The Builders also gave Janet the escort. The 9 o)£kx?k interpolation was given | by iLee Axel son, master coukselarW the Emanuel chapter. Order\of the De- Molay of W/kxl^tQpK. The Benediction " ceremony was given by Rev. Ernest C. Carder of the Community Me thodist church. The guardian of Bethel 98 is Junerose Flaskamp and the association guardian is Frank DcBerge. Sandra Fairchild is the retiring queen of Bethel 98. -- Aimmih McHenry Hu^iitul Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Belshaw, Wonder Lake, are parents of a daughter born Jan. 3. Mr. and Mrs. William Gomoll, Spring Grove, are .parents of a son, Jan. 4. f On Jan. 5, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boni. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake are parents of a son Jan. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Dillard announce" the birth ot a son oh Jan. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lexow became parents of 3. son Jan. 6. A daughter was( born Jan. 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Evans. Memorial Hospital On Dec. .'»1 a son was boi'n to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome RogcrsM- lxOA ^nd Mrs. Stanley Buritick of Wonder Lake became UNDER 21 column for ieen-sgorg By Dan Halligan V . » j INTER WOES DEAR IJAN: Is it a sign of bad news when a l>oy friend starts ignoring his girl at school dances, is late for dates and sometimes starts to leave her at her door without kissing her goodnight? This has been happening to me but when I ask my boy friend if there's anything wrong, .he sa^s there isn't. I still can't help worrying though because my best friend had this same trouble before she. and her boy friend broke up last fall. •* If this is what's happening, please tell me what to do to keep this boy's interest. -- Linda. DEAR LINDA: I hate to say it to such a nice girl as yourself but your boy friend is bored with you and is showing all the symptoms of a guy who wants to call it quits but can't bring himself to say the words. . You could revive this interest for a few dayH by having a heart to heart talk with him but you'd only be putting off the final chapter. Yoor hoy friend didn't lose interest in you because, of something you did or didn't do. He lost interest because he's a teen-ager. DEAR DAN: This boy asked me to be his date for our Sweetheart Ball next month just after school started. Two weeks ago we had a big fight and he told me I could forget about going to the dance with him. I cried over that but word soon got around I was dateless and another l)oy asked me and I accepted. Now this first U>y and I have made up and he has again asked me to be his date. I like him 100 per cent more than the second boy and he's the one I want to go to the the parents of a son. The baby i dance with but how can I explain this to Boy No. 2? Would was the first born on Jan. 1, 1963 at t'hc hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Hurst announce the birth of a scfr. Jan. 3. > 1 A son was bom Jan. 7 to ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winston. i Other Births I Mrs. and Mrs. Wesley May j announce the arrival of a son at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Dec. 30. A son was born Dec. 29 at St. Thercse, Waukegan, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell. Mr., and Mrs. Richard Rapp are parents of a son born at St. Thercse, Waukegan, Jan. 2. - CARD OF THANKS To my many friends, I want to thank you for your prayers, masses, flowers, candy, homemade cookies, gifts and kind greetings which are sincerely and deeply appreciated. Gertrude Barbian Wisconsin General Hospital Madison 6, Wisconsin 1-10-63 he understand? -- Phyllis. DEAR PHYLLIS: Bof No. 2 wouldn't understand, I wouldn't understand, your parents wouldn't understand and neither would most of your friends. You don't accept a date with a boy and then throw hfin over just because someone more interesting comes along. You've obligated yourself and you should keep your date -- like it or not. DEAR DAN: My boy friend is slowly drifting away from me because he's a freshman at one college and I'm a freshman at another and we're 200 miles apart. His fraternity has had two very special dances so far this school year and he said as much^ as he wanted to take me, he couldn't. He said the girls had to be in sororities at his college. What kind of a rule is that? • I'll give him credit that he did tell me in advance but j still, I was hurt very deeply. -- I.P.N. ^ \ DEAR I. P. N.: Sororities and fraternities have rules I and some of those rules I can't understand if I lived to be a I million: I think when a guy is in an organization and is told I whaV type of girl he must bring to a dance, it's time to hand in His resignation. Maybe this particular rule was of his own doiitg but nevertheless, it's not practical or fair for the hometown girl. dWar DAN: Is 85 cents an hour a good wage for a high scttool junior doing housework and things like that for a couple Jof families in town? -- Worker. DEAR WORKER: I think it's a good wage. I started as a newspaper reporter for about 90 cent . an hour. While driving hie car, Mr. Prale, Hit a cop on his beat near the Jail, The cop said "Yon jerk! Your wipers don't workl Pretty soon you'll tye walking...on bailV* WEATHER REPORT McHenry was both cool and , dry during December, according to Channel 7 climatojogical reporter Glenn OJsen. Specific data Iron) Observer Olson's daily weather observations for December, taken at 313- N. Front street, McHonrv, include the following: The i < >wes t i em pera t li re recorded during the month was 14 below zero on Dec. 12. The temperature fell to zero or below on nine days during the month. The highest temperature during the month was 61 on Dec. 2. On Dec. 3 the teml> erature reached 60, Ihen failed to rise that high again the remainder of ihe month. Total snowfall was 3,i inches. Rainfall was 0.2 inch. Sunshine was predominant, in spite of the cold weather. Of the 31 days of the month, 14 were sunny or partly sunny- OSRITAi PREVENT THOSE WINTER DRIVING WOES The National Safety Council says: "Be sure your wiper blades are in good, live condition, and have arm pressure of one ounce per inch of blade length to sweep snow and sleet off instead of sliding over it." Dead blades may make dead" drivers. Check defroster, too. You must see a hazard to avoid it. 9frni»i%| VTfepital * Patients admitted past week in the Harvard Rf&- pital included Antoninn Oh»- nac, Hazel Killnm, Gerald Novak and Richard Parker, Won. dcr Lake; Charles Normattit," Henry Siilling and . Iksinitx. Bjork, McHcnry; -and Girrtn Beglin, RingvVood. ... Harvard Hospital .V During the past week ticnts admitted to the Harv&lxL hospital included Pearl Peterson. Hans Flach, Herbert Kant, .Jr., I'.ugene Krashiewicz and Willi;in,i Kamp, McHenry;" Afttf" Wiliam Davis, Wonder Lake. For additional information, contact Glenn Olson, 313 N. Front, McHenry, Phone 385* 17US. Quality Radiator Repair ELCOME Hawaii produces only coffee grown in the United States. Sofa* for gracious "thank you" notes Rytex-Hylited Informals personalized with your name The truly gracious person remembers to write "thank you" for the gift -- for the dinner -- for the favor. And these little informals are ideil for just such writing occasions. Also most convenient and proper for informal invitations, get-well wishes, gift enclosures and brief messages. Of fine quality, paneled, white stock with your name Rytex-Hylited on the informals in choice of French Script (FS> or Shaded Roman (SR) in black"ink. fl# 250 as a gift to made to order 100 informals, 100 envelopes Why not order Rytex-Hylited Informals delight some friend. Rytex is the gift for the occasion. McHenry Plaindealer Mail order coupon McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 W. Elm Street Please place my order for boxes Rytex-Hylited Informals at 250 a box. Name on informals as follows: Name , Check name style: • Script (FS) No. 8500 • Shaded Roman (SR) No. 8600 Ordered by: Street City Zone State • Charge • Payment enclosed Sorry, no C.O.D.'s For additional orders write on separate sheet of paper. tJk O l> l i 1/ I A L 1' L It L I L A T I O :% Statement of Resources and Liabilities of McHENRY STATE BANK located at McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of bu&iness on the 3!»t day of December, 1962, as shown by the annual report made by the said corporation as a trust company, to the Department of Financial Institutions of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. James and John Diedrich, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diedrich of Edgebrook, welcomed home their new baby sister, Janet Marie, on New Year's day, arriving in a Christmas stocking made by members of the women's auxiliary of McHenry hospital, where the baby .was born Dec. 28. by Factory-Trained r- Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience^ L- 1 Every job FLO-TESTED v r* 1 1 ^ $ 1 for your aidded protection. \ JpLy 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED -^PROMPT SERVICE 1 ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. I 1 Phone 385-0783 | 8004 W. Route 120 MeHevr. ID. | A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection • $ 2,006,951.52 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed • • • 7,796,942.58 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,020,951.26 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 725,022.91 5. Corporate Stocks •„ 21,000.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $3,937.65 overdrafts) 9,515,117.46 7. Bank premises owned $139,999.00, furniture fixtures $17,819.16 157,818.16 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises 1.00 11. Other assets - N 3,236.85 12. TOTAL ASSETS $21,247,041.74 REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK o£,McHenry, au»jhji.- ui the dost oi .ccmbc'r,^28, 1062, a State hanking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State of Illinois and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a ClP made by the Direct^ir of the Department of Financial Institutions and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ...$ 6,954,965.57 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporation^ 11,126,120.70 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 189,706.16, 16. Deposits ^f States and political subdivisions . . 782,456.61 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 263,715.35 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $19,316,964.39 23. Other Liabilities 139,778.30 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $19,456,742.69 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 25. Capital • • • $ 200,00.00 26. Surplus 500,000.00 27. Undivided profits 348,459.09 28. Reserves 741,839.96 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,790,299.05 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $21,247,041.74 M E M O R A N D A 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes including $50,000 to own trust department against uninvested trust funds and $50,000.00 with Department of Financial Institutions to qualify for the exercise fiduciary powers $ 1,166,500.00 33. (a) Loans as show above are after deduction of reserves of 235,310.43 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )ss. COUNTY OF McHENRY) Richard J. Zieman one of the managing officers, and Robert L. Weber and Thomas F. Bolger two of the directors of McHenry State Bank a corporation of the State of Illinois being severally duly sworn, each upon his oath stafes: That he makes this affidavit for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Sections 9 and 10 of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act to provide for and regulate the administration of trusts by trust companies." That the foregoing report of said corporation on the aforementioned date, is true and correct in all respects to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that he has examined the assets and books of the said company for the purpose of making said statement. RICHARD J. ZIEMAN <-Vice-Pres. & Asst. Trust Officer ROBERT L. WEBER ^ THOMAS F. BOLGER Directors A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 1,791,007.32 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed $ 7,796,942.58 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,020.951.26 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures (including $725,022.91 securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by U. S.) 725,022.91 5. Total securities $ 9,542,916.75 6. Less reserves applicable to items (2), (3) and (4i 9,542,916.75 7. Corporate stocks (including $21,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 8. Loans and discounts (including^ $4,546.89 overdrafts) 9.682,647.33 9. Less reserve for bad debts • • • • 201,535.14 10. Bank premises owned $139,999,00 furniture and fixtures 17,819.16 11. Real estate owned other than bank premises 14. Other assets 21,000.00 9,481,112.19 157,818.16 1.00 2,550.66 15. TOTAL ASSETS $20,996,406.08 L I A B I L I T I E S 16. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 6,739,490.54 17. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 10,971,862.09 18. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings > 180,413.39 19. Deposits of States and political subdivisions . . 788,447.20 21. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 194,274.11 22. TOTAL DEPOSITS $18,874,487.33 (a) Total demand deposits • ••• 7,810.625.24 (b) Total time deposits 11,063,862.09 26. Other liabilities 158,795.00 27. TOTAL LIABILITIES i : $19,033,282.33 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S * 28. Capital (a) Common stock, total par value $200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 29. Surplus 500,000.00 30. Undivided profits 521,283.79 31. Reserves (and retirement accountQfor preferred capital) k.L 741,839.96 32. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,963,123.75 33. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $20,996,406.08 M E M O R A N D A 34. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $ 1,166,500.00 rust Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1963 f NANCY WEBER 9 I, THOMAS F. BOLGER, Cashier, of the abovenamed bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . THOMAS F. BOLGER We^Jme undersigned directors attest the correctness oi this Report of condition and declare that it has been ex amined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. WILLIAM W. CARROLL W. A. NYE, M.D. GERALD J. CAREY Directors State of Illinois County of McH^frryJss-: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of January, 1963. LENORA E. FRISBY Notary Public / MOST WANTED SmES ! 4 FAVORITE FABRICS. COLORS! GREATEST SAVINGS! FuSrim h<fric£ SKIRTS Reg. $17.95 . . . Now $12.00 Reg. $14.95 . . . Now $10.00 Reg. $10.95 . . . Now $ 7.50 BLOUSES Reg. $5.95 . . . Now $4.00 Reg. $4.95 . . . Now $3.50 Reg. $3.95 . . . Now $2.75 One Special Group Suits MARKED DOWN Reg. $35.00 . • . Now $26.00 Reg. $24.95 > . . Now $18.75 Reg. $19.95 r. . . Now $15.00 Some Orion & Wool 3 Pc. Suits Included in this Group. To make room for our new Spring merchandise, we are drastically reducing all Car Coats & Holiday Dresses Many Other Items Reduced ^ 3717 W. ELM STREET McHENRY Hours: Daily 9:30-5 (incL Wed.) FrL 9*30-9

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